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Smarter, Faster, Cheaper Solutions for your Trade Show Program

February 13th, 2012 COMMENTS

Recent Trade Show Trends


Earlier this month, I attended a Distributor Open House where over 200 customers came to see the latest exhibit trends and services. I was fortunate to participate in a 45 minute panel session entitled Smarter, Faster, Cheaper Solutions for your Trade Show Program. I thought I’d share those trends with you. The first five (Show Floor Trends) came from an Independent Labor Contractor. The next five or so (Design and Manufacturing Trends) came from Classic Exhibits. The last five (Smarter, Strategic Behaviors) came from the Distributor.

Let me know if you would like more information. Just send me an email, and I’ll connect you with the appropriate presenter(s).

Show Floor Trends

1. The Importance of Taking Immediate Action When You Receive Your Show Manual. (In order to Maximize Discounts)

2. The Top 5 Operating Cost Budget Busters to Watch — Freight, Labor, Drayage, Rigging, and At-Show Additions.

3. Exhibitors are providing shorter lead times to display house vendors, and it’s costing you more money on the show floor. (A foot soldier’s perspective from the front lines)

4. Thirty Things on the Show Floor that Conspire to Destroy Your Beautiful Trade Show Experience.

5. Understanding General Contractors, Exhibitor-Appointed Contractors, and the Labor Unions.

Design and Manufacturing Trends

6. The New Kid in town is Hybrid Exhibits. They offer more than Traditional Portables (Banner Stands and Pop-ups) while approaching the Look and Function of Custom Exhibits.

7. Tension Fabric is the BIG Beast in graphics. Fabrics dominate the show floor with vibrant colors, lighter weight, durability and small packing.

8. Versatile Engineered Aluminum is the BACKBONE of most design centric inlines. It looks great, can be shaped, is durable, and plays well with custom wood construction or basic banner stands.

9. Customized design is no longer for the 1%. You can tailor your exhibit space with the help of extrusion, fabric, and computer aided design without a six-figure budget.

10. Packaging, Assembly, and Sustainability have come a LONG, LONG way. Most exhibits now are easy to assemble, pack smaller, and include post-industrial and post-consumer materials.

10a. Don’t forget rentals. Rentals have gotten OH SO SEXY. Take a look. You’ll be surprised how rentals have shed their MOO-MOO for Upscale Designer Wear.

Smarter, Strategic Behaviors

11. Begin to plan the show with the end in mind. Create a Trade Show Marketing Plan that includes Pre-Show, At-Show and Post-Show Marketing.

12. Establish Specific Objectives. What do you really want to get out of the show and how do you get it?

13. Technology awareness and possible sharing. Who/what synergies are available to use at the show as a resource?

14. Secure Qualified Leads that will generate sales after proper follow-up.

15. Train and Schedule Staff. Your staff needs to effectively convey your sales message and ensure the booth is staffed properly.

15a. Create a WOW Exhibit that attracts people and conveys your brand in the best light.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or

Open Letter to Custom Houses: Word on the Street — Feb 6th thru Feb. 10th

February 12th, 2012 1 COMMENT
Open Letter to Custom Houses

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

An Open Letter to Custom Houses

This week, I want to address a particular group: Custom Houses.

Classic Exhibits has been in business since 1993. Over those years, Custom Houses have been some of our best customers, not only for Classic Exhibits, but also for ClassicMODUL and Classic Rentals. For that we are very thankful. But I have a question for this group — How do you view “system sales” and manufacturing as we roll into 2012? Whether it’s simple systems like a pop-up, modular systems like the Euro LT Laminate, or more complex systems like custom hybrids?

I had a conversation this past week with someone whom I respect not just professionally but personally. He owns a well-respected custom house on the East Coast, and I feel fortunate to call him a friend.

We were talking about adding a new employee to his organization. This person would be responsible for handling system sales for their existing accounts as well as regional outreach to new sales. In the course of our call, we chatted about the current impression of “systems” with his AE’s as well as within other custom houses in his area. His comments were both refreshing . . .  as well as bewildering.

As the owner, he was interested in adding someone to lead systems sales in his company. His reasons? First, he views 10×10, 10×20, and 20×20 sales as foundational business, meaning, in his words, “Someday that client will grow with our help and will need a large custom build.” Secondly, because custom AE’s will often take a lead on a smaller exhibit but not pursue it aggressively, he needs someone who would — especially for their in-house clients. Just that week, one of his custom AE’s got three system leads on Monday but hadn’t contacted them by Friday. Thirdly, you never know when one of your in-house clients will go elsewhere for their smaller exhibit needs. The “elsewhere” may be able to handle their larger custom needs as well. Then he loses the client entirely.

I don't get it!

Confused and Bewildered

I’ve been at this for 17 years. During that time, I have grown to appreciate our custom house distributors. Not just for the business they bring to Classic, but also for the challenges they bring us, challenges that force us to think outside the box and grow our manufacturing capabilities. But I have also always questioned the mentality that says a 10×10, 10×20 or small island is not a viable sale for a custom house because “that’s not what we do.” That bewilders me particularly when looking back at the past 36 months.

So, respectfully, I ask why? Why not see the value in smaller sales? For revenue purposes, current client retention, and/or new client development? I know many of you know what I am talking about because you do see systems as valuable. But some of you don’t, so I am curious why?

I’m going to offer some advice, not because I’m smarter than you, but because I’ve worked with more than 100 custom houses over the past 17 years. If you own a custom house, manage a custom house, or simply work for a custom house, AND you care about retaining your customers and you care about selling display solutions, regardless of the size, here’s what I’ve learned from those custom houses that are successful.

Rule #1:

I know this is going to rub some folks the wrong way, but margins are margins. Successful custom houses want to make money and recognize that 40 percent for doing very little such as processing a $9000 portable hybrid is $3600 they didn’t have before. Plus, if they store the exhibit, the money just keeps rolling in. I’ve never fully understood the logic of turning away business if the business doesn’t “turn saws.”

Rule #2:

Closing a sale, whether it’s a custom sale or a portable/modular sale, takes expertise. You have to know what you’re talking about, and you have to engage the client. Successful custom houses designate someone in-house as the “systems expert.” That person either does the selling or serves as the project manager for system sales. They know that the Perfect 10 assembles without tools, and that Aero Table Tops pack in a lightweight shoulder bag. They understand the difference between a Quadro S and a Quadro EO. It’s their job to know and that knowledge makes portable/modular sales painless and profitable.

Those custom houses that expect a custom AE to know about portables . . . and to care about portables . . .  always fail. We’ve seen it time and time again. I can show you example after example where an in-house systems expert leaves and annual sales plummeted from $800,000 to $80,000. Some days I think I could make a living just consulting custom houses on how to make $600,000/year just by hiring a $55,000 sales person.

Rule #3:

Relationships matter with your manufacturer. Many custom houses view portable/modular manufacturers as necessary evils. They don’t respect what we do, and frankly, that attitude is insulting. It’s our job to make your job easier. Truly. We want you to sell our products, which is why we provide you with free design services, project management, and comprehensive marketing tools. When you bounce around from manufacturer to manufacturer, tossing an order to this one or that one, never learning the products or developing a working relationship, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Systems sales become bothersome and hard.

Yet, they aren’t. Those custom houses that work with us all the time tell us that we make their lives easier. We get to know them. They get to know us. The communication shortcuts develop and the work is fun. Over time, they rely on us for rentals, aluminum extrusion, economical custom components, and systems. We become partners.

Rule #4:

We’re not all the same, any more than custom houses are all the same. Each company has a distinct culture as well unique products and designs. You need to find a company that matches your culture and your client’s needs. We hope it’s us . . . but it may not be. We can’t be all things to all people, nor does our style fit all custom houses. That’s OK.

Rule #5:

This isn’t really a rule, but a promise. We work our asses off every day. Our designers are creative, our project managers organized, personable, and smart, our production team inventive and caring, and our administrative staff loyal, knowledgeable, and helpful. We can’t convince every custom house to see us as “partners,” but we can (and do) operate our business as if they are partners. That’s our promise. That’s who we are.

I would love to hear from you whether you agree with me or not. Please share your comments.

Let me leave you with something someone said to me at TS2 in Chicago back in 2009. I asked them how business was and how they were still maintaining sales in the recessionary economy. At the time, they managed one of the largest locations for a National Custom House. The answer, “I woke up one morning after we had lost a few big opportunities to shrinking budgets, looked in the mirror and said ‘I am a systems sales person’. And it was hard, but if we were to maintain sales levels I knew we had to do it.”

Many of the clients they gained during that period now have larger budgets and are buying very large custom programs in the new recovering economy!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

–Kevin Carty

The “Build a Better Trade Show Image” Fest

February 9th, 2012 1 COMMENT

I wanted to give you a heads-up on an exciting online event happening in the trade show world this month! We’ve been invited to participate in a special promotion — along with other exhibit industry vendors — to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the book, Build a Better Trade Show Image, by Marlys Arnold.

She’s put together a week-long gift-fest from Feb. 19-25. (Which also happens to be the 13th Annual “Build a Better Trade Show Image” Week) We’ll be offering (2) 30 minute design consultations, and there will be more cool gifts from the other vendors, including some great exhibitor education from Marlys. (In case you’re not familiar with her, she’s a trade show marketing strategist and has worked with exhibitors and show managers in all kinds of industries, including some of the largest shows in the U.S.)

To be sure you get in on the party, go to and sign up for daily e-mails during the week of February 19 that will list all the gifts, plus some unannounced special offers. You won’t want to miss it!

In addition . . .

Beginning February 15, your customers will receive a FREE gift when they order a Classic Exhibits Hybrid Inline or Island, the complete 280+ page eBook of Build a Better Trade Show Image by Marlys Arnold. There will be a thank you postcard in their display packaging, complete with a promotional download code.

To see the download page, go to

For more information about the promotion and a 45-page sample of the book, go to

Classic Exhibits will begin inserting the postcard into hybrid inline and island orders beginning Wednesday, February 15. The promotion ends May 31.

BONUS:  Meet Marlys Arnold at EXHIBITOR at the Classic Exhibits booth (#1645) from 11:30 to 12:30 on Monday and Tuesday and at the Classic/Eco-Systems Sustainable Hospitality Suite on Tuesday afternoon.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


February 8th, 2012 COMMENTS


It’s That Time Again . . . Register for EXHIBITOR FREE Courtesy of Classic Exhibits Inc.

To claim your VIP Guest Pass, go to and register using the Special Promotion Code 4044.

Your VIP Guest Pass entitles you to FREE admission to the Exhibit Hall and the industry’s best networking function, the Monday Evening Reception!

While there, visit Classic Exhibits Inc. in booth #1645 at EXHIBITOR2012. March 5, 6, and 7, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Be Better . . .

The Classic Exhibits Family of Companies:  Classic Exhibits, Exhibits Northwest, and ClassicMODUL Aluminum Extrusions.


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or

Back from the Magic Kingdom: Word on the Street — Jan. 30th thru Feb. 3rd

February 5th, 2012 COMMENTS
Back from the Magic Kingdom

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Hey All!

As Mel mentioned last week, I was on vacation in Disneyland and California Adventure. And boy was it a blast. Going as an adult can be different, but taking your kids for the first time is just pure joy. Seeing them react to everything was priceless and an experience my wife and I will never forget.

I returned to the office on Wednesday, which was hard to be honest. It was not just catching up, but also getting back into the daily routine after spending seven straight days with my family.

Things are as busy as when I left on the 24th. We continue to have a full slate of work leading into spring. And, of course, we are working hard on our exhibit for EXHIBITOR in early March. The exhibit is going to be our best ever. It highlights our standard hybrid systems, our custom hybrid designs, as well as our rental capabilities. I am excited to show it to you.

A couple of thoughts while on vacation that I wanted to share.

1.  We all work in such a fast past environment in this industry. How does one unplug from that? Or a better way to say it, “How do you unplug while you’re on vacation?”

For me, it has become much easier over the years. I remember times where I could not unplug at all — mentally or physically. I would always have my mind on what was going on at the office and would have my Blackberry with me at all times so that I could read emails.

But it has become much easier, probably because my twins are five, and they command my our attention all the time. Which is cool. And as for the Blackberry, well I turned it in for an iPhone sometime ago. And five year olds know how to work iPhones. 🙂 So, even if I were incline to check emails, it would be nearly impossible because they usually have my phone, breaking all my records on Angry Birds.

But another reason is the amazing staff we have at Classic Exhibits. Truly, they make it easy when I, Mel, or any employee for that matter takes some time away. Their professional approach in Design, Project Management, Accounting, Purchasing, and Production makes it much easier to leave the office. Thanks you all very much!

2.  Have you been watching the nonsense on TV lately with the political primaries. Well I have. Being away, I had more time in the evening to catch up on news. And man, it boarders on ridiculous how politics in general have become closer to the “Jersey Shore” and other reality shows than true politics. Mudslinging does not even begin to define the circus we get to watch everyday on the news shows. And the worst part it’s rarely based on . . . oh I don’t know . . . Politics!!  The hardest part is that their comments are accepted as defining the current state of our great country. Rather than a concentrate on real indicators like unemployment and the Stock Market and where we are spending all this money.

Well I digress. Before my vacation, I limited my exposure to old fashion reading about candidates and seeing what their history in politics showed. Not on what TMZ caught them doing outside of a fancy restaurant.

I hope and trust you are all doing well and are having a successful kickoff to the New Year. I am excited to see everyone in a few weeks.

Be well!

–Kevin Carty