Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for 2010

How to Save Money on Your Next Trade Show Display

November 11th, 2010 COMMENTS

Tips to Save $ on Your Next Display

Buy Value – Not Price. Too often, we focus on the price rather than the value. It’s human nature, especially when budgets are constrained. However, we all know the difference between a good value for the price and a low price on a shoddy product. If you have ever bought a cheap screwdriver, you know. It lasts about three jobs and then the tip deforms and the handle twists. A trade show display has to accomplish three basic goals:  look professional, assemble easily, and be durable. If it fails any of these, then it’s not a good value.

Understand the Channels of Distribution. In nearly every case, you will purchase your display from a distributor who represents an exhibit manufacturer. Some distributors represent a single manufacturer. Others represent multiple manufacturers. Still others are sub-distributors who must purchase their products through multiple channels. Shorter distribution channels generally reduce the overall markup. It doesn’t matter whether you purchase online or from a bricks and mortar business. What matters is whether the distributor is an authorized representative and whether the distributor has a solid history representing the product.

Buy the Right Graphics.  No one ever tells you this . . . but there are high-quality graphics and there are cheap-a$$ graphics. You may not be able to tell the difference when you see them apart, but put them together and the difference is astonishing. Greater resolutions, higher contrast, deeper color intensity, truer color matches. The other lesson comes after you’ve used them several times. Cheaper graphics do not hold up to the wear and tear of trade show (ab)use. They de-laminate, they curl, they fade, they fray.

You need to use your smarts here and recognize that $250 graphics are not compatible with $750 graphics. If all you need are disposable graphics, then the inexpensive version is perfect. If the expensive ones are too expensive, then negotiate. No one is going to send you to the timeout corner for asking for a break on the price.

Don’t Buy More Than You Need.  The most overused term in the exhibits industry is “modular.” Buy this and you can re-configure it to this or you can add-on to the display when you upgrade to a larger exhibit. From my experience, customers rarely re-configure and rarely expand their existing display. Now you may be the exception and kudos to you, but don’t buy a 20 x 20 that re-configures to a 10 x 10 and 10 x 20 if you don’t need it. Or if you don’t want to spend hours sorting through packaging identifying the right components for the smaller displays or discover that re-configurability compromises the overall design.

I’m going to take some heat on this, particularly since I work for a company that designs and build modular displays, but so be it. Here’s my suggestion:  choose modularity because you want something that is easy to assembly, not because you wanted the adult version of a Transformer.

Rental Displays

Consider Combining Rentals with a Purchase. Frankly, this is so logical that I’m embarrassed to list it. Yet, almost no one does it. I don’t know why, except that so many of us have this primal need to own stuff. In some cases, display customers fall in love with a design, which is fine, but don’t realize that there is a rental solution available at 1/3 the cost. You have to ask. That’s the key. And if the display representative or exhibit house doesn’t have the right rental solution, then go somewhere else. Not everyone has embraced customized rentals. You need to find the company or companies that have.

That said, rentals are not for everyone. Your marketing requirements may dictate a unique structure and capabilities, or you may plan to use the same structure for more than four or five shows. At that point, purchasing is cheaper. But you need to remind yourself . . . you have the option of renting some of the structure and purchasing other parts. It’s not an either/or situation. For more tips about when to rent, please see this article.

Beware of Purchasing Magic Beans. Like any industry, the exhibit industry is not immune to charlatans who want to sell you “magic beans.” Their system will save you 50% or increase your leads by 200% at the first show. Aren’t numbers fun, when you don’t have to document the results?

Honestly, there are no magic beans. Some displays are better than others. Some are MUCH BETTER than others. But in the end, what matters is the quality of the display and how you prepare for your show. Your show will be a success based on your preparation before, during, and after the show. It’s that simple. Having the right display will assist in that effort and present the right image to potential customers, but a good display can’t overcome laziness, a lack of preparation, and procrastination. Not even a six-pack of Red Bull can do that.

Quality Matters.  Admittedly, this is sort of repeats the first one with a twist. I know you don’t want to hear it . . . but you get what you pay for. Here’s a metaphor for pop up displays, which many folks now consider a generic product (they’re not, but that’s OK). When is the last time you purchased blue jeans? There are budget, mainstream, and designer jeans. The bargain basement jeans are sold for around $14.99. Have you bought those? I have. They fit (kind of) and they wear like toilet tissue. They may resemble Levi’s, Wranglers, or Lee jeans but that’s about it.

Levi’s, Wranglers, and Lee jeans cost about double the price of the cheap pairs, but you’ll own them for years. They may not have decorative stitching or funky pockets or the cache of designer jeans, but they are functional and attractive.

Then there are designer jeans at double, triple, or quadruple the price of the Wranglers. They are well made and will also last for years. And, they may get you noticed a little more, which sometimes is a fair trade-off. But in the end (no pun intended), what gets noticed and admired is the package and not the packaging. Now take everything you just learned about jeans and quality and apply it to displays.

Consider the Packaging. One quick tip: Don’t assume the packaging is first rate. It’s usually not. Ask to see examples of how the manufacturer packs their displays. Excellent packaging is expensive and that’s where some manufacturers and custom houses cut corners. That’s too bad because the right packaging will save you lots of time before and after the show and ensure that the display arrives at its next destination in perfect shape.

Finally, don’t forget to review the setup instructions. You may decide to ignore them when you assemble the display, but Wanda in Human Resources won’t when she uses it at the Employment Fair. I don’t know about you, but I never want to make HR mad.

Let me know if you have any questions and I welcome your comments.

–Mel White

See Also . . .

13 Common Trade Show Mistakes
What Smells? Top 10 Trade Show Odors

What Not to Wear (at a Trade Show)


November 9th, 2010 COMMENTS

Congratulations to Glenna Martin at Flying High Creative Resources on the birth of her daughter:  Lela Jane Blankenship. The mother and daughter are both fine. Lela tipped the scales at 7 lbs 4 oz and 19″ long.

According to Glenna, “As you can see she has quite the head of hair. We’ve decided to keep her.”  😉

Lela Jane Blankenship

Word on the Street — November 1st thru November 5th

November 7th, 2010 1 COMMENT
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Our People / Our Success

Many of you, who have been distributors, vendor partners, and industry friends for many years, have heard us speak about how the “heart and soul” of Classic Exhibits is its people. They are the key to our success.

To be successful in this business, we have to have attractive designs, quality products, and advanced manufacturing capabilities, but at the end of the day, its our people that make Classic a truly remarkable and great company. So please indulge me today as I share some information and some praise about our people.

Customer Service / Project Management

To most of you, they are the voice of Classic. This uniquely talented group is responsible for handling all quotes, order details, and job folders for our Production team. Unlike other companies where Customer Service representatives have very narrow duties  and authority, the Project Managers at Classic are tasked with broad responsibilities. They are expected to answer your product-related questions, complete CAD details for orders, arrange shipping, and function as the final quality control check on your jobs.

To be a PM at Classic takes a very unique skill set. They have to be detail-oriented, efficient, imaginative, and charming. Very few of us have two of these characteristics, let alone all four. Classic PM’s are your “internal advocate,”  or more specifically your “eyes and ears” throughout the entire process from the moment an order is turned over to Production until it leaves our shipping dock.

I am proud of how our group works as a team. They are always on the alert for ways to improve internal processes which not only makes their jobs more efficient, but also improves our ability to serve your requests.

Design Department

Design is often the first point of contact for many of you. Most of our competitors funnel everyone into Customer Service first. We don’t, which can present a challenge for our Designers. At Classic, we urge you to start with the Design Department on any orders that are not “as is” kits. As a result, a Designer at Classic might be working on 12-15 projects during a week. Your expectations, and the expectations of your client, are that  each project will be unique and creative. And that the project will be delivered in 2-5 days (depending on size and scope).

After reading what I just wrote . . . that challenge can seem almost impossible on some weeks. But to their credit, they do it and they do it very well.

On top of all that, the Design Department must balance the demands of the Marketing Department as well. Design Monday, new kit renderings, animations, rental requests, and a wide variety of other design-related assignments are handled by Design. There is rarely, if ever, any down time in Design.


I have often said and will continue to say that we have the absolute best Production staff anywhere. In these days of short turn times and client-driven last minute changes and unique challenges, they find a way to make it happen day in and day out. As a crew, they are continually striving to learn new techniques and cross train each other so we can remain efficient and profitable.

The vast majority of our Production staff has or will be celebrating ten plus years with the company. As a group, they care about Classic, and they care about the products our customers receive. They are faced with enormous challenges every single day, challenges that push them to engineer new solutions and develop new methods to handle our diverse product line. On any given day they are asked to solve difficult custom solutions, and to retain that knowledge so it can be replicated it in a week, a month, or in two years.

For those distributors and suppliers who have visited Classic Exhibits, you know. You have commented on our manufacturing capabilities, on our work ethic, on the positive energy of our Production team, and on the organization and cleanliness of our facility. I am proud of them and encourage more of our distributors to visit us and see what we see every day.

Accounting, Purchasing, Shipping, and Inventory Control

They pay the bills, pay the people, purchase the supplies, and keep us organized. They are the folks behind the scenes who rarely get “Top Billing” or much recognition outside of Classic Exhibits.  But you know, as well as we do, that they are the glue that keeps us from falling apart.

Just like our Production team, these folks have been with Classic Exhibits for many years, and as Classic has grown and as we have added divisions over the years, they have been asked to do more and to keep us organized. We are fortunate to have employees in these positions who are smart, resourceful, and team players.

I often hear from colleagues who tell me that their Accounting, Purchasing, or Shipping Departments make their lives miserable. Rather than working with their colleagues, they create mini-fiefdoms within the organization. I can’t relate. At Classic, our team works hard to keep us on task and to follow procedures, but it’s never with an “us vs. them” mentality. It’s about making Classic better.

At the end of the day, there’s no substitute for a dedicated team of employees. Yes, we all want to get paid, but it should be about more than just the paycheck. At Classic, our team comes in everyday ready to work and always with an eye on how to make the company better and our customers happier. For that I am grateful every single day.

Be well and have a wonderful weekend!

–Kevin Carty

FAQ — Island Exhibits

November 4th, 2010 COMMENTS
Trade Show Island Exhibits

Trade Show Island Exhibits

Designing a Trade Show Island Exhibit is equally exciting and nerve-racking. It’s exciting to design a display that showcases your marketing message and draws attendees to your booth. It’s nerve-racking because islands can be expensive, and when budgets are tight, you want to get the biggest bang for your buck and to maximize your Return on Investment.

With a Classic Exhibits island, you get the best of both worlds:  stunning design and cost-effective solutions. Whether you need a modular, hybrid, or custom booth, Classic has the expertise to design and build a solution tailor-made to your budget and your unique vision. Scroll through our Design Gallery for ideas. Then mix and match components or request a totally “ground up” design based on your requirements.

1. Specifically, what is an Island Exhibit?

Island exhibits are displays bordering 3-4 aisles, with the smallest starting at 20’ x 20’. Inline exhibits, by contrast, typically border 1 or 2 aisles and are usually 10’ x 10’ or 10’ x 20’.

A major benefit of island exhibits is that they do not have the same height and perimeter limitations as inline displays.

2. What are the typical show regulations regarding island (and peninsula) exhibits in the United States?

Regulations vary by exhibit hall but the following are typical:  Maximum height of 30′ in all areas of your booth allowed in North Hall and Central Halls 3-5. Maximum height of 20′ in all areas of your booth is allowed in Central Halls 1-2. Maximum height of 22′ in all areas of your booth allowed in South Halls. No limitations on the number of solid walls for your Island booth.

Note:  Hanging signs are permitted above island booths.


Canopies and Ceilings

Canopies, including ceilings, umbrellas and canopy frames, can be either decorative or functional (such as to shade computer monitors from ambient light or for hanging products). Canopies for Linear or Perimeter Booths should comply with line-of-sight requirements.

The bottom of the canopy should not be lower than 7 ft. (2.13m) from the floor within 5 ft. (l.52m) of any aisle. Canopy supports should be no wider than three inches 3 in.(08m). This applies to any booth configuration that has a sight line restriction, such as a Linear Booth. Fire and safety regulations in many facilities strictly govern the use of canopies, ceilings, and other similar coverings. Check with the appropriate local agencies prior to determining specific exhibition rules.

Covered ceiling structures or enclosed rooms, including tents or canopies, shall have one smoke detector placed on the ceiling for every 900 square feet.

Hanging Signs and Graphics
Hanging signs and graphics are permitted upon approval in all standard Peninsula, Island and Split Island Booths, with a maximum height of sixteen feet (16 ft.)(4.87m) to the top of the sign as measured from the floor

Whether suspended from above or supported from below, they should comply with all ordinary use-of-space requirements (for example, the highest point of any sign may not exceed the maximum allowable height for the booth type). Double-sided hanging signs and graphics shall be set back ten feet (10 ft.)(3.05m) from adjacent booths and be directly over contracted space only.

Theatrical Truss and Lighting
Ceiling-supported theatrical truss and lighting are permitted in all standard Peninsula, Island and Spilt Island Booths to a maximum height of twenty feet (20 ft.)(6.1m) where ceiling permits. Ground-supported truss may not exceed the maximum allowable height for the booth type. Logos or graphics are not permitted over the sixteen-foot (l6fl)(4.87m) height restriction and must have four feet (4 ft.)(1.22m) of separation from the top of the sign to the top of the truss.

Exhibitors should adhere to the following suggested minimum guidelines when determining booth lighting:

  • No lighting, fixtures, lighting trusses or overhead lighting is allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space.
  • Exhibitors intending to use hanging light systems must submit drawings to NAMM for approval by the published deadline date.
  • Lighting must be directed to the inner confines of the booth space. Lighting must comply with facility rules.
  • Lighting which Is potentially harmful, such as lasers or ultraviolet lighting, should comply with facility rules and be approved in writing by exhibition management.
  • Lighting that spins, rotates, pulsates, and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring Exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event.
  • Reduced lighting for theater areas should be approved by the exhibition organizer, the utility provider, and the exhibit facility.

3. I have reserved a 20′ x 30′ space for our industry show. I need an island, but don’t have the budget to purchase one this year. What are my options?

Renting an exhibit is the ideal choice in this situation. Renting is affordable, typically 30-40% of a purchase, and we have an extensive gallery of island and inline rental designs.

If you don’t see something you like, no problem. About 50 percent of our rentals are new designs or modifications of existing designs. If it makes sense for you, and it makes sense for us, then we’re happy to create a unique configuration that meets all your trade show marketing requirements. See all your options in the Rental Gallery.

4. I don’t see an island that appeals to me or matches my exhibit marketing goals. Can you design one just for me?

Absolutely! When it comes to islands, it’s rare that someone purchases a kit “as is.” Nearly every island gets tweaked, or we start from scratch based on your requirements. That’s the fun part of this process: designing a display that makes your trade show program successful.

Give us a call or send us an email.

5. Can an island exhibit be re-configured into other configurations such as an inline or another island?

Yes and no. It depends on your design requirements. Give us a call or send us an email and we’ll show you design examples. Or, we’ll be happy to work on a “ground up” design specific to your marketing goals.

Next, Design Monday FAQ

FAQ — Intro Fabric Panel Displays

October 29th, 2010 COMMENTS

Intro Fabric Panel Displays

For nearly two decades, Intro Fabric Panel Displays have been the perfect choice for a flawless, re-configurable portable display.

Known for its strength, exceptional alignment, and customizable display panels, the “two-sided” Intro Fabric Panel Display performs beautifully in the most demanding trade show schedule. The Intro comes in 10 x 10, 10 x 20, and table top display configurations.

1. What are the unique benefits of the Intro Folding Fabric Display?

  1. There’s no more durable and versatile trade show display than the Intro. The Intro is perfect for exhibitors who require a reconfigurable fabric display that easily folds to a 10 ft., 8 ft., 6 ft., or even table top(s). The two-sided Velcro compatible fabric means one, two, or multiple colors are never a problem, the perfect solution when more than one division share an exhibit.
  2. After the show, the Intro can be folded into a tower for a lobby display, used as a colorful divider, or re-positioned as a backdrop.
  3. There are nearly 50 fabric color options in ribbed and flat fabrics.

2. What are the unique features of the Intro Fabric Panel Display?

  • 360 Hinge: The 360 panel hinges make the Intro remarkably versatile.
  • Independent Panels: Each panel is constructed independently, so panels can be separated and replaced in case of shipping damage.
  • Pack Flat: The panels pack flat, accordion-style, for easy shipping.
  • Adjustable Feet: The adjustable feet on every lower panel means you never have to worry about an uneven floor.
  • Reconfigurable: Easily turn the top or bottom sections into table tops.
  • Velcro Fabric: The Velcro-compatible fabric will withstand years of graphics attaching and detaching with minimal wear.

3. What components and accessories are available for the Intro?

There are literally hundreds of choices, each with multiple options. For example, choose from an array of stem lights, pedestals, counters, backlit headers, storage, slatwall, inlay fabric, lightboxes, and towers.

Give us a call to discuss. We’re here to assist you find the display and accessories that fit your exhibit marketing goals.

Next, Island Exhibits FAQ.