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What Smells? Top 11 Trade Show Odors

January 16th, 2023 1 COMMENT
What Smells at Trade Shows

The Top 11 Trade Show Odors

Like me, you probably attend multiple shows every year and each one has its own unique trade show odors. The larger the show, the more the sensory overload. It can be overwhelming, but for most of us, the excitement and opportunities makes it all worthwhile.

It’s tempting to focus on the sights and sounds, but trade shows are about other senses as well, such as taste, touch, and smell. We don’t often think about the familiar “smells” of trade shows, but there are many, which we all recognize as  pleasant or unpleasant. Indulge me for a minute as I explore the olfactory sensations common to most trade shows and events. In other words, what stinks and what doesn’t.

1-5 Smells

trade show odors
What Smells? Pleasant and Unpleasant Trade Show Odors

B.O. You knew this would be on the list. Go ahead, call me a brainwashed, overly-sanitize consumer of the antiperspirant consortium. I accept that label. But I don’t think I’m alone in being repelled by the acidic pungency of B.O. I can deal with mild, slightly sour B.O. but the clingy stench that leaps from the B.O.’er to your clothing in milli-seconds is totally unacceptable.

Peppermint. Mints are the 6th food group at trade shows. They are everywhere from standard star mints to licorice mints and from packaged promotional mints to over-the-counter mints. Thank goodness for mints. I am especially thankful for Altoids, the nuclear bomb of mints. One Altoids has the power to create a nearly impenetrable minty force field (with one exception – see #10).

Hangover. This smell varies from person to person. On a scale of 1-10, with one being OK and ten being gross, here are three examples:

#1 – Musky. This person got home late, had a few too many drinks, and may have been in a smoky bar.

#5 – Vodka sweats. Not only is alcohol still in their bloodstream, but they are perspiring booze. Whether you like it or not, you’re sharing every fancy martini they had last night . . . but with a hint of salt.

#10 – Vomit (mingled with the above). Enough said.

Propane Fumes. Most forklifts and hi-lifts at convention halls use propane as fuel. The smell isn’t necessarily offensive, particularly if it’s only momentary. It’s the combination of the smell and the heat from the exhaust at a summer show which can be overwhelming. I know they make electric forklifts. With all due respect to Hank Hill and the Strickland Propane Co, I prefer electricity.

Windex. This smell varies depending on the brand and the cleanser, but the unmistakable aroma of cleaning solvents permeates every show hall when the doors officially open. If you’re a germaphobe, it’s the equivalent of crack cocaine.

6-11 Smells


Fresh Baked Cookies. Fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies have become a trade show staple for many exhibitors. It’s a smart idea, but you have to be willing to feed not only prospective customers but also every other exhibitor within a 500 ft. radius Just writing about it makes me want to drive to the mall and purchase a half-dozen cookies at Mrs. Fields. Yum! (ditto — popcorn)

Men’s Cologne/Women’s Perfume. Before anyone corrects me, I know there is some hoity-toity difference between cologne and perfume, but I’m lumping them together anyway. Personally I don’t mind the scent of cologne/perfume, but I emphasize “scent.” It should be subtle. Recall my earlier observation about B.O. This applies to perfume and cologne as well. If your cologne causes someone to visibly wince in pain, then you may want to scale it back a gallon or two.

Feet. Your feet. Not others. Most of us are desk jockeys. We’re not accustomed to walking the show floor or standing for hours. We’re weak. I’m not saying your feet stink, but your may want to add a little Industrial Strength Odor Eaters to your shoes before and after the show. And don’t even think about wearing those socks more than once. Show some mercy.

Carpet and Visqueen Vapors. Visqueen is the plastic covering used to protect carpet from general abuse and tire marks during installation. Both carpet and visqueen give off vapors. New carpet in particular can be vapor intensive. Some folks love that smell. Then again, some folks love the smell of gasoline. I don’t get it frankly.

trade show odors

Bad Breath. Yikes. Combine alcohol, coffee, late nights, and a travel toothbrush and you have the perfect petri dish for bad breath. Mints help to mask the odor, but even mints can’t subdue halitosis that’s become a living, breathing alien organism. With family, you can hand them dental floss, a toothbrush, and Listerine, but with colleagues and strangers you pretty much have to gut it out. I once had a colleague hand a customer three Certs and then smile. Seriously. I’m not that brazen.

Desperation. Nothing smells worse than the exhibitor who leaves all the planning for the plane ride. No pre-show marketing. No review of the graphics. Incomplete forms faxed two days before the show. No scheduled meetings with clients. Four days later, the show is about to end, and there aren’t enough leads to fill a shot glass. If they are honest, they’ll regroup and do better job next time. If not, they’ll do what every lazy, worthless, sad-sack exhibitor does . . . blame it on the show and the ineffectiveness of trade show marketing. Now that stinks!

No doubt, I’ve missed some obvious trade show smells. I encourage you to share your smells . . . that didn’t come out quite right. Let’s give it one more try . . . I invited you to share your observations and stories about smells. What odors do you associate with trade shows. The Good. The Bad. The Really Ugly.

Let the comments begin . . . .

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.

Fun and Games at Trade Shows and Events in 2023

January 9th, 2023 COMMENTS
Trade Show Games, Digital Activations, and Interactive Kiosks

Trade show booths with clever, interactive games are often the most popular destinations on the show floor. Attendees want to have fun while conducting business.

If you haven’t visited the Games & Digital Activations gallery in Exhibit Design Search, you might be surprised by the varied offerings. It includes 12 games with digital activations by Captello — like Memory Match, Invaders, and Wheel of Riches — along with interactive kiosks by Popshap.

Not sure which game is the right choice. Then click on the demo links and spend the next 2-3 hours “researching” games for future clients. Your boss will be happy you invested the time to become an expert in Whack-a-Mole.


Contact Captello and Popshap for information about their products and how to place your order. Same process as with the other strategic partner galleries in EDS (Taylor, Brumark, DS&L, and CORT). Be sure to tell them you’re a Classic Distributor.

Captello and PopShap Games, Kiosks, and Digital Activations

“I’ll Know It When I See It” | Every Designer’s Nightmare

January 4th, 2023 COMMENTS


For the Classic Designers, delivering a design that meets all the client’s needs — functionally, aesthetically, and fiscally — is the ultimate goal.  Collectively, our designers have over 30 years of industry experience designing trade show exhibits and graphics. We understand that most clients are not immersed in exhibit or graphic design, so the process can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be. We are here to help!

5-ish Design Red Flags

Occasionally, we get an ambiguous request that requires Mind Reading. Which is understandable. We all come from different levels of experience. Thankfully, we are pretty good at addressing these requests before they become frustrating for everyone. But… that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few “Design Red Flags.”  Here are some we’ve identified over the years.

#1. I Need This by Tomorrow 

Good design takes time. Great design takes even more time. Think back to college. Did cramming for that psychology test result in an A? Probably not. There’s a process. Not to mention there are other design deadlines already in the queue. It’s not that we can’t do it if our schedules allow. And we want to, but we want to do it right.

high_five#2. My Client Wants Five Completely Different Options 

Clients like to see options, and this can be achieved by showing them portfolio images, discussing their objectives, and defining a budget. In the end, the client is only going to buy one booth, one that matches their marketing goals and budget. One spectacular design is better than five OK designs, if it is on point and includes revisions. Choose a designer who can delve into the project and deliver exactly what the client needs.

#3. If I Like It I’ll Find the Money to Buy It, So Design with an Unlimited Budget! 

No client has a truly unlimited budget. They might have lots of resources, but there will be a limit. Our advice, throw out an exhibit budget number and gauge their reaction: $50,000 for a 10×10? Either they’ll nod and say “Go for it!,” or they’ll take a big gulp and reveal their actual budget — $8K, $15K, $25K. Perfect, now the designer can give the client the best 10×10 they’ve ever seen within their budget.

#4. I’ll Know It When I See It — a.k.a., IKIWISI (pronouced icky wishy)

Design is not a poker game where revealing your hand is a disadvantage. Most clients have an idea of what they want, or at least what they want to achieve. At a minimum, they know their product/service and how it should be presented. Every designer loves the opportunity to be creative, but a guessing game is the exact opposite of creative. Whether you are paying for design or not, there is a cost. The cost can be as simple as frustration, revisions, and unmet expectations.

#4b. You’re the Creative One. Whatever You Think is Best.

This is a version of #4. Yes, we are the creative ones. We are designers and we take pride in that. HOWEVER, everybody is different, we all have our likes and dislikes. While we want to use our creativity to reflect your likes and dislikes, we can’t if we don’t know you or what you want.

#5. The Client Wants a Rental, But I’d Like to Show Them a Purchase Option

re-9017-1We understand the motivation. A purchase is more expensive than a rental. But it’s not a very good sales strategy. It’s another way of saying, “I don’t really know what my client wants so I’ll give them multiple options.” See Red Flag #2 above. Designers like to design, but what often gets forgotten is that designers want their designs to sell. We want our work to mean something, to come to fruition. When our designs sell, it validates our talent and our efforts.

So what’s the exact opposite? Clear communication and specific goals. At Classic Exhibits, we want you to succeed. We know you don’t live in exhibit design every day, so the process can frustrating. We also know that your best path is to work with industry professionals and to tap into Exhibit Design Search for ideas. Exhibit Design Search is a terrific place to see ideas and price points.

Over the years, we’ve learned there are three keys to a winning design and a happy customer.

  1. Understand Your Trade Show Goals and Have a Budget in Mind.
  2. Work with a Trade Show Professional Who Can Guide You.
  3. Whenever Possible, Communicate Directly with the Designer.

Best of all, no nightmares . . . for you or for your very favorite designer. Have questions about exhibit design, give us a call or send us an email.

The Classic Exhibits Design Department


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


10 Common Myths about Trade Shows

December 27th, 2022 12 COMMENTS
10 Myths about Trade Shows

If you’ve ever attended a trade show, you have an opinion about trade shows, trade show marketing, or exhibit design. I won’t try to dispel every myth, but here are 10 Common Myths about Trade Shows.

1. Trade Show Marketing is Marketing.

Yes and no. If you are a skilled marketer, you will grasp the nuances of trade show marketing, but it will take time. Most marketing managers gravitate to their strengths by focusing on the structure, the graphics, or the show promotion and planning. Intellectually, they know these are interconnected, but they may not know how to maximize their results. Work with professionals, whether it’s a graphic designer, an exhibit consultant, or a certified trade show manager. Trade show exhibit marketing is a craft learned the hard way through trial and error. It’s easy to burn through a lot of money before you figure out what works and what doesn’t. Don’t stumble through a year or two of mistakes when exhibit experts can save you time, money, and embarrassment.

2. Trade Show Labor is Hostile, Incompetent, and Expensive.

10 Common Trade Show Myths

Again, yes and no. No one will dispute that trade show I&D can be expensive, particularly in certain well-known venues. However, most I&D contractors are very competent. They can solve almost any last minute trade show display crisis. You may disagree with the show hall rules regarding labor regulations, but the actual laborers in your booth didn’t write them. If you disagree with the rules, don’t take it out on the person assembling your display. Contact your I&D labor provider or show management.

This is a sad but true fact regarding show labor at most trade shows. If three people are assigned to your booth, one person will be a star, one person will be average, and one person will be a zombie. Hire nine people and you are guaranteed to have three stars and three zombies. Sometimes you get lucky, and the ratio works in your favor. Sometimes not.

You have the power to control your labor costs, beginning with exhibit design. Consider assembly and packaging during the design phase. Are the components labeled, can it be packed without relying on a 20 page manual, and are the packaging materials reusable?

3. Anyone Can Staff a Booth.

Too often, companies send the wrong folks to work the trade show booth. Even worse, they don’t train them. Not everyone has the temperament, the knowledge, or the discipline for a trade show. Here’s my rule:  Find those employees with previous retail sales experience who love assisting customers with product or service solutions. It doesn’t matter if they are in Sales, Marketing, Engineering, or Production. What matters is their attitude and their knowledge.

Want to know who not to send? “Joe.” Every company has a “Joe.” He drinks too much, he gambles too much, and he wanders around too much. About a half a dozen times a day, you’ll wonder what happened to Joe. Five minutes ago he was sucking down his third espresso, leaning on the counter, and ogling anything with two X chromosomes. Suddenly he’s gone . . . AGAIN!

4. Trade Shows are One Big Party.

For some companies, that is true. They wine and dine customers to excess, party until daylight, and don’t attend any show sponsored events.

Inevitably, those are the same companies that grumble about their trade show ROI. They spent “X” but can only measure “Y” sales from the show. When you ask them about their pre-show promotions, their lead qualification, their client meetings at the show, and their follow up with prospective customers, you get a big “DHuh?”  They didn’t plan their trade show marketing program, and now it shows.

5. Trade Shows are a Waste of Time.

If you love sitting in a cubicle all day creating spreadsheets, then trade shows make not make sense to you. You fly to desirable locations like Las Vegas, San Francisco, Orlando, New York, New Orleans, or Chicago. You have to meet people, listen to their needs, talk about your company, stand on your feet, and generally be helpful, pleasant, and knowledgeable. Even worse, you may have to join clients for breakfast, socialize with them after show hours, mingle with potential suppliers, and attend educational seminars about your industry. That’s really tough

You either embrace the opportunity to build sales and learn something new, or you grumble about the airport, the food, the hotel, and the hassle of time away from the office. It’s all about your attitude.

6. Trade Show Displays are Expensive (Part 1).

Very true, but so is almost any investment in capital equipment or advertising. Let’s explore this from another perspective. Let’s say your company purchased an $18,000 inline display (10 x 20). Then, let’s assume your company participates in four trade shows a year and you expect the booth to last five years. Now, take the average cost per show including show space, literature, airfare, hotels, meals, entertainment, transportation, and labor. If you are frugal, you’ll spend:

Exhibit Booth Staff Tips
  • $25,000 per show
  • Multiply that by 20 shows (4 shows x 5 years) = $500,000
  • Then divide the booth cost $18,000 by the $500,000 in expenses
  • = 4.3% which is the display cost to total expenses

Let’s take it to the next step. Your company takes trade show marketing seriously (and you should). You conduct pre-show promotions, you send the right folks to the show, and you aggressively follow up on all leads. You expect the show to generate sales (or you wouldn’t be participating). On average, you demand $150,000 in new sales from each show. $150,000 x 20 shows = $3,000,000 in sales.

Based on those numbers:

  • $500,000/$3,000,000 = 16% trade show cost to sales
  • $18,000/$3,000,000 = 0.6% display cost to sales

I don’t know about you, but those numbers look pretty good to me. And unlike magazine, television, or direct mail advertising, they’re measurable if you put the right metrics in place.

7. Trade Show Displays are Expensive (Part 2).

Probably 60 percent of all trade show displays never go to large, industry shows in Las Vegas, Orlando, or Chicago. The owners take them to Chamber of Commerce mixers, local business shows, corporate events, regional industry shows, and hiring and recruitment fairs.

At these shows, you won’t see island exhibits, but you will see pop ups, table tops, banner stands, and lightweight hybrids. These displays range in price from under $200 for a basic banner stand with graphics to $8000 for an upscale portable hybrid. Considering the cost of most advertising, buying a trade show display is a bargain that you’ll use for years and years.

8. All Shows are the Same.

Really? If your experience has been that “all shows are the same,” you may be approaching every show EXACTLY the SAME. Not every show has the same audience. There may be similarities, but the attendees vary even in shows focusing on the same industry.

If you are serious about trade show marketing, then contact show management and request attendee and exhibitor data. Have them describe the goals, mission, and audience of the show. Then go to the next step and ask for exhibitors who have been loyal to that trade show for many years. Assuming they are not competitors, contact the Marketing Manager or Trade Show Coordinator. Ask them why they attend, how they tailor their message to the audience, and how that message differs from other shows. And then do what professional marketers do . . . create a message, design appropriate graphics, and plan a pre-show, show, and post-show campaign.

9. Trade Show Leads are a Waste of Time.

Trade Show Leads

Leads can be a waste of time if:  a) You collect business cards in a fishbowl for a cool product giveaway like an iPad, b) You don’t qualify the attendees who visit your booth (or jot down their needs), and c) You don’t contact them until a month or two after the show.

More than anything else you do at a trade show, your lead quality is a byproduct of your pre-show planning, booth staff training, and timely post-show follow-up. There is a direct correlation. A trade show is a salesperson’s nirvana, namely a captive audience that spent money to see you.

Now, you may get lucky and acquire a game-changing customer while sipping coffee, clipping your fingernails, and chatting with co-workers. But that’s rare. Finding good customers takes time, enthusiasm, knowledge, and patience. You have to be at your best because they can (and will) walk down the aisle and find another solution.

10. Virtual Trade Shows will Replace Real Trade Shows.

There is a place for virtual trade shows just as there is a place for dating websites. But at some point, you have to meet in person. And unless you’re looking for a mail order spouse, you’re not going to get any action unless you shake hands, look one another in the eye, and share your story face-to-face.

Want to learn more about trade shows, trade show marketing, and displays? Click here for more than 80 expert articles.

–Mel White

Ask the Experts: Trade Show Flooring Ideas

December 22nd, 2022 COMMENTS
Trade Show Flooring Ideas

Trade show flooring doesn’t have to be boring. It can be so much more these days with bright colors, direct printing options, and wood grain and stone patterns

Trade show exhibitors spend hours designing their display structure. It makes sense. They want the exhibit to attract attention, communicate the perfect messaging, and facilitate client engagement on the show floor. So they’ll agonize over the graphics, choose the perfect promotional giveaways, and even storyboard a killer video for the video wall. Every single step is made in order to achieve their trade show marketing goals and maximize their return on investment. 

And then, someone will ask about the flooring, and they’ll realize they haven’t considered it. It’s a mistake they wouldn’t have made when remodeling their office or renovating the kitchen in their home. 

Smart exhibitors know that trade show flooring can transform a great booth into the talk of the show. 

Trade Show Flooring Ideas & Tips

Too often, exhibitors default to a solid black, gray, or beige carpet with basic padding. And that’s OK. A neutral carpet may be the best choice for your exhibit presentation and budget. There are, however, other choices such as inlay patterns, custom colors, raised floors, printed flooring, tiles, and vinyl surfaces. Knowing what’s available is the first step. 

Flooring is the second largest surface in any booth. Don’t ignore it. Ask your exhibit and graphic designers to include the flooring in the overall presentation. When designers are encouraged to be creative with flooring, it’s like loosening the cap on a jar. Fun things happen!   

Trade Show Booth Flooring Ideas to Avoid

  1. Selecting the Wrong Color. The flooring should complement your booth graphics, not distract from them. Bright colors can be a hit or a miss depending on the overall design. Along the same lines, neutral colors can be positive or negative. 
  2. Choosing the Wrong Type of Flooring. For example, interlocking tiles, both foam, and vinyl are popular, reusable, and inexpensive. They are a great choice for inlines and smaller shows. However, a custom exhibit, inline or island, demands a more upscale solution that elevates the overall presentation of the booth. 
  3. Padding. Buying padding is an added expense, one many exhibitors decide isn’t worth the money. If you’ve ever walked into a booth with cushy flooring after a long day on concrete floors, you know the impression that makes on your mood and your feet. It matters. Even if you don’t want to reward potential customers with soft flooring, consider how your booth staff will feel after standing on an uncomfortable floor for 6-8 hours 3 days straight. 
  4. Buying the Wrong Flooring for Your Electrical Layout. At North American trade shows, electrical cables are taped to the concrete floor before the carpet, rollable vinyl,  raised floor, or padding is installed. When done well, the cables are nearly invisible under the flooring with no bulges, ripples, or humps. However, not all flooring is equal when it comes to minimizing the effects of those cables. Better flooring and/or double-padding will ensure that the wiring is hidden. 
  5. Installation. If you plan to reuse your flooring, then installing it correctly will ensure it lasts. Professional trade show installers know how to apply tape to minimize damage, how to cut the flooring so the slices are unseen at the next show, and how to protect it before, during, and after the show. If you’ve ever had forklift tracks on your beige carpet on the opening day of the show, you know how maddening that can be. 

Types of Booth Flooring

Carpeting. Carpet is the “go-to” choice for most exhibitors. It’s available in multiple weights (50, 32, and 18 oz) and an array of colors. Advantage XL carpet for example is available in 24 colors, ranging from grays and black to magenta, orange, purple, and blue sea. 32 oz. is by far the most popular weight, representing 65% of total exhibition carpet sales. 

trade show booth flooring ideas

Inlay Carpeting.  Inlays allow designers to use multiple colors to create patterns or pathways in a booth. By mixing bright and neutral colors, exhibitors can reinforce their branding or create a visual story. 

booth flooring

Vinyl Flooring (Flex Flooring). Rollable vinyl floor is easy to install, simple to clean, and durable enough to reuse. Traditional vinyl flooring comes in both wood grain and stone patterns. 

Custom Vinyl Flooring. Two options:  There’s custom inlay flex flooring which can be used to delineate space or highlight products using both vinyl patterns and carpet. There’s also custom-printed vinyl flooring similar to printing on fabric or rigid surfaces on an exhibit. Printed vinyl allows exhibitors to extend their branding and messages on all available surfaces. 

Custom Vinyl Flooring for Trade Shows

Graphic Overlays.  Graphic overlays are a great solution to customize with the ability to remove the graphics after the show. The base flooring can be reused after the event and new overlays printed and installed at the next show in no time. 

Soft Floor Interlocking Tiles. Comfortable, convenient, and economical, SoftFloor 2 ft. x 2 ft. Interlocking tiles are available in 14 colors, They require no adhesives, install quickly, and ship in portable cases. Colors can be mixed and matched to create custom designs. 

Turf. Artificial turf brings the beauty of the outside to the inside with a durable flooring surface. Add turf painting for a distinctive look.  

Infusion Dye Carpet. Exhibit houses have diversified over the years to handle not only their client’s trade show but also their event, marketing, retail, and mobile engagements. Infusion Dye Carpet is distinctive and memorable. Casinos, hotels, high-rise lobbies, and convention centers often have this type of flooring. 

Infusion Dye Carpet

Raised Wood Flooring. Wood flooring is the ultimate high-end addition to any booth. However, it’s neither cheap to rent nor install which makes it special whenever it’s on a trade show floor in North America. In Europe, it’s far more common. Raised wood flooring is the ideal surface for booths with significant electrical or cable management. 

Can You Rent Trade Show Booth Floors?

Absolutely. Not everyone wants to own their flooring. Plus, flooring can be expensive and awkward to ship. Trade show flooring providers and General Service Contractors (GSC) have rental carpet and padding options. These include several carpet weights in popular colors with basic or thicker padding.   

Ask your exhibit house about your options. They may even have rental flooring available as an alternative to renting from the show. 

Trade Show Flooring Ideas with Classic Exhibits

If “flooring is boring” has been your motto in the past, it’s time to up your game. Flooring can be so much more with inlays, overlays, and printing that brings color and texture to your trade show marketing. Review your options early and don’t be afraid to be creative. You just might be surprised at all the compliments you receive when you make bold flooring a must-have in your booth.   

Classic Exhibits has been honored as an Exhibitor Magazine Find-It Top 40 Exhibit Producers and an Event Marketer Fab 50 Exhibit Builders multiple times. Along with numerous Portable Modular Awards. 

With over 200 Distributor Partners throughout North America, there’s a Classic representative close by to assist with any rental project. Contact us today whether you need an inline rental display, a double-deck island exhibit, or a contemporary kiosk rental. At Classic, we’re not just different. We’re better.