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Our Favorite Display Projects from 2021

February 14th, 2022 COMMENTS

Did you know that Valentine’s Day is not an official holiday in any country? Not one. Official or not, we’re serious romantics and we got you a gift. It’s not flowers (cliché) or chocolate (unhealthy) or jewelry (our accountant said “No!”). Instead, we made you a special heartfelt video. Think of it as Classic’s Hallmark movie but without Candace Cameron Bure, the queen of the Hallmark Channel movies.

This video showcases a few of our favorite displays featured in Past Five Days in 2021. Each Monday thru Friday, we post photos of an amazing design passing through the Classic Exhibits Shop. We encourage you to visit P5D the next time you’re in Exhibit Design Search.  

Oh behalf of the entire Classic Family, we wish you and your significant others a very Happy Valentine’s Day.

72 Contemporary Rental Exhibits

January 26th, 2022 COMMENTS
Contemporary Rental Exhibits from Classic Exhibits
RE-9104 | Portable Inline Rental Exhibit

It’s time to knock the rust off your trade show program. Start by exploring these 72 Contemporary Rental Exhibits.

The Value of Face-to-Face Marketing

For many companies, trade shows the perfect place to meet with existing customers, attract new ones, and learn about industry trends. Those companies understand the value of face-to-face meetings and are eager to head to the next show.

However… it’s been two years for many exhibitors. An eternity in marketing. Branding and messaging have changed, along with new products, updated strategies, and graphics. For many exhibitors, unpacking the booth may reveal dated designs but buying a new booth may not be an option.

Consider Renting Your Exhibit

You may be shocked to discover that 40-50% of all exhibit “purchases” are actually rentals. Contemporary rental designs are attractive, affordable, and flexible. Rentals have gone upscale, and the prices are competitive. In short, most exhibitors can get more for their money with a rental island or inline display.

Curious? Explore Below!

Scroll through the rental designs below organized into (6) groups, ranging from Under $8K to Under $40K. Don’t see something you like, then head to the Rental Inline, Island, and Accessories galleries with hundreds of designs.

  • Inlines (10, 20, and 30 ft. displays)
  • Islands (20 x 20 to 40 x 50)
  • Accessories, including counters, workstations, charging tables, and LED lightboxes.

Rental Exhibit Designs Under $8000
Rental Exhibit Designs Under $12,000
Rental Exhibit Designs Under $18,000
Rental Exhibit Designs Under $28,000
Rental Exhibit Designs Under $33,000
Rental Exhibit Designs Under $40,000

Your Partner for All Things Trade Show

Classic Exhibits has been designing and building solutions since 1993. We’ve been honored as an Exhibitor Magazine Find-It Top 40 Exhibit Producers and an Event Marketer Fab 50 Exhibit Builders multiple times. Along with numerous Portable Modular Awards. 

With over 200 Distributor Partners throughout North America, there’s a Classic representative closer by. Contact us today whether you need a durable hand sanitizer stand built to last, a rental display guaranteed to attract trade show attendees, or a custom 30 x 40 exhibit with all the bells and whistles. We’re not just different. We’re better. 

January 2022 | Shared Knowledge Newsletter

January 24th, 2022 COMMENTS
Classic Exhibits Shared Knowledge Newsletter
Shared Knowledge Newsletter from Classic Exhibits

2022 EXHIBITOR Portable Modular Awards

Portable Modular Awards

Do you have a Classic-built design you would like to submit the for a Portable Modular Award? If so, let us know. We’ll review it, assist with the submission, and even pay the entry fee. Contact Katina Rigall Zipay for details. She’s the Classic Zen-master on structuring your submission for “finalist” consideration by the judges.

Entries must have debuted between 02/11/19 – 02/11/22

Since 2014, Classic Exhibits has been an enthusiastic supporter of the PMA (and one of several companies that advocated for the award in the first place). We’ve been fortunate to have finalists and category winners every year.

To review the PMA categories, click on this link.

Build a Better Trade Show Image, Revised Edition

Want to see your client’s project featured in an upcoming book?

Marlys Arnold is working on an updated version of her book, Build a Better Trade Show Image, and is looking for creative new examples to include.

She wants case studies of exhibits that:

  • Use creative themes (sports, food, outdoor, whimsical, etc.) to convey the message
  • Feature unique elements in the overall floorplan
  • Engage attendees with interactive elements or activities (hands-on demos, gamification, tech, etc.)

If you have client projects you’d like to share, contact her on LinkedIn or send a note via her website.

For any case studies chosen, both you and your client will receive an autographed copy of the updated edition.

Display Supply and Lighting Logo

Display Supply and Lighting EDS Gallery

If you haven’t visited the EDS Lighting Gallery lately, we encourage you to take a peek. DS&L has added lots of new LED products and accessories.

LED Products in Exhibit Design Search

Event Marketer Fab 50 & Experiential Marketing Summit 2022

Experiential Marketing Summit 2022

Each year we make the Event Marketer Fab 50 list we’re a little surprised. Not because we don’t think we deserve it. We do. But as a “white label designer and builder,” we’re not always on the industry’s radar. We’re appreciative that Event Marketer recognizes us. We’re also happy for all the other honorees, but we’re especially delighted for the 29 Classic Distributors who also make the list. Congratulations!

If you are planning to attend the Experiential Marketing Summit on April 27-29 in Las Vegas, be sure to stop by and visit us. This will be our first time at this show so any tips, tricks, or techniques for a successful EMS show will be greatly appreciated.

Event Marketer and the Fab 50 Awards

Parsons Counters and Genius Bars

Parsons Counters

Parsons Counters and Genius Bars appear to be all the rage. As a result, we’ve added designs to Exhibit Design Search, in the purchase and rental galleries. The MOD-1705, 1706, and 1707 Parsons Counters all have storage, wireless charging, and either backlit or vinyl graphic options. The MOD-1714 has a backlit graphic. The MOD-1709 and MOD-1708 are more basic (less expensive) options for someone who doesn’t need backlighting or charging.

The Genius Bars (available as rentals) are the same general shape as Parsons Counters but are wider and lack storage. Depending on the kit, they’re available in black or white laminate and with USB charging ports. See RE-1583, RE-1579, and RE-1578.

To see all the designs, including exhibits with these counters/bars, search “parsons” or “genius” in EDS.

Wunderman Thompson Annual Trends Report for 2022

The Future 100: Trends and Change to Watch in 2022

Every year, we look forward to downloading the Wunderman Thompson report on annual trends. It’s their snapshot of the year ahead. It charts 100 Emerging Trends across 10 sectors, spanning culture, tech, beauty and more. It’s free and easy to download HERE. The report is not your typical PDF teaser with minimal content. You’ll need to carve out a few hours (or days) to browse the 223 pages.

From the foreword written by Emma Chiu, Global Director:

This year ushers in a resolute positivity that encourages playfulness and creativity—so much so that Pantone created a completely new color to define 2022 (see unbounded optimism, p13). Brands and marketers are eager to provide joy in people’s lives by creating euphoric ads (p85) as they too ride the optimist wave.

The Worldwide Leader in Trivia Entertainment

EDPA Texas Chapter

Who is the Official Sponsor of the EDPA Texas Chapter Trivia Contest?

  • George Strait
  • Matthew McConaughey
  • Carol Burnett
  • Classic Exhibits

If you guessed Classic Exhibits, you would be correct. Classic is proud to be the OFFICIAL SPONSOR of the monthly EDPA Texas Chapter Trivia Contest. And now that the leadership torch has been passed from Matthew Little to Noelle Webster, we’re praying the number of questions about the Texas Tech Red Raiders declines significantly.

If you are interested in participating in the monthly trivia fun, contact You don’t have to be from, live in, or plan to visit Texas to participate.


Exhibitorlive and Classic Exhibits

Of course we’ll be there. But that’s not the exciting news. We’re planning something exciting for Classic Distributors who attend EXHIBITORLIVE.

Details to come in April. Keep it on the down low… we’ve already said too much.

Trade Shows By Industry: Popular Events & Strategies

January 24th, 2022 COMMENTS
trade shows by industry

Globally there are over 32,000 exhibitions each year featuring 4.5 million exhibiting companies. This massive industry attracts over 303 million visitors worldwide but not all trade shows are the same…

An Introduction to Trade Shows by Industry

At some point, everyone attends a trade show by industry. It may not be called a trade show, but it’s a show where people and businesses are engaged in commerce or trade. There’s a good chance you’ll attend several each year, like the Automotive Show in your hometown or your industry’s annual conference held in Orlando, Las Vegas, Chicago, New Orleans, or any of the hundreds of convention centers in North America. You might be surprised to learn that there are anywhere from 9,000 to 14,000 shows in the United States alone. 

So how big are trade shows? Actually much bigger than you may realize. The B2B trade show market in the United States was worth 15.58 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. The market sharply declined to 5.6 billion dollars in 2020 but is projected to rebound to 14.5 billion dollars by 2024.

Every industry, hobby, interest, and profession has a show(s) where exhibitors and attendees gather to learn, buy, and interact with others. Some shows may be massive, like the Consumer Electronics Show with over 170,000 attendees, or it may be a regional pet show with several hundred participants. 

Fortunately, there are two convenient search tools for locating trade shows:  Events in America and the Trade Show Calendar. In general, most B2B shows can be categorized by industry with the vast majority falling into the following groups below. 

Top Trade Shows by Industry

  • Agriculture
  • Art, Craft, & Collectibles
  • Automotive and Boats
  • Books
  • Business
  • Construction
  • Education & Science
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Food & Hospitality
  • Government
  • Health & Fitness
  • Home
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical & Pharma
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Society & Community
  • Spirituality & Religion
  • Sports & Entertainment
  •  Technology
  • Transportation
  • Travel & Tourism

Popular North American Trade Shows by Industry

Popular North American Trade Shows by Industry

It depends on whether “popular” means most exhibitors, most attendees, or the largest square footage of exhibit space. Here are the largest in North America by each category. 

By Attendance

By Most Exhibitors

By Square Footage

Jewelry Trade Shows & Strategies

Planning and preparing for jewelry trade shows is similar to any show EXCEPT for security. The Jewelers of America recommends following these travel and security tips. 

Be Discreet. Avoid mentioning your business and the trade show when in public places like coffee shops, airports, or taxis. You never know who is listening.

Avoid Attention. Avoid carrying a briefcase or anything that could be perceived as containing jewelry to and from the show. 

Protect Your Badge. Remove your show badge when you leave the trade show floor. At the end of the show, give your badge to the show organizers or destroy it so thieves can’t steal your identity and/or your access to the show floor.

Avoid Informal Showings. Informal jewelry shows held outside the safety of the show, like a hotel room, are never a good idea. Conduct all merchandise appointments within the security of the trade show..

Check Your Insurance Policy. Call your agent or insurance company to make sure that you are indeed properly and adequately insured.

Always assume you are a target when traveling to and from the show, and while you are there. 

Top 4 Jewelry Trade Shows:

  • JCK Las Vegas
  • International Jewelry Fair/General Merchandise Show
  • Jewelers International Showcase
  • International Jewelry Show

jewelry trade shows

Manufacturing Trade Shows & Strategies

For many manufacturers, trade shows represent up to 30% of their company’s annual marketing budget. As a result, going through the motions isn’t an option. Senior management will expect an ROI (return on investment) so tracking expenses and sales, both short and long-term, is critical. 

Measuring ROI starts with identifying your quantitative and qualitative goals and then putting processes in place for capturing those measurements. Sounds easy enough… but many companies start with good intentions but lack the discipline to record the information before, during, and after the trade show. They become immersed in designing the booth, scheduling travel, and preparing for meetings with clients. Once the show begins, the buzz and energy on the show floor takes over and all plans to measure traffic, qualify leads, and set post-show appointments falls by the wayside. It’s understandable given the chaos and excitement of seeing clients, meeting potential customers, and checking out the competition. 

Instead of simply measuring leads, consider these four metrics. 

1. The Number and Quality of Meetings

Strategic meetings have an influence on the revenue and top line. With ROI being a big concern to the C-Suite, marketers are tasked with finding ways to maximize the number and quality of meetings. 

2. Average Order Size

Companies participate in trade shows to increase their revenue and profits. However, focusing solely on “deals closed” during a show is rarely a valid measurement. Revenue targets can be better achieved by focusing on opportunities that facilitate larger deals, and measuring average deal size can serve as an early indicator of the show’s success. 

3. Space Utilization

At a trade show, you basically rent floor space for 4-5 days, whether it’s a 10 x 20 inline or a 40 x 50 island. Measuring the cost of the space, including material handling and show services, compared to the show-generated sales over the next 90 days can be a quick tool for calculating ROI. Overall, analyzing resource utilization will demonstrate if the budget is being used effectively and where to allocate future marketing investments. 

4. Meeting Effectiveness

Not every measurement is quantitative. When your sales team meets with prospects, they are doing what they do best – qualifying the sales opportunity. Sure, every sales representative wants to close the deal then and there, but most purchases usually happen after the show. Qualitative measures are a window into future opportunities and should be recorded both as potential revenue and as a method for understanding a representative’s strengths and weaknesses.

Top 4 Manufacturing Trade Shows

  • International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS)
  • PackExpo
  • FabTech
  • SEMICON West

wholesaler trade shows

Apparel Trade Show Events & Strategies

If you are a new designer or are launching a new brand, trade shows are an ideal venue to announce your arrival. For more established brands, exhibiting at trade shows is a proven method of expanding your sales opportunities with national and international buyers.

However, success is not guaranteed simply by participating in a trade show. Here are some basic tips for anyone planning to participate in an apparel or fashion show. 

Choose The Right Show

Face-to-face marketing, aka trade shows, and events can be expensive. But, when done right, the ROI at a fashion trade show can be higher than nearly every other marketing tool. For smaller companies, the cost of a trade show is often shocking, which makes it critical to choose the right show(s). Not all shows may be appropriate for your product category and price point. 

Start by asking colleagues in the industry which shows they attend and why. They’ll be able to share their experiences and the dos and don’ts. You’ll be able to determine if the show is one you should attend rather than exhibit, at least for now, and if you decide to exhibit, then what size booth space to reserve. 

It’s also a good idea to research local venues. There are quite a few Apparel Marts that produce trade events. In addition to the Dallas Market Center and Atlanta’s AmericasMart, other Apparel Marts include Denver, Seattle, Nashville, Minneapolis, and Miami.

Know Your Goals

Too often, exhibitors have one single goal:  to sell lots and lots of products. That’s not an unrealistic goal, however, there may be other goals you should consider. Those could include: 

  • Generating Leads
  • Building Contact Lists
  • Meeting with Existing Customers
  • Locating New Suppliers
  • Identifying Industry Trends
  • Introducing New Products
  • Evaluating the Competition
  • Attracting Employees 

Create a Budget and Track Your Expenses

This seems obvious but it’s not. Unlike a magazine ad spend, with perhaps one or two line items, a trade show has a long (sometimes surprising) list of expenses. And not all those costs are known upfront. Knowing your costs and comparing them to your sales will make it much easier to decide whether to invest more or less in your trade show marketing. 

Some Major Trade Show Expenses:

  • Your Exhibit (rental displays available)
  • Booth Space
  • Shipping
  • Material Handling at the Show
  • Show Services, like Electrical, Labor, Cleaning
  • Travel, Lodging, Meals
  • Marketing Materials and Promotional Incentives
  • Sponsorships
  • Entertainment

Pre-Show Marketing 

If you remember anything from this article, remember this. According to a recent trade show exit poll survey, contacting buyers and setting up appointments BEFORE a trade show was cited as the BEST way to ensure a successful return on investment (ROI). With limited time, buyers will gravitate to their existing vendors or to vendors who have contacted them to schedule an appointment.

The show organizer is responsible for attracting attendees to the show. But, they’re not responsible for bringing those attendees to your booth. Successful exhibitors dedicate time to marketing their brand to prospective attendees weeks if not months before the show. Simply showing up and showing off is rarely a recipe for success at a trade show or event.  

Top 4 Apparel Trade Shows

  • MAGIC Fashion (August and February) 
  • Private Label Manufacturers Association
  • Outdoor + Snow Show
  • ABC Kids Expo
  • OFFPRICE Wholesale Apparel Show

apparel trade show

A Recap of Trade Shows by Industry

With thousands of trade shows by industry in North America and thousands more around the world, there’s no shortage of opportunities for companies to participate in face-to-face events. However, simply choosing a show isn’t enough. Successful exhibitors set goals, establish budgets, and implement strategies that maximize their opportunities. 

Your Partner for All Things Trade Show

Classic Exhibits has been designing and building solutions since 1993. We’ve been honored as an Exhibitor Magazine Find-It Top 40 Exhibit Producers and an Event Marketer Fab 50 Exhibit Builders multiple times. Along with numerous Portable Modular Awards. 

With over 200 Distributor Partners throughout North America, there’s a Classic representative closer by. Contact us today whether you need a durable hand sanitizer stand built to last, a portable display guaranteed to attract trade show attendees, or a custom 30 x 40 exhibit with all the bells and whistles. We’re not just different. We’re better.

Your Guide to Trade Show Giveaways (with Examples!)

January 22nd, 2022 COMMENTS
Trade Show Promotional Incentives
Promotional Incentives

Trade show giveaways carefully folded into a marketing campaign are an investment in your business. If used wisely, they will spread the word about your company long after the trade show, event, or exhibition has ended. If you are considering adding incentives to your marketing strategy, you are in luck. The incentives industry is a multi-billion-dollar business with a vast range of products that can be printed, embossed, programmed, or custom-made to enhance and bring attention to your trade show exhibit.

What are Trade Show Giveaways?

Whether you use the term “premium incentives,” “promotional products,” or “trade show giveaways,” the goal should be the same. You want to capture the attention of potential clients AND be remembered for all the right reasons.

So, what are the right reasons? Everyone loves a freebie, and giveaways are a proven method for attracting people at a show. However, “If you think of them as trade show giveaways,” according to Rama Beerfas, owner of Lev Promotions“They will have as much value to your recipients as they do to you. If you reframe them as promotional incentives or gifts, you’ll start to realize that a target branded incentive can bring you closer to achieving your goals and providing measurable results.”

Many companies start by searching the web for incentive ideas. Which isn’t a bad way to explore what’s available. However, the choices can be overwhelming. Is that really a wise use of your time? Spending hours searching for the perfect ink pen? Don’t make that mistake! Work with a promotional incentives expert who will ask you the right questions and narrow down your choices. It’s what they do. And it won’t cost you any more.

Trade Show Giveaways

The Four Primary Categories of Incentives 

  • Apparel (T-shirts, hats, golf shirts, etc.)
  • Office Supplies (pens, calendars, clocks, mousepads, mugs, etc.)
  • Fun Stuff (toys, gag gifts, electronics, etc.)
  • Perishables (candy, mints, food and beverage, etc.)

Identifying Your Trade Show Giveaway Strategy

With thousands of possible options, choosing the right one(s) is less about a Top 10 list and more about achieving your marketing goals and sales results. Start by identifying:

  • Your Target Audience
  • Your Budget
  • Your Quantity (it’s not about having something for everyone)
  • Your Theme (and/or the theme of the show)
  • Your Branding
  • Your Strategy

If you’re looking to do what’s hot/trendy/cool/new, then you’re probably going to be one of many on the show floor handing out the same item. Incentives trends are a moving target, and suppliers are nimble at finding and promoting the latest gadget. It may be a charging pad this season and earbuds the next season.

The 4 “Make It” Rules to Incentives

  1. Make It Non-breakable. There’s nothing worse than getting a cool incentive only to have it break within days.  
  2. Make It Lightweight.  You don’t want them to abandon it mid-day just to lighten the load.
  3. Make It Compact. It can’t be bulky since it often has to pack in checked luggage.
  4. Make It TSA Friendly. Nothing is worse than seeing your promotional products in the trash can just outside the airport security checkpoint.

What Makes Good Marketing Merchandise?

You want items that appeal to your specific target market and that are tied into your overall marketing message. Your target market may be active adults. However, if your marketing focus is summer wear, a fall or winter incentive like beanies won’t make sense… even if you would REALLY LOVE to have a branded beanie.

The perfect marketing merchandise for one company (or even one campaign) may be completely inappropriate for another.

Consider Having BEST – BETTER – GOOD Options:

  • BEST is for your top prospects and best clients
  • BETTER is for your good prospects, good existing clients and maybe even staff
  • GOOD is for attendees who are qualified, but not really a hot prospect.

So how do you make the incentive feel like a gift rather than a giveaway? Store the nicer or higher value items out-of-sight, like in a counter, kiosk, or pedestal. Once you’ve qualified the prospect, then present them with a special gift, one they know not everyone else is getting. Perception matters!  

10 Branded Product Ideas/Trends to Consider 

1. 3M Post-It products designed for outdoor or wet settings. Great for the construction and manufacturing industries.

trade show giveaway ideas

2. Custom or packaged gifts that can be handed out or shipped to recipients.

3. Create a custom gift kit with a bit more flair, start with the packaging.

4. Personalize a branded product to the next level.

trade show giveaway ideas

5. Full-Color imprints are perfect for complicated logos or photo-quality imprints

6. Go au Naturel – Green thumb gifts increase indoor oxygen, add color, and can provide herbs for the kitchen.

eco friendly marketing merchandise

7. Bring your lunch to work.

8. Retro-inspired items are always a hit.

retro inspired trade show giveaways

9. Travel Items to make your trip easier, more comfortable, and safer.

travel themed marketing merchandise

10. Your pre-show mailers will be more memorable if you make them “bulky”.

Business Promotional Items to Avoid

  • Anything that may be perceived as in questionable taste: (e.g., a knife in many Asian cultures signifies cutting ties).
  • Anything that is against the law or shows a lack of understanding of social customs: (e.g., chewing gum in Singapore).
  • See the “4 Make It” Rules previously mentioned.
  • Anything that is of poor quality or has a poor/incorrect imprint on it. The quality of the item will reflect on your brand.
  • Anything that demonstrates a poor understanding of your target market: (e.g., a $1.50 tape measure given to contractors).

Your Partner for Trade Show Giveaways

Premium incentives can be an effective trade show or event marketing tool when connected to your company, product, or campaign. There are thousands of choices in incentive items, and the choices change all the time.

Your consultant can guide you through the process of selecting appropriate incentives. In some cases, it is as simple as a pen or pad. In other cases, you may want multiple items linked to your overall marketing message. Incentives can be fun, effective, and expensive.

A special thanks to Rama Beerfas at Lev Promotions for sharing her invaluable advice about promotional incentives.