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Word on the Street — February 14th thru February 18th

February 20th, 2011 COMMENTS

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

First Timer’s Experience

This past week had a running theme — First Timers. That is, people who were either attending and/or coordinating their first trade show, or in one case, preparing for their first retail installation. You know what this is like. It’s draining, exhilarating, and frustrating — usually at the same time.

The first “first timer” is a company in California, or more specifically, their marketing agency, which is based in Portland. They are preparing for a show in Chicago in March. Helping them, and the Exhibits Northwest Account Executive, has reminded me of what happens when an exhibit leaves our manufacturing facility. It is also a painful reminder of the crazy hoops exhibitors have to jump through at each and every show.

Let’s start with their questions about electrical. I had to emphasize the need for flat cords when they were coordinating with show labor since they ordered Flex Flooring from Brumark. As we all know, unless they use flat cords, they will have bumps from traditional round cords.

Coordinating the electrical labor left the the marketing agency scratching their heads. I explained that they would need to order electrical services before laying the floor, but there was the possibility in Chicago and in future cities that they would need to order

Electrical Policies for Trade Shows

Are You Kidding Me?

an additional hour once the exhibit was built for someone to plug everything in. The look on their face said it all. I will just leave it at that. But, it also served as a reminder why many exhibitors leave a trade show with a sour taste in their mouth. They are unaware of this industry’s idiosyncrasies (to state it politely). Even if it was stated in their show book, many of those details are neither read nor understood.

The second example came from a friend who was attending and exhibiting at the International Roofing Show for the first time in Las Vegas. He called me late Friday afternoon, and I asked him what he was doing. His response was typical. “We are just sitting here waiting for our crates.” How many times have we all been there?! It’s really no fault of show management or labor. It’s just a reality of the process. Just when you think your long week, especially in a town like Vegas which has been non-stop for 2-5 days, is over, you find yourself wanting nothing more than to pack up and board the next plane out of town. But alas, you wait . . . sometimes for hours.

My friend made another comment which was very Vegas specific. He said,  “I am tired. My days seem to run together in this town.” Any of us who have spent any time in Las Vegas know exactly what he means.

The last example has to do with a local retail project for Exhibits Northwest. We are in the home stretch of the first install. After this one is complete, the program will be implemented at additional locations.

This time, we are the First Timers. We have completed nearly everything and are getting ready for the on-site installation. Having done this very infrequently, we forgot about the bureaucratic hoops to get something installed in a commercial building. For example, learning the city building codes has been an eye opener. I am not complaining, but it is foreign to me and to the team at Classic Exhibits and Exhibits NW. Apparently, in the city of Portland, whatever you build must survive the Apocalypse. 🙂

It really made me empathize with those end-users attending their first show. What’s the most surprising thing your customers experience the first time they exhibit? Please share your story.

Be well!

–Kevin Carty

Looking for a Deal is Easy . . .

February 18th, 2011 COMMENTS
Shooting from the Hip (trade show tips)

Shooting from the Hip by Reid Sherwood

Well, after last week’s sales calls, I decided that all anybody wants to talk about is price. The price of EVERYTHING. Not just trade show exhibits, but everyone is looking for a deal. Looking for a deal is easy, because there is always someone or something cheaper. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it is equal. Just cheaper.

I had a handful of appointments where the conversations went something like this, “Hey, we just had you guys quote a project, and you were 8 percent less than Brand Z so you are getting the job.” Or maybe like this, “I had you quote three different designs, and you were less expensive on two and more on one.” Then you hear, “I love your new Sacagawea designs because they are so well made AND affordable.” That gives you a little hope that design matters and so does quality. That statement is followed up with, “All your stuff is too expensive.” So, if you are doing market research (and I am not), you come away with your head spinning.

What Really Matters to People Anymore?

Do you ever buy on quality? Has the Wal-Mart mentality totally consumed us? When I see a retractable banner stand for $99, including the graphic, I wonder how long before it breaks, and you have to replace it. If a distributor is selling it, how can you afford to service something that was only a hundred bucks to begin with?

Cheaper than Cheaper?

Cheaper than Cheaper?

We did a little exercise when I worked at Optima Graphics that went something like this. Name 10 things that you buy on price alone. Well it was obvious after a few minutes that price is rarely the only factor. Gas, bread and milk became the three “locks” where price was the driving force. But even as you stop to rationalize, you find that you aren’t going to buy your milk for 2.49 a gallon at convenience store A, and then your fuel at convenience store B, even though the gas is 2 cents a gallon cheaper at B. Convenience and your time plays a factor in buying.

Sometimes buying is easier at one place even if you are paying a little more than making the more difficult purchase at So, are you going to follow that path of least resistance or are you going to put forth some effort to save money?

Just for conversation’s sake, here are some things that I spend more on than what some would call reasonable:

  • Car Repair – Not labor, but on any parts. I usually spend the longer dollar since typically you get a much better warranty.
  • Hunting Equipment – One of my hobbies. I use the equipment hard, expect it to last, therefore I pay more and get more.
  • Shoes – Hey, they are my feet. I want them happy.
  • Clothes – Because of all the travel I do, I expect them to hold up and last.

Here are some things I WON’T spend extra on and try to buy the cheapest available:

  • Reading Glasses – I lose them. Often. So I try to buy them at a dollar store and buy 10 pairs.
  • Phone and Computer Charging Cords – I either lose them or they break. I think they are made to fail. It has been quite a while since I bought any since every rental car center and every hotel has a box of charging cords you can sift through and find your style.
  • Bottled Water – I would buy FIJI, which is expensive, but it is in a square bottle and doesn’t fit in a single drink holder I have ever seen. So I buy whatever is cheap and round.

That is enough to get the conversation rolling I hope. Hope you all have projects closing. That makes everyone happy.

Till the next time,

Reid Sherwood

Customer Appreciation Reception at EXHIBITOR

February 15th, 2011 COMMENTS

Join us for a a Customer Appreciation Reception on Tuesday March 29 at the Eye Candy Lounge. The reception is sponsored by Classic Exhibits Inc., Display Supply and Lighting and Optima Graphics.

To receive a complementary drink ticket, visit Classic Exhibits (#1455), DS&L (#1361), or Optima Graphics (#1721) on the EXHIBITOR Show floor on either Monday or Tuesday. There are a limited number of tickets available — so don’t dawdle my friend. Your odds worsen with each passing hour.

Classic Exhibits, DS&L, and Optima Graphics Reception

Our 2011 EXHIBITOR Show Invitation

February 10th, 2011 COMMENTS

Attend 2011 EXHIBITOR for FREE

As a guest of Classic Exhibits Inc., you are invited to click this Classic-only link.

You will be taken to a registration form. Once you complete the form, the final price will be zero, gratis, zippo, nada to walk the Exhibit Hall.

For this most generous gift, we ask one favor. Visit us at booth #1455, a 20 x 30 island exhibit, where we’ll showcase the latest products and rentals from Classic Exhibits Inc. and Eco-systems Sustainable Exhibits.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Rental Exhibits Aren’t What They Used to Be. THANK GOODNESS!

February 9th, 2011 1 COMMENT

We’ve Come a Long Way in Exhibit Rentals

Rental Exhibit

Rental Exhibit

Not so long ago, the choices were limited to pop ups, panel displays, and bent and dirty aluminum extrusion from the show contractor. You could spot a rental booth from clear across the show hall. All that has changed . . . Thank goodness! More often than not, you couldn’t spot a rental if you were staring at it. Rental exhibits are no longer cookie-cutter, off-the-shelf kits. Most manufacturers welcome modifying and customizing existing rental kits or creating new designs. They’re individually designed just like purchased exhibits.

On average, 25% of the overall cost of an island rental exhibit is custom components, not including the graphics. It’s really interesting because a large percentage of exhibitors understand this very clearly and have come to expect it. At Classic Exhibits, we work with new exhibitors all the time who are shocked by the amount of customization available with rental exhibits.

A great example of customization for a rental exhibit is a recent project we did for Griffin Technologies through our distributor–Tradeshow STOP in Nashville. A large portion of the exhibit consisted of our aluminum extrusion profiles, but we added custom cedar beams, interior wood walls, cabinets, and an electric fireplace with a mantle. This design also called for custom globe lighting. Griffin does a great job of adding finishing touches to their booth such as furniture and accessories. Last year they used a customized Volkswagen van that they drove from Nashville to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show. It was a huge hit.

Rental Exhibit -- Griffin Technologies

Rental Exhibit -- Griffin Technologies

In today’s market, companies are renting for different reasons. In the past, it was all about saving money at the expense of design and functionality. Now they rent because they want a unique design for each show. Marketing managers become heroes because they give their companies a fresh look each and every time within a manageable budget. Quite often it’s as simple as adding accent wing panels, custom shelves, workstations, or curved extrusion that convinces everyone on the show floor that you own your exhibit.

Most rentals also include turnkey services, including the exhibit rental components, graphics, round trip shipping, and I & D services. This allows the marketing manager to focus on what they do best – Marketing.

Another factor to consider includes no more storage issues, which is a huge benefit for most companies. And in many states, there are user or personal property taxes that you have to pay for storing your exhibit in your own facility. Of course you also avoid added insurance costs.

The process of renting an exhibit is virtually the same as purchasing an exhibit, but once all of the decisions are made you can walk away from it. Plus you have a choice to either do the same exhibit for future shows, or head in an entirely different direction.

My favorite part of my job is to preview the exhibits. It’s gratifying to see the results of everyone’s hard work and effort that goes into every project. It’s especially rewarding with rental exhibits because I find myself shaking my head and saying, “Rental exhibits aren’t what they used to be. THANK GOODNESS!”

–Jim Shelman
General Manager, Classic Exhibits Rental Division

Trade Show Rental Exhibit

Trade Show Rental Exhibit