Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘ClassicMODUL’

Word on the Street — October 11th thru October 15th

October 17th, 2010 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Diversifying . . .

Diversifying was the overriding theme of conversations with distributors this week. When I make calls to Classic Exhibits Distributors, I ask about their sales and what they are seeing in the market. I inquire where their sales are coming from and where they see them headed in the coming months.

The answers had one very consistent theme. People are diversifying their sales approach and looking beyond the traditional trade show exhibit. They are thinking “outside the box” into related opportunities. Here are some of the ideas they shared with me about their anticipated sales this fall.

Interior Work, such as Corporate Environments and Retail Showrooms. This was a common thread I heard from many distributors. In many markets, the firms that typically handle this sort of business have struggled and many have closed their doors, leaving customers looking for alternate routes to get this work done. And as many of you know, what we do on the show floor is not all that different from what happens in Corporate Environments, so it has proven to be a nice fit for many distributors.

Retail Fixturing and POP/POS. Granted this is not altogether new to many of us, but it clearly has become a much larger segment of our “pie.” We have seen this first hand through the ClassicMODUL division of the company. The nice part is that really any level and or size distributor can seek this business. With ClassicMODUL extrusions and accessories at your fingertips . . . design capabilities through Classic Exhibits . . . and the vast CNC capabilities we offer you,  you can walk into any retail scenario confidently, knowing that you can provide a complete solution for your customer.

Small Event Production. With companies watching their marketing and travel budgets, and rightfully so, many corporations have turned to hosting small events of their own. Small events bring clients to their event without the worry of competitors on the show floor. It also gives a client the opportunity to bring in vendor partners as well to show their wares and services. For trade show folk like us, it is a nice opportunity and good fit for potential business. Distributors can provide all the exhibits for the show, partner with a local show management company to help produce the show, and gain access to a captive audience of potential traditional trade show exhibitors for the future.

These are just a few of the “diverse” ideas I heard this past week that have been successful for many Classic Distributors. I am sure there are many more out there. Please share some of those successes and ideas here.

Be well and have a great weekend

–Kevin Carty

Word on the Street — September 26th thru October 1st

October 3rd, 2010 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Survey Results and Responses — Part 2 of 2

Once again, thank you for participating in our recent survey. This week, I’d like to share some of the numbers from the survey in addition to answering many of your comments and questions.

Quantitative Data

“How would you rate the response time from Classic Exhibits (compared to competitors)?”

Much Faster 16.0%
Somewhat Faster 33.3%
Comparable 35.6%

“How would you rate the overall customer service from Classic Exhibits (compared to competitors)?”

Much Faster 13.7%
Somewhat Faster 43.6%
Comparable 34.4%

If we weren’t Classic, we would view these numbers as positive since you rated us 85% and 91% Faster or Comparable to our competitors. But given our history of consistently responding faster than our competitors, the 35% Comparable numbers are troubling. I’ll respond specifically to this a little later in the blog since we received a comment on this topic.

“How often do you visit the Classic Exhibits website?”

Several times a week 56.3%
Once a month 28.7%
Once a year 1.1%

These numbers are encouraging and gratifying since we’ve devoted considerable time, effort, and money to our website over the past five years. When you visit our website, you told us you use the following features most often:

  1. Exhibit Design Search
  2. Product Pages
  3. Rental Displays
  4. Trade Show Tales Blog
  5. Past 5 Days
  6. Exhibit Specials

On a follow up question, we asked, “Which features of Exhibit Design Search do you use? Check all that apply.” Again, in order, you said:

  1. Photos
  2. Filter and Sort
  3. Design Details
  4. Additional Images
  5. Email Designs
  6. My Gallery
  7. Product Videos (when available)

Finally, in the response to the question, “How would you rate Classic Exhibits on the following?”, you rated us Excellent or Above Average on these (with the corresponding percentage):

  • Ease of Purchase — 77%
  • Manufacturing Flexibility — 76%
  • Setup Instructions — 82%
  • Cases and Packaging — 85%
  • Product Quality — 86%
  • Exhibit Designs — 84%
  • Distributor Communication — 76%
  • Marketing — 82%

Comments and Responses from the Survey

Classic has long been the fastest at getting quotes, orders, and designs turned around as it relates to the industry as a whole. In the past few months this has slipped a little. Why?

Answer — Let me start off by saying that this is not something that we like to hear. However, it is also a reality, and it is by no means the fault of any one PM or Designer. Rather, it is quite simply due to market conditions. We (Classic) do not have as many people working in those departments as we did two years ago. And that is not an excuse, but from a transparency standpoint, we want to be honest with you.

Our PM’s and Designers are doing as many quotes and designs as always, but the orders are smaller than they were 24 months ago. Therefore, you have fewer people trying to do more. Having said that, we need to set more reasonable expectations on turnaround times. Over promising and under delivering is never a good thing. We realize that. And as a management team, we are addressing it.

Can your Design Team and Project Management Team communicate better at the “hand-off” stage? Meaning when a design is sent to Project Management for quoting?

Answer — While this was not an overriding theme in your survey responses, it was mentioned and deserves a response. Communication has been a consistent theme at Classic over the past four years, both internally and externally. Hearing that we are failing with some of our distributors is troublesome. Some of it may be a direct reflection of asking fewer people to do more. I know that occasionally causes people to cut corners to meet existing time expectations. However, when proper communication does not happen, it causes us to go back and forth more often which lengthens the turnaround time. I promise you that we are working on this, and we will get better.

Can you include Distributor News and Updates in Design Monday along with new designs?

Answer — Yes. And to some extent we already do. Several years ago, we discontinued our monthly newsletter because we felt we were inundating you with email broadcasts. Instead, we shifted those routine updates on products, services, and specials to periodic emails, Design Monday (via “Word on the Street”) and postings in the Trade Show Tales Blog. Please let us know if you would like us to resume the monthly newsletter. In the newsletter, we would be very happy to discuss Classic updates as well as information in your world — whether it is new hires, current projects that you wish to share, or other pertinent news as it relates to the industry within your local markets.

Classic needs to do a better job of Customer Appreciation and Acknowledgment.

Answer — Ouch! That really hurts. While I feel like we do a good job of this “on the fly,” for the most part, I do agree that we need to do this more publicly. And more often. Our management team will make this a focus moving forward. You are our lifeblood. No one can deny that, and I am sorry if we have not done a good job of acknowledging that daily, monthly and quarterly.

ClassicMODUL is great. The variety of extrusions and accessories are unmatched. Why do you not promote the variety more in your Classic Exhibits designs and broadcasts?

Answer — At first I thought this comment may have come from Tom Jones, who manages our ClassicMODUL division. 😉 But it didn’t. I spent a lot of time thinking about this. In looking through past Design Mondays and other e-broadcasts that the Classic Exhibits division has sent over the past several months, it is clear that while we use a variety of extrusions and accessories in our broadcasts, we do not always “highlight” them. Recently, we have been promoting the TSP profiles which hold Silicone Edge Graphics, but we do need to do a better job of describing the extrusions in particular designs so that you gain a deeper and better sense of what is available from Classic and ClassicMODUL. Great suggestion. Thanks!

In conclusion, we have work to do and some issues to resolve. Thank you for your feedback, and we sincerely appreciate your constructive criticism.

And thank you for the many, many kudos we received as well in the survey (which we elected not to share). I am not going to lie, hearing that “Classic Rocks!,” that the “Customer Service Team is Wonderful” and that you appreciate coming to work each day knowing that you get to “Work with friends,” makes me not just happy, but exceptionally proud of our team.

Thanks again!

–Kevin Carty

Word on the Street — September 6th thru September 10th

September 12th, 2010 COMMENTS

Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

When to Order from Classic Exhibits vs. ClassicMODUL

This is a topic that comes up quite frequently, and I apologize for not addressing it sooner (or at least more often).

Here is the “2-Second Answer”:  When you want it turnkey, order from Classic Exhibits, but if you want to order the extrusion and build it yourself, order from ClassicMODUL.

Now, here is the longer, more detail answer.

Let’s use the analogy of building a home as the example.

Option #1: If you are building a new home and decide to build it yourself, then you essentially become your own contractor. You coordinate with the foundation people, the lumber company, the flooring company, the cabinet folks, etc. They may provide advice and guidance regarding materials, quantities, and installation, but you are the contractor on this job. You order what you need and bring in expertise when you need it. In this case, the final cost to your client includes your labor and project management in addition to the cost of the materials.

Option #2: You go to a home builder and select the floor plan, the finishes, and the appliances and they build the home from start to finish. The builder is the contractor. The final cost is based on the contractor’s time and materials.

It’s not that different when working with Classic Exhibits or ClassicMODUL.

ClassicMODUL is like the lumber broker. You can buy full lengths or pre-cut lengths of metal from ClassicMODUL to build your display in-house. But you may not get full CAD drawings, packing details, or Project Management support as part of the basic package. Those are line item additions (as requested). Instead, you receive the metal, functional CAD drawings (where appropriate), and a bill of materials.

But it’s important to remember that ClassicMODUL is more than extrusions. There is also a full line of retail and POP accessories. Literally hundreds of options.

ClassicMODUL’s primary competitors are AGAM and Octanorm. In our humble opinion, ClassicMODUL has significantly better customer service, West Coast and East Coast Distribution hubs, and the knowledge and support of a company that knows how to build exhibits (Classic Exhibits). Frankly, there’s no comparison between ClassicMODUL and the other two.

Classic Exhibits on the other hand is like the full service contractor. You work with our design team (or yours) to create the ideal display for your client, then we do the rest. Turnkey! Our Project Managers take care of creating the detailed CAD drawings, set-up instructions, packaging instructions, ordering  graphics, monitor the project through Production, including doing a full set-up, taking photos, and making any final recommendations.

Technically, Classic Exhibits has competitors, such as Nimlok, Nomadic, Skyline, etc. But, to be honest, they are competitors only in the sense that they manufacture portable/modular exhibits.

From time to time, you will hear a Classic Exhibits Project Manager, Designer, Mel or me recommend that you order directly from ClassicMODUL. This may come into play on POP and/or retail projects that are done in multiples, or a large project with mostly metal. Often they do not require complicated assembly, design, or project management so we’ll recommend that you call Tom Jones at ClassicMODUL. Or, we’ll send you to ClassicMODUL because your project management team has extensive experience working with aluminum extrusion systems, and it makes sense to work directly with the extrusion provider.

On a final unrelated note, if you haven’t completed the Classic Exhibits survey sent last week, please take a moment to do so. We want to hear from you!

–Kevin Carty

Word on the Street — July 12th thru July 16th

July 18th, 2010 5 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Post-TS2 Review and Highlights

This past week I was in Boston attending TS2  — a show that, to be honest, has had questions attached to it lately.

Questions like — What is the show’s direction? What is the show’s future? What is the motivation and/or reason for attending the show?

As the TS2 Exhibitor Advisory Committee (EAC) Chairman, I have fielded many questions about what is TS2 and where is it headed. As a long time attendee, 13 years to be exact, I can tell you that I agree the show has been (from the outside looking in), maybe a little lost. However, moving forward from Boston, I would suggest that the show has come full circle and has found its place and direction.

The Tradeshow for Tradeshows

Those of us with a long history with TS2 revere the show as the “Tradeshow for Tradeshows.” And in recent years I am not sure that has been true. Not to any particular person or groups fault, rather due to a desire to better differentiate the show from other industry shows. However at the end of the day, TS2 is and needs to be the “Tradeshow for Tradeshows” in my humble opinion.

We need to look at this event as an opportunity to gather good regional leads as well as an opportunity to forge business relationships and to reconfirm existing partnerships.

Having said that, I feel the show has gone a bit astray over the past few years by aligning itself with other associations that may not make the best sense. But at the same time, I understand the attempt to broaden the show’s reach beyond Exhibit Marketing Managers.

The education this year was well received and was a positive topic of discussion. Along with that, the floor, while somewhat small compared to EXHIBITOR, seemed to really speak to what the industry has to offer. The show floor had a real “pulse” for the first time in many years. There was a great deal of enthusiasm, and people wanted to see this show succeed and have a purpose.

I am curious to hear from those of you who attended. What were your thoughts after attending and/or exhibiting?

TS2 2011 Location

There have been some questions raised about the show’s location next year. A location has yet to be announced,  and not for a lack of trying. Much to the contrary. There are actually three locations on the table currently, and we hope to make an announcement by the end of August.

TS2 in Boston

Taking off my Exhibitor Appointed Committee hat for a moment and just address this as an exhibitor, I feel that TS2 has started to fit more as a “boutique” show. Meaning, not a major hall type of show. Rather a show that can place itself in a “destination” city. One  that offers exhibitors and attendees the opportunity to bring their families for a summer vacation as well as conduct work.

To me, the EXHIBITOR Show provides a broader spectrum of offerings to attendees and exhibitors. However, it does not always capture the whole country. Meaning, I believe that we need a second show each year for people who can’t or do not want to travel west to Las Vegas and who still want an opportunity to see the trade show industry’s latest and greatest.

Smaller is Not Always a Bad Thing

Smaller is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, a more direct and regional objective makes more sense to those who do not want to wade through a national show.

Boston, was a great case study in this. Many people were pleased and thankful to see the show in Boston — an area rich with customers and trade show-related businesses. We heard from  many of you that it  was exciting to see the show come to the NE corridor. It gave you an opportunity to catch up on what is new while not having to leave your back yard.

Classic Exhibits Island Exhibit

At the end of the day, Boston TS2 was a very successful show for Classic Exhibits, Exhibits NW, ClassicMODUL, and Eco-systems Sustainable Exhibits. Does that mean that next year we plan to have the same presence as we did this year? We’re not sure. But we’ll be there without a doubt.

As part of the EAC, we still have more work to do to get the focus of the show back to being the Tradeshow for Tradeshows. But I really feel like this year was a step in the right direction.

For those of you who did attend and/or exhibit, what did you think? Was it a good show? Would you do it again? Where would you like to see the show next year.

Great seeing so many of you last week. Especially our great vendor partners, distributors, and competitive friends.

Be well!

–Kevin Carty

Word on the Street — July 5th thru July 9th

July 10th, 2010 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Who’s Headed to Beantown?

And Have You Voted for the TSEA Awards?

Classic Exhibits Inc. will of course be at TS2. We are in booth #315. Be sure to come by and see the beautiful 20 x 20 island we have designed. It highlights many of the new TSP profiles from ClassicMODUL which accept Silicone Edge Graphics, most of which are “backlit”! We are also showing one of the newest Sacagawea PS kits and a totally redesigned Magellan kit that will look somewhat familiar but much improved.

You will also notice the “frosting” to our booth, meaning the parts that make it shine. We are showing off SEG graphics from Optima as well as a custom-cut FlexFloor from our partners at Brumark. And last but not least, big thanks to Cort Furnishings for your assistance on the furniture!

As I have said before, TS2 is a unique show for Classic in many ways. Not only is it an opportunity to show off new products and designs to the attendees, but it is also an opportunity for Classic to spend time with many of our Custom House and Portable Modular distributors — whether they represent ClassicMODUL metal or Classic Exhibits designs and kits.

TSEA Awards

This year is a very special year as we have been nominated for The Best Exhibit House Award that will be announced at the TSEA Gala on Wednesday night. If you have not gotten your tickets for the event, please do. They are only $20 if you purchase now or $30 at the door. AND . . . please remember to vote as well!! You do not have to attend the gala to vote. Shameless I know. 🙂

Exhibit Design Search Webinars

As you may know, Mel White hosted two very successful and well-received webinars this past week on Exhibit Design Search:  Tips, Tricks, and Techniques . Make sure you come by and let him show you in person what he was able to share with nearly 70 distributors this past week: namely all the exciting new features of Exhibit Design Search. Mel will conduct another EDS webinar in August, so if you missed the webinar last week you will have another chance.

We hope to see you in Boston and that you take the time to come by and say “hello.” If you’re there during setup, please bring me water. The NE summer humidity is not something a native Oregonian is used to.

I look forward to seeing you all.

Be well and have a great weekend.

–Kevin Carty