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Posts Tagged ‘Kevin Carty’

Changes in Latitude | Reid Sherwood

October 20th, 2016 3 COMMENTS


Dear Classic Family of Distributors,

I trust that your October is crazy good. Things at Classic are cruising along. Oh how I love the smell of manufacturing in October.

I wanted to share with you all some news. Reid Sherwood, the Eastern Regional Sales Manager, was offered a wonderful opportunity and is leaving Classic Exhibits on November 4. He’ll shift gears to the supplier side of the industry.

As a friend and colleague, I am very happy for Reid. Don’t get me wrong, I and the entire team are sad to see Reid leave, but we believe in the core philosophy of Shared Success. We are very proud of what Reid has accomplished at Classic Exhibits. And we are equally proud and happy that he has been able to parlay that into a positive career move.

As Classic’s Evangelist across the eastern half of the United Stated for the past eight years, Reid’s efforts and the relationships he has fostered have expanded our great family of Distributors, Partners, and Work Friends. So for that Mr. Sherwood I thank you!

To our Family of Distributors, you are probably wondering what’s next. Who is coming to visit us? Rest assured, we are actively searching for a new Eastern Regional Sales Manager. We began placing ads last week and will be going through the hiring process soon.

In the meantime, be on the look out for Mel, Jen, or me as we cover some of Reid’s territory. Until then, please congratulate Mr. Sherwood and wish him well in his new adventure.

Have a great rest of your week and restful weekend ahead.


Reid, Mel said, “If you didn’t want to finish that blog post, you could have told him. You didn’t need to quit.”



Our 4th FABulous Year! | Event Marketer FAB 50

September 10th, 2016 2 COMMENTS

Event Marketer Fab 50 2016 Exhibit Fabricator

It’s September! And activity is CLEARLY on the upswing based on your design and quote requests last week. Talk about a green flag start to the fall season. Thanks as always for trusting us with your projects. It’s very much appreciated!

In addition to this week being busy, it’s also been FABULOUS! Why you ask? Because for the fourth straight year, Classic Exhibits Inc. was honored as an Event Marketer FAB 50. The FAB 50 names the Top 50 Exhibit Fabricators in North America. This is a judged listing, not a popularity contest, complete with a comprehensive application and background check.

We are proud and humbled by this honor, considering the other 49 honorees. All amazing companies in our industry. And 30 are also Classic Exhibits Distributors/Partners. Wow!

So a huge KUDOS to those named to the 2016 Fab 50. Very well deserved to one and all.

Event Marketer Fab 50 Exhibit Fabricators

We’re the highlight one with the arrow. 😉

Like you, we take our responsibilities very seriously and even personally. This is a testament to our employees — the Designers, Project Managers, Detailers, Accounting, Purchasing, and our talented Production team. This recognition speaks to their commitment to Shared Success which serves as the foundation of our company. Thank you.

Finally, a BIG THANKS to Event Marketer and to the judges. We’re not a traditional custom house, although we build custom exhibits. In some ways, it would be easy to overlook us. And yet… you haven’t. You recognized the qualities that make us different from every other exhibit builder. For that, we are very, very grateful.

Finally, for all the parents reading this, school is back in session. For those with young kids (K thru 12) can I get an AMEN?! I don’t know about you, but I love my kiddos dearly, but I am so happy to be back on a normal schedule. Summer is supposed to be a time for rest and relaxation. Not in my house. It’s all about chasing kids. 🙂

Looking forward to seeing and talking to you during the busy fall season.

Have a great weekend with you and yours.



College Scholarship Deadline — EDPA Foundation

June 28th, 2016 COMMENTS

EDPA Foundation

Classic Exhibits Distributors and Vendors,

As many of you know, I am on the EDPA Scholarship Foundation Committee. The Exhibit and Designers Association Foundation offers college scholarships to member families who apply and qualify. It’s a great opportunity for the Association to give back to its members and a benefit to you.

For eight years, I’ve seen the impact on those families, and it has been nothing short of amazing.

The application deadline is coming fast — July 25th. If your kids are either in college or headed to college this fall, we invite you to apply. Again, it’s free money for books or classes or however they decide to apply it to their education. But they need to apply to be considered.

Basic details can be seen on the image below.

EDPA Scholarship poster 2016_final3

Go to Applications are confidential and are reviewed by the EDPA Scholarship Foundation Committee, a small group.

As we know, college is expensive so every little bit helps. Please don’t miss out on this great opportunity to offset some of the expense.

Have a great 4th of July holiday weekend ahead.



Kevin, Why Have You Worked at Classic So Long? “C”ing is Believing!

May 19th, 2016 5 COMMENTS
Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

After Nearly 22 Years

July will mark my 22nd year at Classic. I often hear, “Wow, that is a long time by today’s standards to be with the same company.” Or I am asked, “What is it that keeps you there for so long?” The answer is easy.

This past weekend I was on a getaway with my daughter — a Daddy/Daughter Camp Weekend with a group of dads and their daughters. While there, a couple of the Dad’s asked me about my tenure at Classic. Then on Monday in a meeting with Mel, he put the exact words to my feelings. It involves the 4 C’s — Culture, Continuity, Capabilities, and Customers. Those four words encapsulate not only my feelings about our organization, but also what we hear from our wonderful distributors.

SharedMessageHandoutCulture is king. Each year, at Shared Knowledge University (SKU), we devote 30-45 minutes to a post-training Q&A. Everyone gathers in a circle on the Production floor and talks about their experience, what they learned, any surprises, constructive criticism, etc. Each time, we are humbled by their comments regarding Classic Exhibits.

In a nutshell, they tell us that Classic is exactly who we say we are. No artifice. No pretense. No corporate b.s. What they see in person is exactly who we say we are in visits, in our blog, and at industry events.

Culture defines our family of employees and our great family of distributors. It’s “Who Classic is” in the exhibit industry and each day inside of this building. Yes, we summarize our values into a handy formula:  Shared Innovation + Shared Knowledge + Shared Responsibility = Shared Success. However, a values statement is useless unless it permeates your culture. Don’t get me wrong. We’re not perfect, and we stumble. But the “Shared” philosophy serves as a touchstone. It reminds us of what we strive to be as a company.

Continuity is the 2016 version of “predictability.” No one gets an “atta boy” for continuity, but creating consistency in your production, sales, marketing, and human resource processes wins hearts and minds over time. At the end of the day, neither a customer nor an employee should ever be surprised by your answers or your actions.

Continuity also speaks to the great group of people I get to work with. Folks don’t believe me when I share with them that most of our employees have been with Classic for 5-15 years — aside from new hires as we grow. Same can be said about our loyal distributors who have been with the Classic Family for years and years.


Capabilities make what I do every day fun. I told one of the dads this weekend, “I love walking into a different business each day.” On my way to my office, I pass by our Setup Area, which is like a walking by a candy store to me. Our Production, Design, and Customer Service staffs work together to create the next great exhibit or design or process. It’s almost embarrassing at times when I find myself saying “I did not know we could do that.” Frankly, I would shrivel up into a ball after a week of doing the same thing 8-10 hours a day. That’s not a job I’d want.

Customers. Sounds like a cliché, but Reid, Jen, Mel, and I have said for years that “When given the choice, we would rather work with friends than with a customer on the other end of the phone.” And in large part, we have succeeded. We made a decision about ten years ago not add a distributor for sales volume alone. Don’t get me wrong, we all need that. We are a business… BUT, in order for our culture to thrive internally and externally, we realize that, once again, Culture is King. We would much rather work with friends. So when choosing distributors we ask ourselves, “Are these folks who share our business values?” And, we have been extraordinarily blessed in this regard. I think we have the best network in the business! Which is easy for me to say because so many of them are my friends.


Each year, as we roll through spring, head towards summer and my work anniversary, I find myself reflecting more and more on my job. For some people, that reflection is geared towards “How much longer do I have to do this before I retire?” But for me I find myself saying, “How much longer to I GET to do this before I am forced to retire.” A long time. The reason is simple: the 4 C’s — Culture, Continuity, Capabilities, and Customers. That’s what makes Classic Exhibits my home away from home.

Oh… Two more “C’s”…Costco Cookies! Someone keeps us in full supply around here.

Hope you all have a great weekend ahead.



Price Changes in Exhibit Design Search

May 6th, 2016 COMMENTS


It’s May… and there doesn’t appear to be any slowdown in designs, quotes, and orders. So thanks as always.

Effective today, you will see modest price changes in EDS. Yes, the dreaded price increase. No one likes them, but they are a reality. I have taken a deep dive the past two months reviewing our pricing and costing. Basically, evaluating material increases, general labor, and overhead costs over the past four years (since our last selective price adjustment). In doing so, we have bumped prices on most kits.

Most are very modest. In the 5 percent range. Which is not bad considering it’s been anywhere from four to eight years since we’ve raised prices, depending on the product. Others are higher such as Quadro, counters, and workstations. Several product lines remain the same — On the Move Furniture, Intro kits, and the new Gravitee One-Step Modular System.

We will honor any existing quotes for 60 days from the quote date. In addition, we will be flexible on any quotes you’ve given your clients via EDS. Quotes going forward will reflect the new prices.

If there are questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Classic Project Manager, Mel, or me.

In the meantime, stay tuned. I know Mel will be making a big EDS announcement. I’m positive you’ll love the new additions. Look for a summer promotion beginning in about two weeks on all inlines.

Hope you have a great weekend with you families. Thanks again for the great start to May and a terrific 2016.

