Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘Rental Displays’

Mid-Year Review: Word on the Street — July 13th thru July 17th

July 17th, 2015 1 COMMENT


Happy Summer to All!

Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

I am writing this a few weeks late, but in fairness, there’s a lot going on at Classic Exhibits.

It’s been an exciting 2015, thanks to you, our loyal and creative distributors. Your projects have been ALL ACROSS THE BOARD — so let’s review the highlights, identify some trends, and share a few stories.

The year started with a bang. January set the tone after a busy late December. It was clear we were going to be in for a wild ride filled with growth, unique challenges, and a mixture of tradeshow, event, retail, and permanent install projects.

SuperNova is Shining a Bright Path

06_12_15_2_45240Lightboxes have been a shining star whether for tradeshows or retail! Our SuperNova LED lighting solutions have been designed into everything from freestanding lightboxes and iPad stands to comprehensive tradeshow builds and retail store interiors.

Lighting has been one of the growing pieces of “jewelry” in many designs that pass through Classic. It’s cost-effective and impactful on every level. And in 2015 it has been used to backlit and create dynamic graphics and as a featured design element. There’s a lot to know to do it right, and after four full years, we’ve got it down to a science. In short, we’ve gotten good with the glow.

Super-CHARGED Products

07_06_15_1_45596After the release of five new charging stations at EXHIBITORLIVE, our Designers and Project Managers have been inundated with charging station requests like “Can I add charging capabilities to that…or that…or that?”

In many cases — YES. We clearly struck a chord with the units shown in Las Vegas. Many of you took advantage of our charging station showroom promotion and are now  reaping the benefits. We have seen a HUGE increase in the number Coffee Table Charging Stations and Bistro Height Charging Tables ordered. In addition to other creative new changing station opportunities.

It’s easy to see why. They are practical, brandable, and of course functional. And a surefire attendee draw to any  exhibit space.

“Other Stuff”…All Things Outside the Tradeshows

Retail CabinetOver the past few years, we have shown you more retail, corporate environment, and permanent installation work. So far in 2015, this trend only continues on an accelerated pace. We have seen everything from full pop-up retail shops, to mall kiosks, to complete visitors centers, backlighting, and everything in-between.

Your ability to tap in the ClassicMODUL profiles, SEG graphics, and custom millwork has led to some amazing work. If you asked me 10 years ago if Classic would be doing these specialized projects, I would have said “probably not.” However, it all goes to show that those manufacturers and distributors who have been willing to adapt are growing and expanding their client bases.

This work has become a segment with its own Project Management team and Production Engineer. And its FUN! In September, we hope to share pictures of an exciting Interactive Visitors Center we are building. It’s a marvelous  collaboration of Exhibit Design, Graphic Design and a Custom Built App to drive the user experience.

More Pyrenees… Less Cobble Stones of Paris

Pardon the Tour de France reference, but it is that time of year.

I am speaking about the seasonal sales cycle in our industry. Historically we have always been able to identify the flat or slow times of the year — June, July and November.

With more business coming from retail, event, corporate environments, and of course tradeshows, we have enjoyed a more predictable sales experience month-over-month. Great peaks still but no real valleys (which are now mid-sized peaks). June is a great example. It was one of our largest months ever. In JUNE no less!

Mixed Nuts

Branded CrateThe diversity of tradeshow exhibit orders has been a joy.

The bread and butter orders — 10 x 10, 10 x 20, island kits, Sacagawea, P10, Magellan and Visionary Designs are all there and increasing. But the mix of custom hybrid islands, inlines and traditional custom wood builds is growing by leaps and bounds.

We often joke that Classic is the “Largest, Most Invisible Exhibit Builder” in the industry. And that’s not by accident. Our labeling program strives to build on your brand, not Classic’s. At your request, we brand the cases or crates, the setup instructions, etc. with your name. When I look at the shipping department at the end of the day, I see more and more exhibits leaving with your brands… not ours.

As you know, we encourage this practice. It’s one of our marketing strategies, i.e., helping you build your brand with our products in your markets. Shared Success!

Thanks for continuing to trust us with that.

Can I Borrow That?

05_07_15_3_RentalJim Shelman and his talented team in Classic Rental Solutions continues to amaze with their growth and resourcefulness. They design the most customized rental offerings we have ever seen.

Rentals are no longer an afterthought or driven by exhibitors with tight budgets. They are a viable and valuable marketing option for clients who want a unique look without being locked into the same structure or graphics from show to show. Rentals give them the biggest smooches for their marketing buck.

Internally, we often joke that we are now competitors on larger builds — Rentals vs Purchase. Which is a fun place to be. We are happy and proud to be able to offer your clients fresh, custom options whether your client chooses to own it or rent it.

The Nuts and Bolts


So much of what we build, our design palette so to speak, relies on ClassicMODUL Engineered Aluminum Profiles. That includes 10 x 10’s to Double Deck structures and all designs in the middle.

ClassicMODUL is experiencing an uptick in their raw metal sales to  distributors who build in-house or manage retail, graphic frame, or architectural accounts. These clients need metal, mostly cut-to-length, along with connectors. They don’t need assembly instructions or reusable packaging.

Tom and his team have done and will continue to do a great job delivering new and unique extrusion offers to meet the design changes we all face. With a great emphasis these days on creating solutions for SEG graphics.

Keep a close eye out for new exciting stuff from ClassicMODUL.

For me, well what can I say. The mid-year point bring two things to mind. In the Great Northwest, it has been exciting, but so hot! We have stolen all the 90 plus degree days from other parts of the country. And while it is nice, I have to admit I am eager to get a little Oregon Sunshine back… also known as RAIN.

The other is… the 1/2 year point always brings another anniversary for me at Classic. This year is 21 years! Thanks to those who sent me personal and LinkedIn messages of congrats. They’re greatly appreciated. An of course I enjoy the jabs and jokes as well, like having Beth from Accounting point out that when I started at Classic, Trina from Design was not yet even in elementary school. YIKES!!

It’s been a great first half of the year. And while we enjoy it, we don’t ever forget that it’s largely due to you. You are the ones who put food on our plates. So thanks as always for your partnership and confidence in our team/family. We greatly appreciate it!

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Be well!



Stuck in the 90’s? Mullets, Trapper Keepers, Pagers, and Rentals

June 4th, 2015 3 COMMENTS


Recently, what I thought would be a simple, straight-forward conversation left me scratching my head. I was meeting with exhibit industry colleagues, and the topic turned to rentals. Admittedly, rentals shouldn’t be puzzling. Rentals have exploded at a rate 3 to 4 times faster than exhibit purchases since the recession. It’s a hot topic. What surprised me was the perception and the language used to define the exhibit rental landscape.

You would think the sales numbers would prompt a new approach. Yet, many industry professionals are still using assumptions that are — frankly — antiquated. What do I mean by that? Allow me to share the conversation.

“How often are customers asking you to design and quote a rental exhibit?”

Colleague 1:  “Not often. It comes up if there’s a budget challenge, and the client is looking for alternatives. I’ll mention it then, but it’s not the first place I go.”

Colleague 2: “My experience is very different. I would say 30-50% of my conversations are about rentals and there’s a reason. After we talk about what they want to achieve with their exhibit marketing program, I’ll ask them, ‘Are you considering a purchase or a rental?’”

IMG_8357Colleague 1: “Why would you head in that direction? I don’t understand that logic.”

Colleague 2:  “6-10 years ago, I wouldn’t have. The rental options were limited, but that’s changed depending on the exhibit house or manufacturer. Now most exhibitors can rent a design-centric inline or island that achieves their objectives at a cost anywhere from 30-50% less than a purchase depending on how many times they reuse the graphics. The exhibitor has to do their homework since some exhibit houses and general contractors will show rentals, but their designs are stale, can’t be customized, and are often dinged up and dirty.”

“How do you talk about costs when it comes to rentals?”

Colleague 1:  “I use the 3 to 1 formula. If the customer plans to rent more than three times, then they should purchase it.”

Colleague 2:  “I don’t mean to be rude, but we should finally bury that formula. It made sense when customers were purchasing simple portables like pop-ups or folding panel systems, or buying a fully custom exhibit. Anymore, my customers want to personalize the display and the message for each show. They are laser-focused on their current marketing goals and how to achieve it. In so many industries, the market moves too fast to repeat the same message year-after-year. Rentals, and hybrid rentals in particular, are ideal structures for this flexibility.”

Colleague 1:  “You’ve given me an idea. Let me use a car analogy. When looking for a car, your choice used to be buying a new or used one. Now, you can buy or lease a car. The dealer welcomes either one. It’s simply a matter of what makes more sense to the customer’s lifestyle and pocketbook.”

Colleague 2:  “Excellent analogy. So many exhibitors no longer want to own an exhibit. They don’t have a place to store or preview it. For others, their budgets are restricted so a well-defined monthly or annual expense makes more sense. Many, however, simply want the flexibility to change the design and graphics and not owning the display makes that easier.”

Do you have customers that rent and own an exhibit?

CIMG4726Colleague 2: I would say that’s the norm. They may own smaller properties, such as banner stands and inexpensive 10 ft. displays. They may also own a customized island. The other islands or inlines are often rentals. Or I’m seeing a blending where customers own an inline that perfectly reflects their branding, but they rent the counters, kiosks, charging stations, etc.

Colleague 1: I’ve been encountering something similar now that you mention it. I have companies coming to me for multiple counters, kiosks, or tablet stands for an event. They need stations for each product or customer/company interaction. Traditional event or show furniture doesn’t make sense.

Colleague 2:  You’re right. There are suppliers that will rent 40 pedestals or 14 large monitor stands that are modular, attractive, and cost-effective. It would be silly for the client to purchase them. They want something professional, but they don’t want to own them after the event.

As you can see by the conversation, exhibit rental properties have changed, and customers are demanding displays that fit their budget, their objectives, and their branding requirements. This requires that exhibit professionals understand how to present rentals and that exhibitors are more aware of rentals as an option.  Still have questions? Feel free to send me an email or give me a call.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


Our Five $200 Rental Rewards Winners

January 20th, 2015 COMMENTS


In July, Classic Rental Solutions (CRS) launched Rental Rewards, a program designed to reward our distributors for rental returns without damage or missing components.

We take a lot of pride in offering the highest quality rental exhibits and graphics in the industry. We stage and photograph every order before shipping. We also include packing photos, setup diagrams, and a complete inventory list, regardless of the size of the order. And we only ship quality components, because to us, it’s not just a rental, it’s a brand new exhibit experience for your customer. And we want them to be happy with it.

One of the biggest challenges has been the increasing cost for repairing and replacing damaged items from careless handling and poor re-packing of rental properties. So we decided to put a positive spin on a negative problem by offering a 2% Rental Rewards Credit for every successful return. Since July, we’ve issued 49 Rental Rewards Credits to 32 Classic Distributors. We’re thrilled with the early success of this program!

The 2% credit is based on the total invoice amount and is applied to your next rental order. And along with the 2% credit, the Rental Rewards Program offers a 15% discount off a future rental order once you receive six 2% credits. Plus, your name goes into our semi-annual drawing for every credit you earn (June & December).

classic-rentals-logoThe Five Winners for the First Drawing:

  • Dale Barger with Exhibit Concepts
  • David Hankin with Total Displays
  • Mark Bertelson with Atlantic Exhibits
  • Cindi Codi with Xzibits
  • Allison O’Neal with Apple Rock Displays

All five winners have received a $200 gift certificate.

“WOW! Thank you for the Amazon gift card winning! What a wonderful surprise! (I never win anything)
You guys are very generous and kind and I greatly appreciate it! I love working with you guys! Thank you so much!”

— Cindi Cody

“Oh wow – Jim, what a great prize! Very exciting. Thank you very much! Always a pleasure to work with you and your team!”

–Allison O’Neal

Rental_aRemember, the more Rental Rewards credits you receive, the more times your name goes in the bucket.

Our thanks to everyone who has received our Rental Rewards credits. We would encourage you to speak with your I & D teams about treating rentals with TLC during install and disassembly. Including packing. We both win when this happens. We save money, and you save money. Plus, you have a chance to win exciting prizes. Our next prize drawing will be in June.

Thank you for your continued business and have a Happy New Year!

–Jim Shelman & the Classic Rental Solutions Team

p.s. Look for Classic and Classic Rental Solutions at EXHIBITORLIVE. 


Tradeshow Rentals: Growth and Customization Trends

October 18th, 2012 1 COMMENT
Rental Displays from Classic Exhibits

Right Down the Line
Jim Shelman, GM Classic Rentals

Our exhibit rental business continues to surge. There’s never a dull day in the Classic Rental Division. And that’s what I like about what we do here.

Flexibility and customization has been the key to our continued growth.

If we were limited to a few select “kits” or standard design offerings, it just wouldn’t be the same. But with our flexibility in offering customization to our rental exhibit designs, our days are much more interesting! Customization isn’t limited to large projects. It can be as simple as coming up with a way to connect an iPad holder to a workstation or kiosk. Or working curved headers and towers into a rental design.

Here are four recent rental projects that I’d like to share with you.

10′ x 20 “Vigilant Robots” Inline Rental Exhibit
(VIP EXHIBITS, Sherri Harrod)

  •  10′ x 20′ back wall using our ClassicMODUL TSP 50 fabric retaining extrusion profile & rear supporting structure.
  •  (2) Flat canopies with black fabric covers
  •  (1) One-piece SEG fabric graphic
  •  (5) Halogen arm lights

20′ x 20′ “LabCorp” Island Rental Exhibit
(Poretta & Orr, Ed Koebert)

  • 16′ high tower with storage access
  • Curved bridged headers
  • Workstation kiosks

10′ x 20′ “ARTAS” Inline Rental Exhibit
(ColorZone, Joshua Feller)

  •  10′ x 20′ Backlit back wall structure
  •  (2) RE-1213 Counters with attached iPad holders
  •  (1) MOD-1167 Reception counter
  •  (2) Large monitor mounts

10′ x 20′ “Kobos Coffee” Inline Rental Exhibit
(Hawkwing, LLC, Taka Saito)

  • 10′ x 20′ Extrusion back wall
  • 10′ Arch-canopy used for header graphic application
  • (2) Small monitor mounts
  • (5) RE-1201 tapered counters
  • (8) Small clear acrylic shelves

I’ve been in this business since rocks were tools, and I still love working with our team on new ideas and solutions for your clients. It’s a lot of fun to watch a concept on paper become a reality on our staging floor and in your customer’s booth.

Please send us your thoughts on new trends that you see with rental exhibits.

Jim Shelman
General Manger
Exhibits Northwest & Classic Rental Division


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). The Classic Rental division offers an extensive gallery of inline and island exhibits with flexible customization options. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

Annual State of the Company Letter from Kevin Carty

January 19th, 2010 COMMENTS
Kevin Carty, VP of Sales

Kevin Carty, VP of Sales

Thankfully, 2009 is in the rear view mirror. It was a rough but enlightening year.

How did Classic do in 2009? There’s both a short and a long answer. As you may recall, Classic Exhibits began developing a series of affordable hybrid exhibit solutions in 2008, starting with the Perfect 10 Portable Hybrid Display. In 2009, we added the Magellan Miracle, MOR, and Sacagawea. This push will continue in 2010 with the Segue, but more on that later. So the simple answer is . . . as the market downsized and orders for larger exhibits decreased, portable hybrids became our bread and butter. Thankfully, we were prepared to handle this shift with fresh designs and competitive prices.

Now, here’s the longer answer . . . .

Social Media
Social Media was the buzzword in 2009, and Classic wasn’t shy about using it to communicate with distributors and industry partners. I have to admit that I didn’t understand it at first, and I had no desire to “Tweet” or “Blog.” But I have found it to be effective and pretty fun, whether it’s our activity in Twitter, our new Classic Exhibits Group on LinkedIn, or our blog, Trade Show Tales.

Trade Show Tales, in particular, has been quite the hit. Whether we are writing about some of the industry’s most sensitive issues such as Bundling or just posting a whimsical article regarding “Trade Show Fashion Do’s and Don’ts,” the blog gives Classic, Classic Distributors, and Industry Partners another avenue in which to communicate and share ideas.


With a downturn in the economy comes less spending on new exhibits. The ClassicExhibits/Exhibits NW Rental division really stepped up in the past 12 months. Looking back at their creations from the past year, I am amazed at how many of those displays were rentals. It certainly explains why the rental division had such a banner year. Kudos to Jim Shelman, James Sharpe, and the rental crew for their amazing job in 2009.

Rental Exhibits from Classic

Rental Exhibits from Classic

For a peek at the rental designs from last year, go to Past Five Days and type “rentals” in the search tool.

Distributor and Partnership Development

You could feel the love in 2009. There was a palatable sense of “we are in this together, so let’s find ways to make it beneficial for us all . . . without sacrificing our margins.” For companies unwilling to “partner” with distributors or for those who didn’t have a history of reaching out to friends and colleagues, 2009 had to be a painful, lonely year. It was not the year or the market to go it alone.

Partnership development was not just with distributors. Classic spent a lot of time deepening its relationships with existing vendor partners as well as opening doors to new relationships. This manifested itself in the development of new “joint products”as well as partnering on larger inventory buys to help decrease raw costs, allowing us to continue to offer competitive pricing.
