Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for 2012

So What’s the Deal with Hybrid Displays?

November 15th, 2012 COMMENTS
Hybrid Display from Classic Exhibits

Visionary Designs VK-1321

Yes, the title is a bit Jerry Seinfeld-ish. But we all know he’d continue with, “Do they run on gas and electricity? Does the higher MPS (miles per show) justify the price? Why do they look like something from an episode of Lost in Space?”

I challenge you to search Google for “Hybrid Displays” or “Hybrid Exhibits.” Five years ago, your search would turn up a handful of links. Now . . . Yikes a Momma! Hybrid Exhibits have gone from curiosity to mainstream for trade show exhibitors. But why? What makes hybrid exhibits/displays so appealing? Actually, it’s not very complicated, but first, humor me while I define what a hybrid display is and isn’t (at least from the perspective of Classic Exhibits).

Hybrid Exhibit \ˈhī-brəd ig-ˈzi-bət\:  An inline or island display constructed primarily from engineered aluminum extrusion and large format tension fabric graphics. Other components, accessories, and graphics are often added, such as laminates, custom construction, and direct print graphics, but the structural backbone is almost always engineered aluminum and fabric. Most require allen tools for assembly, but there are systems that substitute knobs for a tool-less or a mostly tool-less set up.

Let’s explore the logic and appeal of hybrid exhibits.

The 8 Pseudo-Immutable Laws of Hybrid Exhibits

1. Structural: Hybrids are always built with engineered aluminum, such as ClassicMODUL, AGAM, or Octanorm. Engineered aluminum systems are basically grown-up Tinkertoys but with all the benefits of structural strength and modular flexibility. There are hundreds of profiles, each with a particular visual, functional, or design appeal.

2. Lightweight:  It’s aluminum . . . and it disassembles. Which means less weight and fewer cases or crates. Everyone loves lower drayage bills, except the general contractor for a trade show.

3. Malleable. Exhibit designers love it. Aluminum can be bent, cut, connected, welded, anodized, powder-coated, and milled. The design possibilities are endless, whether you want the aluminum to be visible or invisible.

Hybrid Exhbibit4. Graphics:  Bring it on — fabric, direct prints, sintra, plex, custom acrylics, laminates, vinyl. From small graphics to towering fabric images, hybrid exhibits do not discriminate. Hybrids welcome it all.

5. Aesthetics: There’s something for everyone, where it’s a rectilinear design with all right angles or more curves than a Lifetime or Bravo special.  Hybrids can be basic or breath-taking, depending on the budget, the designer, and your imagination.

6. Accessories: Don’t even try to count the possibilities. You don’t have enough fingers or toes. Hybrids are accessory magnets:  counters, workstations, monitors, shelves, literature racks, iPad options, lights, slatwall, pegboards, etc. Hybrids never say never.

7. Cost: Varies, depending on your budget, goals, marketing requirements, and display size. There are hybrid table tops and there are 50 x 50 hybrid islands. There are kits, priced as kits, and customized hybrid designs priced as custom. And then there are rental designs. Hybrids are ideal as rentals. The price is right, and their modular construction makes them uniquely customizable.

8. Assembly and Packaging: It depends on the design and the manufacturer. It can be easy. It can be PAINFUL. Or it can be somewhere in the middle. Let’s not kid ourselves . . . if the price is too good to be true, there’s a reason. No reusable packaging, no detailed instructions, no numbered parts, and the parts and pieces are made from substandard materials and graphics. Don’t let a pretty picture fool you. Ask questions and expect answers and examples. Does it require tools, some tools, or no tools. It may not matter for an island, but it probably matters for a smaller inline booth.

What follows is a not so subtle commercial for Classic Exhibits and Classic Distributors.  😉

So, where should you start? Why not Exhibit Design Search? Look in the Sacagawea and Magellan Galleries for attractive, inexpensive hybrid 10 ft and 20 ft. inlines. For more upscale inlines, search the Perfect 10 and SEGUE Galleries. For a truly customizable hybrid with unmistakeable design, go to the Visionary Designs Galleries. Finally, don’t overlook the Rental Gallery. Most are hybrids.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.


Our Holiday Season Gift to You . . . SAVINGS!

November 14th, 2012 COMMENTS

SAVE 10% on all Rentals from Classic Exhibits through February 2013.

Need another reason . . . Offset your shipping costs by saving $100 on every $1000.

Review the complete line of rental solutions below or contact Jim Shelman ( for a rental solution designed to your specifications.

Classic Exhibits Rental Display Special

Jim Shelman
General Manger, Exhibits Northwest/Classic Rentals


Classic Exhibits Town Call Meeting — Q3 Recorded Video

November 12th, 2012 COMMENTS

Every quarter, Classic Exhibits conducts a Town Hall Meeting with the Classic Distributor Network via GoToWebinar. In this meeting, we review sales and and design trends, new products, rental program changes, and industry news. The video is approximately 60 minutes.

In this Town Call, we also share our 2013 predictions, as well as details about our new iPad Kiosks and enhancements to Exhibit Design Search.

There is a minor audio glitch with feedback for about 40 seconds. Our apologies. Every time we think we’ve figured out GoToWebinar, something new happens.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Watch the video at YouTube at

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.



Amnesia or Arrogance: Word on the Street — Nov. 5th thru Nov. 9th

November 11th, 2012 2 COMMENTS
Amnesia or Arrogance: Word on the Street — Nov. 5th thru Nov. 9th

Word on the Street by ,Kevin Carty

Has This Happened to You?

A person walks up to you at  an event and says, “Hello, I am Robert. I am the VP of TooSee Displays.” All the while you are thinking, “We met six months ago. Does he not remember meeting me?”

I suppose it can happen to the best of us. But what if I told you this happened to me this week — for the 5th time with the same damn person! I kid you NOT. Halfway through his pontificating introduction, I started chuckling out loud. Which of course gave him reason to ask, “Did I say something funny?” To which I replied, “Yes, but please go on.”

The first time it happened, I chalked it up as human nature. The second time it happened, I justified it by thinking, “It was pretty crowded the last time we met.” The third time, I was kinda pissed to be honest. I remember thinking, “Alright, is this guy for real? I mean, I know I am not the most memorable person but c’mon pal!

The fourth time it happened was hilarious because I was surrounded by others who had experienced “introduction amnesia” by this individual. He walked into the crowded bar and approached our group of eight. He knew/remembered one person (by some miracle!) and then proceeded to shake everyone’s hand and introduce himself,  “Hello, I am Robert. I am the VP of TooSee Displays.”

After the introduction, one person had the guts to say, “By a show hands, who has met Robert before?” Everyone raised their hand and then started laughing. Robert seemed genuinely puzzled.

Then came number five in the form of a phone call. The Classic employee who transferred the call told me who it was, so I picked up the phone and said in a welcoming voice, “Hey Robert, how have things been?” As if on cue he replied, “Hello, I am Robert. I am the VP of TooSee Displays.”

I’m looking forward to seeing him again, perhaps at EDPA Access. This has turned into a fun game. 🙂

Is it Arrogance or Amnesia?

Many have suggested that a sort of amnesia can be the side effect of a person’s arrogance. They are so wrapped up in themselves that they actually ignore others and fail to pay attention to many details that come through common human interaction, unless those details have something to do with them.

Now I don’t want to blow this out of proportion, but it really made me wonder if the guy does this on purpose. Is this his way of stroking his own ego? “If I act like I don’t remember anyone that will make me look like I am more important than everyone else.” I don’t know. I may be reaching, but I just can’t imagine being a successful individual in a business that requires personal interaction and deep relationship building and NOT remembering 85% of the people you see multiple times a year.

But I digress.

I am not sure who needs the following more, Robert or me. But here are 5 tips on being more memorable (in a good way) from

The Importance of Being Memorable

1. Be Distinctive.

Be Memorable

A brightly-colored, hand-painted tie, an unusual necklace or other jewelry, a good (but not overpowering) cologne, even just impeccable grooming can all help you stand out in a good way. It’s not that you want to be remembered and identified for that, but anything that helps people separate you from the crowd helps them remember the rest of you. You don’t have to be outlandish — although some people work that quite well — just don’t blend in completely with the crowd.

2. Be Fully Present.

Be fully engaged and fully aware of the people you interact with. You can break this down into smaller, somewhat mechanical pieces — listen well, respond promptly, maintain eye contact, etc. — but if you are truly present in the moment, those things will happen naturally. Many people only seem to be “half there”, so being fully engaged helps you stand out.

3. Ask Thought-provoking Questions.

Networking expert Bob Burg has some good suggested questions in his book Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts into Sales, such as “How did you get started?” or “What do you enjoy most about what you do?” But the very best questions can’t be communicated in a book because they’re specific to the person you’re interacting with and will arise in response to your initial conversation. Do #2 and this will flow naturally. As Dale Carnegie suggested, you must “take a genuine interest in other people”.

4. Reinforce Your Keywords.

People aren’t going to remember long descriptions of what you do, or likely even that 15-second intro that many experts teach you to make. People will at best remember a few key things about you:

  • Your name
  • Your company name
  • Your business/industry (in three words or less)
  • Your product
  • Your location

What you want to do is find ways to unobtrusively increase the occurrence of these things in your conversation. For example, is there some kind of story behind your name? Have it ready to use if there’s an opportunity. Does your business have an unusual name? What’s the story behind it – what does it mean? Refer to your place of business when telling an incident that occurred (“I was driving down 17th Street leaving my store, when . . .  .”).

Anything you say that reinforces one of the five items above helps make you more memorable. And if they can remember just three of them — “Joe the barber from Soho” or “Maria the translator who wrote ‘Spanish in Six Weeks'” — you’re doing great.

5. Contribute to the Group Conversation.

Don’t hog it, and don’t say just anything in order to say something publicly, but saying one really smart thing at your table or in front of the whole group will make you much more memorable than half an hour of semi-conscious small talk. Create value for others and you create value for yourself.

When we look at brand strategy in marketing, one of the most important concepts is that a brand is not just a memorable name or logo — it’s an experience. A great brand communicates values and emotions that get called to mind whenever someone thinks of the name or logo.

Here we’re talking about your personal brand. Remember that you are your business. The impression that you make on people is the impression they will have of your business, so make it good and make it memorable.

Have a great week ahead.

Kevin Carty



Trade Show Garbage. Eco-friendly Solutions.

November 6th, 2012 COMMENTS

Eco-Smart DisplaysOur compliments to Smash Hit Displays for producing this graphic about waste from tradeshows and some smart solutions for reducing the overall volume. It can be as simple as recycling the waste, using recycled products, and making smarter decisions about your marketing materials.

Another “green option” is rental displays. Rental displays are ideal for exhibitors who are still deciding about how to optimize their trade show marketing or for those situations when a show requires a unique display solution.

To see the complete line of eco-friendly exhibits, see the eSmart Display gallery.

Green Trade Show Display Industry
Source: Trade Show Display Industry Creating Most Waste

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.
