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Posts Tagged ‘exhibits’

15 Tips for a Successful Installation & Dismantle

February 8th, 2013 COMMENTS
exhibit installation

What’s the most stressful experience for an exhibitor at a trade show? It’s not the show, the exhibit fabrication, or the dismantling. It’s the exhibit installation. Even the most seasoned trade show warrior knows to expect a few surprises… like unfamiliar show hall regulations, new labor partners, or freight damage. Just when you thought you’ve seen everything, something unexpected happens that requires you to pull a rabbit out of your hat.

If none of that ever happens to you, congratulations! No need to read anymore. But for the rest of us, here’s some practical advice from those of us who have dropped a crate door on our foot more than once. Or forgot to complete the electrical order. Or still don’t know the difference between a decorator and a rigger. Fortunately, we’ve learned just enough to give you some pratical advice.

The Key to Efficient Exhibit Installation

PPQ – Planning, preparation, and questions. If you take away anything from this article, it’s that PPQ will (eventually) make your life on the show floor much much easier. A lack of PPQ however will (at best) cost you money/sales and (at worst) get you fired. Trust me, you don’t want to get fired because you didn’t take your role as the company’s trade show coordinator seriously. It will haunt your dreams and remain in your permanent record for the rest of your life. 

PPQ will save you time, money, and an aneurysm. Here’s a list of 15 tips that will help avoid common obstacles that can waste time and drive labor costs through the roof. As you’ll see, there’s a theme here — PLAN AHEAD! Do it right and you’ll come in under budget and get a pat on the back from your boss. 

Exhibit installation services

15 Tips for Successful Exhibition Install and Dismantle

Nothing you’re about to learn falls under the category of Rocket Science. It’s mostly common sense, once you know it’s common sense. 99% of the time common sense advice came from someone who did something stupid or you did something stupid and learned your lesson. That’s the basis of common sense. Not all of the 15 Tips below will apply to every situation, but at some point, you will personally experience every single one.

1. Selecting an Exhibit Installation Partner

Many exhibitors don’t realize they have labor options for their exhibit installation. They default to the general show contractor’s labor pool. Consider an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor instead. These are independent labor companies, generally with offices in major trade show destinations like Chicago, Orlando, Las Vegas, and New Orleans. As independent labor providers, their goal is to earn your business long-term. You benefit from a consistent partner who knows your exhibit and your trade show needs, much like having a car mechanic who knows the history of your vehicle. This will reduce your stress level and save you time and money over time.

2. Prioritize Early Communication with Your Exhibit Installation Team

Communicate early with the lead on the Installation and Dismantle (I & D) team by scheduling a call prior to the set-up to discuss the details & your expectations. Ideally a month in advance but even two weeks before the show is fine.  And be sure to send set-up diagrams, booth orientation (direction), and graphic layout orientation ahead of time. If you skimmed over that last sentence, then read it again. It’s VERY VERY IMPORTANT!

Exchange contact information in case something unexpected comes up so that all parties can get a hold of one another.

3. Ensure All Necessary Installation Tools and Equipment Are Arranged

Be sure to arrange for the necessary tools and equipment with your labor provider or show contractor (# of ladders and heights? Genie lifts needed? Banding tools and supplies for client pallets or equipment?). At the same, get a small toolbox and purchase supplies you may need at the show. This can include several screwdrivers, pliers, vise grip, allen tools, a small saw, hammer, and tape measure. In addition, the following may come in handy:  Velcro, electrical tape, magic marker, laminate paint marker, Tide Stain Stick, clean microfiber cloths, and a basic first aid kit. 

4. Detail Your Electrical and Power Needs

Send your I & D provider copies of your electrical order and a grid layout detailing the location (and specific power needs) for each drop. Again, be sure that the grid layout indicates the surrounding booth locations to ensure the booth is being oriented properly. 

If the show forms about your electrical needs don’t make sense to you, that’s OK. Not everyone understands amps and watts. However, the show contractor who handles those orders will usually walk you through it if you contact them. After you do it two or three times, it will make perfect sense. 

5. Confirm Flooring and Signage Installation Plans

Same thing with your flooring. Double-check to make sure your flooring has been scheduled for installation prior to your set-up. Be sure to send copies of your carpet and/or flooring order to your I & D company. If there are delays at the show site, they can act as the advocate on your behalf. Your flooring plan should include any electrical wiring requirements under the flooring. 

6. Conduct Pre-Setup Checks for a Smooth Start

If possible, ask that your I & D company — the day before the set-up — check to see that the electrical and flooring have been installed correctly and that your booth is clear of crates and show materials. No one wants to pay for “dead time” where you’re waiting for the flooring to be installed or your crates to be delivered. 

7. Provide Comprehensive Assembly Documentation and Visuals

Print and email copies of line drawings, renderings, and staging photos of your exhibit design. Also, include hard packets of this information in your exhibit cases/crates, so there are plenty of copies for the I & D team to use. Make sure you understand the assembly process too. It’s one thing to have instructions. It’s another thing to fumble through them during installation. Your goal should be efficiency and confusion is the enemy of efficiency. 

8. Label Every Component Clearly for Easy Exhibit Assembly

Every exhibit component should be labeled and have a corresponding reference to your assembly instructions. That’s the responsibility of the exhibit builder or manufacturer. Your responsibility is to ensure that happens and to hold their feet to the fire. The number one complaint by I & D labor is confusing instructions and poorly labeled components. 

trade show booth setup

9. Share Booth Assembly Tips and Tricks for Complex Components

Make notes and take photos to help describe any little tricks, tips, or special attention details for assembling any of the more complicated components. 

10. Review Trade Show Booth Setup Expectations and Order with the Team

Ideally, you would review the installation with your labor provider several weeks before the installation. In addition, schedule a brief meeting with the I & D team right before the setup begins to review your expectations for the day; show them your set-up diagrams and photos so they can visualize the finished product. 

Spend a few minutes on introductions. Don’t be shy about asking questions and requesting advice from the labor crew. The meeting demonstrates you want to get it right, and that you are personally invested in the success of the installation. 

11. Address Team Performance to Maintain Exhibit Standards

If you find that a member of the I & D team just isn’t performing to your minimum standards, you have the right to request a change. It happens, and the best time to address it is when it happens, not two or three weeks later. Can it be uncomfortable? Yes, but you’re paying for a service and (within reason) the work and the worker should meet acceptable standards.  

12. Feedback on the Exhibit Installation Services

No one wants a frustrating installation experience. Not you. Not your labor provider. Clear, tactful, and respectful communication during the installation should be your #1 priority. But there are times and situations where some topics are best handled either off the show floor or after the show. Take the time to share your thoughts, both positive and negative, with your labor provider. They want feedback on your experience, especially an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor. Their business depends on repeat business. Knowing how they can meet your needs on future installs makes their job and your job easier.  

13. The Union Rules and Regulations at the Exhibition Center

Quick reality check. The union rules and regulations often vary from city to city, even from show hall to show hall. No one expects you to be well-versed on what riggers can do in Philadelphia or electricians can do in Chicago. Your labor partner, however, knows those regulations. And they are expected to follow them. You may be OK with some of them and be angry about others, but when you decide to exhibit in Boston (for example), you agree to abide by those rules. Feel free to whine and complain if it makes you feel better, but you don’t have the authority to rewrite the union contract.  

14. The Dismantle is Just as Important as the Install

There’s so much stress associated with the installation, we tend to forget that the exhibit has to be dismantled in 2-4 days. You shouldn’t. While it goes faster than the installation, the dismantling is equally important. Ideally, ask for the same labor crew during the dismantling as you had at the installation. That way, there’s no learning curve. Secondly, do a quick huddle-up just like you did 4 days earlier to set expectations and get everyone on the same page. Finally, don’t cut corners when repacking the components. The final product should be identical to what arrived, if not better. That will reduce any possible damage and make your life easier when you have to do this all again.  

15. Become a Member of The Exhibitor Advocate

If you want to be a more successful exhibitor and have suggestions about how to improve the trade show industry, then join The Exhibitor Advocate. It’s free. 

The Exhibitor Advocate amplifies the voice of exhibitors to ensure the enduring success of exhibitions and events by collaborating with all stakeholders to promote and cultivate open communication, consistent standards, and industry best practices.

In addition, The Exhibitor Advocate promotes consistency, accountability, and predictability in all event industry engagement opportunities. It advocates for:

  • Open, transparent communication and reporting
  • Involved, purposeful exhibitor advisory committees
  • High-quality, specific buyer data, metrics, and leads
  • Economical, more predictable exhibiting costs
  • Improved audience engagement and increased ROI through multiple channels
  • Simpler rules and pricing models with fewer restrictions
  • Being considered valuable members of the exhibitions and events community — experts, thought leaders, and peers

exhibit installation example

Elevate Your Presence with Expert Trade Show Exhibit Installation and Dismantle

In the beginning, the installation and dismantling process can be challenging. There’s confusing jargon, inconsistent regulations, and too much and too little information. However, the importance of planning, communication, and utilizing professional services for successful exhibit installation and dismantle cannot be overemphasized. In the end, control what you can control. Don’t miss deadlines. Ask questions. And consider working with an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor. 

For 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As the largest private-label exhibit designer and builder in North America, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner

Trade Show Exhibit Specials — January 2013

January 16th, 2013 COMMENTS

Trade Show Exhibit Specials

Throughout the year, we feature some of our most exciting trade show designs at a special price or with bonus features. Click on any display to see the special in the Design Description.

Four Amazing Specials:

  1. Save on Select Visionary Designs Islands
  2. Get a Port\Land iPad Kiosk Case at a Promotional Price
  3. $100 OFF on Aero Portable Table Tops and
  4. Free Lycra Case Wrap with Select Quadro EO Pop Up Displays

See the individual kits for details. Be sure to check back frequently. We often add trade show displays based on feedback or demand.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or

CEIR Index: After Nine Quarters of Good News . . . Exhibitors are Cautious

December 4th, 2012 COMMENTS

In an article by Rachel Wimberly for the Trade Show News Network, she writes:

For the ninth quarter in a row, the trade show industry still is growing, according to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research’s latest CEIR Index, albeit at a slower rate in the third quarter of this year, with concerns over not only the looming fiscal cliff, but also the global economy.

“Concern about the fiscal cliff and the global economy has continued to take a toll in the exhibition industry,” said CEIR’s economist Allen Shaw, Ph.D., chief economist for Global Economic Consulting Associates.

He added, “The results show that the exhibition industry continues to grow, but attendees and exhibitors are being cautious due to the uncertainty about the global economy.”

See the full article.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.


Post EDPA ACCESS 2012 Report: Word on the Street — Nov. 26th thru Nov. 30th

December 2nd, 2012 1 COMMENT

It's about inspiration NOT disillusionment

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

I LOVE this industry! And events like EDPA ACCESS only make me love it more!

Palm Springs provided an amazing setting this past week for Education, Advocacy, Networking and Strategy. To those who were there, it was great to see you and get caught up professionally and personally. And as a proud member of the EDPA Board of Directors, I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone in attendance. Your participation is appreciated and will continue to shape this great industry of ours.

Some Highlights . . . .

Dr. Will and his “Refrigerator Rights” talk was our opening keynote. It was a much needed look at our need for real and claimed family, those people who have the right to opening our refrigerator. Essentially our support system. We all have that in our real family at home, but you must have that in your “professional family”as well. This really spoke to many of the “family and friends” I have in this industry. People who I rely on professionally and even personally.

The Golf Outing. I know. It was a highlight Kevin. You got to play golf on what would normally be a workday. Duh!! It was more than that. Great networking for all who were in the tournament. But for me, I was able to play with one of my many mentors from over the years, Dave Walens from Brumark. He made the golf outing even better! Thanks again Dave!

Financial State of Affairs Session. Kelli Glasser did a great job of sorting through and sharing the results of the recent economic survey. Both the highs and lows. By the end, it was clear that there is positive growth happening along all lines. And together we will continue to secure our industry’s future.

The NOT SO SILENT AUCTION. One of the events that is near and dear to many of our hearts. This tremendous event did not disappoint. Thanks to the hard work by David Mihalik and Lara Davie from ELITeXPO. Their tireless dedication to this event impresses us all, along with the great assistance of the EDPA staff in attendance . Early totals indicated that over $17,000 was raised for the EDPA Foundation. AWESOME! This is all money that goes directly to scholarships and worthy causes!

Those are just some highlights. I could write a ten page report and still not do the event justice. So, to those who attended please share your highlights as well.

To Red 7 Media, our HQ for EDPA. Since taking over the EDPA’s day-to-day management several years ago, you have never let us down. Jeff Provost has been and continues to be a great captain of the ship. Thanks! But I wanted to send a special thanks out to Melissa, Anna, Anu, and Tracy from Red 7. As a member and an exhibitor in the showcase you were a tremendous help to my company and me personally. Thanks for your help and dedication to our industry!

Finally, to those who haven’t attended EDPA ACCESS in the past, allow me to explain what it is and isn’t about.

  • It’s about people NOT about products and services
  • It’s about what’s happening in 2-4 years NOT about what’s happening in 2-4 months
  • It’s about opening opportunities NOT about closing deals
  • It’s about sharing accomplishments NOT about pointing fingers
  • It’s about inspiration NOT about disillusionment
  • It’s about listening, asking questions, and offering advice (in that order)
  • It’s about collaboration, cooperation, and competition (in that order)

Next year, ACCESS 2013 will be at Marco Island Resort and Spa in FL right after Thanksgiving. Hope to see you there.

Have a great week ahead and be well.

Kevin Carty




Become an Exhibit Design Search Expert — Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

November 21st, 2012 COMMENTS

Become An Expert in EDS

For those OCD planners (otherwise know as responsible people), there is a new Exhibit Design Search training webinar around the corner.You’ll receive the Cooler e-broadcast next week, but  here’s your chance to register early and save a seat.

EDS:  Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Become an Exhibit Design Search expert in 45 minutes! Just in time for the 2013 trade show season. Attend on either Dec. 11 at 7 am PST (10 am EST) or Dec. 12 at 10 am PST (1 pm EST).

Tuesday, Dec. 11
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Wednesday, Dec. 12
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

This webinar, with Mel White, VP of Marketing and Business Development, will show you how to use EDS to its full potential. You’ll learn how to navigate EDS quickly, search more efficiently, and send designs to clients. Together, we’ll explore handy tools such as My Gallery, Photos, and Trade Show Tips.

Exhibit Design Search has been upgraded recently with easier navigation and additional functionality.  Even if you’ve taken the “tips” webinar before, you’ll gain additional insight into EDS by attending this fast-paced session.

During the final 10 minutes, we’ll share with you what makes a Sacagawea different from a Magellan, and a Perfect 10 different from a Visionary Designs. There’s a logic behind the multiple Classic Hybrid lines. Really and truly. It will all be clear in just 10 minutes.

If there are any other topics you’d like to cover during this webinar, please send an email to Mel White at See you at the EDS Tips and Tricks webinar.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.
