Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for May, 2014

RECENT Exhibit Design Search Updates (see the GIFs)

May 6th, 2014 COMMENTS

MOD-1334 | iPad Kiosk

Your Branded Exhibit Design Search

Nearly every month, we push functional or visual changes to your branded Exhibit Design Search website. Some you may notice. Some you may not.

Do you want to know a secret? I’m a obsessed with EDS (OK, that may be the world’s worst kept secret). And I force Tony, Glenna, and everyone else at Classic Exhibits to share that obsession. If only there was a 10 step program for an EDS addict?

It’s been a while since we blogged about EDS updates. Here are the major changes.

  1. My Gallery.
    • "" style="width: 300px;"

      My Gallery

      Faster: Tony revised the code so clicking on “Add to My Gallery” is faster.

    • Cooler: There’s now a URL option. This one is a little hard to explain until you try it, but copy the URL in the “Send My Selections” tab. Send it in a normal email. When the recipient receives it, it will add the kits to their My Gallery. Perfect for building a gallery between two, three, or 14,561 people.
    • Try It
    • Smarter: You can now send Trade Show Tips via the My Gallery tool.
  2. Product Gallery Headers. We’ve made them much prettier. Larger graphics and a cleaner layout. See Island Designs for example.
  3. Side Menu. On sites with a side menu, there is now a context aware menu for sizes. The Visionary Designs gallery shows it well.
  4. Descriptive Images. This one is brand spanking new. Soon there will be descriptive images showing “Backlighting,” “Reconfigures,” “Portable,” etc. Go to the Tablet Kiosk/Stand gallery where you’ll see the Apple and Windows logos on the thumbnails.
  5. Price Slider. Now you can choose your Low and High when search for prices. Start with the Advanced Search option.

Price Slider

I’m planning an Exhibit Design Search Tips and Tricks webinar this summer to cover this and other new features. Watch for the email in June.

–Mel White


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or


The Classic Exhibits Family is GROWING: Word on the Street — April 28th thru May 2nd

May 4th, 2014 COMMENTS
Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

New Additions. New Processes.

Q1 is in the books and Q2 is off to a raging start. We have been adding valuable members to the team over the past seven weeks. You may have already chatted with some, but there are others who are working behind the scenes supporting Project Managers.

As we continue to grow and fine-tune manufacturing, we recognized the need to fine-tune our Customer Service/Project Management Department as well. Growth presents challenges, and anyone who has experienced rapid sales growth knows, you can wait and react or you can plan and perform. Edie Arambula, Wade West, and I took a long hard look at the day-to-day duties of our current PM’s. What were the barriers in their day to day work? What were the tasks that created the bottlenecks completing your projects? Two surfaced:  detail drawings (which our PM’s create for Production) and the phones.

In early March, we took the first steps to bolster the Classic Exhibits Customer Service Department and further support the existing PM’s. These steps would allow them to process quotes and orders more seamlessly and with fewer interruptions. In addition, we wanted to create a more systematic detailing process for the orders to Production.

I would like to introduce you to 3 new members of the Classic Exhibits Inc. family.

  • Tyson Bolton
  • Daniel Olson
  • Irina Dorosh
Irina Dorosh

Irina Dorosh

We hired Irina Dorosh first (and before anyone says it, yes, we now have a Katina, a Trina, and an Irina). She was brought into the department to serve as an Administrative Assistant, and our go-to person to answer incoming calls. As well as the phones, Irina has been learning to process small orders and is the personality behind the new “Live Chat” feature on our website. Her impact on the department was felt almost immediately! And her friendly voice and demeanor has been a welcome addition to the department!

Around the same time, we contacted the Industrial Design Program at The Art Institute of Portland in search of two candidates with CAD and design skills. There we met Daniel Olson and Tyson Bolton, both recent graduates of the program and both equipped with strong industrial design and CAD skills. Daniel and Tyson started a few weeks ago and have been training in Production as well as in Customer Service, learning the current products and processes. The entire C.S. Department has played a role, but Wade has been their primary instructor. They will begin in the Setup Department learning the drawing program and applying their skills as they train the first year.

As they learn, they will also be refining our process for delivering production details to Jim (our Production Manager) and his guys in Production.

As you can imagine, we are all very excited to have all three of these talented individuals aboard and part of the growing Classic Exhibits Inc. Family.

Please take a few moments to introduce yourselves next time you call (or “Chat” with Irina). For those attending Shared Knowledge University Training in two weeks, you will meet them face to face

I hope you are having a great start to May like we are at Classic. And thanks as always for your continued support, trust, and business!

Have a great weekend with your families.

