Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘audio’

5 Classic Tips x 5 Days = 25 Tasty Bites | Day #4

November 10th, 2016 COMMENTS


You Love Your Children Equally.

But you have a favorite, even if just a little. Yesterday, we talked about the Top 5. Today, we discuss five online children who deserve more love and attention.

Tip #16 — Graphic Inspiration Galleries

Glenna Martin, our Graphic Design Manager, is the genius behind the Graphic Inspiration Galleries. She knows, as do you, that most graphic designers rarely tackle 3D graphic design. They understand print and web, but designing for a display is a foreign language. Glenna lends a hand.

She created four galleries from Past Five Day photos. In each gallery, she describes why a graphic is successful. There are over one hundred examples. All positive. It’s a wonderful instructional playground for any graphic designer.

Tip #17 — Distributor Login

In the old days, every exhibit manufacturer had a top-secret distributor section. It was the vault of prices, literature, policies, etc. Those days are largely gone. However, we still have a condensed version where you can find literature, forms, and other helpful tools. It also contains a link to the Rental Gallery wholesale prices. So, how secret is it? Here’s the username (classicexhibits) and password (easypeasy). But don’t share!

Tip #18 — Printable Literature

OverAt the top of the Classic home page, there is a rotating banner. If you click on it at just the right time, you will be taken to a magical page where you can download printable literature. This includes 22 product and “Under” brochures. I’m not opposed to using guilt as a motivator. So… You’ll hurt my feelings if you don’t click on this link.

Tip #19 — Hear Audio

The “Hear Audio” buttons are my baby. Most kits have a Hear Audio button where you can listen to a 30-60 second description of the product. All are done by professional voice talent. Ditto on the “hurt feelings” if you don’t click on them.

Tip #20 — Trade Show Tips

Trade Show Tips is a happening place, much like a middle child who wants attention. End-users find it via Google or Bing. I often hear from newbies in the industry who tap into it as their “Introduction to Trade Shows and Trade Show Marketing.” And like the Trade Show Tales blog, new articles are added to keep it fresh. We encourage you to suggest article ideas.

Wondering about the latest trends in Trade Show Land? Check out #21 thru #25 tomorrow.

–Mel White


Audio Clips in Exhibit Design Search

October 22nd, 2012 2 COMMENTS
VK-1662 iPad Pedestal

VK-1662 iPad Pedestal

One unique feature of Exhibit Design Search (EDS) is the Audio Clips. It seems a little odd to refer to “audio” as unique, but the internet is dominated by video and text which makes audio-only files unusual. That difference, I would contend, is a difference of distinction. It’s one way that distinguishes your Exhibit Design Search site from other online display websites.

Now, I recognize it’s just one feature. It’s hard to “hang your hat” on one feature. However, and yes I’m probably going a little too far on this, I would maintain that the audio coupled with the “See Photo Examples” adds a personal touch absent from most display sites. Allow me to share a few of my favorites. There are over 80 different audio clips throughout EDS.

I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts about the audio clips, good or bad. Have you ever listened to them with a potential client while on an appointment? What was their reaction?

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

30 Second Audio Clips in Exhibit Design Search

September 2nd, 2011 COMMENTS

Audio Clips in EDS

Audio in EDS — Are You Listening?

Exhibit Design Search (EDS) has a new feature — Audio. Now, that may not seem so new, what with the explosion of video, but brief audio clips are an excellent way to communicate product benefits and features. Each audio clip reviews a product line, such as Sacagawea or a specific kit, such as the iPhone VK-1032. The audio complements the renderings and bullet point descriptions, while elaborating on the most important benefits of the product.

As with all EDS features, you’ll see it on the distributor-branded EDS websites as well. It’s an enhancement at no to cost to those distributors who have decided to add this tool to their website toolbox.

The audio clips do not require a media player. They launch in any browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome), the only exception is IE 7 and below (which isn’t supported).

To hear an example(s), click on any of the links below, then click on the triangle below the thumbnail image.

All the recordings were done by professional voice talent. Yes, we were tempted to put Kevin or Reid in front of a microphone and have them give it their best shot, but in the end, common sense and good taste prevailed. There’s no need to see dogs howl or children cry unnecessarily.

Currently, there are 35 distinct audio clips, with another 15 or so in the works. Not every product has this feature, but we’re working to get that in place no later than January 2012.

Let us know what you think.  We hope you and your clients like what you hear.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.