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Archive for 2011

What’s Your Corporate Culture?

December 4th, 2011 4 COMMENTS

What’s Your Company Culture?

Corporate CultureEvery company has a culture, whether they recognize it or not. Some companies promote it as an asset. Others see it as the elephant in the room which no one discusses. Then there are those executives who speak about their culture using glowing terms like empowerment, self-actualization, and mutual respect. They talk about “open doors” when, in fact, their company could be a reality series. The infighting, politics, departmental espionage, and gossip would make a Survivor or Jersey Shore star blush.

And just like on a reality series, everyone is on their best behavior at first. They wear make-up, clean clothes, and say “Please” and “Thank you.”  They are hyper-aware of the cameras, but after awhile, they forget, and they react to the drama surrounding them. The drama doesn’t change who they are, but it heightens aspects of their personality, both good and bad.

Now imagine the same situation where the culture is established. A new person wants to do the right thing, wants to fit in, and wants to be professional and productive. Supportive cultures welcome that person. They see them as enriching the group and adding value. Each new person represents a necessary skill. And, in time, they reaffirm those values and add diversity to the team.

In dysfunctional cultures, the players are entrenched, and new employees are viewed as threats or possible allies. They quickly discover that to survive they must grapple with departmental politics and navigate petty personal squabbles, some dating back years. All too often, these cultures are hostile to change, blinded by departmental silos and antagonistic to customers, both internal and external. Work gets done but the emotional toll undermines the long-term prospects of the company since good employees leave and creative growth stagnates.

The DNA of the Company

Think of corporate culture as an organism rather than a policy. On days when there are guests, the group plays nice. No one has to be coached to behave in supportive cultures. It’s in their DNA. Impaired cultures are told how to behave and are reminded who will be allowed to interact with the guest. If it’s an important guest, they are told in no uncertain terms to act accordingly.

I don’t pretend to be expert an organizational behavior. Heck, I barely have a grasp on my own behavior. But I’ve worked for enough companies over the years where the corporate culture made the experience pleasant or punishing. What made one culture rewarding and the other a jail sentence? It’s never black and white. I’m not that naive. There’s no perfect company. They all have blemishes and some age better than others. Some start out caring and compassion and become borderline psychopathic. Larger companies often attempt to institutionalize the culture through training, mission statements, and evaluations. More often than not that works, but it can still fail if management ignores or undermines it through their own actions or inactions. HP’s recent fiascoes are a good example of a widely respected culture that has taken a beating over the past three years.

There’s a good chance you work for a small or medium company. There are three major influences on the culture:  the person(s) who owns or manages the company, the person who is the leader in the group (who may or may not be the owner/manager), and the bad apples.

Consider Your Own Situation

If you like your job, whether you handle embalming fluid, shuffle paper, or sell stuff, there’s a good chance you work for someone who sets clear expectations, supports your ideas, respects your work, and treats you as a responsible adult. You may not love every aspect of your job, it may not be the dream job you always wanted, but if your boss is respectful and competent and rarely exhibits a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality, you don’t dread coming to work every day.

On the other hand, we have all worked for the “satanic and/or incompetent nub job,” the boss with a tenuous grasp on human emotions, teamwork, and common decency.  This person just crawled from whatever swamp breeds these creatures and has learned to mimic, albeit badly, human behavior. These people make our lives a living hell, and unless they own the company, they don’t last long.

Since not all managers or owners are leaders, someone has to assume that role, either formally or informally within a team. These folks may be a good or poor manager; however, leaders typically don’t get to be leaders without the ability to “lead.” They understand how to motivate others and how to establish priorities and goals. Exceptional leaders not only model the behavior they want others to follow, but they also guide and coach their colleagues toward those model behaviors. It’s easy to confuse the concepts of “managing” and “leading,” but think back on your own experiences. We’ve all known great managers but poor leaders . . . . or great leaders but weak managers. On occasion, someone possesses both. Truly great managers or leaders are self-aware. They play to their strengths and promote those who possess the talents they don’t have.

Bad Apples Finally, let’s chat about the “bad apple.” Have you ever worked somewhere where you like your job, your colleagues, and the culture. Then, the company hires the “bad apple.” Suddenly, everything changes. That one person, for reasons unique to each situation, changes everything. They become “the conversation” whenever you and your colleagues chat. You discuss reasonable solutions about how to handle this person, but those solutions never seem to work. You try harder and like a greased pig, every perfect solution escapes your grasp.

What we fail to understand about “bad apples” is that each time we try to remove the bad behavior, or the brown spot on the apple, it always exposes more bad behavior. Not at first, but over time that clean surface turns brown again. Eventually, it’s all bad and all that remains is an even uglier core.

A human resource manager once told me, “We hire people for what they know. We fire them for who they are.” They may be incompetent or unethical, but much more often, they are simply not good matches for the group or the corporate culture.

Every corporate culture is different. And most are moving, evolving, adapting. Good ones recognize what works for their employees, their customers, and their suppliers. They build on it and strive to hire employees who add value and strategic diversity. Bad ones ignore it. They lack institutional self-awareness, and they blame internal dysfunction on individuals or market forces.

What’s your corporate culture? How has that culture manifested itself through the past three years of economic malaise? Please share your thoughts (or rants on previous bad cultures).

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

Eco-Systems Sustainable and Classic Exhibits Partner at Greenbuild Expo

November 28th, 2011 COMMENTS

Demand for Green Exhibit Systems Increases

The October 2011 Greenbuild Conference and Expo in Toronto, Ontario drew over 23,000 attendees. Greenbuild Expo showcases innovative products and services that exemplify how to use “green” to grow businesses. With over 1,700 exhibiting companies at this year’s event, the demand for eco-friendly tradeshow exhibits was higher than ever.

As in past years, Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits and its manufacturing partner Classic Exhibits Inc. played a pivotal role in supplying exhibitors with sustainable exhibit options at Greenbuild.  This year, there were over 30 companies with Eco-systems displays, ranging from 10 x 10 inlines to 20 x 30 islands. Eco-Systems has designed and built displays for Greenbuild exhibitors since 2008.

More and more companies are realizing the benefit of marketing their products and services while incorporating a “green display,” especially at an event such as Greenbuild.

According to Tim Morris, President of Eco-Systems, “The high attendance at Greenbuild Expo demonstrates the increasing demand for green products and services not only in North American but also worldwide. We are excited to offer companies an eco-friendly, high-design option for marketing their products at tradeshows, whether at eco-centric shows such as Greenbuild or at any other show or event.”

Eco-Systems designs exhibits using materials such as bamboo, recycled aluminum extrusion, graphics made from recycled soda bottles, and much more.  These materials form the foundation for displays ranging from banner stands to islands, including eco-friendly hybrid and pop up displays.  The strategic partnership between Eco-Systems and Classic Exhibits allows Eco-Systems to focus on exhibit design and green product research. Classic Exhibits provides the manufacturing expertise at its large manufacturing facility on the West Coast. Classic’s manufacturing efficiencies have been pivotal Eco-Systems’ growth.

“Our partnership with Eco-Systems has been financially beneficial and socially rewarding,” said Mel White, VP of Marketing and Business Development at Classic. “We’ve incorporated green practices throughout our facility, from recycling most materials to purchasing recycled products such as our foam, roto-molded cases, and aluminum extrusion. And in most cases, the recycled products have been less expensive. We are proud to be a strategic and financial partner of Eco-Systems.”

Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits and Classic Exhibits continue to innovate their green display products and manufacturing practices. With the 2012 Greenbuild Conference and Expo in San Francisco, CA, Eco-Systems and Classic Exhibits hope to play a pivotal role in supplying exhibitors with sustainable exhibit options.

Greenbuild International 2011

Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits is the first green-built portable-modular exhibit system in the industry developed with environmentally and socially responsible materials benchmarked to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System of the U.S. Green Building Council.  Eco-Systems Displays are built using a variety of materials derived from recycled content, rapidly renewable materials, and recyclable materials.

Classic Exhibits Inc. – Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. is the leading designer and manufacturer of portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. These solutions include the Perfect 10 Portable Hybrid Displays, Euro LT Custom Modular Exhibits, Magellan Hybrid Displays, Visionary Designs, and Sacagawea Hybrid Displays. Classic Exhibits is a manufacturing partner of Eco-Systems and supplies Eco with aluminum extrusion through its ClassicMODUL division.

The Brand Experience: Word on the Street — Nov. 21st thru Nov. 25th

November 27th, 2011 1 COMMENT
Brand Experience

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Have you ever worked with a client who obsesses about “Brand Experience”? That’s been my week. We just completed a very large retail project for a client whose brand experience is just as important as their products, if not more so.

When I was much younger, I trained and worked for Nordstrom. Nordstrom was obsessed with customer service, and every day was a new lesson in catering to customers and understanding how to anticipate their needs. Did Nordstrom carry superior products? Absolutely! But their brand was (and continues to be) exceptional customer service. You expect that experience when you walk through their doors.

Brand Experience is defined as . . .

Sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioral responses evoked by brand-related stimuli that are part of a brand’s design and identity, packaging, communications, and environments. A brands experience scale includes four dimensions: sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral. Moreover, brand experience affects consumer satisfaction and loyalty directly and indirectly through brand personality associations.

Nike is another Northwest company that has done far better than most in creating their Brand Experience. When you walk into a Nike Store you feel one or all of the following:

  • How can I live an active lifestyle
  • How can I improve my workout
  • I feel inspired to start exercising
  • I feel like an athlete
  • I want to swing a baseball bat, go for a run, or shoot hoops

Nike has several levels of stores: Nike Town, Nike Outlet Stores, Nike Factory Stores, and of course if you live in the Northwest, the ever-exclusive Nike Employee Store which is invite only.

I appreciate how the Nike stores, and all the Nike retailers, such as Dick’s or Sports Authority, carry the same Brand Experience. It does not matter if you are at the Nike Outlet in Florida, Nike Town on Michigan Avenue, or the Nike department at Dicks Sporting Goods. Their brand, and the way they display it, carries the same message and experience.

Disney is another great example. Whether you are walking into Disneyland or the Disney Store at your mall, you experience the same emotions and thoughts.

  • You feel part of the magic
  • All your senses are stimulated
  • You feel like a child regardless of your age
  • You want to use your imagination
  • You feel warm and safe

Creating a sustained brand experience is tough. It requires vision and discipline. Too often, marketing departments want to chase the latest fad or tamper with the brand to fit a “cool” idea. But, brands and the experience have to evolve as well. Look at Geico. They’ve managed to create multiple identities, riding each one only as long as the idea sparks interest (or no longer fails to annoy).

Other companies have/had a superior brand experience, but that brand experience is dated or dead. Saturn took their experience for granted and it lost its meaning as GM tampered with the product mix and the message. Buick, on the other hand, has been transformed. The codger-mobile, long reserved for grandpa’s, bankers, and southern preachers, has been taken off life support and is now suitable for anyone without a pacemaker or stents.

While I could give examples all day long (Apple, Starbucks, Target), I would like to hear what your favorites are or where you have seen Brand Experiences come to life — the best and worst. Who succeeds . . . Who fails?

Have a wonderful week. I look forward to your comments.

–Kevin Carty

Your EDPA VIP Pass Courtesy of Classic Exhibits Inc.

November 16th, 2011 COMMENTS

Access 2011 in Las Vegas

Be sure to enter the discount code “seVIP11.” Please visit us in the EDPA Product Showcase to see examples of SEG aluminum extrusions and iPad counter solutions. Kevin Carty, Jim Shelman, Reid Sherwood, and Mel White will be attending the event.

Access 2011 VIP Pass from Classic Exhibits Inc.

The “Seek Reid” Promotion Winners

November 15th, 2011 COMMENTS

The Winners of the “Seek Reid” Promotion

Congratulations to the winners of the “Seek Reid” promotion who found our furry friend in Exhibit Design Search at VK-5075, a 20 x 20 island. Their names were chosen randomly from all the correct entries.

  • Gary Camarato, Optima Graphics
  • Chuck Michel, ELITeXPO

Gary and Chuck won Amazon Kindle Fire Tablets. Nice.

EDS Changes and Enhancements:

  • 28 Product Galleries
  • NEW 30 Second Audio Clips
  • Comprehensive links to Renderings, Photos, and Accessories
  • Updated Design Detail Pages
  • Site Specific Email and Design Request Tools
  • Still Only $300

Discover why so many Classic Exhibits Distributors rely on Exhibit Design Search to drive sales. For more information about EDS and how you can add it to your website, contact Mel White, VP of Marketing and Business Development.

May the force be with you . . . .

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.