Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for 2010

FAQ — Flooring (Carpet and Padding)

September 20th, 2010 COMMENTS
Carpet and Padding

Carpet and Padding

Attractive flooring is essential to any successful trade show display. The first choice is often carpeting. The reasons are obvious. It’s available in many colors, it’s easy to transport and maintain, and paired with the right padding, it’s comfortable. To get you started in the right direction, here are some basic FAQ’s.

1. How do I calculate the amount of carpet I need?

Just follow these easy steps.

1.    Calculate your square footage – this is done by multiplying the length of the area by the width of the area: 10 x 20 booth space will be 200 sq ft.
2.    You will then need to calculate the carpet needed to cover the square footage.

  • If your carpet is 12’ wide, and your area is 10 x 20, you will have to purchase a 12 x 20 to cover the area = 240 sq ft.
  • If your carpet is 10’ wide, you will then order 200 sq ft.

3.    It is always safe to order an extra foot of carpet to insure you are totally covered in your area.

2. Is it better to rent or purchase exhibit/event carpet?

It depends on your short-term or long-term needs. It is more cost-effective to rent carpet if your schedule of exhibits is minimal. However, if you have several planned activities over a scope of time, you could experience significant cost-savings by purchasing.

3. How can I get versatile use of my carpet?

While carpeting is one of the most budget-friendly flooring options, inventive solutions such as dying carpet to custom PMS colors, binding, or incorporating custom inlays or logos will prove to be cost-effective while transforming the floor for other non-trade show projects.

4. How can I extend the longevity of my carpet use?

Taking care of your carpet during storage and transportation will extend the longevity of the carpet. Here are a few tips:

  • Store and ship in carpet bags
  • Store carpet on cores. This is very important – NEVER fold your carpet during storage or transportation
  • Store in a dry storage
  • Clean carpet before storing
  • Remove stains as soon as they happen
  • Repair all holes after each event

Next, FAQ — Visionary Designs Hybrid Exhibits.

Word on the Street — September 13th thru September 17th

September 18th, 2010 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

The Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic is Right Around the Corner!

Berkeley Hills – Duluth GA | Monday, October 4, 2010 |

Many of you know that I revere the “Randy Smith” as the most important event of the year in our industry. And it has nothing to do with Sales, Revenues, Competition, Marketing Plans, etc.

Rather, it is the one event where we come together to give back to those who have either died or experienced severe hardship in the previous calendar year.

This year is no different. We have seven wonderful recipients and/or recipient families that we are honoring. The cost to play is small, the cost to sponsor is small, but what you get in return is not something you can assign a dollar amount to.

For me, it is the one event I always put on my calendar first each year. I hope you all will consider coming and experience the best the trade show industry has to offer.

Hope to see you there.

Be well and have a wonderful week.

–Kevin Carty

FAQ — Trade Show Rental Displays

September 17th, 2010 COMMENTS

The trade show rental business is booming. That should be no surprise given the economy and the constrained marketing budgets of most companies. So . . . when does it make sense to rent vs. buy a trade show display? Here are some tips from the FAQ section of Exhibit Design Search. To see the complete rental design gallery, click here.

Rental Displays from Classic Exhibits

1. Why should I consider renting vs. purchasing an exhibit?

Plain and simple, renting displays costs less.

Invest Wisely
Renting displays allows you to spend more of your budget on your trade show graphics and messaging.

Different trade shows appeal to different attendees. Renting displays offers the flexibility of changing your display and graphics from show to show.

Overlapping Trade Shows
Don’t choose between attending two important trade shows. Renting displays means you can have an effective presence at both shows.

Flexibility is important to every business or organization. When you rent your exhibit, you can change your display quickly because your resources aren’t tied up in the structure. This gives you the freedom to target your marketing messaging and graphics for specific trade shows. Plus, renting means you can move into a larger space if and when you need to.

Installation & Dismantle Included
When you rent, install and dismantle can be included, eliminating one less hassle.

No Storage Expense
Storing a display can be expensive, prepping it can be time consuming, and shipping it can be confusing. When you rent, there is no storage expense and there are no delivery or prep hassles.

Renting offers the benefit of testing a trade show display before you invest in its purchase. When you make the decision to purchase, you will know you have made the right choice.

2. I have reserved a space for our industry show. I need an island, but I do not have the budget to purchase one this year. What are my options?

Renting an exhibit is the ideal choice in this situation. Renting is affordable, typically 30-40% of a purchase, and we have an extensive gallery of island and inline rental designs.

If you don’t see something you like, no problem. About 50 percent of our rentals are new designs or modifications of existing designs. If it makes sense for you, and it makes sense for us, then we’re happy to create a unique configuration that meets all your trade show marketing requirements.

3. Are there rental accessories such as lights, table tops, cases, pedestals, and workstations?

Yes, these are located in the Rental Options Gallery.

4. Why are there no prices for the rental displays and options?

Our extensive rental gallery provides you with a snapshot of design ideas to get the process started.

There are many variables when it comes to our rental packages. Customers rarely choose a design “as is.” With most of our designs, there are several options for the type of graphics, flooring, lighting, and other materials, and the price can vary considerably. In addition, turnkey services may be included, such set-up, shipping, and show services. Once all the variables are decided, we will provide your with an accurate price for each design. No one likes surprises, especially pricing.

If you see a design that might work for your upcoming show, give us a call. We’ll work with you to make sure your next show is a successful.

Next, Flooring — Carpet and Padding.

Blogging for Beginners — Sponsored by Classic Exhibits

September 15th, 2010 COMMENTS

Free Blogging 101 Webinar

Blogging for Beginners

Blogging for Beginners

Do you ever ask yourself: “Should I start a blog?” Or wonder “Where do I start?”

Most people ask the same questions. After all, blogging is not as simple or straightforward as joining Facebook or Twitter.

Experts say your blog is probably the most important element of your social media mix. More important than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn – and those platforms are the hottest in the social media puzzle.

Now you can learn what it takes to start a blog. In this FREE one-hour webinar you’ll learn how to choose a platform (WordPress, Typepad, Blogger, etc.), how to customize your blog, how to find topic ideas, and how often to blog.

Join Tim Patterson, VP of Sales and Marketing at Interpretive Exhibits and learn what it takes to become a blogger, whether on your own or for a company or organization.

After all, the more you know about blogging, the better off you’ll be in dealing with the quick-changing social media world.

Join this fun, fast-paced, informative webinar set for September 29 from 10 – 11 a.m. Pacific (1 p.m. Eastern).

Sign up today at Seating is very limited.

FAQ — Exhibit Design Search

September 15th, 2010 COMMENTS

So you think you know Exhibit Design Search? I’m sure you do, but just in case you need a refresher, here are several Frequently Asked Questions about EDS, the world’s largest database of exhibit designs.

Exhibit Design Search from Classic Exhibits

Exhibit Design Search from Classic Exhibits

1. What is Exhibit Design Search?

Exhibit Design Search (EDS) is a comprehensive display database and search tool. There’s nothing even remotely close anywhere in the world. With EDS, you can select from over 1500 designs, ranging from banner stands to 50’ x 50’ Islands, to find the perfect display for your budget and your marketing objectives.

But EDS is much more than just a database of exhibit designs. You’ll find over 40 articles about trade show marketing, tips on installation, cord management, freight, over 2000 exhibit photos, exhibit specials, and Frequently Asked Questions about products and services.

2. With over 1500 displays in Exhibit Design Search, where do I start?

Here’s what customers tell us:

Products:  Some customers know what they want. They are searching for a specific product, such as a banner stand, pop up, or hanging sign.  In those cases, they search the appropriate product gallery.  Within the product gallery, they refine their search by Booth Size or Price Range.

Prices: Other customers have a budget and a booth size but don’t know what they want. They are looking for ideas. Depending on your budget, there could be hundreds of choices. Once you find several ideas that appeal to you, click on the appropriate Category within the Design Details page. You’ll see similar ideas.

To narrow you search from the start, click on Show Product Galleries on the EDS Home Page. Then deselect those product categories which do not apply. This will refine your search to just those galleries which apply.

Sizes: Searching by size can be overwhelming, particularly for common booth sizes such as 10’ x 10’ and 10’ x 20’ exhibits. When searching by size, you will want to quickly refine your search by prices or products.

Text: Alphanumeric searches can be very powerful, especially in combination with sizes, prices, and products. On its most basic level, you can search for “conference rooms” or “lightboxes” for example. Or, you can search for specific kits, such as “VK-1032” (be sure to include the hyphen). We’re often asked about a kit by company name shown on graphic. Unfortunately, the company name is rarely identified in the design details so it is best to search by product features or the kit number.

3. Where can I see photos of the designs?

Exhibit Design Search contains an extensive photo database of over 2000 display photos. For many designs, there are multiple photos, and new photos are added every day. On most designs, you’ll see “See Photo(s)” in the additional images gallery. See Photo(s) links to photos of that kit or product line.

You can also search for photos by clicking on the “Photo” menu button. This will take you to Past Five Days, a daily showcase of images. In Past Five Days, you can search by week or by size. Or if you have a little time to waste, you can click on the “Randomizer” button. This button will randomly show you photos from the past four years. It’s actually very entertaining.

Use the “Email Image” or “Send Me More Information” if you want to share a photo or request additional information.

Sacagawea VK-1231 Hybrid Display

Sacagawea VK-1231 Display

4. What are the benefits of the My Gallery feature?

With My Gallery, you can build a library of your favorite designs (Think of it as a shopping cart but without the e-commerce functionality).

There’s no limit to the number of designs your can add to My Gallery. Need more information about multiple designs? Add them to My Gallery and click on the Send Me More Information or Request a Design tabs, You can even email them to one or multiple addresses. And, whenever you email a design, you will be cc’d so you have a record of the email.

The designs will remain available until you clear the gallery or clear the cookies on your computer.

5. What other features are available in Exhibit Design Search?

  • Top 12: A convenient slide show showing some of the most popular displays.
  • Quick Ship:  Displays available to ship in 8 Days or Less. Don’t see exactly what you want? Give a call and we’ll do everything possible to accommodate your needs. 
  • Exhibit Specials:  Deals on displays. This changes frequently so be sure to check back at least once a month.
  • Trade Show Tips:  Over 40 helpful articles written as a primer for the trade show novice or as a reminder for the trade show warrior.  
  • Frequently Asked Questions:  You know what this is all about my friend. If you don’t see an answer to your question, send us an email or give us a call.

6. I have a question about a display. What is the next step?

Send us an email using “Send Me More Information” located on every Product Detail page. We’ll respond within 24 business hours (or less). Or give us a call.

7. I’m new to trade shows and have lots of questions about exhibit marketing. Where should I start?

Frankly, the biggest danger for most trade show novices is too much information. There’s a lot of information about trade show marketing on the Internet, much of it with conflicting messages. You need to find the path that works for your goals and your budget. Here are three excellent resources.

1. Trade Show Tips:  This article database was designed primarily for the novice. The trade show marketing articles walk you through topics such as exhibit design, exhibit services, lead management, designer selection, and display tips. In addition, the articles will familiarize you with trade show terms like drayage and booth selection. There are over 40 articles, all easily digestible in a short time.

2. Industry Sites:  Trade show industry websites, which include publications, research websites, and associations, contain vast libraries of articles, white papers, and case histories. If you’re a person who likes to dive into the deep end of the pool, this is where you want to go.

3. Your Local Exhibit Consultant: There’s no better source for practical advice about trade show marketing than your local exhibit professional. They’ve handled hundreds of customers and thousands of shows over the years. They know what works and what doesn’t work. By working with a local exhibit consultant, you’ll sidestep the mistakes that many new exhibits make and maximize your Return on Investment for each show. After all, you aren’t participating in a trade show for the free pens and notepads. You’re there to boost sales and make contacts. Rely on a local exhibit consultant to guide you to trade show success from the very start.

Next. Rental Displays and Options