I’m a sucker for a well-designed, informative Infographic. I appreciate the creative artistry and exhaustive research required for the infographic to be successful. Which is why the “Visual Guide to Trade Show Success” from US Event Management caught my attention.
First, it’s beautifully designed. It’s cohesive yet each section is distinct and there’s a practical north/south flow. On top of that, the information is useful and logically arranged. I especially like the “Questions to Consider” which poses questions every exhibitor should ask themselves.
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, hybrid, and custom exhibit solutions, including SuperNova LED Lightboxes. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or www.classicexhibits.com.
We did our math homework on Sacagawea Portable Hybrid Displays. Since 2010, Sacagawea has been our most popular portable display system. Exhibitors have purchased thousands. Literally. And during that time, we continued to make improvements to the packaging, assembly, accessories, and graphics. You have told us repeatedly that no other portable hybrid system matches the Sacagawea for quality, durability, and ease-of-use. It’s simply the best portable display for your corporate clients.
Back to the math. Like any responsible business, we periodically run the numbers to determine if our margins are holding steady. In fact, the margins on Sacagawea have gotten better, so we decided to (wait for it!) lower the prices. Yes, lower the prices! Not only has our bulk extrusion buying resulted in lower costs, but graphics, assembly, and packaging costs have also gotten better.
So, when we say, “We lowered the prices” what does that mean? Some examples with links to the kits in Exhibit Design Search:
All the prices have been updated in Exhibit Design Search. We’ve also revised the Sacagawea Price List, which you can download. As a reminder, the Sacagawea comes with the exclusive 100-Day Money Back Guarantee, a guarantee also offered on Perfect 10, Quadro Pop Ups, and Quadro FGS (Floating Graphic System).
For more information, we encourage you to watch the videos below or, as always, give us a call.
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, hybrid, and custom exhibit solutions, including SuperNova LED Lightboxes. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or www.classicexhibits.com.
We rarely URGE you to VIEW a blog post. We invite and entice. But this time, we’re URGING.
After considerable time, effort, and imagination, we developed a lightbox. But not just any lightbox, one two inches deep with all the wonderful features of the Gravitee One Step System. No Tools. No Loose Parts. See for yourself in this video that introduces the Gravitee Modular Lightbox.
Expect to see Gravitee LB designs throughout Q3 and Q4 via Design Monday, both as a purchase and rental. Pricing will be available later this month. For those who have seen and/or ordered the Gravitee System, you already know its benefits compared to other modular wall systems.
There’s no shortage of articles about pre- and post-show trade show tips. Follow those tips and you’ll not only have more qualified leads, but you’ll turn them into sales by roughly a bazillion percent. Check the research at CEIR and let me know if I’m wrong about that statistic.
Even if you maximize your pre- and post-show planning, it’s possible to miss potential sales because your planning didn’t include right before the show opens and right after the show closes. Every day. On the morning of the show, especially on Day #1, we are nervous, tense, and uncertain about what the show will bring. So we clean, vacuum, organize literature, drink coffee and eat giveaway candy. That’s not to say those aren’t important. They are. But there are other trade show tasks that need to be accomplished before that first wave of attendees descends on your booth. As a solid Type-A exhibitor, you’ve already had multiple meetings with your team before the show. That’s what makes you wonderful and a pain in the ass. It’s now one hour before the show opens, not just on Day 1 but also on Day 2 and Day 3. It’s time to
Before the Show Opens
Review the show goals for the team once again.
Remind everyone how “we” plan to meet and exceed those goals
Discuss roles. Do those roles need to change from Day 1 to Day 2 to Day 3?
Equipment. How does it work, who has the login information, who is the “Oh Shit” expert, and what’s the backup plan?
Who is expected in the booth today? Are they a customer? A prospect? What’s the plan?
Did anything happen during dinners, meetings, conference gatherings that the team needs to know?
Does the “message” need to change based on conversations with attendees or announcements from competitors?
What’s the break schedule?
Good job! You scheduled a team meeting each day with a specific agenda to review. Your team knows what to expect, has answers, and is prepared for another successful day on the show floor.
Four to five hours later, the show closes for the day. You and your team are exhausted. They are ready to relax, have a drink, and leave the show hall. BUT… you’re not done yet. It’s time to review what happened that day. Resist the urge to do it in a bar, restaurant, or in the hotel lobby. Do it now. In the booth:
After the Show Closes
Review the leads and determine next steps and priorities
Add notes to the leads (while they are still fresh)
Discuss any missteps and changes for the next day
Share critical news from attendees, clients, competitors, and suppliers
Cover plans for dinners, meetings with clients, and conference events
Lock-up and store any valuables
Is anyone leaving to return home? How does that effect staffing and roles for the next day?
(On the next to last day) What’s the plan for disassembling and shipping the exhibit after the show? Does any rented equipment need to be returned to the show contractor?
Now, that wasn’t so hard. It just took a little planning, patience, caffeine, and the promise of food and alcohol.
What did we miss? Please let us know in the comments. Thanks.
Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, hybrid, and custom exhibit solutions, including SuperNova LED Lightboxes. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or www.classicexhibits.com.
We are often asked, “How is the Gravitee One-Step™ Modular System different from those other modular wall systems? Specifically, the wall systems with holes.
While there are many differences, including easier SEG fabric graphic installation, unlimited angle connections, and rental and purchase options, the key advantage is how the Gravitee System assembles. Unlike most existing modular wall systems, Gravitee doesn’t rely on loose bullet connectors to attach panels, either vertically or horizontally. Instead, Gravitee connectors are built into the panels. No need to wear an apron to hold bullet connectors while assembling the system. And no lost parts and pieces to replace after the show. The Gravitee Systems assembles fast meaning lower labor costs, whether the exhibit is an inline or island. Fewer parts and pieces also translates into lower material handle charges.
See why the unlimited design flexibility of Gravitee makes it the best choice for your next trade show exhibit. Purchase and Rental options are available, including mixing and matching the two for maximum flexibility.