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Posts Tagged ‘EDPA’

Back from the Randy Smith Golf Classic: Word on the Street — Oct. 22nd thru Oct. 26th

October 26th, 2012 1 COMMENT
Back from the Randy Smith Golf Classic: Word on the Street -- Oct. 22nd thru Oct. 26th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic
Guest Post by Jim Shelman

I just returned home from the Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic in Atlanta, an event presented by EDPA and E2MA. As many of you know, Kevin has been attending this event for many years. This was my third trip, and this year I filled in for Kevin who couldn’t attend. I golfed with Reid Sherwood, Cindi Cody, and Bill Glasser, and we had a great time.

It’s difficult to put into words just how important this event is to our industry, and how much it means to the recipients that benefit from it. It’s always fun to get together with friends, customers, and suppliers. And the golf couldn’t have been better with the incredible weather we had. And to witness Reid Sherwood putting an 80 and 40 foot putt for two eagles was amazing! It will be interesting to hear Reid tell the story. We’ll see if the 80 footer turns into 120, and if the 40 footer turns into 75, but regardless, they were incredible putts, and highlights of our round.

The fun, however, is no match for the feeling that comes from being a part of something so meaningful. This event proves that there really is such a thing as friendly competition. We all come together as one family with one common goal:  to help the people within our industry who have suffered severe tragedies or face insurmountable medical expenses. These are people just like us that are sitting in an office next door, or working in the shop or the warehouse, or on the show floor–that are suddenly hit with tragic, life-changing circumstances in their lives.


Picture 1 of 3

Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic 2012

The banquet that is held after the golf tournament is truly touching as you listen to heart-wrenching stories from the recipients. Stories that are unimaginable to a lot of us, and way too close to home for others.

It’s a sobering reminder that life throws unexpected curves at us, and that our circumstances can change in an instant.

I can’t speak for others who attended this year, or for those who attended in the past, but I can tell you that when I arrived back home in Portland, I was more thankful than ever to to hug my healthy wife and four year old daughter, and to know that they’re okay. Unfortunately, we have people in our industry (our family) who can’t say that. All of us here at Classic know this too well. Our Director of Design, Mike Swartout, who was a recipient at last year’s Randy Smith, is battling Stage 4 prostate cancer.

I’d like to say a special thank you to Rich Johnson and all of the volunteers for their incredible commitment and work with this tournament every year!

The tournament is a lot of fun, and worth the trip in itself. But the real gratification comes from being a part of something that means so much to the recipients who know and appreciate so deeply that we’re helping to support them during their time of hardship and tragedy in their lives.

If you haven’t attended, please consider it for next year.  You’ll be glad you did.

Jim Shelman
General Manger, Exhibits Northwest/Classic Rentals


Calling all Distributors to EDPA ACCESS 2012: Word on the Street — August 6th thru August 10th

August 12th, 2012 COMMENTS
EDPA Access 2012

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty


It may seem early to chat about an event that is not slated until late November, but I would challenge you that it is not. Particularly for Classic Distributors.

As you have probably gathered over the years, I am a passionate advocate for EDPA (for what it represents and for what it has accomplished for our beloved industry). ACCESS is a huge part of why I am so passionate about the association.

This year will be NO different. As a member of the Board of Directors, I take pride in ACCESS and how it represents our industry. The association has shown positive growth, and education is a big reason for that growth.

Years ago, EDPA was perceived as an association for custom houses, system manufacturers, and service providers. And years ago, that may have been somewhat true. But not anymore. That I can promise you, without hesitation. EDPA and ACCESS are for distributors. It’s a place where you can sit side-by-side with representatives from all facets of the industry. A place to focus and shape how we work toward the common good of our common customers. A place to forge new partnerships and deepen existing ones. All without the distractions of a larger show experience.

Many of you have shared your frustrations, feeling that you not have a voice within the industry. EDPA is your opportunity to have that voice and to shape how the industry evolves. ACCESS is not EXHIBITOR. The show floor is limited. There’s no CTSM education tracks, and no end-users. Just education sessions on design trends and business, roundtables discussions, and social events with your peers. It’s casual and meaningful, where one conversation can change your perspective on how you conduct your business.

This year, your participation is critical. The Distributor/Dealers who attend ACCESS will help create a future track within the conference tailored to your needs and wants. So this year make the decision to put it on your calendar. Don’t wait. You will not be disappointed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call and ask me about ACCESS.  I’ll share my experiences.

Have a great week ahead. Be well.

–Kevin Carty


Registration For EDPA ACCESS 2012 Is Now OPEN! Introducing Early, Early-Bird Incentives: Save On Your Hotel Today!

EDPA is proud to announce that the 58th Annual Conference & Showcase is now open for registration at our special early, early-bird rates. Join us November 28 – 30 at the Renaissance Esmeralda in Palm Springs, CA for three days of learning, networking and growth.

For many, EDPA’s ACCESS conference is a must-attend. So why not register early?

Book now to take advantage of the lowest rates of the year and save even more with our new ‘Room Block Special’: Register before September 5, and receive $200 off the full-price of registration PLUS a $100 credit on your room nights at the Renaissance Esmeralda.*

This year’s theme of ‘Connect & Create’ could not be more important. Business is rebounding and there’s no better time to get together with your fellow industry leaders to exchange ideas and walk away energized and inspired for the year ahead.

Sign-up today and lock in the lowest rates of the year (a $300 savings total) and save on your room nights!

Register Now!

For more information, contact:

Melissa Nemitz, Member Services Coordinator

p: 203-899-8491 | e:

And Away We Go!: Word on the Street — July 30th thru August 3

August 5th, 2012 1 COMMENT
And Away We Go

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

August is finally here . . . and depending on your perspective, that’s either a good thing or something to regret.

From a personal perspective, I am like, “Yikes! How did we get to August so quickly?” But from a business standpoint, I am breathing a sigh of relief. Why? Because July is behind us!

July is always a down month, even a good July like this year. If I wear my sales hat, I wish July had been even stronger. That said and before our PM’s and Designers shoot me, July was NUTS for them. Quoting seems to be higher than ever actually, which means Design Requests are up big time as well. And with respect to our designers, WOW, the properties have gotten much bigger for the upcoming fall show season. We are headed into what looks like an Island Paradise this August, September and October. Sans the margarita maker and white sandy beaches.

New Products, BBQ, Partnerships, and Fundraiser

MOD-1334 iPad Kiosk

August also means that new products are ready for release. For example, in Design Monday this week we are showcasing three new portable iPad Kiosks. The new iPad Kiosks, called the Port\Land Designs, feature our exclusive Swivel Stop solution. The Swivel Stop permits the iPads to swivel between the Portrait and Landscape mode without tools (Port to Land — Get it!). OK, maybe the name is a little cheesy since we’re based in Portland, but it’s ours and we’re keeping it.

August also means the Company BBQ. It’s a personal and professional highlight for us at Classic, Exhibits NW and ClassicMODUL. It’s on Friday, August 17. Just in case you have a hard time reaching us around lunch time, it’s because we are napping after consuming an insane number of hamburgers, hot dogs, and desserts.

My challenge to you is to focus on our partnerships and relationships — distributors, manufacturers and vendors. When the trade show industry spikes over the next three months, we get hectic and chaotic to varying degrees. Lean on one another from a partnership perspective and with a sense of understanding that we are all on this roller coaster ride together. I know that’s sort of “fluffy and Polly-anna” but it is true. When we all ramp back up for the busy season, we can’t forget that we rely on one other for our Shared Success.

Lastly, August means that Dave Brown, Joel Roy, Tony Ricci, Betsy Ricci, Charlie Shivel, Mel White, Greg Garrett and myself are only seven weeks away from our fundraiser ride for Mike Swartout. To all of you that have already donated, thanks so very much. It has been nothing short of amazing and touching to receive your support — financially and emotionally. For those of you who have not sponsored Club 815 Powered by The EDPA Foundation, here is a link to our webpage. And below that is a link to a recent posting on the EDPA Foundation website about our band of idiots. Every little bit helps:  $25, $50, $100.

Club 815 Fundraiser:

EDPA Foundation Story:

Be well and have a great week ahead.

–Kevin Carty




What’s Your Brand?: Word on the Street — July 9th thru July 13th

July 16th, 2012 COMMENTS
What's your Brand?: Word on the Street -- July 9th thru July 13th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Feeling Inspired

I’m back from the inaugural E2MA Association / The Red Diamond Congress in Chicago. And, despite my initial misgivings, I am inspired.

Let me back up a little and explain. On Monday, I was in Chicago for the EDPA Board Meeting (Exhibit Designers and Producers Association). Like all EDPA Board meetings, it was productive — planning, industry discussion, and talks related to the growth and betterment of EDPA and the industry as whole. For anyone considering attending ACCESS 2012 in Palm Springs, it’s primed to be a stellar networking and educational event.

Tuesday through Thursday, I attended the 2012 Red Diamond Congress, an event associated with the former TSEA. It’s now an event organized and hosted by the newly formed E2MA (Exhibit and Event Marketers Association), an association with members from the former TSEA and EACA.

In quick summary, kudos to Jim Wurm and his team for putting on a thought-provoking three days of discussion related to the future of the new E2MA. My compliments to the educational seminars taught or hosted by Marlys Arnold, Justin Hersh, Tony Earping and Gary Slack (The Keynote) to name a few.

What I appreciated the most was the sense that Jim and his group used this time to truly gain a historical perspective from the two old associations and work to set forth a clear direction for the new E2MA. It’s not often that someone takes such a bold and transparent approach. It’s clear from what I saw that it will be inclusive, with a strong exhibitor and education focus, in addition to participation by show organizers, labor, general contractors, and suppliers.

You may be wondering, “Is that truly possible?” I’m optimistic. I left with a real sense that the association (and yet to be named board) will be digesting everything that was said during those three days and using it to chart a positive future for E2MA and our industry.

As with any meeting or show, I not only learn from the speakers, but also from industry colleagues. This week was no different. I would like to share an exchange I had that really stuck with me.

Seth Godin

During one of the morning sessions on Tuesday, I was sitting with Chris Griffin from Tradeshow Supply, someone I’ve know for many years. He’s a colleague, a distributor, and a friend. The Keynote Speaker, Gary Slack, was discussing the “Brand” for the new association. In that conversation, Gary referred to Seth Godin. I do not know a lot about Seth, except his name and his reputation, but Chris follows his daily blog and reads his books. According to Chris, Seth’s take on “Brand” is . . . loosely, “Your brand is not your logo or your tagline. It IS a set of expectations.” Take a moment and think about that.

I hesitate to say this, so please understand that this comes from a truly modest place, but the definition above really speaks to what we have striven for at Classic Exhibits regarding our “Brand.” Our Brand is not our logo or our tagline; it’s the service and the products you have come to expect from us.

Now, we are not Nordstrom or Apple. Their “Brands” speak to that very definition. And while their logos are instantly recognizable, it’s their product and services that really speak to what they represent to customers.

Make sure to subscribe to Seth’s blog. It’s daily and not time intensive. You won’t regret it:

The week left me with lots to think about and share in upcoming blogs. This week’s post would be four times as long if I shared everything.

Hope you all had a great week and an even better one to come.

Be well!

–Kevin Carty

Education for the Future of our Industry: Word on the Street — March 26th thru March 30th

March 31st, 2012 COMMENTS
Education for the Future of our Industry

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

EDPA Foundation Scholarship

I have been fortunate to sit on the EDPA Foundation Scholarship Committee for many years. It’s something near and dear to my heart: supporting those within our industry getting their education.

To date, the EDPAF Scholarship Committee has awarded nearly $110,000 in scholarships! Isn’t that awesome!! And it has been awarded to a myriad of people from the kids of industry employees, industry employees themselves, as well as spouses who have chosen to further their education.

This year is no different. An open call for applications will be announced soon, but I thought I might get a head start for those in the Classic Exhibits Network who might be interested. Here is the application.

Please take a second to review. There are people in our network who have applied and received scholarships. Some scholarships have been for tuition, others for books.

The deadline is July 1, but don’t delay until then. Every year the number of applications continues to grow. Please don’t pass up this opportunity if it applies to YOU or Your Family.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Be well.

–Kevin Carty