Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘Mel White’

Does Your Trade Show Exhibit Have To Be Clever?

October 25th, 2016 COMMENTS


Once Upon a Time…

Trade shows have always been a marketplace where potential attendees wandered through the aisles. When something caught their eye, they would enter the booth to learn more about the product or service. As an exhibitor, a clever message, promotion, or display was crucial since enticing attendees into the booth was an important measure of the show’s overall success.

Clever mattered and the overall booth served the same purpose as a magazine or television ad: enticing people to try your product and service. As a result, marketers went to great lengths to create witty copy, smart graphics, and an interactive experience. In some cases, the copy, graphics, and experience had little to do with the actual product or service. It was more about generating traffic and leads, regardless of the quality.

park3Does Clever Still Matter?

Several years ago, we designed a 20 x 30 island design with a park theme. It included paths, artificial grass, a swing, benches, trees, and a gazebo. The concept was “A Walk in the Park,” which highlighted how easy it was to work with us – design, customer service, exhibit builds. It was a clever idea that attracted traffic to the booth. Even today, our customers still comment on the design, but when I ask them about the underlying marketing message, they draw a blank. Ouch!

Does that approach still work? Yes… and no. The ability to create a creative, integrated, and informative trade show experience for an attendee will always be the “holy grail.” However, being clever may not matter as much as it used to. That may seem counter-intuitive, but trade shows have changed.

Google/Amazon in a Really Big Building

The Internet has changed trade shows, but not in the way you think. For years, “experts” predicted that virtual trade shows would replace physical trade shows. That hasn’t happened, nor is it likely to happen anytime soon. According to CEIR, tradeshow attendance has grown for 21 straight quarters.

People want to be with people who share their professional and personal interests. Today’s trade show attendees are far less likely to wander the trade show floor. They pre-shop in the same way we all do research before buying a new television, car, or service. Attendees are less inclined to discover a vendor at the show. Instead, they identify who they want to visit and plan accordingly. Is there a chance they’ll stumble on a new vendor? Of course, but that’s the exception rather than the rule.

What Does That Mean to You?

preshowYour job is difficult and allocating scarce resources is one of your main challenges. Clever takes time. And, if the goal is less about enticing random attendees into the booth, then it becomes more about communicating a problem and your solution. That message is easier since it’s something you do every day. So, what do you do with all this extra time? You devote it to pre-show marketing and to building qualified traffic to the booth… before the show even starts. Successful trade show programs are as much about pre-show and post-show as “the show.”

That’s not to say your trade show exhibit shouldn’t be attractive. It should, but I would encourage you to focus on more practical matters the next time you design or rebrand your display. What do you need in the booth space to conduct business? Make it less about showmanship and more about conversations and information. Take the time you would have spent creating the perfect theme and use it to create targeted social media campaigns and invitations to your clients before the show. Give them a reason to put you on their calendar at the show.

It’s OK to be clever, but on a list of trade show marketing priorities, smart (and successful) beats clever every time.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


Is Your Exhibit an Oreo, a Fig Newton, or a Nilla Wafer?

September 12th, 2016 COMMENTS

Trade Show Displays as Cookies

Sugar and More Sugar

As someone who grew up in the 60s and 70s, I consumed a lot of sugar. I mean A LOT. Kool-Aid, Popsicles, Shasta pop, ice cream, breakfast cereal, and every Hostess snack from Twinkies to Ding Dongs (perhaps the best product name ever!). Sugar and salt balanced endless dinners of casseroles and salads with mayonnaise. It was a great childhood.

The sugar feeding frenzy wouldn’t have been complete without packaged cookies. My mother called the shots when it came to cookies, which meant she bought store or off-brand cookies most of the time. But occasionally, she would splurge for the name brand. And, like every kid, I loved Oreos best.

Trade Show ExhibitsMy parents would gladly eat sugar wafers or ginger snaps. Not us kids. We fought for Oreos. Would settle for Fig Newtons. And cried and pouted if given a Nilla Wafer (unless drenched in banana pudding).

This experience gave me a solid foundation for judging things. As an adult I can rate just about everything on a cookie scale. For brevity, I’ll limit myself to Oreos, Fig Newtons, and Nilla Wafers, but be assured that the “science” behind my methodology includes Frosted Animal Cookies, Pepperidge Farms (as a collective group), Girl Scout Thin Mints, and Chips Ahoy. And, while I love peanut butter cookies, no prepackaged cookies can ever compare to homemade ones. That’s just a fact.

Now, when it comes to trade show exhibits, specifically 10 and 20 ft. inline displays, categorizing them has never been an issue. There are pop-ups, hybrids, modular laminate, custom, and basic tube and pillowcase graphic displays. But those labels are just labels, and not practical, oh-so satisfying cookie evaluations.

Nilla Wafers.

Trade Show Exhibits as Nilla WafersIf you notice these inlines, it’s usually for all wrong reasons — fuzzy graphics, broken hardware, or a general “vanilla” appearance. In addition, they’re bland in design and accessories. No monitor, shelves, pedestals, storage. No tablet stand, computer, or lightbox. It’s a tradeshow display in the same way a Nilla Vanilla is a cookie. Basic, unassuming, aesthetically similar to every other opening price point display. It got you there, but no one’s going to assume you’re a Fortune 1000 company.

Fig Newtons.

You either love Fig Newtons or you don’t. There’s no in-between. The equivalent inline has the same characteristics. Attendees are drawn to it because it takes design risks. There may be curves, headers, accessories, and a creative counter with storage. The graphics are layered with a mix of fabric and direct prints. Fig Newton displays often come in a variety of “visual flavors,” each with slightly different creative variation. You’ll never mistake a Fig Newton display for a Nilla Wafer one. And while you may not always like everything about it, attendees notice it on the show floor. Which is what exhibitors want.


Trade Show Exhibits as OreosOreos are the cookie equivalent of royalty. The traditional Oreo is the king; there are also Oreo queens, dukes, counts, princesses, and barons. They rule in a 20th century sort of way. No real power, just a commanding presence that demands respect. You’ve seen these 10 and 20 ft. inlines on the show floor. The booth is beautiful. The graphics are spectacular. The design, the aesthetics, and the function are seamless.

You approach it, mesmerized by its allure. You find yourself lingering. Need water. It’s there. A freshly baked treat? They have a tray of brownies. The product video is captivating. The lead retrieval questions never seem threatening or intrusive. You understand what they do, and yet, you still want to know more. It’s not that the exhibit is expensive. It’s that the design is flawless, and the booth staff is attentive, knowledgeable, and professional. It’s that perfect display “cookie” which always satisfies and can be tailored to your trade show tastes.

You have a choice in inline displays just as you do with cookies. But unlike cookies, when it comes to a trade show display, you are not choosing what you want but what others want. How do you want to attract attendees? How do you want to be perceived? And lest you think it’s all about price, it’s not. Well-designed inline displays come in all price points. And well-trained booth staffers are priceless.

If that seems intimidating or overwhelming, then never fear. Find an exhibit house with an established history of success and grab securely on their coattails. They understand trade show displays. And possibly cookies.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


Five (5) Sober Mid-Year Resolutions

July 12th, 2016 COMMENTS


Perhaps it’s time to start a new tradition — Mid-Year Resolutions. Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “I never keep my resolutions, so why should I make more in July.” Think back for a second. Did you make those 2016 resolutions around 11 pm December 31st? With a drink in your hand?

We all make them. Lose weight. Get fit. Eat better. Read a book. Spend more time with the family. Who are you kidding? No one keeps those. There’s no financial incentive. Heck, it’s better to daydream about being skinny or how you’ll spend your $540M MegaMillions lottery winnings.

I’d like to propose five sober resolutions to my trade show friends. Each one represents a financial opportunity you may not be pursuing or maximizing.

Don’t expect a Tony Robbins you’re a winner speech or a No Money Down Guide to Flipping Displays. These are real mid-year resolutions. They require effort. But no one’s asking you to eat kale, do push ups, or spend time with your second cousin Crazy Sal. Be assured, I’m rooting for you to win the Powerball Jackpot, but until then, try these.


LED Lightboxes

I know. You are showing lightboxes in island exhibit designs. Big deal. Islands are only the tip of the iceberg. There are inlines, which is a bigger market.

However, there are even bigger markets:  corporate environments, retail stores,  events, public spaces like airports, stadiums, museums. The potential is massive if you are willing to work with customers outside your comfort zone. Are you chatting with architects, event planners, marketing and advertising agencies? No one has more lightbox options than Classic Exhibits with our SuperNova line. Any size. Any shape. Very cost-effective solutions for single or double-sided lightboxes.


Rental Exhibits

Don’t sigh or roll your eyes. Here’s a reality check and a prediction. Within the next three years, rentals will represent at least 40 to 50% of all exhibits at major trade shows. Of those, maybe 20% will be ho-hum kits. Those who win the long-term rental battle will approach rentals with the same design intensity as a new exhibit. You can quote me on this — “Creative rental exhibitors will recognize a better ROI because of their willingness to adapt to changing markets with targeted exhibits.”

Building a rental inventory is expensive. Classic Rental Solutions has already made that investment and will continue to invest in custom, hybrid, and Gravitee solutions. Unlike nearly everyone else, we have the luxury of a large distributor/customer base. That allows us to turn and depreciate those assets faster and add new designs. Bigger really is better when it comes to rentals.

Rental Furniture Header

Rental Furniture

This is a gift that will keep on giving. With the new Rental Furniture Galleries and our partnership with Cort, you can consult, sell, and make a healthy margin on Rental Furniture. Do you really want to “give” that business to a GSC. Of course not. You care about your customer, and you want them to make the best possible decision about their rental furniture options. You want their furniture to be functional, attractive, and cohesive with their exhibit design.

Most Exhibit-Appointed Contractors will tell you that 75-90% of their installs include rental furniture. And, it’s not just islands. Walk any major trade show and you’ll see a bistro table and chairs in a significant number of inline displays.


Charging Stations

Why do convention centers have bathrooms? Because people gotta go. Why are exhibitors increasingly adding charging stations to their booth spaces? Because people need juice for their phones and tablets. It’s no longer a need. It’s a necessity.

Don’t force attendees to linger in the reception area like electric beggars. Or worse, force them to hunt for an outlet along the perimeter of the hall. That’s humiliating and nasty. You want them in your booth space. Give them a reason to linger and talk about their business, their kids, and their favorite college football team. Make a friend instead of just exchanging business cards and trinkets.

Classic can install USB charging ports in almost any counter, pedestal, workstation, monitor stand, or table. And we design them all so they don’t look like an ugly airport charging tower. Plus, it’s very unlikely you’ll discover ABC gum under the countertop of a Classic Charging Station. Yuck!


Non-Trade Show Projects

At Classic Exhibits, we’re no longer exclusively in the trade show business. We design and build whatever someone needs for their trade show, event, retail space, visitor’s center, or corporate environment. That should be your approach as well.

Why not? No one understands 3D marketing better than exhibit professionals. You may not be an expert in custom cash stands or corporate lobby desks, but if you have an open-mind and a solid partner, you’ll get there.

We get many projects that have little to no connection to trade shows. Yes, your client may need a new display, but what else do they need? Big lightboxes in the company conference room with corporate values statement. An employee recognition wall. Restaurant menu board. Tablet stands or kiosks. It’s there waiting for you to ask the right question and make a connection with the right source.

Embrace the mid-year resolution. It’s July, and there’s a surge of potential orders on the horizon. Share your comments and suggestions below. And no whining.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


Tradeshow Marketing Video Series

December 1st, 2015 COMMENTS

Tim Patterson, aka The Tradeshow Guy, has released an excellent video series which highlights chapters in his new book — 14 Proven Steps to Take Your Tradeshow Marketing to the Next Level. The digital version is available free or you can purchase it at Amazon for $19.95.


I’m sharing for two reasons. First, it’s terrific marketing — book, video, website … all combined with a comprehensive social media plan. It’s impressive! Second, the content is informative, entertaining, and practical. It’s the book I wish someone had handed me when I got into this business.

We plan to offer a modified version of his book next year on orders over a certain dollar amount. It will be the printed version, not a download, and placed in the outgoing case or crate. Details to follow. We believe the book, along with your professional guidance, will give your clients a “leg-up” in their trade show marketing. Of course they have to read it. As they say, you can lead a horse to water….

Let us know if you have any questions.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


25 Ways to Cut Costs at Your Next Trade Show

November 25th, 2015 COMMENTS


Post Webinar Update

Trade shows often make up about a third of B2B marketing budgets, representing huge costs to wholesale distributors, manufacturers, and other B2B organizations. So how can you save money on your trade show exhibitions without sacrificing marketing impact? In this detailed webinar, trade show expert Mel White will provide 25 great strategies to get more from your trade show budget.

Audio/Video Replay:

This FREE Webinar Will Cover:

  • Trade show preparation tips to minimize costs.
  • How to save money on booth design and shipping.
  • Out-of-the-box strategies for increasing trade show ROI.
  • This webinar will be repeat on April 13, 2016. Look for the announcement from Handshake.

About the Presenter:

Mel White is the VP of Marketing and Business Development at Classic Exhibits, a manufacturer of exhibits, engineered aluminum extrusions, and rental solutions. For over 20 years, Mel has worked with exhibit manufacturers, distributors, and end-users to develop new products, refine their branding, and sharpen their trade show marketing.

About Handshake:
Handshake is the leading sales order management platform for wholesale, supporting both global distributed sales teams and small to medium-sized businesses.

Handshake’s powerful platform includes mobile order writing, web order management, B2B eCommerce and back office integration.