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Pediatric Dental Office Transformed into a Safer Post-COVID Exam Room

September 9th, 2020 COMMENTS
Pediatric Dental Office with Colorful Safety Dividers

A resourceful Classic Distributor reminded me this week that there are business opportunities everywhere… if you are willing to ask questions. She shared this inspiring story with me about taking her kids to the dentist.

How a Routine Dental Visit Turned Into an Order

“I took my kids to their normal cleaning and check-up at their pediatric dentist. During the visit, I noticed that they were using low-quality, ineffective shower curtains as dividers. The curtains served as partitions in the open room where pre-COVID they would see up to four patients.

Pediatric Dental Office with Ineffective Curtain Safety Dividers

“After the dentist finished the exams, I asked how COVID was affecting his business. He said he wasn’t permitted to see the same volume of patients because of the open room configuration. He then mentioned that he was looking into higher-end solutions. I told him that my company was regularly building those types of structures for medical offices, lobbies, and retail stores.

“With his help, I did some quick measurements and offered to send him an estimate. In addition, I told him I would also send him a rendering showing how the dividers would look in his space. This was on a Wednesday.

“By Thursday I had pricing and a rendering from Classic. By Friday he placed the order. We installed them two weeks later. At the install, we had everything unpacked and in place in about 45 minutes. We did custom colors to match his fun office design, and he was very pleased with the quality and ease of assembly. Once they were installed, he had concerns about kids playing around the walls so we talked to Classic again and ordered a few more parts so that we could secure them to the ceiling in his office.” 

The Classic Distributor sent us photos and videos (which we really appreciate). See the transformation.

Virtual 3D Exhibits: Pros and Cons

September 1st, 2020 COMMENTS
Virtual Trade Show Exhibit

An Update… and Some “Not So Tactful” Advice

Virtual 3D Exhibit Design requests have increased substantially as exhibitors dive into Q3/Q4 show requirements. And we are thankful for those projects. However, if you are an exhibitor who has always Zombie-walked through your trade show planning and grumbled about your lack of success, then you are screwed when it comes to virtual trade shows.

Plan. Plan. Then Plan Some More.

V-Shows are ALL ABOUT pre-show planning — designing the booth, identifying links, implementing software, scripting videos, recording audio, and mapping the flow. Tasks which must happen before the 3D Visual Exhibit is created and programmed.

Will attendees visit your exhibit at the V-Show? A few if show organizers convince attendees to register. However, you won’t succeed if you rely on chance. You won’t be seen unless you entice and beguile attendees to visit you on the virtual show floor and WOW! them once they are there. In other words, it’s still about marketing yourself before, during, and after the show. Same as a physical trade show but now it’s even harder.

Fortunately, your competitors will probably suck at V-Shows. That’s an opportunity for you.

Three Virtual Trade Show Examples:

Need some no obligation advice? Contact us at 866-652-2100. We’re committed to helping you succeed whether your next show is virtual or a face-to-face event.

Three Safety Divider Choices. Which One Would You Choose?

August 27th, 2020 COMMENTS
Safety Partitions at Airport Check-in Kiosks
Safety Partitions at Airport Check-in Kiosks

Let’s pretend for a moment that you run a restaurant, manage operations for a airport, or own a hotel in a post-COVID world. Don’t stress… this is just pretend. No need to cash in your 401K. 😉

You need to add safety dividers to create comfortable and safe social distancing in your facility.

A local PPE vendor has proposed three solutions: clear acrylic, clear acrylic with repeating vinyl graphics, or printed graphics. The prices are close enough that it’s more about choosing the right solution for your environment and your brand. They are equally functional, safe, and easy-to-clean. What would you choose? Does it depend on the business?

Restaurant Choices:

Airport Choices:

Hotel Lobby Choices:

For more information about safety dividers, barriers, desk shields, or sneeze guards, contact Classic Exhibits at 503-652-2100. Custom and off-the-shelf solutions are available.

Meetings and Events in a Post-COVID World

August 25th, 2020 COMMENTS
Rental Partitions, Lightboxes, Counters, Workstations, and Sanitizer Solutions

Over the next 6-9 months, events and meetings won’t go away, but they will be smaller and more regional. They’ll need A/V, podiums, backdrops, and furniture. They’ll also need other items generally not available from the hotel, convention center, or local event companies. Like workstations, locking counters, LED lightboxes, genius bars, monitors, charging stations, and sanitizer stands.

Rent Your Event Furniture

Although you know us for trade show rentals, Classic Rental Solutions has always had a significant non-trade show business because of our ability to handle custom requests and large quantities. Need 25 counters with LED perimeter lighting? We can handle it. How about 10 LED lightboxes in various sizes? Not a problem. As both a designer and builder, our capacity isn’t limited by what we can obtain from others. If you need it (and it makes us both money), then we’ll build it. It’s that simple.

Keep us in mind for rental furniture for meetings as your clients shift to smaller events. We’re ready.

Virtual Exhibits, Together Again Expo, and ClassicMODUL Extrusions | August 2020 Newsletter

August 24th, 2020 COMMENTS

Virtual Virtual Virtual 

Virtual Exhibits and Displays

It’s new. It’s confusing. It’s a little scary. But no one expects you to be an expert on virtual exhibits. You do, however, need to understand the basics. Let us help. 

  1. Last Tuesday, Kevin and Katina covered virtual exhibits in a detailed webinar. If you were unable to attend the live event, here’s the recorded version.
  2. We’ve added three virtual exhibit examples to Exhibit Design Search. Explore one inline and two islands. Then share them with clients who are anxious about the virtual exhibit they desperately need for their fall shows. 
  3. Every day we present virtual exhibits to distributors and their clients. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Don’t go it alone. We know the questions to ask and the answers to your client’s concerns. Invite us to participate in those calls and presentations. 

 Even if the pandemic subsides in two or three months, virtual exhibits, virtual trade shows, and hybrid events are now a permanent tool in the event and trade show toolbox. Capiche?

Together Again Expo

Together Again Expo

By now, you know that TAE was held in Orlando and that it went well. No surprises. No drama. Kevin, Katina, and Jen attended on behalf of Classic Exhibits. For those who were unable to attend in-person, here’s the recorded session

In addition, Kevin was interviewed by both Marlys Arnold and Tim Patterson on their vlogs about his TAE experience:  

What’s Selling?

Safety Dividers and Barriers

“So what’s selling?” We hear that question a lot.  

  1. Safety Dividers. Most are customized solutions for offices, schools, banks, government buildings, and medical facilities.
  2. Cubicle Height Extenders. We receive requests and orders nearly every day in all three colors: silver, black, and white. 
  3. Hand Sanitizer Stands and Dispensers. The crazy “gotta have 20 right now” is over. Customers now order one and two, especially the MOD-9004 and MOD-9009 versions.
  4. LED Lightboxes and SEG Frames. Not for trade shows, but for corporate and retail environments. Mostly wall-mounted frames. 
  5. Virtual Exhibits. This shouldn’t surprise you as exhibitors adapt to virtual trade shows in Q3 and Q4. 
  6. Exhibit Design. Not every exhibitor is sitting on their hands. Many are anticipating a return to live trade shows and asking for designs. They want to finalize their design, even if they wait to order until later in the year.

A Not-So-Hidden Website

ClassicMODUL Aluminum Extrusions for Safety Dividers

You ask us about aluminum extrusions ALL THE TIME. Like shapes, sizes, compatible accessories, and if the .dxf file of a specific extrusion is available to download.  We’re happy to provide you with that information but, we would be lying if we didn’t sigh a little when you ask. Why? Because it’s available online.  Many Classic distributors have never visited which has been active since 2005. It’s time to correct that. Here’s what you’ll find there: 

  • Profiles like Squares, Rounds, and Rectangles
  • SEG, Lightbox, and Gravitee Profiles
  • Photos and Dimension Drawings
  • .DXF files
  • Accessories
  • Notes
  • Online Digital Catalog (PDF) 

Two examples: the Z 45 and S 40 are pretty common extrusions for safety dividers.  Do we still want you to call us when you have an extrusion question? Absolutely! After all, the CM website doesn’t have pricing, availability or lead times. But, if you just need to see your options or download a CAD file, then head to the ClassicMODUL website first

An Introduction to Virtual Exhibits