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Word on the Street — April 18th thru April 22nd

April 24th, 2011 1 COMMENT

Happy Easter!

I’m taking a week off from my typical social media entry. 🙂  For a change of pace, I encourage you to view our newest product video on the SEGUE Sunrise. Very well done!

I hope you all had a great Easter Weekend with your family. And hopefully the EB left your little ones lots and lots of fun gifts and candy treats.

Next week, I am working on an entry about “Hiring a Project Manager” — What to look for and what to avoid. See ya next week.

Be Well!

–Kevin Carty

What Did We Learn from the Recession: Word on the Street — April 11th thru April 15th

April 17th, 2011 COMMENTS
What Have We Learned

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

It’s Been Over Two Years. What Did We Learn?

I’m curious what you/we learned over the past two years about our industry, your business, and our customers? Here are my thoughts. Please share your thoughts as well and “Leave a Reply.”

First, it goes without saying that the last two years have been hard:  on people, our industry, as well as our customers. But it sure feels like we are all much stronger in so many ways. Here is what I’ve learned:

1. Supplier and partner relationships are more important than ever.

For Classic, this has never been truer. Whether it’s sharing costs on large inventory buys or representing one another on distributor visits, partnering with our suppliers is a key component of our (and their) success. We rely on them for advice, for business, and for another set of eyes and ears in the marketplace.

Thank you 2. You would be wise to respect and thank those folks in your own organizations who helped you get through the recession. They, as well as you, worked very hard and are sure to be working even harder now.

Classic Exhibits is fortunate to have a dedicated, long-tenured staff both administratively and in production. Without their dedication, their creativity, and their patience, we would not have survived and succeeded during the recession!

3. At some point, convention centers in the United States will be engaged in hand-to-hand combat just to survive as state and local subsidies decline. Only then will there be pressure on the General Contractors to play fair with Exhibitors.

In our humble opinion, something has to change. We cannot continue down this path. Eventually, exhibitors will simply refuse to attend or participate in trade show marketing.

Head in Sand Approach

4. Those who took the past two years to innovate in design, manufacturing, marketing and sales are reaping the early benefits as sales continue to increase!

A “Talk to the Hand” mentality may have worked in 2008 when dealing with your customers (a philosophy that Classic has never ascribed to). Customers are not going to, nor should they, put up with that attitude! No one wants to wait while you wade through your “waiting period” or put up with your “do it our way” attitude.

We know many other companies that lived on their “brand” and their “presence” leading into 2008. But never did the light shine so brightly, and poorly quite frankly, on those companies than during the recession. We were all struggling and the last thing you wanted was any sort of non-sympathetic, non-customer centric attitude from your supplier only moments after reviewing your weekly cash projections.

6. There is no guarantee the recession is over!

Turning a blind eye to the possibility that we might slide backwards again would not just be foolish, but it would clearly indicate that you lived with your head in the sand, or somewhere else the past two years.

What was your first car?

What was your first car?

7. Cheap pop-ups and banner stands did not destroy the industry! Rather, they brought new customers that are or soon will be moving upstream into larger more dynamic exhibit needs as their sales and marketing budgets increase.

Remember we all had a “first” car. Mine was a 1970 Datsun B1200 (deluxe mind you). And you know what, it was what I could afford at the time. Then as I began to earn more money, I got nicer cars, etc. etc. etc. By the way, that was not my plane in the background.

8. Social Media is a “tool.” And like any tool, you can use it wisely or misuse it and take your chances.

I don’t need to mention the number of Group Discussions on LinkedIn that that have gone a bit sideways, leaving some folks wishing they had not said quite as much as they did. And then there’s the one person who always has to have the last word.

Bad Service 9. Anyone who tells their customer that you MUST follow their procedures and process or we can’t take your order should be shown the door. Flexibility is key! And trying to operate without it will kill your business in the end.

Take a look back at my blog a few weeks ago regarding trying to order a sample that a vendor had on their shelf and being told that it would take five days due to their process and procedures as a “BIG” company. You get the picture.

10. Design, Features, Message and Price. They are all the same components that every customer needs and considers. Its the order in which they need them that sets one customer apart from the other.

Vacation with the Griswolds

Vacation with the Griswolds

11. We are not all crazy! We all just need a vacation. So take one. You deserve it for staying in business over the past couple years. Kudos!

Those are just a few of many of our observations. How about you? Please share your thoughts and or comments. What did you learn?

I hope you had a great weekend and even better week ahead

Be Well!

–Kevin Carty

SEGUE Sunrise Hybrid Display Animation

April 13th, 2011 COMMENTS

Our compliments to Mike Swartout, our Design Director, for another fantastic product animation. This time he put on his BIG BOY CREATIVE PANTS for the SEGUE Sunrise video. It’s excellent!

The SEGUE Sunrise Portable Hybrid is an affordable trade show exhibit designed as an alternative to a traditional pop up display. The aluminum frame assembles without tools using attached quick-turn knobs. The vibrant fabric graphics slot into the frame using a silicone edge beading.

Enough chatter . . . . You paid good money to attend the premiere, so sit back and enjoy.

Why choose a SEGUE Sunrise?
* Easy, fast assembly
* Durable aluminum extrusion frame
* Large tension fabric graphic
* Convenient packing and shipping options

Stand out from the pop up crowd at your next show with a SEGUE Sunrise.

–Mel White

Word on the Street — April 4th thru April 8th

April 10th, 2011 2 COMMENTS
Quarter 2011

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

One Quarter Down . . . 3 to Go!

It’s hard to believe how quickly the first quarter flew by. But it did, and what an interesting first quarter it was. January was strong. February a little dicey. March was a monster! I am glad to report that Q1 2011 was one of the best in Classic’s history. We owe it all to your hard work with your customers and to the positive attitude of the Classic team. Thanks so much!

It’s always a little dangerous in our business to predict Q2 sales based on Q1, but, what the heck, let’s put on our Jeanne Dixon psychic hat for a moment and peer into the crystal ball. The second quarter looks to be upbeat from what we are seeing and are hearing. This past week I spoke to quite a few distributors who told me that expect more of the same in the second quarter. They are seeing more activity from both existing and new customers, who are adding to existing structures, changing graphics, and in quite a few cases, purchasing new displays.

It would be easy to see Q1 as an anomaly, but the first quarter was a blend of sales with a healthy mix of larger exhibits, custom inlines, counters and workstations, and standard kits. In 2010, you may recall that we had a lot of kit sales without much customization, especially 10 x 10’s and 10 x 20’s. But so far in 2011, while kit sales have continued to set the pace, we are building more “souped” up kits and a lot more high-budget islands.

Product Mix

We continue to sell quite a few hybrids like Visionary Designs, Sacagawea, Magellan, P10, and SEGUE, but we are also selling Intro Folding Fabric Systems, Quadro Pop Up Displays (both S and EO), and Aero Table Tops. And I can’t even keep track of the Aero Overhead Hanging Sign sales. It seems like every time I walk onto the setup floor there is another Aero Overhead Sign being assembled. Some are part of larger exhibits, but also a lot are add-ons to a client’s existing exhibit.

Looking forward, it appears the mix of sales is continuing. Most of what we have quoted or have headed for Production in April and May is either customized kits or larger island exhibits.

So what does all this mean? I was watching a video from EXHIBITOR interviewing attendee’s who were asked about the climate of business. Most of the responses were “We’re back!” or “We’re on the way back.” And I have to agree that it certainly feels that way, despite all the news you hear regarding the state of our economy.

What Have We Learned?

History Repeats ItselfHowever . . . I want to ask you a question before we get too comfortable with the “recovery.” What did we/you learn about our industry, about business, and about our customers over the past two plus years?” Did we learn anything that will make the industry stronger, our businesses healthier, and our sales increase?

I suspect the answer is not as transparent we would all like to believe. Not to rely on a cliche, but as we all know, history tends to repeat itself when we don’t analyze and understand the past. We are already getting hints of this it relates to inflated trade show charges, arbitrary rush fees, and inflexible customer service within our industry.

Let me know your thoughts, and next week I’ll share mine as well as your comments, observations, and rants. Give me a call, send me an email, or simply reply in the comments section of the blog.

Thanks again for making the last quarter so great. Have a great week ahead.

–Kevin Carty

Exhibit Videos from Exhibitor 2011

April 5th, 2011 COMMENTS

Hey All,

Just wanted to share with you a great little video of our booth in Las Vegas last week at Exhibitor 2011.

For those of you that could not attend, this really highlights the beautiful job the Classic crew did on the design and implementation this year. Thanks again to the entire Classic Exhibits, Exhibits Northwest, and Eco-systems Team for all your dedication and hard work.

Take a look at the longer version of the Display Supply and Lighting video of their display from Exhibitor 2011 (built by Classic Exhibits). Very impressive lighting by DS&L!

Kudos once again to Steve Pinette from Pearl Studios for the impressive design and to Rob Cohen and his entire team at Display Supply and Lighting for their implementation.


Kevin Carty
Vice President Of Sales
Classic Exhibits Inc.