We’re back from an early EXHIBITORLIVE 2016 this year. I have a vague recollection back in the days of Bally’s of one around Valentine’s Day but then again, all my EXHIBITOR memories are somewhat fuzzy for reasons that would be best not to explore. While it’s still fresh on my mind, I thought I’d share a few Thumbs Ups and Thumbs Downs.
Thumbs Up
1. Gravitee, our new modular wall system, was the Belle of the Ball. Several Classic Distributors told me that Gravitee was “the next big thing” in exhibit industry. No tools. No loose parts. Seamless SEG graphics. Compatible with MODUL and Euro LT. What amazed me the most was the number of distributors who saw the demo, then came back again and again to see another demo. It’s as if they thought they’d finally catch the Classic magician hide the ball under the cup.
2. Katina Rigall, Tim Patterson at Communication One Exhibits, and our Production and Project Management team for winning the 10 x 10 Portable Modular Award. Frankly, I knew in my gut that the So Young booth would win after seeing the other 10 ft. finalists. It wasn’t even close.
3. Congratulations to all the EXHIBITORLIVE PMA Award Winners. Each year, the number of entries increases and the design bar rises
4. Class Act Competitors – Several friendly competitors asked to see Gravitee, our charging stations, tablet stands, and our new backlit extrusions. They were gracious and respectful, never taking photos without permission or peering behind the “curtain” without asking.
5. Glenna Martin, our Graphic Design Manager, for her tireless work getting the booth ready each morning, taking photos during the day, and creating the two entertaining videos (Day 1 and Day 2). And, for her amazing “It didn’t fall far from the tree” graphics.
6. The year Optima decides not to hold a reception is the year I decide not to attend EXHIBITOR. It’s the single best place to talk to industry friends, meet new ones, and let all the pre-EXHIBITOR stress melt away. Thank you Optima!
7. The Entire Classic Team, including those who attended and especially those who stayed behind. While you couldn’t all be there, I promise you that you were there in spirit with every accolade about the exhibit, the products, the quality, and Classic Commitment to Service. We heard again and again – “You are the BEST!” We wish everyone we did business with had the same Shared Success philosophy as Classic.”
8. Classic Distributors. Thank you for spending time with us, asking questions, and sharing your concerns. You are the reason we participate in EXHIBITORLIVE each year.
9. Our Neighbors. Thank you! No crazy presentations. No blaring music. No 20 ft. wall blocking visibility. My apologies to the transportation company across the aisle. I turned off your video loop at 9 am Wednesday while we were recording a video. And frankly, I couldn’t listen to it one more time without suffering a mental breakdown.
10. Finally, the guy in the middle seat on the flight back to Portland, who clearly had work to do, but graciously chatted with woman on the aisle ALL THE BACK to PORTLAND. If not you, then it would have been me. Thank you.
Thumbs Down
1. The Portable Modular Awards – Not the awards themselves, but the companies that didn’t attend, particularly the finalists. This is your award program, something we have wanted for years. I encourage you to submit next year, attend the PMA ceremony, and support the portable modular segment of our industry. Please.
2. Classless Competitors – We saw, but we didn’t say anything when you snuck into our booth to take photos and fondle Gravitee. You know who you are. Shame. All you had to do was ask. We would have gladly given you a demo.
3. Has anyone ever finished a meal in the Mandalay Bay/Luxor complex and said, “Well, that was worth the price?” That’s not saying the food isn’t good, and often excellent, but the restaurants make drayage fees seem reasonable by comparison. You know you’re in an alternate universe when a fast food meal exceeds $15.
4. Finally, to the dude who felt compelled to have three LOUD phone conversations at Gate 5 while waiting to board the plane back to Portland. Did I really need to know the details about the person you plan to fire on Monday or all the ways your teenage daughter is out-of-control? Perhaps not.
May the exhibition gods grace you with strong sales. 😉
–Mel White
Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or www.classicexhibits.com.