Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for 2012

EDPA ACCESS 2012 in Palm Springs, CA

October 26th, 2012 COMMENTS

EDPA ACCESS: Complete Program Released 

The 58th Annual EDPA ACCESS conference full agenda has been released! Join your peers at the only executive conference for designers, builders and suppliers of exhibits and experiences for three days of learning, networking and growth.

This year’s agenda includes an exciting line-up of speakers and presenters who will be bringing you up-to date topics, the latest trends and best practices for evolving and growing your business in the exhibition and experience industry.

Three different tracks at this year’s conference are action packed with great content! The International Track will focus on France, this year’s featured country, while ‘Down to Business’ and ‘Connect and Create’ will keep you current on best practices and growth opportunities in 2013!

In addition to top-notch sessions, we will also be bringing some great networking opportunities! Make the most out of your experience at ACCESS 2012 by meeting your peers at the many events and receptions that we have planned.

CLICK HERE to see the full program.

CLICK HERE to see the Agenda-at-a-Glance.


Town Call | November 8 | Reserve Your Seat!

October 25th, 2012 COMMENTS

Classic Exhibits Distributors

Register NOW and reserve your seat for the quarterly Town Call Webinar on Thursday, November 8. Kevin, Reid, Jen, Jim, and Mel will provide a snapshot of industry trends, upcoming events, and all things Classic Exhibits. It’s your chance to grill us on what’s new, what’s different, and what’s the what. Don’t miss it . . . It’s like watching five monkeys at the zoo speak English.

It’s only an hour . . . it’s only once a quarter . . . so join us for this community gathering of peers.

Topics include:

  • iPad Kiosk Trends
  • Rental Designs
  • The World’s Fastest 3 Minute Review of Exhibit Design Search
  • Our 2013 Predictions
  • How the Newaygo Football team did in the Michigan state playoffs
  • What we learned by simply paying attention
  • EDPA Access, EXHIBITOR 2013, and much more


–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

Why Blog? What Bloggers Say.

October 23rd, 2012 COMMENTS

Why Blog?

We’re often asked by Classic Exhibits Distributors about the benefits of blogging:  “Isn’t it time consuming? How do you decide on topics? How often should I submit posts?” I have a hard time answering those questions because the answer is, “It depends.” I ask them if they enjoy writing about our trade shows and events, or if they feel they have something to share about sales, marketing, or small business. They do, even if they don’t realize it. That’s the first reason to blog. Everything else is frosting on the cake.

Blogging may seem a little old fashion compared to Facebook and Twitter, but it’s not. Good content (and the catharsis that comes from writing) is important. So why should you do it? I did a search on “Why Blog?” You might enjoy the answers, along with links to the original posts. Enjoy.

Build Trust

People are skeptical. They are skeptical about strangers on the street and they are even more skeptical about strangers on the internet. A blog with consistent, truthful and helpful content will allow you to bridge that gap between distrust to trust.

Growing Stream of Organic Search Traffic

It’s hard to think that anybody would doubt the benefits of blogging to improving your organic search engine efforts, which in turns drives more traffic to your site, but in case there are any unbelievers out there…here’s the evidence:  people who’ve blogged five times in the last 7 days will get 6.9 times more search traffic.

But influence may be the grandest reason to blog. Garnering influence means building an online voice and thought leadership with every word you write, and every piece of content that you would share online.

Writing Leads to Understanding

Blogging forces you to write down your arguments and assumptions.  This is the single biggest reason to do it, and I think it alone makes it worth it.

When you move from your head to “paper,” a lot of the hand-waveyness goes away and you are left to really defend your position to yourself.

A business blog is an informal, easily maintained method for regularly communicating with your customers. A business blog offers a more approachable, informal information-providing approach in which customers find enjoyment, get to know your company, and learn about your products, achievements, and innovations.

A business blog is an informal, easily maintained method for regularly communicating with your employees. Whether you host your internal employee blog on a commercial site, on your webpage in a password protected location or on your Intranet, you have created a strong communication tool.


Finding Your Voice at Trade Shows — American Image Blog Post

October 22nd, 2012 COMMENTS

Admittedly, I read a lot of trade show blog posts. Partially, because it’s my job, but also because I enjoy seeing how Classic Distributors, industry suppliers, and competitors tackle familiar topics. As you can imagine, there’s a fair amount of repetition. There’s only so many ways to list “critical” trade show supplies or how to handle leads. But, there’s also a lot of creativity.

I really enjoy the bloggers who take the familiar but make it entertaining and often bizarre.  Then there’s someone, in this case Charles Dugan at American Image, who writes about a topic I haven’t read before — “Finding Your Voice at Trade Shows.” I thought I’d tease you with some of it and then link to his blog post. Hey, we can all use links to our websites. 😉

Finding Your Voice at Trade Shows

In many ways, the planning and creation of trade show booths are the easiest part of participating in a trade show. Sure, airports and hotels can be a pain, and getting to the show site a day or so early and putting up the trade show booths can sometimes be an effort and a time commitment.

However, once they are up, many participants seems to feel the hard part is over. You can often see company representatives sitting and waiting for potential clients to come to them. It is almost as if they feel that they have earned a rest after all of the preparation.

In reality, the interaction and speaking to customers is the actual trade show. Your trade show booths need to attract visitors, but the rest is up to you and your sales team. The personal touch is the part of your presentation that you can control during the show.

Many people have difficulty with speaking to clients, either by feeling too much anxiety or acting with too little sensitivity to the personal space and receptivity of the passing customer. Here are a number of things to keep in mind when actually speaking with clients, ideas to remember about your voice and what you can do to project the best possible impression through vocal salesmanship.

Never, ever raise your voice: No matter how loud the sales floor gets, no matter how far away the client, never raise the volume of your voice while working in your trade show booths. This isn’t a stock market, even though it may feel like it at times. If you are trying to get the attention of somebody, use non verbal tricks.

Make eye contact.


If you are ten feet away, put your hand out to shake theirs.

Very few people will refuse to shake the hand of a stranger if it is offered with eye contact and a smile. In this way, you seem like a friend even though you are meeting for the first time. When they respond with a shake and a smile of their own, feel your anxiety melt away

Continue to the blog post . . .


–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

Audio Clips in Exhibit Design Search

October 22nd, 2012 2 COMMENTS
VK-1662 iPad Pedestal

VK-1662 iPad Pedestal

One unique feature of Exhibit Design Search (EDS) is the Audio Clips. It seems a little odd to refer to “audio” as unique, but the internet is dominated by video and text which makes audio-only files unusual. That difference, I would contend, is a difference of distinction. It’s one way that distinguishes your Exhibit Design Search site from other online display websites.

Now, I recognize it’s just one feature. It’s hard to “hang your hat” on one feature. However, and yes I’m probably going a little too far on this, I would maintain that the audio coupled with the “See Photo Examples” adds a personal touch absent from most display sites. Allow me to share a few of my favorites. There are over 80 different audio clips throughout EDS.

I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts about the audio clips, good or bad. Have you ever listened to them with a potential client while on an appointment? What was their reaction?

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.