Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for 2010

Recent Updates, Price Lists, and Kit Sheets

June 20th, 2010 COMMENTS

Recent Updates, Price Lists, and News

Kevin is on his LIVESTRONG ride this weekend. As you read this, he’s either struggling to climb the final hill on his 100 mile ride (Sunday) or in bed with enough Motrin in his bloodstream to disorient an adult hippopotamus (Monday).

In his absence, we’ve collected two months of Recent Updates, Price Lists, and News about Classic Exhibits and ClassicMODUL into one convenient blog posting.


Sacagawea Portable Hybrid Displays

Sacagawea Price List

  1. New Perfect 10 Price List (price includes all graphics on 10′ and 20′ kits)
  2. New Perfect 10 Kit Sheets
  3. New Sacagawea Price List (price includes all graphics on 10′ and 20′ kits)
  4. New Sacagawea Kit Sheets
  5. ClassicMODUL Poster
  6. ClassicMODUL TSP Silicone Edge Graphics Profiles
  7. Silicone Edge Graphics FAQ


Wholesales prices for rental kits are now available online in Classic’s Distributor Section (See the Rental Gallery). If you do not have the username and password for the Distributor Section,  contact Jim Shelman, any Project Manager at Classic Exhibits, or send an email to

Exhibit Design Search by Classic Exhibits

Updated Exhibit Design Search -- Over 1500 Displays and Exhibits

Exhibit Design Search

Classic’s Exhibit Design Search continues to evolve with new kits, features, and downloads. Here are several recent (and upcoming) enhancements:

  • Electrical and Cord Management Checklist
  • Brumark Flooring Galleries (within the next two weeks)
  • New Kits from Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits
  • Product Videos on Select Kits
  • Assembly Summaries
  • Packaging Options for Workstations, Counters, and Pedestals
  • “See Photos” Links to Specific Kits in Past Five Days Photo Gallery
  • EDS “Search Specific Rotations” (see example on Classic’s EDS site) — Available on on all sites by mid-July
  • Accessories/Options Links
  • Quadro Pop Up Prices with and without Graphics
  • STILL ONLY $300 (there’s no better investment for your website)

Summer Specials

At the request of a distributor, we have priced two of our most popular Visionary Designs kits at a ridiculously low price this summer:  VK-1032 and VK-2044. You know them as the iPhone kits. We’re still scratching our heads why we agreed to this . . . but what’s done is done.

  • VK-1032 | Regular Price:  $13,000  | Summer Price:  $9999
  • VK-2044 | Regular Price: $26,000  | Summer Price:  $19,999

SEGUE Silicone Edge Graphics Kits

We continue to introduce SEGUE Hybrid Kits. The latest introductions are in Design Monday this week. SEGUE kits use Silicone Edge Graphics and TSP profiles from ClassicMODUL. What makes these kits unique? You may think that SEG is appropriate only for large square or rectangle walls. You are half right.

While SEG extrusions are perfect for creating large seamless walls showing minimal aluminum extrusion, you shouldn’t be limited by that. Classic Exhibits can bend many of these extrusions and combine them with our other portable modular systems. This gives you significantly more design opportunities for inlines, islands, and event displays. Don’t ask our competitors to bend their extrusions unless you want to see them squirm like Reid Sherwood at a San Francisco vegan potluck.

Segue DM-0659 Hybrid Display

SEGUE DM-0659 Hybrid

Here are a few examples of SEGUE designs:

For more SEGUE designs, simply enter “SEGUE” in Exhibit Design Search.

TS2 in Boston (July 13-15)

Just in case you’re still waiting for an invitation . . . YOU ARE INVITED to TS2 in Boston! Kevin Carty, Reid Sherwood, Jim Shelman, and Mel White will be there from Classic Exhibits \ ClassicMODUL. Eric Albery will be there as well from Eco-Systems Sustainable. We’ll be showing SEG extrusions, new Magellan and Sacagwea kits, Exhibit Design Search, Rental Options, and lots more in our 20 x 20 island. Stop by. We’d enjoy seeing you.

Give us a call if you would like to arrange an appointment in the booth or outside show hours.

You can find us at booth #315. Download your Free EXPO Pass compliments of Classic Exhibits and ClassicMODUL.

Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits

In case you didn’t see the press release earlier this month, Classic Exhibits is now a significant equity partner in Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits. We’ve been strategic partners for nearly three years, and it just made sense to take the relationship to the next logical step. No later than Q3 2010, Eco-systems production will move to the Portland facility.

To read the complete press release, click on the following link.

Eco-systems Sustainable Exhibits

10 Things to Consider Before Buying a Portable Hybrid Trade Show Display

June 19th, 2010 COMMENTS

Portable Hybrid Displays

Attend any recent trade show and you’ll see many, many hybrid displays. They have gone from the exception to the rule in many show halls over the past two or three years. Visually, the reason is obvious. Hybrids are attractive, lightweight, and feature large format graphics.

But just like any product, there are good, better, and best versions. For the sake of simplicity, let’s focus on one segment of hybrid designs:  portable hybrids. There are also modular and custom hybrids.

10 Things to Consider Before Buying a Portable Hybrid Display

1. Weight

Generally a hybrid should be lightweight, whether it’s a 10 x 10 or a 10 x 20 inline. After all, it’s primarily aluminum extrusion and tension fabric or direct print graphics. Expect a basic 10 ft. hybrid to weigh approximately 75 to 95 lbs with the case. Double that for a 20 ft inline. Adding freestanding counters or pedestals will increase the weight proportionately.

2. Assembly

Here’s where you need to do your homework. Portable hybrids generally require a little more assembly than say a pop up display. But, then again, they don’t look like a pop up and have far more features. Assembly time will vary depending on tools or lack of tools. Many systems require a tool for every connection, but there are hybrid systems that have engineered tool-less or mostly tool-less kits. Ask about loose pieces as well. A good hybrid may require tools but it shouldn’t have any loose connector pieces.

Along the same lines, ask about graphics (direct print or tension fabric) and how the graphics attach. You’ll want graphics that are durable, vibrant, and easy to attach. There are many methods to attach graphics — some easy, such as Velcro, others difficult, such as pole pocket. Choose one that fits your comfort level.

3. Design

Yes, design is subjective, but it shouldn’t be limited. To use an apple metaphor, if your choices are between a Gala, a Gravenstein, or a Fuji, then what’s the point. Wouldn’t you rather choose between an apple, a pineapple, a banana, or even a starfruit.

Don’t limit yourself. Ask to see as many examples as possible within your budget.

4. Accessories

Portable hybrids should do more than just stand there and look pretty. They should be functional as well. At a minimum, you’ll want to see as much variety as possible when choosing counters, workstations, literature holders, kiosks, lights, and locking storage. One size does not fit all when it comes to portable hybrids, bathing suits, and toupees.

5. Packaging and Instructions

Too often, you discover that the manufacturer hired Capuchin helper monkeys to pack and label your display. It pays to do your homework. The packaging should be reusable with easily identifiable slots for all the parts, and the packaging should look as professional as the exhibit, otherwise it gets tossed after the first show.

The instructions should be in clear English with corresponding images or photos. Ideally, every part should be labeled (A, B, C or 1, 2, 3), and the labels should be attached discretely to the parts. You’ll want them to be invisible once the display is assembled but visible when you assemble it the 47th time.

6. Graphics

The smaller graphics are typically direct print on Sintra, Lexan, or acrylic. No problem there. It’s the large format graphic(s) that can get a little confusing. There are direct, fabric, and dye-sub tension fabric graphics. Most manufacturers typically have a preference.

What’s best? Honestly, why would you choose anything but dye-sub tension fabric graphics? They’re lightweight, durable, fold flat, are vibrant, and can be washed in mild detergent. When made with high quality materials, wrinkles disappear within a few minutes. There are even eco-friendly green options.

7. Warranty

While the 30/30 Rule may apply at the swap meet, it should not apply when purchasing a portable hybrid display. Ask about the warranty, and ask about the unwritten warranty. What’s the “unwritten warranty”? Does the manufacturer back their product to the letter of the law or are they flexible based on the circumstances? Ask your distributor. They’ll know which manufacturers are customer friendly and which are “sales” friendly.

8. Distributor

This is still a consultative business. You’re not buying gas or bread or dinnerware. You’re purchasing a 3D marketing structure for about the price of a small car. Chances are you’re not an expert in trade show marketing, although you may be a whiz in marketing in general. Trade show marketing is different — not rocket scientist different but different nevertheless. Trade shows can be expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. Once you add up the show space, show services, hotel, travel expenses, giveaways, and the display costs, you’ll want to make sure you did everything possible to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Your trade show distributor does this for a living (duh?!). They’ve seen more mistakes and more successes in trade show marketing than you’ll see in a lifetime. Rely on them. And if they are an idiot, then go somewhere else but don’t go it alone. Great trade show distributors are worth their weight in free pens, calculators, and stress balls.

9. Manufacturer

It matters. Enough said.

10. Price

In a perfect world, you’d buy whatever trade show display your heart desires complete with laser lights, celebrity dancers, and milk chocolate fountains. You have a budget, which may be flexible, but it’s probably not as elastic as those sweat pants you should have thrown away after high school.

Price equals something — design, quality, convenience, etc. We all have a sweet spot where price, value, and performance intersect. Before making a decision, consider everything you’ve learned in #1 through #9.

Let us know your thoughts. We’d enjoy hearing from you.

–Mel White
Classic Exhibits Network (LinkedIn)

Shooting from the Hip — 8.10 (Really Columbus?)

June 18th, 2010 COMMENTS

Shooting from the Hip (trade show tips)

Shooting from the Hip by Reid Sherwood

Really Columbus?

The week’s travels were challenging, but the meetings made up for any hassles. I can’t complain too much. A couple of canceled flights allowed me, on my 23rd wedding anniversary, to have dinner with my wife instead of my good pal, Kevin Carty. Vicki, thank you for the 23 years of adult child care you have provided. Remember, I am still the acorn waiting to become the giant oak.

I made a quick trip to “Hotlanta,” and I mean HOT. There is an interesting buzz in the air. Things are pretty dead now, but the fall looks to be rock solid. Both modular and custom distributors are saying the same thing — smaller modular exhibits are in demand. That’s great news for Classic’s Visionary Designs and Euro LT lines.

Some of you have read on other social media websites that I had to divorce my iPhone. I have come to grips with that. I have switched to Sprint and purchased the EVO to replace my iPhone. As a general rule, I like the phone. However, the battery life is worse than awful, and it performs much worse than promised. That brings me to this true story.

I was calling a Sprint store in Atlanta to make an appointment with the service dept to see what could be done to remedy the battery-life problem. I am talking to the sales associate and getting directions to the store. I asked if they are east or west of the Interstate. The sales associate replies in a rather condescending voice, “Sir, that is going to depend on whether you are coming from downtown or are headed downtown.” I couldn’t resist. I replied, “Really Columbus?”

Hope to see many of you at TS2 in Boston! Let us know if you need a free pass.

Talk to you next week  . . .

–Reid Sherwood

Portable and Modular Trade Show Displays — Lesson #1

June 14th, 2010 COMMENTS

Are you confused about trade show displays? Well, I am, and I’ve worked in the trade show business for over 10 years. Browse through the web and you’ll discover hundreds of websites showing similar products with prices ranging from bargain basement to “Are you friggin’ kidding me?” It shouldn’t be this complicated. And, honestly, it’s not.

Exhibit marketing is just marketing, and purchasing a trade show display basically comes down to three simple factors: budget, marketing goals, and design. In other words, how much money do you have, what are you trying to accomplish, and what design style appeals to you? Let’s demystify the process, starting with the terms “portable” and “modular.”

Lesson #1 — Portable and Modular Trade Show Displays

No two terms are more abused in trade show world than “portable” and “modular.” Add “custom” to the mix it gets even murkier. Frankly, you should be suspicious of any company that routinely describes their products as “custom portable modular displays.” Choose two:  portable modular, custom modular, custom portable. Or just one: portable, modular, or custom. Beyond that, it’s all marketing malarkey.

What Does Portable Mean

Banner Stand

The Aunt Nancy Display

So what does portable mean? Here’s the easy answer:  you can ship it via FedEx or UPS. Seems straight-forward, right? Not really.

Banner stands are portable. Some are small enough than your Aunt Nancy, at 4′ 10″, 94 lbs, and 87 years, can carry it into a show hall. Others, like pop up displays, are a little more weighty but still pack in portable, roto-molded cases and can be wheeled around. Easy enough. Beyond that, most 10 ft. displays are portable only in the sense that they ship in portable cases. I’ve seen a 10 ft. inline display, with all the bells and whistles, take as many as six cases, each weighing 85 lbs.

How is that portable? It’s not and you’ll shouldn’t fool yourself into thinking it’s portable. Now, to be honest, that 10 ft display was drop-dead gorgeous and included literature holders, backlighting, counters, storage, shelving, and computer workstations. It was perfect. But, it wasn’t portable and the client would have been better off shipping it in a roto-molded tub or wood crate. That way, everything is together and there’s little chance of one case getting lost.

Portable Modular Trade Show Display

Portable Modular Trade Show Display

When it comes to choosing a “portable,” you have to make choices. To use a camping metaphor, there’s a reason why a two-person dome tent is not the same as an RV. It’s called features and benefits. And to take the camping metaphor a little further, there’s a reason why a two-person tent costs $45 at Super Discount City and $350 at Quality Mountain Outfitter Plus. The $250 tent is much, much better.

Everyone has a comfort level and everyone has a budget. Choose the one that makes the most sense for your exhibit marketing goals, but don’t whine when the $45 tent springs a leak during the first gully-washer. At the same time, don’t buy a deluxe camper if you are only camping at the Valley of Dreams RV Park one weekend a year. You’d be better off renting, but that’s another article.

Finally, everyone wants a portable display that sets up in 30 seconds and looks like a McMansion. Guess what? There’s a much better chance you’ll stumble into Sasquatch on your next camping trip than you’ll find a 30 second portable McMansion.

What Does Modular Mean

Portable Modular Trade Show Display

Custom Modular Trade Show Display

Then there’s the term “modular.” We all want things to be modular. That way, when we change our mind, we can transform what we have into something else. In its most basic form, modular means “parts and pieces.” Now, I know that may sound a negative, but it’s not meant to be. After all, something can’t be modular unless one part can be reconfigured into something else.

Ask yourself how much modularity you really want? If all you really want is a 20 ft. inline display that configures down to a 10 ft. display . . . that’s easy. There are lots of choices from basic to boffo. However, if your goal is to transform a 20 x 30 island into a  20 x 20 island, a 10 x 20 inline, a 10 x 10 inline, and a table top display, then it gets considerably more complicated.

There are multiple ways to achieve that goal. The end result, however, may resemble a hippo-elephant-donkey-cat. And, if you’ve ever spent any time breaking down an exhibit at the end of a show, you know that the best laid plans of organizing all those parts and pieces for the next “smaller” show is often sacrificed in order to make your 7:15 p.m. flight.

Let’s consider modular from a different perspective — portable modular or custom modular. We already know what portable means. It can ship UPS or FedEx. A portable modular display typically has more features than just a portable exhibit, such as workstations, counters, monitors, shelves, backlighting, etc. In other words, it’s more than just one big graphic.

A custom modular gets a little trickier depending if the emphasis is on “custom” or “modular.” Modular exhibit builders are taking portable modular components and putting them on steroids. The parts may be bigger, fancier, and generally pack in small wood crates or roto-molded tubs. Each component tends to be lightweight to save on shipping but there may be lots of components. Custom builders are taking large custom components and either breaking them into smaller components or rearranging them to work in multiple pre-configured displays. Generally there are more shipping crates, but the assembly time may be reduced. It will cost more to ship it, but you may save time on installation and dismantle.

So, what have we learned?

  1. Portable isn’t always portable
  2. Don’t buy a pup tent if you plan to camp for more than two or three days
  3. Get what you can afford, but don’t get less than you need
  4. Modular means “parts and pieces” but that’s not a bad thing
  5. There’s no such thing as a 30 second portable McMansion
  6. Exhibit marketing is just marketing (but then again, everyone thinks they’re a “marketing genius”)
  7. Finally, and this wasn’t in the portable/modular explanation but it goes without saying, “Ask questions, trust your instincts, and work with someone who knows what the heck they’re doing. We can’t know everything for goodness sake!”

–Mel White
Classic Exhibits Network (LinkedIn)

Word on the Street — June 7th thru June 11th

June 11th, 2010 1 COMMENT

Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

What’s the Best Business Advice You’ve Ever Received?

I am going to dovetail my blog with my friend Reid’s blog from earlier this week. Reid wrote about the best advice he’s received from his bosses over the years.

My first job was as a bottle boy at a local grocery store in Oregon at the age of 14. The Damascas Thriftway was not a bustling store. More like the only grocery store within 10 square miles of this small town. Well, I had a boss there by the name of Mike Woolsey. He hired me. Truth is, I think he had the hots for my mom and that’s why I got the job.

But I digress. So, as the bottle boy, you are the lowest man on the totem pole. Really, no one is lower than you. However, Mike taught me through his actions and words that your importance inside an organization is not dictated by your title. According to Mike, “Everyone has a role and that role has importance.” If the bottle boy doesn’t do his job properly, then things get cluttered which in turn causes problems for the freight/stock guys. They can’t be efficient if there are bottles in their way.  If that happens, then when the store opens at 7:00 a.m., the shelves are not stocked properly and customers can’t find what they want.

The Nordstrom Business Advice

The Nordstrom Way

At 15, I applied for a job with a company that truly shaped my professional life. Meaning, it really gave me my foundation. I was hired as a stock boy for Nordstrom. Whether you start in sales or in stock, you go through a training process. And the training is focused on one thing and one thing only:  Customer Service. The emphasis is all on one simple motto: “The customer is always right.” There are numerous stories about this in a book called The Nordstrom Way. It’s a great read for any new employee (or employer), regardless of the industry!

Over the next five years, I advanced through the ranks of Nordstom, including moving to NY/NJ to help with the opening of the first two stores in NJ. All the while, the one thing that stuck with me was that motto. I’m not trying to stereotype at all, but the reaction to that type of service to East Coast shoppers vs. West Coast shoppers was staggeringly different. Maybe it was because Nordy’s was based in the West that their customers were used to it. But on the East Coast, you got some very strange looks when you welcomed someone into the department with “Hello, can I answer any questions for you?” 🙂

I eventually left Nordstrom to pursue Production Studies in college and work as an intern for a small video production company in Manhattan. Let’s just say that it was the black hole of advice. I learn more about how NOT to run a company than anything else. Yet, it was a good growth experience for me when I look back.

Business Advice

Business Advice -- Condensed Version

After moving home from NY, I actually went to work for another Thriftway at a different location. Basically, it was “a job” until I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. At Thriftway, my boss was Stan Lim, and Stan, while mild mannered, was very specific about how he wanted things to look when he arrived in the mornings. And since my job was overnight stock/freight, I was the one being held to his standards. I learned a lot from him. He was very customer-centric and wanted his store shelves to be full and organized by 7:00 a.m. when the doors opened.

Have you ever heard the retail term “facing”? If not, it means that every label on every can of Campbell’s soup must be rotated so that it is facing out. And not just the first can . . . all of them. His theory was that “Why wouldn’t you do them all that way. That way, when someone comes by and grabs a can of Chicken Noodle, leaving a void, the next customer can clearly see the label.” He would often say, “Make it easy for the customer . . . they’ll buy more.” Very true statement!

After awhile, a friend offered me a job at his father’s company. The company, Classic Exhibits, made trade show displays. At the time, I had no idea what a trade show display was. My boss and the owner of the company was Lowell Nickens, who many of you know. Lowell provided me with a wealth of advice as well. Two things most notably!

First was the idea of “If you do enough of tomorrow’s work today, when tomorrow goes to hell in a handbasket, you will be better prepared handle it.” This is a philosophy that still exists at Classic, especially on the Production floor. It is the driving force behind our quicker than average turn times and our ability to make the “impossible”. . . . possible!

Next was the idea of “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Which really means two things to me. One — if you put everything back where it came from, then it will always be there when you go looking for it. And two — if everything is in its “planned” place, then you are organized enough and have room for more things.  Basically it comes down to clear processes and procedures!

Lastly, on a more personal level, my grandfather used to take me fishing a lot. It was always a great time. As I got older, it did not happen as frequently, but we still made it out at least 7 or 8 times a year until he died about 12 years ago.

He was a great fisherman and always caught something every time we went out. Every time! Yet, I never once caught a single fish when I went fishing with Grandpa Lawrence. NEVER! And I have caught hundreds in my lifetime, but never with him. Eventually, it began to really bother me when I was about 17, so I stopped going for about six months. He finally asked me why and I told him that I was frustrated about never-ever catching a fish. I will never forget his response, “Then let’s go golfing or something else Kev. The fishing is not the reason why I enjoy our time together.”

Best piece of advice ever!

How about you? I would love to hear about some of the best business or personal advice you have received.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Be well.

–Kevin Carty