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Posts Tagged ‘ClassicMODUL’

Exhibit City News Article about Aluminum Extrusions

July 6th, 2011 COMMENTS

Engineered Aluminum Extrusion

Aluminum Extrusions Offer Few Limitations
Written by Exhibit City News

Not all aluminum extrusions are equal. Some have limited uses, flexibility and structural weight tolerance. But no matter what vision an exhibit designer has for the layout of the booth, there is an engineered aluminum extrusion that can help bring it to life.

Exhibit City News recently interviewed three trusted sources in the extrusion industry to get a comprehensive look at the benefits, trends, and technology that make up this growing segment of exhibit design.

Speaking on behalf of ClassicMODUL, a supplier of aluminum extrusions that offers comprehensive design and engineering support, is Mel White, vice president of marketing and business development.

Representing Octanorm USA, a leader in the extrusions market since the company was founded in 1968, is Norm Friedrich, president.

Our final industry professional, Xavier Decludt, is the president of AGAM Group, a worldwide supplier of aluminum modular display systems.

ECN: What are the benefits of using an extrusion-based exhibit construction system?
Mel White, ClassicMODUL: Unlike a traditional portable/modular system or custom (wood-based) exhibit, extrusion exhibits have few, if any, limitations in construction, appearance and modularity. Plus, they play nice with existing “systems” or custom-built displays as either a component or as structure. Most engineered extrusion systems include hundreds of aluminum profiles, from square to ovals, and from round to rectangles. The sheer flexibility allows designers to create large architectural structures that either showcase or minimize the aluminum structure.

Norm Friedrich, Octanorm: The benefits are numerous and depend on each company’s individual needs. Over the past 20 years, these aluminum systems have developed into design programs rather than construction elements. The variety of angles, curves, connections and accessories are so extensive it allows for custom design even when budgets are tight.

Xavier Decludt, AGAM Group: Extrusions can be used to implement any design or feature element can be imagined and recent design trends are making it a sought after solution for the modular industry. Extrusion can be integrated into existing material and be added on for a larger booth. Another major benefit of extrusions is a much lower operating cost for material handling, labor and freight.

ECN: How has the integration of fabrics/graphics changed over the last five years?
Friedrich: We’re not fabric experts, but we certainly know that the print quality on fabric has improved dramatically over the years, making it an excellent choice for large format graphics. What was once dull and grainy is now crisp and clear. Aluminum extrusion provides an ideal framework for fabric and has become the material of choice for many of those who are searching for a large dynamic presence with reduced weight and cost.

Decludt: Many conventional graphics are being replaced by silicone edge graphics (SEG) and new extrusions are always in development. Fabric is lightweight, durable and portabe, which reduces the amount of metal that is visible. When fabrics are folded, they take up less storage space. When this is combined with the slim profile of extrusions, exhibits become a lot easier to handle.

White: There have been two significant trends, both from Europe. Fabric graphics are getting bigger and those graphics are increasingly SEG. There has been a gradual shift toward showing less aluminum without losing the benefits of aluminum structures, particular in island exhibits. The same trend can be seen in signage. Whether backlit or non-backlit, event and tradeshow signs are shifting to fabric. It’s lighter, more durable, and as color vibrant as direct print.

MOD-1276 iPad Kiosk

ECN: What new products and design solutions is your company offering?
White: You can’t be on the cutting edge right now without a variety of SEG profiles and SEG designs. We offer 15 unique profiles that allow clients to build anything from small signs to large islands using silicone edge graphics. Our new SEGUE design line includes over 30 exhibit designs, which shows that SEG can be affordable, sexy and portable/modular.

We’re seeing the integration of traditional custom components into extrusion designs in trade show, retail and event applications. Retail applications are booming, and retailers are looking for answers that allow for modular flexibility where they can redefine the space every six months rather than every five years.

Kiosks integrating iPads, cell phones, readers and other technologies have been in demand. We’ve created extrusion solutions for all these.

Decludt: Pliko is a no-tool folding frame that features a minimalist design and clearly defined edges. The 108-inch by 92-inch graphic area maximizes graphic exposure and the slim frame structure virtually disappears.

We also have a new FH 1490 extrusion system that can accommodate graphics inside and outside the cubes. If you hang such cubes, you double your graphic exposure without any additional hardware costs, and if you suspend such cube, your free valuable floor space is available for product presentation and customer interaction.

We have also developed the FH hybrid system, which has the ability to use a fabric frame or convert it for to a hard panel without acquiring new aluminum.

Friedrich: Extrusion systems in general have evolved tremendously over the years and we are all busy creating new solutions to keep designers on the cutting edge. At Euroshop and Exhibitor this year, we introduced 21 new products. These include new and innovative ways of providing shelving, attaching LCD monitors, creating walls, building lightboxes, etc.

ECN: How is business and demand for your extrusion-based exhibits?
Friedrich: We have felt the effects of a weak economy just like everyone else but the demand for extrusion based exhibits seems to be quite steady. While many are re-using the properties they already own (one of the side effects of a material that lasts forever), it shows a lot of creativity on the part of business owners by making the most out of a product while keeping investment at a minimum. What better way to remain competitive than by using your existing inventory in new and exciting ways?

White: Excellent. Classic Exhibits and ClassicMODUL Aluminum Extrusions offer clients two distinct business models. This has allowed us to tap into demand from two unique avenues.

We’ve learned that location matters when it comes to ordering aluminum extrusions. As a result, we’ve established metal depots in three U.S. locations: Portland, Ore., Cheshire, Conn., and Birmingham, Ala. MODUL aluminum extrusion is also readily available throughout Europe and the Middle East.

Decludt: Based on demand for our extrusions, we can tell that the industry is turning around.

ECN: How has technology affected the extrusion industry?
Decludt: We have invested heavily during the past three years in building, machinery, equipment and software. We are one of the very few manufacturers able to offer a wide array of services to the trade, with more than 50 machines under one roof. Our customers come to us with unique design requirements to stand above the crowd, and we are able to respond quickly and efficiently to most of their challenges, giving them the competitive edge needed in today’s market place.

Friedrich: Technology has certainly has a positive impact on aluminum systems because they are so adaptable. The latest technologies in graphics, audio, video and lighting can easily be incorporated into these systems. I think it’s important for people to realize that aluminum systems are designed as a means to incorporate custom elements and technology falls into that category as well.

White: You adapt or you die. Obviously, LCD and plasma screens are commonplace in nearly every display, from table tops to islands. The trick is to create solutions that do more than simply hold a monitor. We’ve designed workstations, kiosks, counters and displays that integrate monitors into the overall visual presentation. The pace has quickened. When something new comes out, such as the iPad, for example, you can’t wait. You have to design multiple solutions, see what appeals to your customers, and then adapt and refine those solutions.

ECN: Can an extrusion system be used to build just about any design a client is looking to create?
White: No question at all!

Decludt: Extrusions are not always the best solution to a custom design, but the modularity of Aluminum Systems reduces dramatically design and engineering costs, and time to market is essential – only a modular system in aluminum achieves that.

Friedrich: I may not be the best person to answer this question, but my completely biased answer is “of course!” We see a lot of crazy concepts in our engineering department and most of the time, we can find a solution that does not compromise the integrity of the design. The only time we may run into issues is with regards to structural integrity. But as long as everyone is open to some additional support either overhead or in the form of bracing, we can usually overcome those issues as well.

–Mel White

Urban Exhibitionary

June 22nd, 2011 20 COMMENTS

Beginning in mid-July, Classic Exhibits and ClassicMODUL will run a series of banner ads in the ExhibitorOnline weekly e-broadcast. Most of you receive this email every Thursday or Friday from EXHIBITOR Magazine.

We’ll showcase a new banner ad each week (for 18 weeks). We decided to mimic the Urban Dictionary, but with exhibit industry terms and definitions. We call it the Urban Exhibitionary. To prime the pump, we reached out to some industry friends for ideas, and some of their clever definitions are listed below, but this is merely the first step to creating a comprehensive exhibit dictionary. We want your witty ideas and would love to use the best ones in the ads.

Here are some of the more interesting ones so far.


Blink: Special effects lighting that’s often used to compensate for a not-so-great display. Blink rules the dance floor, but isn’t quite as flashy as its rapper cousin, Bling.

That company’s got so much Blink on display, I couldn’t even read their sign.


Masterwaiting: Realizing you’re going to have to “go it alone” on the big presentation when your boss is delayed.

Please check on the flight status for Mr. K’s arrival, I’m in the hallway just Masterwaiting and the customer looks pretty anxious.


TTWN: Too Tired for Wednesday Night.

I know it’s the last night of EXHIBITOR, but I’m TTWN.


Port-not-able: Unwieldy, overweight exhibits that carry the claim “portable.”

At 300 lbs., that display goes in the Port-not-able Hall of Shame.


Face-to-Space: Used to describe “virtual” events and teleconferences.

Trade shows will always be the place to be seen. It’s impossible to close the deal when you’re working Face-to-Space.


Assertain: When someone wastes your time with small talk or jokes instead of providing factual information about pricing or warranty. Often used as a tactic to stall. (Alt.) Slang: What happens when an unlikable person attempts to entertain.

It took me two weeks to get the pricing info I requested, but the sales dude called everyday just to assertain me. (Alt.) Slang: He may think he’s an Elvis impersonator, but it’s really just assertainment.


Trinketeer: A show attendee whose primary focus is to gather as many trinkets and trash as possible. No giveaway item is too small or insignificant for this exhibit hall swashbuckler!

Did you see the two Trinketeers fighting over the last promotional Stress Ball at Booth 2234?


Arch-ritis: The pain from wearing new shoes at a trade show.

I told Sally not to wear those new pumps. Now, she’s got a serious case of arch-ritis.


CuervoSweat: Literally perspiring alcohol after a very late night entertaining clients.

You need to move away from me Jack, or I’ll be hammered by noon from your CuervoSweat fumes.


Booth Zombie: The comatose exhibitor who doesn’t like to talk to strangers, make eye contact, or stand for seven hours straight.

The Booth Zombie sat behind the table and stared blindly away from attendees, stopping only to check her emails, file her nails, and drink coffee.


Annie-halled:  The realization that you’ve been abandoned (orphaned) in the exhibit hall while dismantling your display.

I was tearing down the exhibit when I realized I’d been annie-halled by my co-workers. Leapin’ lizards!


Ban-boozled: The “too good to be true” $99 banner stand bargain . . . that wasn’t.

I knew I’d been ban-boozled when the directions were sturdier than the banner stand.


Guttastrophe: The SUDDEN realization at a trade show that eating and drinking too much while wearing last year’s belt size has consequences.

He was in the middle of a very large exhibit hall when the telltale signs of a major Guttastrophe were upon him.


We’d love to include your terms in the Urban Exhibitionary. You’re a creative bunch. Post your terms and definitions. We’ll use the very best ones and collect the rest into a dictionary.

. . . Frankly, I’m a little frightened of what you’ll share. 😉

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

Word on the Street — March 28th thru April 1st

April 3rd, 2011 3 COMMENTS
EXHIBITOR 2011 Follow-up

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

EXHIBITOR Show Follow-up

To those who attended EXHIBITOR in Las Vegas, I hope you had an enjoyable time.

This past month was a very exciting one at Classic. I am delighted to announce that March will be the second largest sales month in Classic Exhibits’ history! Thanks to you, our distributors and friends, for your support, your orders, and for believing in our “Shared Success” philosophy.

Since I did not attend EXHIBITOR this year, I hope you will share your feedback and reactions via the blog. The Classic Team had only positive comments about the show: great traffic, quality leads, and an overall upbeat tone.

As you may have noticed if you were at the show, Classic Exhibits, ClassicMODUL, and Exhibits NW were fortunate to have built not just our own booth but also several others on the show floor.

Here are just a few. Let us know what you thought of these designs:

Cort Furnishings. The island display included ClassicMODUL black anodized extrusion, Aero Overhead Hanging Structures, and tension fabric graphics from Optima Graphics . . . and of course all the beautiful trade show furnishings from Cort.

Display Supply and Lighting @ Exhibitor 2011Display Supply and Lighting (DS&L). This inline included Silicone Edge Graphic profiles from ClassicMODUL, SEG fabric graphics from Optima, and some truly amazing LED lighting from Display Supply. Check out the picture, but don’t miss the video. Great work to Rob Cohen and his team. And additional kudos to Steve Pinette for a stunning design.

EliteXPO at Exhibitor 2011EliteXPO. This inline had a very cool lounge theme. It included several ClassicMODUL profiles, large format Duratrans and tension fabric graphics from Optima Graphics as well as LED backlighting panels from Display Supply and Lighting. Kudos to Dave, Lara, and Chuck. I heard a lot of great feedback from attendees on your booth design and theme. Nicely done!

New Leads 10 x 10. A great example of a Classic Exhibits 10 x 10 Sacagawea hybrid! Take a look. Turned out very beautiful and highlighted a very functional design. New Leads at Exhibitor 2011And special thanks to New Leads for allowing us to use their lead retrieval technology which runs off iPads. Very easy to use.

Optima Exhibitor 2011Optima Graphics Island. Not only was there a nice ClassicMODUL Tower in the booth, but did you see that Aero Hanging Sign structure?  Well done Jim, Dave, and the whole team at Optima.

EXHIBITOR Magazine. EXHIBITOR’s inline booth was a custom rental exhibit from Classic Rentals with a dynamic A/V presentation. The display demonstrated our flexible rental inventory and design capabilities. This was no kit. It was built using their design requirements for the show. Exhibitor2011_Booth

Classic Exhibits / Eco-systems Sustainable. And last but not least. I hope you enjoyed OUR booth: Your Home for Exhibits. Take a look at the pictures. What you might not know is that the structure is a Rental Exhibit! It highlights the true custom nature and capability of Jim Shelman and his whole crew at Classic Rentals / Exhibits NW. Thanks to Flying High Design for all the beautiful graphic work, to Optima for the printing, to Brumark for the carpeting, to Cort Furnishings for the comfy chairs and stools, to Nature Wall for the cool “real” grass wall in the ECO-Systems portion of the display. At the end of the day, that was probably the best overall design and display we have ever shown.

That being said, I want to say a personal thanks to Mel, Jim, James, Laura, Erik, Eric, Michael, Tim and of course Reid for their hard work last week. Not being there myself, I want you all to know how proud I am of our team and the job you did. Thanks!

Lastly, a huge thank you to our strategic partners:  Eco-systems Sustainable, Momentum Management, Cort, Optima Graphics, EliteXPO, and Display Supply and Lighting. Your guidance, generosity, and support made this year’s show particularly special.

Please share your comments about the show.

Have a great and restful weekend.

–Kevin Carty

ClassicMODUL Opens Southeast USA Extrusion Facility

March 23rd, 2011 1 COMMENT

ClassicMODUL Aluminum ExtrusionsClassicMODUL, a designer and manufacturer of aluminum extrusions and accessories, announces the opening of a Southeast USA facility.

The Birmingham, AL manufacturing and warehouse facility will stock select aluminum extrusion profiles for exhibit houses, retail designers, and museum display builders. The Birmingham facility along with the current Cheshire, CT facility serve as regional distribution hubs for MODUL aluminum extrusions.

Aluminum profiles and accessories currently unavailable in Birmingham, AL will continue to ship from Portland, OR.  With the exception of CNC bending, the Southeast facility can handle all manufacturing requests.

According to Kevin Carty, VP of Sales, “We are excited by this opportunity to better meet the needs of our clients on East and West Coasts and anywhere in between. Now with locations in the Northwest, Southeast, and the Northeast, ClassicMODUL offers much greater shipping flexibility than any other aluminum extrusion supplier. Choosing the right aluminum profiles was important, and we want to thank our distributors for their feedback. We feel confident that we have chosen the right location, the right partner, and the right group of extrusions. However, this is just the start. We will continue to add profiles to the Birmingham facility based on our distributor’s feedback and demand.”

For questions about availability or to place orders, contact Tom Jones at or 866.864.8686. For more information about ClassicMODUL, go to

Word on the Street — March 14th thru March 18th

March 18th, 2011 COMMENTS

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

It’s Showtime!  EXHIBITOR SHOW 2011.

It is that time of year . . . and if you have been “peeking” at Peek-a-Booth, you probably already know what a creative and exciting display we have in store for the show. It’s a  “Home” (of sorts) where you can relax and learn about all the great things happening at Classic Exhibits, Exhibits Northwest, Eco-systems Sustainable, and ClassicMODUL.

The Booth

We are in Booth #1455 this year — a dynamic 20 x 30 space that will showcase all the divisions of Classic Exhibits and its sister company Eco-systems. The theme is “Your Home” for Hybrid, Modular, Portable, Rental, and Green Exhibits. Be sure you stop by so we can take you on a tour on the latest and greatest from your friends at Classic.

Customer Appreciation Reception (Tuesday)

Classic Exhibits, DS&L, and Optima Graphics ReceptionOn Tuesday, we are hosting a party from 4-6 pm in the Eye Candy Lounge of Mandalay Bay. During show hours, please come by and get your drink ticket and then join us for some good old fashioned networking and downtime afterwords. The reception is proudly sponsored by Classic Exhibits, Display Supply and Lighting, and Optima Graphics. You can get your drink tickets at any of our partners during show hours. Quantities are limited, so come by our booths early.

The Optima Graphics Reception (Monday)

Make sure you come by Monday evening for this annual event which is always an excellent place to catch up with old friends and network. It is being held in Mandalay Bay, Islander Ballrooms D and E, after the show breaks until 7 pm. Classic Exhibits is a proud sponsor of this event as well.

One-on-One Meetings During the Show

If you would like to schedule time with one of us during the show hours, please email Mel White at . He is handling the scheduling for the meetings on the show floor. Take advantage of this one-on-one time!

Wondering what to expect at the show? Take a look at the blog posting Mel wrote last week regarding the recent ExhibiTrends event he attended. It is a great snapshot of what you can expect from the show overall this year.

Multiple Displays on the Show Floor

Classic Exhibits is very proud to have more than just our 20 x 30 island unit on the show floor this year. Please make sure to see our handiwork at our vendor partners booths: Cort Furnishings, Optima Graphics, DS&L, New Leads, EliteXPO and the EXHIBITOR Magazine display. Not only are they great partners of Classic, but we also built all or part of their exhibits for the show this year.

Portable Modular Summit (Wednesday)

EDPA will host the Portable Modular Summit again this year. This session will meet on Wednesday, March 30 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am in Tropics A-B of the Mandalay Bay North Convention Center (look for the NORTH Convention Center sign on the right side of the main entrance hallway, just past the Starbucks). For more information, click here.

On a personal note, for the first time in 16 years I will not attend the show this year. A combination of being busy with several large projects, being very busy at Classic overall, and managing some staffing changes requires that someone stay behind and manage the ship. So I will be doing that. I will miss seeing those who are attending and want to personally thank you as always for your continued support of Classic Exhibits.

Be well and have a restful weekend. I am sure you will need all the rest you can for your week in Las Vegas.

–Kevin Carty