Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘tradeshows’

If Puppies Ran Trade Shows and Events

October 31st, 2013 10 COMMENTS

Two months ago, I wrote “If Kittens Ran Trade Shows and Events.” It was meant to be lighthearted and playful. Looking back, I was naive, so naive. The puppy and dog lovers sent me emails within hours. They felt slighted. Why would kittens be better representatives of tradeshows and events than a cute Pekingese, a Beagle, or a Retriever? How could anyone presume to think that kittens were more “tradeshow-ish” than Muffin or Bandit or Killer? Wow! So, in the interest of fairness (and my personal safety) . . .

11 Reasons Why Our Lives Would be Better

No one would be a stranger.

Good behavior would be expected.

You would do whatever it takes to draw a crowd.

Good customers could expect loyalty and gratitude.

Competitors would be discouraged.

Children would be welcome at tradeshows and events.

Mistakes would happen but it would be OK.

For excellent service, just say my name. PLEASE SAY MY NAME!!!!

There would be fresh water and treats in every aisle.

Difficult customers would never be a problem.

AND . . . A pat on the head would make EVERYTHING BETTER.

Please add your own reasons in the Comments Section. And to the ferret, goldfish, and lizard owners, you’re on your own. I’m done. 😉

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


Sacagawea 10% Savings and a FREE Cell Phone and Tablet Charging Station

August 26th, 2013 COMMENTS

Our Best Offer on Our Best Selling System

Through October, receive a double bonus on Sacagawea Portable Hybrid Displays. We’ve never offered anything like this before on our best selling hybrid system.

  1. ALL Sacagawea Portable Hybrids are 10% off. Choose from 54 designs in 10 ft. and 20 ft. kits. These are our best prices EVER!!!
  2. ALL Sacagawea Portable Hybrids with Workstations come with a FREE Cell Phone and Tablet Charging Station.

To download the unbranded version, Click for the Promotion Sheet or on the image below. Give us a call if you need the source files to complete your own email broadcast.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or



Trade Show Displays Under $3K to $24K

August 19th, 2013 COMMENTS

When you shop for a car, you know your budget. You’ll look at other models, some higher, some lower, just to see the differences. While we may all want seat warmers or blind spot indicators, our budgets don’t always allow for those extras. Nevertheless, you still want to get the best value, the highest quality, and the most options for your money.

The 11 page Displays Under . . . . brochure makes it easy to take a quick tour of the display parking lot. The displays are arranged in groups starting under $3000 and stair step to groups under $24,000. Take a moment to try it. We hope you’ll discover that it’s a convenient tool to compare the differences between popular trade show displays. From there, you can explore details in Exhibit Design Search.

Download the 11-page brochure by clicking on the image below.


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


Thanks and Hang on Tight: Word on the Street — August 12th thru August 16th

August 17th, 2013 1 COMMENT
Thanks and Hang on Tight: Word on the Street -- August 12th thru August 16th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

As write this, it’s the halfway point of August. It’s 81 degrees, partly cloudy and a tad humid. Good day all in all. Not great. But good. Sort of like the exhibit industry in mid-August.

Your Growing Trust in Classic

The first two weeks of August are always the “ramp up” for the nutty late summer and fall show season. And this year is following the same trend. But with one twist, a twist that we’ve seen growing over the past 12 months: island exhibits continue to expand as a percentage of our business. As does our appreciation of your growing trust in Classic to help you on these island projects.

That trust is something we have long worked towards with our distributors, many of whom are traditional custom builders. And for a while there (2-5 years ago), there were times when we heard questions like, “Well, what happens when Classic decides to go full blown custom and just sell direct?”

Your orders and design requests over the past year, and the design and build work slotted for this fall, have in large part stamped out those concerns. We are your builder not your competitor. It just so happens that we can build your table tops, your inlines, and your double deck islands. As our skills have evolved, in exhibits, retail, and environments, so do your choices. It’s as simple as that.

The idea behind this blog was to thank you for your continued trust and support in Classic Exhibits, Classic Rentals, and ClassicMODUL Aluminum Extrusions. We appreciate it and probably don’t say it enough!

But Thank You! Sincerely . . .  Thank You!

Now, like every year, strap on your helmets because it’s the time of year when things get crazy!

Be well and have a wonderful weekend.



Polishing Perfection: Word on the Street — June 24th thru June 28th

June 30th, 2013 COMMENTS
Who are We Trying to Impress?: Word on the Street -- June 24th thru June 28th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

This has been on my mind for some time so I am going to share a little more “Seth-Wisdom” with you. Seth Godin that is. Only because he nails this conundrum.

First, the issue. We design, manufacture and sell tradeshow exhibits. We depend on you to find new clients or to work with your existing clients to develop their tradeshow program. But there is, at times, a fly in the ointment or a pink elephant in the room. It’s YOU!

Whether it’s in design, build, or even in the final review, we sometimes find ourselves tweaking and revising the salesperson’s wishes rather than what the customer wants. Especially in design. I am amazed at how many times a designer has participated in a design meeting(s) with the end-user, then comes up with a great design for the client only to have it incessantly revised based upon what the salesperson wants — not what the client wants. And, of course, we make the changes, but 100 percent of the time once the design lands on the client’s desk, we end up changing it back to the original design.

This is not a complaint . . .  but it kinda is. No one questions your wisdom or your knowledge of exhibit marketing gleaned from years and years of working with exhibitors. It’s invaluable. It’s indispensable. Your guidance ensures that your client makes smart decisions about trade show marketing.

Ours is a specialized business, a knowledge that comes primarily from working with hundreds of clients.  However, and far too often, the account executive makes decisions based on their preferences, not their client’s preferences. You hear statements like, “I’m doing this for the client’s best interests.” Which is fine . . . kinda . . . but not when there’s a laundry list of “best interests” that the client never hears about and then discovers at the preview or the show site.

What really impacts the project is when we are in the final staging of an exhibit and then have to make last minute production changes based on what the account executive wanted only to find out later that the client was not expecting the changes. But I digress.

This came from my daily Seth email.

Polishing Perfect

Perfect doesn’t mean flawless. Perfect means it does exactly what I need it to do. A vacation can be perfect even if the nuts on the plane weren’t warmed before serving.

Any project that’s held up in revisions and meetings and general fear-based polishing is the victim of a crime. It’s a crime because you’re stealing that perfect work from a customer who will benefit from it. You’re holding back the good stuff from the people who need it, afraid of what the people who don’t will say.

Stop polishing and ship instead. Polished perfect isn’t better than perfect, it’s merely shinier. And late.

Now I am not saying that we don’t strive to be perfect. We most certainly do! But in the end, our goal is perfection per the end-user’s expectations. Not my expectations. Not the account executives.

If you take exception to my comments, please share your thoughts.

Hope you have big plans this coming week for the 4th of July holiday. Have a great time with your family and friends.

Kevin (not yet perfect) Carty
