Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘booth’

10 Common Myths about Trade Shows

December 27th, 2022 12 COMMENTS
10 Myths about Trade Shows

If you’ve ever attended a trade show, you have an opinion about trade shows, trade show marketing, or exhibit design. I won’t try to dispel every myth, but here are 10 Common Myths about Trade Shows.

1. Trade Show Marketing is Marketing.

Yes and no. If you are a skilled marketer, you will grasp the nuances of trade show marketing, but it will take time. Most marketing managers gravitate to their strengths by focusing on the structure, the graphics, or the show promotion and planning. Intellectually, they know these are interconnected, but they may not know how to maximize their results. Work with professionals, whether it’s a graphic designer, an exhibit consultant, or a certified trade show manager. Trade show exhibit marketing is a craft learned the hard way through trial and error. It’s easy to burn through a lot of money before you figure out what works and what doesn’t. Don’t stumble through a year or two of mistakes when exhibit experts can save you time, money, and embarrassment.

2. Trade Show Labor is Hostile, Incompetent, and Expensive.

10 Common Trade Show Myths

Again, yes and no. No one will dispute that trade show I&D can be expensive, particularly in certain well-known venues. However, most I&D contractors are very competent. They can solve almost any last minute trade show display crisis. You may disagree with the show hall rules regarding labor regulations, but the actual laborers in your booth didn’t write them. If you disagree with the rules, don’t take it out on the person assembling your display. Contact your I&D labor provider or show management.

This is a sad but true fact regarding show labor at most trade shows. If three people are assigned to your booth, one person will be a star, one person will be average, and one person will be a zombie. Hire nine people and you are guaranteed to have three stars and three zombies. Sometimes you get lucky, and the ratio works in your favor. Sometimes not.

You have the power to control your labor costs, beginning with exhibit design. Consider assembly and packaging during the design phase. Are the components labeled, can it be packed without relying on a 20 page manual, and are the packaging materials reusable?

3. Anyone Can Staff a Booth.

Too often, companies send the wrong folks to work the trade show booth. Even worse, they don’t train them. Not everyone has the temperament, the knowledge, or the discipline for a trade show. Here’s my rule:  Find those employees with previous retail sales experience who love assisting customers with product or service solutions. It doesn’t matter if they are in Sales, Marketing, Engineering, or Production. What matters is their attitude and their knowledge.

Want to know who not to send? “Joe.” Every company has a “Joe.” He drinks too much, he gambles too much, and he wanders around too much. About a half a dozen times a day, you’ll wonder what happened to Joe. Five minutes ago he was sucking down his third espresso, leaning on the counter, and ogling anything with two X chromosomes. Suddenly he’s gone . . . AGAIN!

4. Trade Shows are One Big Party.

For some companies, that is true. They wine and dine customers to excess, party until daylight, and don’t attend any show sponsored events.

Inevitably, those are the same companies that grumble about their trade show ROI. They spent “X” but can only measure “Y” sales from the show. When you ask them about their pre-show promotions, their lead qualification, their client meetings at the show, and their follow up with prospective customers, you get a big “DHuh?”  They didn’t plan their trade show marketing program, and now it shows.

5. Trade Shows are a Waste of Time.

If you love sitting in a cubicle all day creating spreadsheets, then trade shows make not make sense to you. You fly to desirable locations like Las Vegas, San Francisco, Orlando, New York, New Orleans, or Chicago. You have to meet people, listen to their needs, talk about your company, stand on your feet, and generally be helpful, pleasant, and knowledgeable. Even worse, you may have to join clients for breakfast, socialize with them after show hours, mingle with potential suppliers, and attend educational seminars about your industry. That’s really tough

You either embrace the opportunity to build sales and learn something new, or you grumble about the airport, the food, the hotel, and the hassle of time away from the office. It’s all about your attitude.

6. Trade Show Displays are Expensive (Part 1).

Very true, but so is almost any investment in capital equipment or advertising. Let’s explore this from another perspective. Let’s say your company purchased an $18,000 inline display (10 x 20). Then, let’s assume your company participates in four trade shows a year and you expect the booth to last five years. Now, take the average cost per show including show space, literature, airfare, hotels, meals, entertainment, transportation, and labor. If you are frugal, you’ll spend:

Exhibit Booth Staff Tips
  • $25,000 per show
  • Multiply that by 20 shows (4 shows x 5 years) = $500,000
  • Then divide the booth cost $18,000 by the $500,000 in expenses
  • = 4.3% which is the display cost to total expenses

Let’s take it to the next step. Your company takes trade show marketing seriously (and you should). You conduct pre-show promotions, you send the right folks to the show, and you aggressively follow up on all leads. You expect the show to generate sales (or you wouldn’t be participating). On average, you demand $150,000 in new sales from each show. $150,000 x 20 shows = $3,000,000 in sales.

Based on those numbers:

  • $500,000/$3,000,000 = 16% trade show cost to sales
  • $18,000/$3,000,000 = 0.6% display cost to sales

I don’t know about you, but those numbers look pretty good to me. And unlike magazine, television, or direct mail advertising, they’re measurable if you put the right metrics in place.

7. Trade Show Displays are Expensive (Part 2).

Probably 60 percent of all trade show displays never go to large, industry shows in Las Vegas, Orlando, or Chicago. The owners take them to Chamber of Commerce mixers, local business shows, corporate events, regional industry shows, and hiring and recruitment fairs.

At these shows, you won’t see island exhibits, but you will see pop ups, table tops, banner stands, and lightweight hybrids. These displays range in price from under $200 for a basic banner stand with graphics to $8000 for an upscale portable hybrid. Considering the cost of most advertising, buying a trade show display is a bargain that you’ll use for years and years.

8. All Shows are the Same.

Really? If your experience has been that “all shows are the same,” you may be approaching every show EXACTLY the SAME. Not every show has the same audience. There may be similarities, but the attendees vary even in shows focusing on the same industry.

If you are serious about trade show marketing, then contact show management and request attendee and exhibitor data. Have them describe the goals, mission, and audience of the show. Then go to the next step and ask for exhibitors who have been loyal to that trade show for many years. Assuming they are not competitors, contact the Marketing Manager or Trade Show Coordinator. Ask them why they attend, how they tailor their message to the audience, and how that message differs from other shows. And then do what professional marketers do . . . create a message, design appropriate graphics, and plan a pre-show, show, and post-show campaign.

9. Trade Show Leads are a Waste of Time.

Trade Show Leads

Leads can be a waste of time if:  a) You collect business cards in a fishbowl for a cool product giveaway like an iPad, b) You don’t qualify the attendees who visit your booth (or jot down their needs), and c) You don’t contact them until a month or two after the show.

More than anything else you do at a trade show, your lead quality is a byproduct of your pre-show planning, booth staff training, and timely post-show follow-up. There is a direct correlation. A trade show is a salesperson’s nirvana, namely a captive audience that spent money to see you.

Now, you may get lucky and acquire a game-changing customer while sipping coffee, clipping your fingernails, and chatting with co-workers. But that’s rare. Finding good customers takes time, enthusiasm, knowledge, and patience. You have to be at your best because they can (and will) walk down the aisle and find another solution.

10. Virtual Trade Shows will Replace Real Trade Shows.

There is a place for virtual trade shows just as there is a place for dating websites. But at some point, you have to meet in person. And unless you’re looking for a mail order spouse, you’re not going to get any action unless you shake hands, look one another in the eye, and share your story face-to-face.

Want to learn more about trade shows, trade show marketing, and displays? Click here for more than 80 expert articles.

–Mel White

NEW Exhibit Design Search — 3 Minute Tutorial

October 18th, 2012 1 COMMENT

Exhibit Design Search, the world’s largest trade show design database, has been updated. The updates include a streamline home page, simplified search options, and a reformatted Design Detail page. See all the changes and how best to navigate through EDS in this brief tutorial. You’ll be impressed by the changes . . . we promise you.

Mel White from Classic Exhibits guides you through the changes in this 3 minute 44 second video.


For more information about Exhibit Design Search, please contact Mel White, Jen LaBruzza, Reid Sherwood, or Kevin Carty at Classic Exhibits. As always, we welcome your suggestions about EDS and are delighted to conduct “tips and tricks” webinars on how to get the most from EDS with your clients. Just let us know.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

7 Mistakes Exhibitors Make

October 24th, 2011 COMMENTS

Are You (or Your Customers) Making These Mistakes?

Here’s the second in a series of three videos outlining the “7 Mistakes Exhibitors Make.” In Part 2, trade show consultant and author Marlys Arnold covers three mistakes exhibitors make regarding booth staff and how to avoid them. Click the image below to view this six minute video.

This is a hidden video, so if a friend forwarded this e-mail to you and you’d like to see the entire series, please go to: to request access to all three videos in the series. Feel free to invite your friends to watch by sending them to the signup page as well.

Video — Part 1:

This covers the first two mistakes exhibitors make . .  . before they even arrive at the show.

Video — Part 2:

This  covers the three mistakes exhibitors make regarding booth staff and how to avoid them.

Video — Part 3:

This covers the final two mistakes made in the booth and after the show.

Marlys Arnold

Since 1991, Marlys Arnold has helped hundreds of men, women, and students improve their personal or professional image, either in workshops or private consultations. “I believe that looking good directly relates to our attitudes about ourselves and our careers,” she said. Her goal is to help companies develop an authentic image by teaching individuals to look terrific and feel good about themselves. “It really doesn’t matter how good the outside looks, if you don’t like the inside, you’ll never be truly comfortable with yourself.”

Marlys is also the regional representative for the nationwide Dress Up Thursday campaign and has received certification in image education from the Conselle Institute of Image Management.

Ten “Guaranteed” Techniques to Get Traffic to Your Booth

October 18th, 2011 2 COMMENTS

“What Can I Do to Increase Traffic to My Booth?”

I get asked this a lot. I explain the importance of selecting the right show, meticulous pre-show planning, careful graphic messaging, and booth sales training. They nod and say “Yes,” “Uh huh,” “OK,”  and “Of course!” But I’m no fool. I can hear their disappointment and reluctance. All that takes time, energy, planning, and a dash of creativity. In other words, it’s too much work.

So let’s try another approach. I asked my wife, Christine, the same question. Christine is a brilliant and creative woman who’s both an academic and a pop culture fan. She knows nothing about trade shows despite my working in the industry for 15 years and sharing my successes and sorrows nearly every night (but that’s a different blog post). I asked her what it would take, assuming she’s already at a trade show, to entice her to visit an exhibitor. Here are her Top 10 suggestions in reverse order. Enjoy!

Zombies vs. Unicorns

Zombies vs. Unicorns

10.)  Zombies vs. Unicorns:  In the new collection of short stories, Zombies vs. Unicorns, authors Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier explore which of the two title creatures rule. I would like to see a booth in which zombies and unicorns do engage in battle. Real zombies. Real unicorns.

9.)  Jet Pack:  I am still waiting for my jet pack, promised to me in science films we watched in elementary school in the 1960s. I would definitely wait in line to get to a booth that was giving away jet packs.

8.)  Universal Translator:  And speaking of science, I think those Star Trek implants that allow the wearer to perfectly understand all other languages are really cool. A booth could raffle a few of those off.

7.)  Johnny Depp:  All women like Johnny Depp. But a divorced Johnny Depp who is actually interested in women from his own age group? A trade show exhibitor should really do this.

6.)  Clones:  Like most people these days, I cannot find enough time in the day to do everything I need/want to do. A cloning machine to create multiple me’s to get stuff done would be pretty awesome.

5.)  Chocolate Exhibit:  Exhibitors could take a tip from Willy Wonka:  a booth made of non-fat but tasty chocolate, and booth-goers may eat right from the display.

4.)  Summer:  I am very partial to summer, so a booth set up at any Robert Moses beach on the South Shore of Long Island, in July, with no crowds, would be spectacular. Extra booth points for a quilt, an umbrella, no hairy men in Speedo’s, and a full picnic basket.

3.)  NPR:  A booth featuring all of my favorite anchors and personalities from NPR would be okay. All of them reporting nothing but good news would be great. Tom and Ray fixing my husband’s worthless beater of a car . . . even better.

2.)  History Dinner Party:  Remember that game where you get to choose the 10 people you would want at a dinner party, and they could be alive or dead? A booth that could throw that dinner party, individualized for everyone who stops by, would be a booth folks would remember for a very long time.

1.)  One Word:  Kittens.

Feel free to click on the comments link and add your own guarantee techniques to increase booth traffic.

Consider it a double dog “zombies vs. unicorns” dare.  Thanks Christine! 😉

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.