Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘TSEA’

Kevin Carty Elected to the EDPA Board of Directors

December 10th, 2010 1 COMMENT

During the 2010 EDPA ACCESS meeting, Kevin Carty, Vice President of Sales for Classic Exhibits Inc., was welcomed as a newest elected member to the EDPA’s Board of Directors with an initial two-year term. Kevin and Classic Exhibits/ClassicMODUL are very active within the exhibit industry as members of not only EDPA but also TSEA (Trade Show Exhibitors Association) and HCEA (Healthcare Convention and Exhibitors Association) .

The Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA), founded in 1954, is an internationally recognized national trade association with more than 400 corporate members from 18 countries that are engaged in the design, manufacture, transport, installation, and service of displays and exhibits primarily for the exhibition and event industry. Its purpose is to provide education, leadership, and networking for the advancement of its members and the exhibition industry. The mission of the EDPA is to advance the interests of members engaged in the design, production, and service of exhibits, events, and experiential environments. The success and integrity of our industry will be enhanced through advocacy, communication, education, and good works.

EDPA leadership and guidance comprises of an Executive Board and a Board of Directors (a total of 24 volunteers from within the industry), one of whom is the Executive Director of the Association. Only qualified individuals who are representatives of members in good standing of EDPA are eligible for nomination. Board members are elected by the membership at large through an electronic balloting process with newly elected members being announced at EDPA’s annual ACCESS Conference and Showcase. Nominations are brought forth by the Executive Committee, contacted and vetted by the Vice President of Administration then presented on a ballot to the membership.

Word on the Street — July 5th thru July 9th

July 10th, 2010 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Who’s Headed to Beantown?

And Have You Voted for the TSEA Awards?

Classic Exhibits Inc. will of course be at TS2. We are in booth #315. Be sure to come by and see the beautiful 20 x 20 island we have designed. It highlights many of the new TSP profiles from ClassicMODUL which accept Silicone Edge Graphics, most of which are “backlit”! We are also showing one of the newest Sacagawea PS kits and a totally redesigned Magellan kit that will look somewhat familiar but much improved.

You will also notice the “frosting” to our booth, meaning the parts that make it shine. We are showing off SEG graphics from Optima as well as a custom-cut FlexFloor from our partners at Brumark. And last but not least, big thanks to Cort Furnishings for your assistance on the furniture!

As I have said before, TS2 is a unique show for Classic in many ways. Not only is it an opportunity to show off new products and designs to the attendees, but it is also an opportunity for Classic to spend time with many of our Custom House and Portable Modular distributors — whether they represent ClassicMODUL metal or Classic Exhibits designs and kits.

TSEA Awards

This year is a very special year as we have been nominated for The Best Exhibit House Award that will be announced at the TSEA Gala on Wednesday night. If you have not gotten your tickets for the event, please do. They are only $20 if you purchase now or $30 at the door. AND . . . please remember to vote as well!! You do not have to attend the gala to vote. Shameless I know. 🙂

Exhibit Design Search Webinars

As you may know, Mel White hosted two very successful and well-received webinars this past week on Exhibit Design Search:  Tips, Tricks, and Techniques . Make sure you come by and let him show you in person what he was able to share with nearly 70 distributors this past week: namely all the exciting new features of Exhibit Design Search. Mel will conduct another EDS webinar in August, so if you missed the webinar last week you will have another chance.

We hope to see you in Boston and that you take the time to come by and say “hello.” If you’re there during setup, please bring me water. The NE summer humidity is not something a native Oregonian is used to.

I look forward to seeing you all.

Be well and have a great weekend.

–Kevin Carty

Word on the Street — November 16th thru November 20th

November 21st, 2009 COMMENTS
Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Get LinkedIn with the Classic Exhibits Network

I’m sure many of you are already in LinkedIn, but do you use it consistently? And what does that mean?

I am on LinkedIn everyday, including weekends. Not because I am some obsessive compulsive personality or anything. Rather, it has proven to be a great source of information. It’s a place where I can keep up with the pulse of the industry in “snapshot” style.

There are several industry groups that you may want to consider joining and following. Some of my favorites are Exhibitor, TS2, EDPA and TSEA.

On Friday, we added a group for Classic Exhibits, called the Classic Exhibits Network. It’s for Classic Exhibits distributors, strategic partners, vendors, and employees. I encourage you to join our group, as well as the others mentioned. And follow them for a couple months and see if you agree with me that they keep you up to date with industry news and discussions.

If you are already active in LinkedIn, let me know what you think of it. Is it useful?

You comments are appreciated.

Have a safe and restful weekend!

–Kevin Carty