THE BASICS (@ 1:20 min)
• Design Database of 1500 displays, 9000 photo, and 84 articles
• Public Website(s), developed for Classic Distributors and their clients
• 32 Product/Design galleries, mostly Classic but also (2) Optima [OP], (2) CORT [CT], (1) Brumark [BR], and (1) DS&L [DL]
• Divided into sizes or product groups o Island, Inlines, 10 ft., 20 ft. o Rentals, Sustainable, Charging Solutions, Counters, etc.
• Quick click menus to search by size, price, or product line
• Specials and Lightning Deals
• Within galleries, product descriptions via bullets, text, and hyperlinks
• Video and audio clips
• Unbranded literature
• Retail prices ADVANCED SKILLS (@ 7:25 min)
• Classic, Branded, Unbranded w/ prices, Unbranded w/o prices
• Search (kit, feature, or any text) o GK-2005 o Associated or related kits
• Advanced Search – Fine-tune your search parameters (10:33 min)
Recorded on 11/16/2. For more information, contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 11/16/21. For more information, contact Kevin Carty at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 11/11/21. For more information, contact Jim Shelman at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 10/19/21. For more information about Classic Exhibits or Classic Conversations, contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 10/14/21. For more information, contact Jen LaBruzza at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 10/12/21. For more information about Classic Exhibits, see https://www.classicexhibits.com.
New rule: instructions on how to use the consumable thing from those who are incentivized to keep selling it to you ought not be trusted.
Links 'n Stuff
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Oh, and look at these wonderful patrons!
Ross James, Lillian Fleming, Kevin McClaning, Keith Ditchman, ventusignis, Michael, Skoddie , bd_, The Media Ward, Ryan Doucet, Billy, Sean Crocker, Phillip M, Robert Cole, iain , Ross Carter, Robert Fares, Neptunium Fluoride, Fangzahn Aviation Studios, Aaron Binns, Matthew Yu, Johannes Wüller, Adam Golden, Rustmane Skytrekker, Jon Aumann, John J Yang, Matthew Hilder, leastbad, Alex Conner, Colin Williams, Jim Gilsinan, Kohana Coyote, Ed Torres, Jon-Håkon Røli, Matt Wright, Gunplumber , Bane Williams, vinny rapisarda, Manuel Garcia, Matthew Lucas, Doomerdinger , Jonas Strassel, Jonathan Polley, I'm Gonna Pay For This, Robert Valdimarsson, Alex Canna, Blythe Rathi, Brian Beck, Billiam, Robert Haynes, David Nelson, Eli Youngs, Paul Hackett, Alex H., Dan Cortes, Vy-let Cybra, Joseph Fickus, Raymond Ernesto Colón, Mike Berman, Kay Ohtie, Cysioland, Pathite , Frode Hauge, Stu Kabakoff, Carmichael Keane See, Steven V, Brian & Laura, Brian Holder, NoFriendsThatSlav , Jeremy Whaling, Nathan Walters, Massimo Fierro, Grant Blayney, Jake Sanders, Ville T, William McKinnerney, Elizabeth, Eve Weaver Cable, Rafael De Los Santos, heyitsleo , Paul Sutton, Timothy Dunn, Duncan Sanford, Jack Alderson, Eric Kalenak, Lukas Svec, Mike Nichols, Blake Robinson, Roman~1, Ari Kestenbaum, Sean Harding, Bryan Helmig, Luis Calvo Mayo, Felix Huang, 0x0013, Isaac Evavold, TJ Kilen, William Willing, Vincent McBeigh, Ramon Perez, Xtr3m3 , Steve Fallon, Punkey , Sascha Strauß, Scott Kuker, Shane Chambers, Jacob Oost, Donald Garwood, CyborgHobbit, Dan Basterfield, Casey Keeney, James FitzGibbon, MegaZone , Aaron Carson, Erik T, Gregg Medley, Zackary Wojtan
00:00 Intro
00:29 A Quick Overview
01:26 Why I'm making this video and an apology
02:02 Testimonials
02:38 No pre-wash spot doesn't mean no pre-wash happens
03:09 A note about Express/Quick/Eco/Whatever settings
04:28 MY TERRIBLE MISTAKE (I'm sorry!)
06:27 Detergents and Hard Water
08:02 You can use way less detergent than the box says
09:29 When to use more
10:46 Tests! Experiments!
14:31 "No Pre-Wash!" on the box doesn't mean what you think it means
15:51 What about independent lab tests?
16:57 My varied dishwasher life experience
18:06 Co-marketing agreements of doom
20:16 Chemicals in detergent pacs vs powder
23:39 Cost comparison
26:02 A quick note on packaging waste
26:24 The Downside to Gels
29:08 But Gels aren't all bad
31:18 Do powder detergents have abrasives in them?
32:14 Rinse Aids (use them!)
33:38 Dishwasher cleaning and maintenance (do it!)
34:58 Dishwasher salt
36:16 Mostly snarky rants from here on out
46:34 Bloopers
Uploaded on 09/21/21. For more information, contact Mel White at www.classicexhibits.com.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 8/17/2021. For more information about Classic Exhibits contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on July 28, 2021. For more information about Classic Exhibits or Exhibit Design Search, contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Webinar Outline
THE BASICS (@ 1:20 min)
• Design Database of 1500 displays, 9000 photo, and 84 articles
• Public Website(s), developed for Classic Distributors and their clients
• 32 Product/Design galleries, mostly Classic but also (2) Optima [OP], (2) CORT [CT], (1) Brumark [BR], and (1) DS&L [DL]
• Divided into sizes or product groups
o Island, Inlines, 10 ft., 20 ft.
o Rentals, Sustainable, Charging Solutions, Counters, etc.
• Quick click menus to search by size, price, or product line
• Specials and Lightning Deals
• Within galleries, product descriptions via bullets, text, and hyperlinks
• Video and audio clips
• Unbranded literature
• Retail prices
ADVANCED SKILLS (@ 7:25 min)
• Classic, Branded, Unbranded w/ prices, Unbranded w/o prices
• Search (kit, feature, or any text)
o GK-2005
o Associated or related kits
• Advanced Search – Fine-tune your search parameters (10:33 min)
o Price range
o Include or exclude rentals
o Booth size
o Sort
o Text
o Or by Product Gallery Groups
o Check All/Uncheck All
o Example
$7,000 to $14,000
10 x 20
68 designs
Fine-tuning: Unclick the pop-ups
46 designs
4 designs
• Past 5 Days (@ 15:27 min)
o Background
o Why it matters
o Search all weeks, View by week, Random
o Search by sizes
o Text search: 10 x 20, custom
o Links to products and job numbers
o My Gallery
• Home Page/Modern Inline Exhibits (@ 19:24 min)
o Corner Clues: backlit, modular, eco-friendly
o Corner Clues: rent
o My Gallery
o VK-1334 | Modular Inline
Purchase and Rental Prices
Add to My Gallery
Rental Price – hardware and graphics
Links to “Associated Kits”
Print button
Specs Tab: Downloadable setup instructions, graphic dims. FAQs, Warranty, along with general information about lead times, exhibit weight (and shipping), and electrical cord management
P5D – My Gallery
• Trade Show Tips (@ 27:00 min)
o 84 articles organized into 11 categories about trade show regulations, marketing, design, logistics, and a wide range of other topics.
o Why is this important?
Think of them as Cliff Notes: While you may not need them, your clients do (and you can’t possibly coach them on every topic). You want knowledgeable, smart, and savvy customers because those are the ones that succeed at trade shows. These articles make you the library, the source of that information.
Secondly, it’s a tutorial, guidebook, textbook for any new employee.
o Examples and how to use it
My Gallery
Standard USA Booth Regulations
10 Common Trade Show Myths
13 Common Trade Show Mistakes
How to Cut Your Trade Show Costs, Part 1, 2, and 3
Literally any of the articles about Rentals
• My Gallery – Single-most valuable tool in EDS (@ 31:16 min)
o Includes Kits, Photos, and Trade Show Tips
o Send My Selections: Simple, straightforward. Unique URL for each My Gallery
o Branded vs. Unbranded
o Saved (2) Ways: Temporarily as a cookie and on our server for 3-4 months
o Virtual Changes
o Clear My Gallery vs. Reset
Recorded on July 20, 2021. For more information, contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on July 14. For more information, contact Jim Shelman at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on July 13, 2021. For more information, contact Harold Mintz at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on 7/7/2021. For more information, contact Jen LaBruzza at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
ROSE ANVIL Limited Release Email List - https://forms.gle/1aQ3xXaURRwEYhXt7
SOLD OUT ROSE ANVIL X NICKS BOOTS - https://nicksboots.com/nicks-x-rose-anvil-nd1-indestructible-work-boots/
77 Year Old WW2 Boot Review - In 1943 during WW2 the American forces got a newly revamped uniform that included a much improved leather boot. I've always wonder what quality of boots the US forces were wearing during the world war 2 so I bought a pair of actual world war two boots to cut them in half to see what's inside. I also compare them to the Red Wing Iron Ranger Boots which are known as some of best quality heritage style boots available to see how they stack up against modern boots.
Red Wing Iron Ranger Boot Review - https://youtu.be/c9hVqX-0X8c
1000 Miles in Iron Rangers - https://youtu.be/t8ECwk_Pw9g
Nicks Handmade Boots Review - https://youtu.be/C-gK9Zqu7_M
Why Are 80+ Nails In This Boot? - https://youtu.be/z5BidUbJXBs
Indestructible Nicks Boots - https://youtu.be/d2jU-Qv-YLA
Website - https://roseanvil.com/?aff=17
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rose_anvil/
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/roseanvil
Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
0:52 Rose Anvil Boots
1:26 Boot Info
2:57 Leather
4:24 Construction
5:25 Midsole
5:49 Outsole
7:14 Cut In Half
8:05 Reveal
9:30 Better Than Red Wing?
From small portable displays to large island displays, iPad stands, and more, the sky's the limit for contemporary sustainable design. We offer hundreds of pre-designed kits, which allow clients to design and modify any display to fit their exact needs. Don't see exactly what you need. Let us design the perfect exhibit for you.
Since 2007, we’ve won multiple industry awards for our revolutionary designs and eco-friendly construction, including Buyers Choice and Best of the Best Awards at exhibit industry trade shows.
All Eco-Smart products from Eco-systems Sustainable are built using eco-friendly materials, which in most cases cost the same or less than standard displays. These materials give clients the ability to choose from an existing kit or create a display specific to their exhibit marketing needs.
For too long, Portable Trade Show Displays have sacrificed elegant design for visual simplicity. Not anymore.
Introducing Symphony, the first portable/modular display to blend easy tool-less assembly with elegant design and clever accessories. With Symphony, there are no compromises. Simply a beautiful upscale display at a price that’s thousands less than most custom modular exhibits.
In this casual video, we walk you through all the features and benefits of the Symphony Portable Display line, including assembly, accessories, and options.
To See All 54 Symphony Portable Designs in Exhibit Design Search.
USA and International Patents Pending
Uploaded on June 21, 2021. For more information, please contact Tom Beard or Harold Mintz at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on June 15, 2021. For more information, contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Uploaded on June 8, 2021. For more information, contact Jim Shelman or Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on June 1, 2021. For more information, contact Tom Beard at www.classicexhibits.com.
The Experiential Designers and Producers Association is holding EDPA ENGAGE on June 10 at the Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort in Stone Mountain, Ga. The event will kick off at 9 a.m. with a light breakfast and networking, followed by a day of educational content and discussions addressing the key issues of getting back to business. The day will conclude with an outdoor networking reception.
The following day, EDPA ENGAGE is hosting a golf scramble, which will start at 11 a.m.
Classic Exhibits is an official EDPA ENGAGE 2021 Sponsor. Register HERE: https://www.edpa.com/engage
Uploaded on May 20, 2021. For more information, contact Tom Beard at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on May 18, 2021. For more information, contact Mel White at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Uploaded on May 13, 2021. For more information, contact Jen LaBruzza at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Uploaded on May 12, 2021. For more information, contact Jim Shelman at http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Uploaded on May 11, 2021. For more information, contact Kevin Carty at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on May 11, 2021. For more information, contact Harold Mintz at https://www.classicexhibits.com.
Uploaded on May 5, 2021. For more information, contact Mel White or Harold Mintz at http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recorded on May 4, 2021. For more information, contact Tom Beard at http://www.classicexhibits.com.
With ClassicMODUL Engineered Extrusions, you have the freedom to design your way.
Liberate your designs with MODUL's patented connectors, aluminum extrusion profiles, and unlimited customization options. Choose a wide variety of extrusion profiles and accessories, all engineered to be structurally sound, wildly imaginative, and easily assembled. ClassicMODUL is the perfect solution for trade shows, museums, retail displays, and architectural interiors.
Our substantial inventory, CNC manufacturing facility, and engineering expertise allows us to respond to any request, from raw extrusion orders to complex designs. So go ahead, dream BIG . . . and leave the rest to us.
Functional, customizable, engineered aluminum extrusions and exhibits
For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com and https://www.classicmodul.com/.
On Wednesday April 21, six live event experts shared their perspectives on how to rebuild and reinvent the live event industry post-COVID. The panel included:
* Martha Donato -- MAD Event Management
* Steve Walker -- MGM Resorts International
* Michael Klein -- MiTek
* Mike Davis -- CORT Rental Furniture
* Chris Griffin -- CREW XP and EDPA
* Dasher Lowe -- Experiential Designers and Producers Association (EDPA)
For more information about Classic REDTalk and Classic Exhibits, contact Kevin Carty, Mel White, or Jen LaBruzza at www. classicexhibits.com.
The Exhibitor Advocacy whitepaper mentioned during the webinar (The Future Success of Trade Shows: Working Together for Change): https://www.edpa.com/exhibitor-advocacy.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
For the fifth straight year, Classic Exhibits was named a Find It Top 40 Exhibit Producer in North America. In addition, Classic won honors for the Best 10 x 10, Best 10 x 20, and People's Choice Award (voted by EXHIBITOR Magazine readers).
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Classic Rental Solutions. North America's Largest Rental Inventory.
Browse through over 300 contemporary rental displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals. Choose from islands, inlines, and modern accessories like charging tables, table stands, sanitizer solutions, and counters.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. There's no better time to rent your trade show exhibit!
Browse through over 300 contemporary rental displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals. Choose from islands, inlines, and modern accessories like charging tables, table stands, sanitizer solutions, and counters.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. There's no better time to rent your trade show exhibit!
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
For more information about Personal Protection Equipment and Post-COVID office options, see www.classicexhibits.com.
Scheduled for June 15-16, 2020, Shared Knowledge University is the exhibit industry"s premier training session. Join your fellow Classic Exhibits Distributors for two days of product immersion, sales training, vendor presentations, and a WHOLE LOTTA FUN.
Held in Portland, Oregon, SKU blends hands on training with exhibit industry knowledge. For two days, attendees learn best practices from their colleagues and experts, while enjoying the sights, sounds, and food of the Pacific Northwest. It's always amazing. And always worthwhile.
Interested? Contact Jen LaBruzza, the Classic Exhibits National Sales Manager (jen@classicexhibits.com), Harold Mintz (harold@classicexhibits.com) or Tom Beard (tom@classicexhibits.com). Space is limited. Reserve your seat now for the Monday and Tuesday event.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
A dramatic BEFORE and AFTER transformation of an open-concept bank lobby.
The custom-designed safety dividers were measured and built to fit the existing dimensions, and the aluminum extrusion frames were powder-coated to complement the wood grain counters. All the parts were numbered, and the detailed setup instructions made it easy for the client to install.
The entire project from start to finish (including shipping) took about two weeks.
Many trade shows have shifted to the virtual world because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, what does that mean for exhibitors who want to continue to connect with existing and potential clients via trade shows? They need to have a virtual presence as well.
Unfortunately, most virtual solutions are not "fully baked" by show organizers. What they offer is limited and proprietary to their show and doesn't allow the exhibitor to fully show their products and services nor does it provide the attendees with an engaging and immersive experience.
The PlaceLyft 3D Virtual Solution has three distinct benefits compared to those provided by the show. First, it's comprehensive, allowing exhibitors to embedded media, social media, chat, polling, Zoom, and even tracking. Second, it's portable, meaning the virtual exhibit can be taken from show to show since it's URL based. Lastly, it's both immersive and cost-effective.
For more information, see Classic Exhibits at www.classicexhibits.com or call us at 503-866-2100. With over 200 distributors in North America, we probably have a solutions provider right in your backyard.
Durable and affordable folding safety dividers for offices, events, schools, and retail businesses. Lightweight engineered aluminum construction. Available with castor wheels or base plates. Inserts include clear, frosted, and colored acrylic and white or printed Sintra.
Ships flat and assembles quickly with hex key tool (included). View the complete line of safety dividers with over 30 designs. Ask about custom solutions including curved partitions for desks and reception counters.
These colorful safety dividers replaced the temporary shower curtains in a pediatric dental office. The dividers provided a secure protective barrier between patients. After installing the partitions, the dentist felt more comfortable scheduling concurrent appointments, and the yellow and blue durable powder-coated finishes matched the overall theme of the office.
The dividers are constructed from engineered aluminum extrusion and frosted acrylic. They ship flat, assemble in minutes, and the flat base plates are stable and portable. The modular construction is expandable should the dental practice decide to reconfigure the partitions by adding either straight or 90 degree sections.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com or call 866-652-2100.
Recorded on August 18, 2020.
Kevin Carty and Katina Rigall Zipay discuss designing virtual exhibits for companies participating in post-COVID-19 trade shows. They review the technology, features, lead times, and benefits of a virtual presence. At the end, they answer questions about pricing, hosting, changes, and options to a traditional exhibit design. Excellent introduction to virtual exhibits for all exhibitors, large or small, who value trade show marketing
To see three examples, visit: https://www.exhibit-design-search.com/gallery/default/virtual-and-intera...
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Stand Touch Hand Sanitizer Stands are built to last years, not months. The stands are constructed with engineered aluminum, stainless steel, and heavy duty steel base plates. Most include SilverSan, an anti-microbial powder-coated finish for easy, worry-free cleaning. Add the automatic, touch-less sanitizer dispenser for a one-stop purchase. Engineered and Built in the USA.
Ask about prices for quantity orders. Perfect for schools, medical facilities, warehouses, and government offices.
For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com or contact your local Classic Exhibits Distributor.
Affordable Cubicle Height Extenders raise the height of any office partition for a safe work environment. The adjustable extenders fit any size cubicle wall and come in three standard powder-coated colors: silver, black, and white. Installation takes only minutes.
Choose from clear, frosted, or colored acrylics or printed Sintra for a more colorful and personalized space. The acrylic or Sintra inserts can be removed in minutes for cleaning or replacement.
Transform your cubicles into safer, more attractive, and brandable spaces at a fraction of the cost.
Recorded on 07/24/20.
Kevin Carty from Classic Exhibits broadcast live from the Together Again EXPO in Orlando, FL. In the broadcast, he spoke with other several exhibitors, including EDPA and Optima Graphics. He also answered questions submitted by online participants about the safety and security of the event, layout, and comfort level of attendees and exhibitors. Our apologies for any audio and video issues.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Are You Prepared for the Rental Exhibit Surge? Recorded on June 16, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented upheaval in trade shows and events. Cancelled or postponed shows, restricted travel, and uncertainty about marketing spends. When trade shows return in Q3/Q4 and Q1 2021, exhibit footprints and budgets will be smaller, and companies will be searching for more bang for the buck. You don't have to be a psychic to predict that rentals will be more important than ever for trade shows, events, and sales meetings.
Are you ready? The Classic Rental Solutions team shares an overview of trends, new products and designs, and the steps we're taking to ensure your success with rentals.
Agenda Topics:
· New Products/Designs
· Gravitee System Designs
· Tool-Less Lightboxes
· Monitors
· Large Inventory
· Flexibility as a Rental Vendor
· Staging & Staging Photos
· Packing Photos
· Setup Instructions
· Design Services for Rebranding, Modifications, Custom Designs
· Multiple Show Discount Incentives
· Rental Rewards Program
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Showcase your product in an interactive display that will definitely draw attention and add a “wow” factor.
Creating an app is cool. Creating an app to interact with your product is even better. Clients have asked us to create a solution that brings together the interactivity of an app while being able to show off their actual product so that it retains a physical presence. Enter the transparent touchscreen experience.
The internally lit Hypebox has a transparent touch display to allow the audience to view your physical object while also interacting with dynamic digital content to provide a rich immersive experience. By creating content that controls what is transparent and what is opaque, create unique engagement with your physical product(s). Some of the ideas for the dynamic digital content could be features and benefit callouts, add qualifying questions with a grand product reveal, or provide unique digital animation showing the product in action. The ideas are endless, give your product the next level of interaction and really connect with your audience.
For more information, see https://www.exhibit-design-search.com/gallery/default/interactive-displa... or contact your local Classic Exhibits Distributor at https://classicexhibits.com/distributors/locator.
With over 35 designs, InCharg™ Charging Stations are ideal for trade shows, events, and corporate environments. They are attractive, durable, and brandable and include multiple wireless and USB ports. Most have perimeter LED lighting for an upscale look. RGB programmable lights are available for a modest up charge.
Designs include monitor stands, counters, tables, and kiosks. There are even power towers with backlit graphics.
On the trade show floor, where finding power outlets can be challenging for attendees, make your booth an electrical oasis. They will appreciate it. Then after the show, place the InCharg Charging Solution in your lobby or conference room for customers and employees. See the full selection of charging design on Exhibit Design Search.
See more designs at https://www.exhibit-design-search.com/gallery/default/incharg-charging-s...
You might now know these three things about Exhibit Design Search, our website with literally 1000s of exhibits and accessories in searchable form.
Check it out: http://tradeshowbuy.com
Your LED Lightbox should be more than just a pretty face at your next trade show or event. The MOD-1375 iPad and Surface Mounting Bracket transforms your lightbox into an online brochure, survey station, lead retrieval site, or anything associated with a tablet.
The adjustable bracket fits all SuperNova lightboxes and the mounting plate is design to accommodate almost all iPad, Surface, and other tablets, including the larger Pro versions. In addition, the patented swivel stop allows you to switch between portrait and landscape by simply rotating the secure clamshell.
* Exclusive Portrait to Landscape Swivel Stop™ Feature
* Aluminum Construction
* Silver, Black, or White (limited quantities) Finishes
* Locking Clamshell or Enclosure Options:
* iPad 7.9 (mini), 9.7, 10.5, and 12.9 ~ Specify Model and Generation
* See or Request Prices for 10.5 and 12.9
* Specify Surface 2, Surface 3, or Surface Pro 2, 3, or 4
* (1) Adjustable Lightbox Mounting Bracket
* (1) Locking Clamshell or Enclosure with Anti-theft Locks
* Vertical Swivel Adjustment Knob
* Specify Internal or External Tablet Alignment
* Weight: 4 lbs.
*Excludes Tablet and Lightbox
* US Patent 8,991,775 B2
* Portable Assembly: Knob and Hex Key Connections
SuperNova™ LED Lightboxes with SEG Fabric Graphics feature fast, tool-free assembly. The aluminum extrusion frames assemble with knobs, using both slide and corner connectors. Single and double-side lightboxes are available in standard and custom sizes.
Ask about shelving, literature holders, and tablet attachment options.
SuperNova Features:
* Attached UL-approved LED Modules
* ColorTrue LED Lights
* Durable 6063/6065 T6 Aluminum
* Translucent Knobs (no shadows)
* HD Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics
* Single and Double-sided Frames
* Standard and Custom Sizes
* Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
* Reusable Packaging
* Purchase and Rental Options
* Custom and Portable Options
* Tool-Less Assembly
Have you ever wondered how exhibit builders, like Classic Exhibits, bend aluminum extrusion? Two methods: manually or with a CNC bender. This video shows a CNC Bender in our production facility.
Different rollers are used for specific extrusion profiles to ensure even bending. We currently bend over 80 profiles, including many SEG (Silicone Edge Graphic) shapes, which allows us to create curved backlit lightboxes.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Most ™ assemble quickly and easily. without tools using attached knobs. There's no faster or stronger lightbox for trade shows, events, retail displays, or corporate environments. See why SuperNova™ Lightboxes are the industry standard for ease-of-use, durability, and design.
* Steel Splines for Strength
* 6063/6065 T6 Aluminum Frame
* Translucent Knobs (Prevents Shadows)
* Attached UL Approved LED Modules
* Reusable Packaging
* Clear Anodized Frame (resists scratching and tarnishing)
* Single and Double-side Frame Options
* Accessories: Shelves, Monitor Mounts, Tablet Attachments
* Custom Sizes and Shapes
* HD Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics
What did you miss on June 20-21 in Portland, OR? Well... Just another memorable and wildly successful Shared Knowledge University.
Our proud SKU graduates enjoyed two days of intense sales, marketing, and design training along with hands-on product demos and presentations by Optima, CORT, Momentum Management, and Blue Pony. They were long days... but the SKUer's somehow managed to rise to the occasion by celebrating their successes each evening. Truly, truly inspiring! And a bit exhausting. ;-)
Our sincere thanks to our gracious SKU attendees, our wonderful sponsors, and to the Classic and Eco-systems Sustainable employees who were (as always) such wonderful hosts.
Finally, a special thank you to our guest speaker Kent Thomas (https://www.arrow-cc.com/), who taught us that all Marketing Managers are a mixture of creativity, ego, and insecurity -- with a dash of SPITR (smartest person in the room).
* CORT Rental Furniture -- https://www.cort.com/event-rental
* Optima Graphics -- http://optimagfx.com/
* Blue Pony (Visual Media) -- https://www.bluepony.com/
* Momentum Management (Labor) -- http://momentummgt.com/
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com and https://ecosystemsdisplays.com.
Become an Exhibit Design Search Warrior! In this one-hour webinar, you'll learn the essential skills to attack every opportunity with ruthless precision and speed. You'll discover how to execute an efficient #sales strategy by finding and sharing #exhibit designs, marketing tips, setup instructions, and photos.
Every mission requires a plan to succeed, and EDS Boot Camp will give you the tools and knowledge necessary to accomplish your goals. Invest an hour. You'll use the skills you learn for years to come. BE ALL YOU CAN "EDS" BE!
Questions? Contact Drill Sargent Mel White (mel@classicexhibits.com)
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
For over 20 years, Classic Exhibits has supported our distributor partners by participating in EXHIBITOR. This year, we "tied the knot" one more time with a 20 x 30 double-deck designed around the theme of "Knot Your Typical Exhibit Builder." The booth showcased:
* Our Aluminum Double-decks
* LED Video Wall
* Gravitee One-Step Modular System
* Custom Design and Construction
* LED Backlighting
* Charging Station Solutions (USB and Wireless)
* and Aero Freestanding and Overhead Hanging Signs
In addition, RJ Owens performed magic in the booth all three days, delighting our distributor partners, suppliers, and end-users (and quite a few Classic employees as well).
In addition, we won a Portable Modular Award for the best 10 x 10 (NuNaturals) and Classic was once again selected as a Find-It Top 40 Exhibit Builder in North America.
Our sincere thanks to the Classic Exhibits Family for another successful EXHIBITORLIVE. And a thumbs up to Eco-systems Sustainable Exhibits for a stunning 10 x 30 display.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Discover Why Classic Exhibits is "Knot" Your Typical Exhibit Builder with a foundation built on Design, Production, Partnerships, People, and Innovation. Look to us for trade show, retail, corporate environments, and museum solutions for both purchase and rental.
With Distributor Partners throughout North America, Classic Exhibits has representatives in most major markets.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Hi everyone, this is Mel from Classic Exhibits. Well, it’s early February, and we’re about three or four weeks away from EXHIBITORLIVE 2019. And for those who just went through the brutal Polar Vortex, I’m sure four days in sunny Las Vegas can’t come soon enough.
This year our theme is “Knot Your Typical Exhibit Builder.” That’s “K.N.O.T.” You’ll see the theme throughout the booth, including a few “knot” puns. We will even have a magician performing rope tricks.
So what can you expect from Classic? More of the same, meaning lots of product innovations. Last year we launched the Gravitee One-Step Lightbox and the Mobile Meeting Pods. Look for both in our booth. Our InCharg Charging Colutions will now include wireless options, in addition to USB ports.
For us, Custom builds have expanded well beyond trade shows into retail, corporate environments, and even museum work. Our rental sales continue to soar, which shouldn’t be a surprise. Even the Sacagawea Portable line got a refresh with the addition of charging ports and a hostess shelf, features not found on any other portable hybrid.
Other trends? LED Lightboxes in every shape imaginable. Expect a significant change to our LB assembly this spring, which will make SuperNova both the strongest and fastest LB to setup in the industry. Then there’s the allure of video walls. Expect more affordable and accessible video solutions in 2019.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Earn your BE Degree (Bachelor of Exhibiting) at Shared Knowledge University, the exhibit industry"s premier training session. Join your fellow Classic Exhibits Distributors for two days of product immersion, sales training, vendor presentations, and FUN on November 8-9, 2018.
Held in Portland, Oregon, SKU blends hands on training with exhibit industry knowledge. For two days, attendees learn best practices from their colleagues and experts, while enjoying the sights, sounds, and food of the Pacific Northwest. It's always amazing. And always worthwhile.
Interested? Contact Jen LaBruzza, the Classic Exhibits National Sales Manager (jen@classicexhibits.com). Space is limited. Reserve your seat now for the November 8-9, 2018 event.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Kevin Carty from Classic Exhibits announces the New Gravitee One-Step Lightbox, a one-sided addition to the Gravitee Modular Wall System. The Gravitee lightbox attaches to other panels using the same no tools, no loose part connection. Both flat and curved lightbox options are available on panels extending both vertically or horizontally. The lightbox is available in both standard and custom sizes.
For more information, contact the Classic Exhibits Customer Service/Project Management Department.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
We are often asked, "How is the Gravitee One-Step™ Modular System different from those other modular wall systems? Specifically, the wall systems with holes.
While there are many differences, including easier SEG fabric graphic installation, unlimited angle connections, and rental and purchase options, the key advantage is how the Gravitee System assembles. Unlike most existing modular wall systems, Gravitee doesn't rely on loose bullet connectors to attach panels, either vertically or horizontally. Instead, Gravitee connectors are built into the panels. No need to wear an apron to hold bullet connectors while assembling the system. And no lost parts and pieces to replace after the show.
The Gravitee Systems assembles fast meaning lower labor costs, whether the exhibit is an inline or island. Fewer parts and pieces also translates into lower material handle charges.
See why the unlimited design flexibility of Gravitee makes it the best choice for your next trade show exhibit. Purchase and Rental options are available, including mixing and matching the two for even more options. Ask for Gravitee specifically. It's the clear choice in modular wall systems.
For more information, contact your local Classic Exhibits Distributor or visit the Gravitee webpage: https://classicexhibits.com/hybrid-and-modular-exhibits/gravitee-one-ste...
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Recently, there have been multiple updates and changes to Classic's Exhibit Design Search. Most of the former product galleries like Visionary Designs and Sacagawea are now functional galleries, like Modern Hybrid Exhibits and 10 ft. Portable Displays.
In addition, we greatly expanded the Rental Galleries to over 300 designs, while also showing purchase and rental prices for these kits.
You'll also see changes to the CORT Furniture Rental galleries with a larger selection, updated prices, and clearer descriptions. These changes, along with other UI updates, continue to make Exhibit Design Search the most versatile and widely used search tool in the exhibit industry.
To review these changes, go to http://www.exhibit-design-search.com
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
The Gravitee One-Step Modular Wall System assembles without tools or loose parts.
A modular re-configurable design is essential to many trade show exhibitors. They need the ability to transform their display into a closet, tower, or inline with ease. The GK-5155, GK-5156 and GK-2010 are designed to make changing your display as easy as changing your shirt.
All the panels are uniform sizes (38" x 95") and the multi-function 90 degree connectors attached seamlessly with the panels without tools. All three configurations include a full-size closet for locking storage. Choose either direct print or SEG fabric graphics. Add additional panels, connectors, or accessories as you expand your trade show needs.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Since 2006, Classic Exhibits has featured select projects in Past Five Days, our daily photo blog. Well over 6000 photos. These projects represent the full range of Classic's design and manufacturing capability, from islands to inlines, and corporate environments to LED lightboxes.
Take a few moments to explore P5D or visit Exhibit Design Search with over 1500 pre-configured trade show, retail, and rental solutions.
P5D: https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/past-five-days
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy.
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
The EXHIBITORLIVE show floor, by many accounts, felt smaller footprint-wise... but boy was it TALLER than ever. Everyone seemed to go up this year. Classic included with an aluminum double-deck, one of several in our Classic Rental Solutions inventory.
The overall attendee mood was positive about the future of face-to-face marketing. As we know face-to-face marketing is evolving with the blending of trade shows and events. That blending was clearing something people were addressing on the floor through lots of digital displays, LED Walls, AR, and VR technology and much much more.
Since 1993, Classic Exhibits has been North America's leading builder of quality trade show exhibits for professional exhibitors. Browse through 1500 contemporary displays or request a custom design personalized to your trade show marketing goals.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message... at a price that will make your CFO giddy. For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Classic Exhibits and Eco-systems Sustainable Exhibits design and build trade show displays, ranging from table tops to custom islands. Every year, the companies participate in EXHIBITORLive to meet with customers, share product innovations, and learn about need products, services, and trends.
See http://www.classicexhibits.com and http://www.ecosystemsdisplays.com for more information about their extensive product lines.
On Day 2 at EXHIBITORLive, Classic Exhibits won two awards. The Portable Modular People's Choice Award for best exhibit and the Find IT Marketplace Top 40 Exhibit Builder, including #1 in Customer Satisfaction.
Classic Exhibits and Eco-systems Sustainable Exhibits design and build trade show exhibits, ranging from table top displays to custom island exhibits. Every year, the companies participate in EXHIBITORLive to meet with customers, share product innovations, and learn about need products, services, and trends.
See http://www.classicexhibits.com and http://www.ecosystemsdisplays.com for more information about their extensive product lines.
The Classic Exhibits 20 x 30 booth at EXHIBITORLive, featuring a double-deck, charging tables, lightboxes, and casual seating. This is Classic's 25th straight year attending EXHIBITOR.
Medium ClassicMODUL Aluminum Double Deck
(3) Aero Overhead Hanging Signs
(1) SuperNova™ LED Lightbox with Silicone Edge Graphics (SEG)
(5) InCharg™ Charging Tables with Graphics
(10) Gravitee One-Step™ Modular Walls (Whiteboard and Fabric)
(1) Custom Reception Counter with Locking Storage
(1) Rotating iPad Mount
(1) Large Monitor Mount
Storage Closet
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
There's nothing shy about an island display. It says you've arrived. Studies show that exhibitors naturally gravitate to a well-designed island exhibit. It attracts attention for several reasons. Island graphics are almost always larger than inline graphics. Large graphics make a statement, whether through color, size, messaging or all three. Second, island exhibits allow for conferencing, presentation, large monitors, and demonstrations. Crowds attract crowds.
Browse through the island gallery where you'll see a wide range of options and prices. These are meant to generate ideas. There are no cookie cutter designs. We'll design the island exhibit that matches your specific marketing goals and budget.
Many islands are re-configurable to smaller inlines or larger islands.
* GK-5041 -- https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/perma/defau...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
At every trade show, there's always one exhibit with an inviting vibe -- "Welcome. Relax. Spend some time away from all the chaos." The GK-5050 is that booth. It blends large format backlit graphics and frosted acrylics into a casual space that includes multiple casual meeting areas. There are semi-private rooms with monitors and casual furniture, a large reception desk, and multiple charging stations to entice attendees. The overhead hanging signs make a statement in the exhibit hall, drawing attention and a crowd to the island exhibit. The GK-5050 is both a dramatic statement and a practical exhibit, perfect for any company that wants their trade show investment to create sales.
Browse through the island gallery where you'll see a wide range of options and prices. These are meant to generate ideas. There are no cookie cutter designs. We'll design the island exhibit that matches your specific marketing goals and budget.
Many islands are re-configurable to smaller inlines or larger islands.
*GK-5050 -- https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/perma/defau...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
It's the complete package. There's no better way to describe the re-configurable GK-5148, GK-5147, and GK-2987. The GK-5148 and GK-5147 islands maximize the available space with double-sided curved panels. The design includes iPad workstations, monitor mounts, and a presentation area. There's an attractive custom reception counter with a backlit graphic and LED accent lights. In addition, the islands have multiple seating areas all with USB charging ports so your clients can charge their phones and tablets. All the curved panels are from the patented Gravitee System, so individual panels connect without tools and there are no loose parts or pieces.
Browse through the island and inline galleries where you'll see a wide range of options and prices. These are meant to generate ideas. There are no cookie cutter designs. We'll design the exhibit that matches your specific marketing goals and budget.
*GK-5147 -- https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/perma/defau...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Discover what makes Classic Exhibits "The Largest, Most Invisible Exhibit Builder in North America."
At Classic Exhibits, we design and build exhibits for folks who love trade shows and special events. It's our passion. And it should be. We're in the business of showcasing your products, your services, and your company using stunning graphics and memorable 3D displays.
For more information, see http://www.classicexhibits.com or give us a call.
Classic's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XxZq4tK48Utsm-48ivpUw?
There's nothing shy about an island display like the GK-5063. It says you've arrived. Studies show that exhibitors naturally gravitate to a well-designed island exhibit. It attracts attention for several reasons. Island graphics are almost always larger than inline graphics.
Large graphics make a statement, whether through color, size, messaging or all three. Second, island exhibits allow for conferencing, presentation, large monitors, and demonstrations. Crowds attract crowds. See Kit Details:
* GK-5063 -- https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/perma/defau...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
A well-designed trade show island exhibit should be attractive, inviting, informative, and practical. The GK-5038 does all that... and more. It combines a casual seating areas with a functional reception counter and a large monitor. There are (3) doubled-sided LED Lightboxes, which are sure to attract attention from every angle throughout the exhibit hall.
The design includes a large closet with locking storage. Many of the flat panels are from the patented Gravitee System, which connects without tools or loose parts, making assembly much easier than traditional panels. The Large Aero Overhead Header pulls it all together with internal and external graphics.
See Kit Details:
* GK-5038 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5038--gravitee-isl...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
Time is money on the trade show floor. This video demonstrates how quickly the Gravitee One-Step disassembles (in less than 5 minutes) using no tools and no loose parts. Note how the panels stack, which significantly reduces material handling charges.
Graphic options include SEG fabric and direct print, including both Velcro and magnetic panels for single or double-sided graphics.
Choose from flat or curved panels. Add second or third level all without using tools or loose parts. Gravitee is designed specifically for North American trade shows... because time and weight is money!
* Gravitee One-Step Modular System: https://classicexhibits.com/hybrid-and-modular-exhibits/gravitee-one-ste...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
It's the complete package. There's no better way to describe the re-configurable GK-5148, GK-5147, and GK-2987. The GK-5148 and GK-5147 islands maximize the available space with double-sided curved panels. The design includes iPad workstations, monitor mounts, and a presentation area. There's an attractive custom reception counter with a backlit graphic and LED accent lights.
In addition, the islands have multiple seating areas all with USB charging ports so your clients can charge their phones and tablets. All the curved panels are from the patented Gravitee System, so individual panels connect without tools and there are no loose parts or pieces.
See Kit Details:
* GK-5148 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5148--gravitee-isl...
* GK-5147 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5147--gravitee-isl...
* GK-2987 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-2987--gravitee-inl...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
A well-designed, attractive, and practical island can be transformational for a company at a trade show. There's no better way to describe the re-configurable GK-5149, GK-5150, and GK-5051. The GK-5149 and GK-5150 20 x 20 islands maximize the available space with double-sided curved panels. The design includes monitors, meeting areas, optional pedestals, and large tension fabric graphics. In addition, the islands have multiple seating areas shown with rental furniture.
All the curved panels are from the patented Gravitee System, so individual panels connect without tools and there are no loose parts or pieces. The (2) 20 x 20 islands connect seamlessly to create the larger 20 x 40 version.
See Kit Details:
* GK-5149 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5149--gravitee-isl...
* GK-5150 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5150--gravitee-isl...
* GK-5151 -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5151--gravitee-isl...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
A well-designed trade show island exhibit should be attractive, inviting, informative, and practical. The GK-5152 (purchase) and RE-9084 (rental) does all that... and more. It combines a casual bar with functional counters and a large monitor.
There are (3) 15 ft. doubled-sided LED Lightboxes, which are sure to attract attention from every angle throughout the exhibit hall. The design includes a large closet with locking storage. Many of the flat panels are from the patented Gravitee System, which connects without tools or loose parts, making assembly much easier than traditional panels. The Large Aero Overhead Hanging Sign pulls it all together with internal and external graphics.
See Kit Details:
* GK-5152 (purchase) -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5152--gravitee-isl...
* RE-9084 (rental) -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/re-9084--behr-island/...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
The Gravitee GK-5154 and RE-9082 Island Exhibits combine a casual meeting space with a more formal semi-private meeting room. There are two functional workstations with large monitors and locking storage. The design includes a reception counter, also with locking storage.
Throughout the island, there are large graphic opportunities at multiple angles to attract attendees from every aisle, including a 12 ft. LED Lightbox. Many of the flat panels are from the patented Gravitee System, which connects without tools or loose parts. The Large Aero Overhead Hanging Sign pulls it all together with internal and external graphics.
See Kit Details:
* GK-5154 (purchase option)-- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5154--gravitee-isl...
* RE-9082 (rental option) -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/re-9082--automobile-i...
* Exhibit Design Search -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or www.classicexhibits.com.
The GK-5153 and RE-9085 combine a casual meeting space with functional counters for product samples. The design includes a reception counter, also with locking storage. Throughout the island, there are large graphic opportunities at multiple angles to attract attendees from every aisle, including a 16 ft. tower.
Many of the flat panels are from the patented Gravitee System, which connects without tools or loose parts, making assembly much easier than traditional panels. The Large Aero Overhead Hanging Sign pulls it all together with internal and external graphics.
See Kit Details:
* GK-5153 (purchase) -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5153--gravitee-isl...
* RE-9085 (rental) -- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/re-9085--cpk-island/5...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or www.classicexhibits.com.
A well-designed, attractive, and practical island can be transformational for a company at a trade show. There's no better way to describe the re-configurable GK-5149, GK-5150, and GK-5051. The GK-5149 and GK-5150 20 x 20 islands maximize the available space with double-sided curved panels.
The design includes monitors, meeting areas, optional pedestals, and large tension fabric graphics. In addition, the islands have multiple seating areas shown with rental furniture. All the curved panels are from the patented Gravitee System, so individual panels connect without tools and there are no loose parts or pieces. The (2) 20 x 20 islands connect seamlessly to create the larger 20 x 40 version.
See Kit Details:
*GK-5151-- http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/perma/default/gk-5151--gravitee-isl...
GK-5150 -- https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/perma/defau...
GK-5149 -- https://classicexhibits.com/trade-show-exhibit-design-search/perma/defau...
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or http://www.classicexhibits.com.
The Gravitee One-Step Modular Wall System is a one or two-sided display system that assembles without tools or loose parts. The individual panels connect horizontally with attached clips and a spring-loaded plunger. The panels can be stacked using an attached locking spring connector.
The Gravitee System accepts SEG fabric or direct print graphics (Velcro or magnet). It's the ideal wall system for trade shows, events, and retail environments since it assembles quickly and the lightweight aluminum frames reduce shipping and material handling charges.
Features and Benefits:
* Fully-assembled Engineered Aluminum Frames
* No Loose Parts. No Tools Assembly
* Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics or Direct Print Graphics
* Single or Double-sided Panels
* Notched SEG Corners for Continuous Horizontal or Vertical Graphics
* Curved and Flat Frames
* Ideal for Trade Shows, Events, and Retail Environments
For more information on Gravitee, go to www.classicexhibits.com.
Spend a few minutes with Kevin Carty at Classic Exhibits as he discusses 2017 Q1 trends, Shared Knowledge University, and the expansion of our offices and production facility. Lots to share as always from Classic Exhibits, Classic Rental Solutions, and ClassicMODUL.
Our sincere thanks to Classic Distributors for your business, partnerships, and friendship.
For more information:
Katina Rigall, the Creative Director at Classic Exhibits, shares her perspective on 2016 and what to expect from the Design Department in 2017. Since last spring, the Classic has added two experienced (and amazing) designers and a stable of contract designers.
James Sharpe and Mel White discuss our lightweight double-deck options for tradeshows. The aluminum double decks can be customized with graphics and accessories to create an effective and comfortable environment for any show. The decks are available as a rental or purchase.
Helpful Links:
1800+ Exhibit Designs: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com
Comprehensive Rental Designs: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
Charging Stations: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
iPad and Surface Tablet Stands: http://ow.ly/mPad308Gqn2
Trade Show Marketing Tips: http://ow.ly/ZLTj308Gqgd
6000+ Tradeshow Display Photos: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/past-five-days/
Exhibit Design Search allows you to search by size, price, key feature, or product name. Use the Advanced Search to fine-tune your search. You can even search by categories such as lightboxes, charging stations, counters, or pop-up displays.
Helpful Links:
1800+ Exhibit Designs: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com
Comprehensive Rental Designs: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
Charging Stations: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
iPad and Surface Tablet Stands: http://ow.ly/mPad308Gqn2
Trade Show Marketing Tips: http://ow.ly/ZLTj308Gqgd
6000+ Tradeshow Display Photos: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/past-five-days/
Exhibit Design Search includes thousands of trade show, retail, and corporate environment photos. Browse through the Photo Libraries for examples of projects and trade show displays, either kits or custom displays.
Helpful Links:
1800+ Exhibit Designs: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com
Comprehensive Rental Designs: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
Charging Stations: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
iPad and Surface Tablet Stands: http://ow.ly/mPad308Gqn2
Trade Show Marketing Tips: http://ow.ly/ZLTj308Gqgd
6000+ Tradeshow Display Photos: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/past-five-days/
Create a personal gallery of displays, photos, and trade show marketing tips in Exhibit Design Search. The gallery can be saved and then sent to a colleague to review. Make changes, update it, and then send it along to someone else. There's no more powerful tool online for sharing trade show exhibit designs.
Helpful Links:
1800+ Exhibit Designs: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com
Comprehensive Rental Designs: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
Charging Stations: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
iPad and Surface Tablet Stands: http://ow.ly/mPad308Gqn2
Trade Show Marketing Tips: http://ow.ly/ZLTj308Gqgd
6000+ Tradeshow Display Photos: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/past-five-days/
Within Exhibit Design Search, there are Exhibit Specials and a Lightning Deal. Exhibit Specials are exhibits or displays on sale for two months. A Lightning Deal is a more aggressively priced kit on sale for 12 days.
Helpful Links:
1800+ Exhibit Designs: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com
Comprehensive Rental Designs: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
Charging Stations: http://ow.ly/BadD308GqaC
iPad and Surface Tablet Stands: http://ow.ly/mPad308Gqn2
Trade Show Marketing Tips: http://ow.ly/ZLTj308Gqgd
6000+ Tradeshow Display Photos: http://www.exhibit-design-search.com/past-five-days/
Join us for the Shared Knowledge University with Classic Distributors. Two full days of training on Classic Exhibits, Classic Rental Solutions, ClassicMODUL, and select vendor partners like Optima, Eco-Systems Sustainable, and CORT Furniture Rentals. Register today!
If you're looking to connect with a new tradeshow exhibit house, it's likely that you're falling short by not asking these seven questions.
Tim Patterson, TradeshowGuy, discusses these questions with Mel White of Classic Exhibits.
Learn more at:
See examples of trade show and event charging stations from Classic Exhibits Inc.. Don't see exactly what you want? Just give us a call or send us an email. We're happy to modify most counters, pedestals, workstations, or tables into charging stations.
The Gravitee One-Step Modular System by Classic Exhibits makes building and re-configuring exhibits a snap. Gravitee consists of pre-built frames that connect and stack without tools and loose parts, significantly reducing assembly time and the ongoing expense of lost or missing parts.
The durable aluminum extrusion frames are designed to hold direct print or SEG fabric graphics on one or two sides. 90 degree and variable angle connectors are available for unlimited design potential. Best of all, Gravitee works seamlessly with the Euro LT and ClassicMODUL systems.
For questions about Gravitee, contact Classic Exhibits or your local Classic Exhibits distributor.
Classic Exhibits employees and distributors at EXHIBITORLIVE in Las Vegas. Day 2 of the three day show. Thanks to everyone for the best show ever!
Classic Exhibits employees and distributors at EXHIBITORLIVE in Las Vegas. Day 1 of the three day show. HUGE Day. So much interest in Gravitee, Charging Stations, On the Move Furniture, and Tablet Stands.
Custom Trade Show Exhibit with Programmable LED RGB Lights. The inline display features shelves, storage, lightboxes, counters, and product displays with uplighting. Built by Classic Exhibits Inc. in Portland, OR.
Classic Exhibits designed and built these backlit retail kiosks for an auto dealership. The kiosks include a large monitor connected to an iPad, USB charging connections, LED lighting, vinyl graphics, and a backlit SEG fabric graphic.
This is a permanent install with four kiosks forming a large perimeter. The backlit graphics are on the outside. The monitor/iPad kiosks face the interior. The LED lights have a 50,000 hour life rating.
Custom Charging Stations with Programmable RGB LED lights. This bistro-style table includes USB ports, two electrical outlets, and perimeter LED lights. Note the graphic branding on the counter top.
The bistro tables are ideal for trade shows, events, lobbies or anywhere customers gather for conversation or product information. The USB ports and electrical outlet make it easy for customers to charge their smartphones or tablets.
Join us November 9-10 for Shared Knowledge University (SKU), a comprehensive training program for Classic Exhibits Distributors.
Sessions include Exhibit Design Search training, design and rental trends, hands-on product reviews, and feature speakers from the exhibit industry. It's two days of education and entertainment.
Call Jen LaBruzza or Reid Sherwood for details and for availability.
Presentation Briefcase Table Top Displays are available in five portable sizes, each with a convenient handle, carrying case, and durable shell. Graphics attach to the fabric liner with Velcro, allowing them to pack with the display. There's no complicated assembly. Simply open the hinged side panels. Options include headers and a fabric carrying case.
In this informal Q&A, Kevin and Mel answer questions about our very popular charging stations. The charging stations include portable and custom versions such as coffee tables, end tables, and bistro tables, all with multiple USB ports compatible for any phone or tablet.
The charging stations can be customized and there are graphic branding options as well. Still have questions? Give us a call or send us an email.
Trade Show exhibitors rave about the Sacagawea Table Top Display. It's lightweight, easy-to-assemble, and durable. More importantly, it's absolutely stunning! Options include a standoff graphic, a curved canopy, monitor or tablet mounts, and practical literature trays. You'll love the aluminum frame and vibrant tension fabric graphics that pack in a rolling case. Be the Belle of the Ball at your next trade show with a Sacagawea Table Top.
Choose from four distinctive designs. Lifetime warranty on workmanship.
Trade Show Flooring is about so much more than just carpet and padding...
Shared Knowledge University is a bi-annual training session for Classic Exhibits Distributors held in Portland, OR over two days. Attendees immerse themselves in product knowledge, design, graphics, and special topics such as Social Media and Trade Show Marketing.
SKU is typically held in May and September.
On the Move Furniture is specifically designed for trade shows and events. The table and chairs assemble in minutes and ship in an optional portable case with wheels. Never rent expensive trade show tables and chairs again. With the Express Series, you'll recoup your investment by the second show, plus have attractive tables and chairs that you can use in the office or at a social events.
Choose from three finishes: Natural, Black/Natural/ and White/Natural.
Looking for an attractive lightweight table top display? Look no further than the SEGUE Table Top. The durable, yet lightweight aluminum frame and vibrant tension fabric graphics makes for an attractive display that assembles without tools and packs in a rolling case.
Choose from four distinctive designs. Lifetime warranty on workmanship.
Aero Table Top Displays are designed to show you at your best. They are lightweight, easy-to-assemble, and attractive. No tools are necessary and a portable rolling case is always included.
Choose from 13 stunning designs. All with vibrant tension fabric graphics. Don't just show up . . . Show Off at your next event!
See the most common portable modular components and accessories for trade show displays. Components and accessories include headers, pedestals, counters, literature trays, monitors, and graphics.
For more information, please give us a call or send an email.
Custom Counters, from stock shapes to truly custom designs, offer an upscale appearance and distinctive branding for any trade show, event, or retail environment.
This short video shows the correct technique for installing silicone edge fabric graphics in an SEG frame. Yes, there is a technique, which when done correctly, will save you time (and frustration). Let us know if you have any questions.
This video shows how Classic Exhibits builds wood crates for retail and trade show exhibits. Medium and large crates are very similar, except for the additional internal jigging and access doors. For additional details, please contact the Classic Exhibits Customer Service Department.
Overview of Classic Exhibits as a designer and builder of trade show and retail displays.
Shared Knowledge University is a bi-annual training session for Classic Exhibits Distributors held in Portland, OR over two days. Attendees immerse themselves in product knowledge, design, graphics, and special topics such as Social Media and Trade Show Marketing.
SKU is typically held in May and September.
Recorded version of the June 2014 EDS webinar, "Hit the Ground Running." This webinar takes you through the major features of Exhibit Design Search and shows you how to be more efficient searching for displays and sending designs to clients. It's a terrific overview of EDS, whether you use the Classic Exhibits website or any of the distributor-branded EDS websites.
The SEGUE Sunrise Portable Hybrid is an affordable trade show display designed as an alternative to a traditional pop up display. The aluminum frame assembles without tools using attached quick-turn knobs. The vibrant fabric graphics slot into the frame using a silicone edge beading.
Why choose a SEGUE Sunrise?
* Easy, fast assembly
* Durable aluminum extrusion frame
* Large tension fabric graphic
* Convenient packing and shipping options
Stand out from the pop up crowd at your next show with a SEGUE Sunrise
Go ahead and stare. The Perfect 10 Portable Hybrid Display by Classic Exhibits takes portable trade show exhibiting to the next level with an attractive, lightweight, and easy-to-assemble display.
The frame is durable aluminum and the large backwall graphics are tension fabric. Multiple designs and accessories are available, including counters, workstations, and 10' x 10' and 10' x 20 versions. Best of all, it assembles without tools.
See the full assortment at www.classicexhibits.com.
Expect less, much less from the Magellan Miracle Trade Show Display from Classic Exhibits. The Magellan Miracle weighs less, costs less, and assembles in less time than other portable exhibit displays. Constructed with durable and lightweight MODUL aluminum extrusion and tension fabric graphics, the Miracle offers upscale hybrid design at a fraction of the cost of typical custom modular displays.
Available in 10 ft. and 20 ft. versions. Accessories include portable workstations, monitor mounts, halogen lights, and pedestals. To see the full line of Magellan designs, visit www.classicexhibits.com and click on the Exhibit Design Search menu.
Aero Overhead Hanging Signs from Classic Exhibits are designed to be beautiful, adaptable, and recognizable, whether it's for a trade show or special event.
Choose from 18 3D and 2D structures—rounds, squares, pinwheels, rectangles, and triangles—or design a custom shape that communicates your unique message. Aero Overhead Hanging Signs are economical to own, simple to assemble, and easy to maintain. See the full line at www.classicexhibits.com.
Tired of your table top display looking like everyone else's? Aero Table Top Trade Show Displays are lightweight, attractive, and as unique as you. Aero Table Tops are built with durable aluminum tubing, wrapped with vibrant tension fabric graphics, and assemble in minutes using push-button connections. Choose from 14 distinctive portable designs that pack in a wheeled case.
We can't show them all because there are just too darn many. Need more than one? Contact your Classic Distributor for prices on multiple quantities.
Quadro S Pop Up Displays are engineered for durability and trouble-free performance and come with a lifetime warranty, a portable roto-molded case, and a wide assortment of accessories.
Accessory options include monitor mounts, shadowboxes, shelves, and waterfall brackets.
Choose a Quadro, the World's Strongest and Most Dependable Pop Up. It may cost a little more, but it will last forever. Made in the USA.
The Visionary Designs TF-506 is a lightweight, portable hybrid display that assembles in 30 minutes or less using push-button connectors and a hex key tool. The bold round design and large fabric graphic makes the TF-506 a compelling display for any exhibitor who wants to standout from the crowd at their next trade show.
The TF-506 ships in a portable roto-molded case with wheels. The 10 x 10 can easily be converted to a 10 x 20.
The 40' x 40' Calypto Island Exhibit was built by Classic Exhibits for Exhibits Northwest Portland. The Account Executive was Tyler Poage. Edie Arambula was the Project Manager from Classic Exhibits, and Greg Garrett was the exhibit designer (www.greggarrettdesign.com).
The custom construction island featured a 40 ft entrance with downlighting, backlit reception counters, silicone edge graphics, and three large monitors all framed by two large "C" bookends. Behind the entrance was private meeting rooms.
All wood cam-lock construction primarily using 4 x 8 panels. Congratulations to all involved and a special "Shout Out" to Classic's Team in Wood Fabrication. Great job everyone!
For the first time, exhibitors can enjoy the visible benefits of a large lightbox in a portable one- or two-sided display. SEGUE SuperNova LED Lightboxes use a proprietary light system that attaches to the engineered aluminum frame.
With SuperNova, exhibitors can choose between a 10 ft. or 20 ft. exhibit, one or two-sided graphics. Even the graphics are easy. The backlit silicone edge graphics attach seamlessly making assembly fast.
It's never been easier to get backlit graphics at an affordable price. Don't see exactly the configuration you want . . . just give us a call. We're happy to design a display for your unique marketing goals.
Recently, a Classic Exhibits Distributor asked us to customize the MOD-1353 iPad Stand for their client.
Four modifications were requested: Disability Access, Lockable Clamshell for Galaxy Tab 3 Tablets, Tilt, and a Secure Electrical Box.
View the video to see this versatile kiosk.
The VK-1321 Visionary Designs Hybrid Exhibit has consistent been a very popular trade show display. There are multiple reasons, including its attractive design, versatility, graphic branding opportunities, large monitor placement, and storage.
The VK-1321 can be expanded to a 20 ft. or 30 ft. inline and is also available as a rental kit.
See the VK-1118 for a stunning backlit version.
On The Move Furniture introduces the NEO line of portable furniture. NEO is brandable furniture specifically designed for the trade show and event industry. Unlike traditional furniture options, the NEO line is modular, lightweight, and designed to pack efficiently for storage and transport. Its intuitive design allows it to be assembled in minutes without tools.
Renting furniture is expensive and often shows wear from transportation and use. Purchasing and shipping traditional home/office furniture components is inefficient.
Available in black, white, amber, and espresso. All wood construction.
The Perfect 10 and Perfect 20 Hybrid Displays are portable trade show exhibits designed for exhibitors who want a unique, tool-less system with large format fabric graphics.
The video describes the key features and benefits of the P10 and P20, including accessories, assembly, and packaging.
The sleek MOD-1412 (silver) and MOD-1414 (black) iPad Stands are designed for trade shows, events, and retail environments. The durable all metal construction includes internal wire management, an anti-theft locking clamshell, and a 4-outlet surge protector.
Add permanent or removable graphics to the clamshell and post for branding. Comes with a lifetime warranty on workmanship.
"What makes the Sacagawea Portable Hybrid different?" The answer is simple. Only the Sacagawea combines smart engineering, quality materials, easy assembly, and reusable packaging into an affordable, upscale display. There's no comparison -- at any price.
Discover the seven benefits of a Sacagawea Portable Hybrid Display, plus one.
Travel Light. Show Strong. Upscale Value.
The SEGUE Sunrise Portable Hybrid is an affordable trade show display designed as an alternative to a traditional pop up display. The aluminum frame assembles without tools using attached knobs. The vibrant fabric graphics attach easily to the frame.
* Easy and fast assembly (less than 30 minutes)
* Durable aluminum extrusion frame
* Large tension fabric graphic
* Lightweight
* Convenient packing and shipping
Excellent example of a custom table top display, narrated by Charlie, the Classic Project Manager who fulfilled this order in conjunction with our Design Department.
The Visionary Designs TF-Series combines easy assembly, pillowcase fabric graphics, and captivating design. The frame assembles with push-button and hex key connections. Graphic wings and header add to the custom look. All the parts are numbered and pack in durable reusable packaging.