It’s a Little Complicated
The Classic Exhibits and Eco-Systems Sustainable relationship started about six years ago. In the beginning, we supplied them with ClassicMODUL metal. A couple of years later, we assisted them with design and manufacturing. Then, we agreed to be their exclusive contract manufacturer. It’s a partnership that works, and we’re very proud of the amazing progress they’ve made in design and operations.
Think about it. Over the past six to eight years, there have been any number of new display suppliers, all opening price-point focused, all basically importers. Many no longer in business. Only one did three “really, really smart” things while remaining true to their core principles, even during the recession:
- Concentrate exclusively on sustainable materials
- Focus on mid-priced, design-focused displays, and
- Manufacturer in the United States
Late last week, Eco-Systems took another big step — redesigning their website. For those who have gone through that ordeal, you know how arduous it can at every stage. There are no easy tasks when it comes to website redesign, organization, graphics, and coding. Allow me to commend three people who were immersed in the task for two months: Eric Albery, the VP of Marketing and Business Development, Glenna Martin, Graphic Design Manager, and Tony Bennett, Classic’s web guru who has created most of your Exhibit Design Search websites. They did an amazing job!

What’s New:
- Responsive Design. Adjusts to your smartphone, tablet, or desktop screen.
- Horizontal Layout. It’s silly not to use all the available real estate, and, frankly, an 800 x 600 layout screams “outdated.”
- Photo Portfolio. Take a stroll through photos of past projects.
- Search for Setup Instructions. Never fear if you’ve lost your instructions. Starting with January 2014, they are all online.
- Kit-to-Custom Gallery
- Easier and Faster Search Options
- Design Services Template
I invite you to stroll through the new Eco-Systems website. Take your time. You are in for a treat.
–Mel White
Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or