Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘Portable and modular displays’

Four Part Interview with Mel White, Classic Exhibits Inc.

October 8th, 2013 2 COMMENTS

I’m on a trade show modeling website?!

Here’s a shocker friends. I’m on a modeling website . . .  and no money was exchanged. Margaret Colebeck from Vantage Advertising conducted an interview with me about displays, design trends, and the exhibit industry which they posted on their blog. I’m usually not “chatty” (quit laughing Kevin), but this time I made an exception. They had to post it in four installments.

This is the introduction at Vantage Advertising:

“Are you interested in learning more about the world of trade show exhibits and what types of designs can fit your needs? Then, you’re in luck! The following blog post is the 1st of 4 installments of our interview with trade show booth display expert, Mel White, VP of Marketing/Business Development at Classic Exhibits. The goal of this interview is to educate, inspire, and enlighten experienced trade show exhibitors, like yourself, about the world of trade show displays.”

The links below will take you to the interview. No skimming.

  • Part 1 — Selecting a Design
  • Part 2 — How Much Does It Cost
  • Part 3 — Current Trends
  • Part 4 — Renting vs. Purchasing

Vantage Advertising, also known as, is a nationwide event staffing company that hires trade show models, spokes models, and promotional models for events throughout the United States and parts of Canada. The company’s business model centers around that idea that by matching business marketing goals with the specific skills of spoke models, businesses will see a significant increase in the return on their trade show investments.

–Mel White