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Posts Tagged ‘ExhibitorLIVE’

Thoughts on EXHIBITORLIVE 2025

March 25th, 2025 COMMENTS

“Where are you going this time?”

It’s a frequent question for trade show people, like you and me. Vegas? Orlando? Chicago? This week it was San Antonio, TX to attend the trade show about trade shows... EXHIBITORLIVE.

Here’s how my trip started. My supportive wife dropped me off at LAX, but the trip took longer than normal because the recent Los Angeles fires had shut down the Pacific Coast Highway. It now takes longer to drive to the airport than it does to fly from LA to San Antonio. Sorry, Sue. You’re the best Uber driver ever.

Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

After checking in to the hotel, I quickly headed over to the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. I grabbed my badge and walked on to the chaotic show floor. We’ve all seen this before. It doesn’t look remotely possible that this cavernous and disheveled hall overflowing with crates and bodies will ever be ready for the show opening in two days. But it will. We’re show folk. It’s what we do.



Day One. Once the doors opened, the foot traffic in the Classic Exhibits’ booth was busy. Not as busy as it used to be 4-5 years ago, but busier than I’d expected. The number of exhibitors at EXHIBITORLIVE continues to shrink. Exhibition companies that were regulars are no shows, even if they still walk the floor. As a result, EXHIBITORLIVE is now a 2-day, not a 3-day show that starts at midday, so fewer show hours. Everyone is trying to wring as many leads out of the diminished show hours and attendees as possible.  

Wednesday morning… the second/last day of the show. I was too busy on day one so the first thing I walked the show floor to check out everyone else’s booth. There were some real beauties this year. Our industry dresses up quite well.

I eventually found myself standing in front of The Exhibitor Advocate booth. Staffing the booth was Amanda Helgemoe. It was the first time we’d had a chance to chat in quite a while. For me that’s probably the most enjoyable part of attending EXHIBITORLIVE… getting to see/blab/hang with friends we only get to see once or twice a year.

After our chat, Amanda asked to take my picture with her swanky Polaroid camera. The Exhibitor Advocate team was snapping pix and asking folks to write in how many years they’d been in the biz on the bottom of the Polaroid. They then posted it on their backwall along with hundreds of other industry peeps.

45 Years?

TS2 2006
TS2 2006

And that’s when I kinda froze. How long have I been in the biz? My first real job out of college was working with CES, at the time the largest trade show in the country. That was in 1980. Well, it’s now 2025. In my head I started calculating… 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2025… 45 years? 45 YEARS??! How is that even possible? I don’t feel like I’m that old. Have I become… one of them?

Them… you know who I mean. No matter how old you are or how many years you’ve been in the business, you can recall walking your first EXHIBITORLIVE or TS2 or Exhibit Builder… and seeing them sprinkled around the show floor. The industry vets. The iconic pillars on whose backs this creative, intimate, unique industry was built. The ones who’d already walked miles and miles of aisles.

Jack Wayman (CES), Larry Crumlish and Rick Kent (The Exhibit Store), Joan Carol (The Joan Carol Group), Pat Rodgers (Exhibigrafix), Bruce Deckel (Deckel and Moneypenny), Trudy Graham (TG and Associates), Gordon Savoie (Skyline), Brenda Keiner (Grondorff, Field and Black), Irving Sacks (Sacks Exhibits). These were my industry icons. I’m sure you have your own.

Susan Mintz, Judy Watson, Ted Zeigler, and Harold Mintz

Significant Changes Over the Years

I’ve witnessed significant changes in our industry over the past 45 years.

  • I watched in awe as the first Gerber machines started cutting a roll of bright red vinyl eventually replacing the steady-handed sign painters and silk screeners.
  • I saw portable exhibits go from folding panel systems to pop-ups to modular systems.
  • I sold 10’ pop-up displays back in the day when you could ask $8000 for one and get it!

And probably my favorite observation, I’ve watched dozens and dozens of young people that I’d hired and/or trained over the years still running around the show floor and still working in this nutty biz. THIS provides me with immense pleasure. To have helped open the door to so many is immeasurably gratifying. 

Over time, everything changes. Show hours, the hottest trends, technology and the faces of our industry. All different today than they were yesterday. But one thing stays the same… that’s the feeling you get when you step foot onto the show floor.

For those icons who paved the way for me, the ones who spent extra time teaching me the ropes, the ones who always made me feel part of a special club, the word thanks doesn’t nearly come close enough to express my gratitude. Whether this was your first EXHIBITORLIVEor your 36th I hope you continue to find that same joy that you did on your Day One.

Classic Exhibits Inc.

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Booth #339 at EXHIBITORLIVE 2025

February 9th, 2025 COMMENTS

At EXHIBITORLIVE in San Antonio, Classic Exhibits will be in Booth #339, a 20 x 20 island.

Coincidence or Conspiracy?

You’re thinking, “Booth #339? Hmmm… Why do I know that number?”

Harold Mintz
Harold Mintz, Conspiracy Theorist

Number 339 just happens to be the most highly researched and studied number in our Arabic Numbering System. What you may not know is that Classic Exhibits and “339” have a long and somewhat mysterious relationship. Some think it’s a coincidence. Perhaps even a conspiracy!!

You be the judge…

1). It takes exactly 339 steps to walk to Classic’s Booth #339 from the Henry B. Gonzolez convention hall main entrance. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

2). Last year Classic Exhibits rented 339 booths that were 10×20 or larger. And in 2024, Classic Distributors earned exactly $33,900 in Rental Rebates. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

3). When the show opens in San Antonio next month, Classic Exhibits will be celebrating 33 years and 9 months in business. Coincidence or Conspiracy?


4). Section 33, Paragraph 9 of The Exhibitor Handbook clearly states, “…Creativity, Trustworthiness and Experience are the CLASSIC ingredients to offering Clients a superior booth and show experience.”  Coincidence or Conspiracy?

5). Last year, Classic Exhibits created 3 displays that were 39 ft. tall for the Guinness Book of World Records. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

6). There are 33 barbecue restaurants in San Antonio — 9 of them offer “Classic Pulled Pork.” Coincidence or Conspiracy?

7.) Since its inception in 1945 Baskin Robbins has created 339 flavors of ice cream. The most popular flavor ever… CLASSIC COOKIES AND CREAM. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

8.) 339 in Roman Numerals is CCCXXXIX – Classic Classic Classic Xhibits Xhibits Xhibits Incredible Xhibits. Coincidence or Conspiracy?


We urge you to visit us at booth #339 in San Antonio. Where you’ll learn the many reasons why Classic is the exhibit industry’s leading private-label designer and builder.

BTW… Take a guess how many reasons there are? Go ahead. Guess!

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Download “Rent or Buy” Unbranded Literature

January 20th, 2025 COMMENTS
Rent or Buy Trade Show Designs Downloadable Literature

This week, you can download Rent or Buy unbranded literature. Just add your company branding, then email it to your clients or post it on social media. As you know, Rent or Buy is a hot topic with exhibitors.  

This or That

Along the same lines as “Rent or Buy,” we created a “This or That” list… but with an exhibit industry twist. The Classic Exhibits team got the ball rolling. Add your choices to the list and bring those zingers to EXHIBITORLIVE. There just might be prizes for the best “This or That” submissions.

Clever or Funny will Always Get Bonus Points:

  1. Single padding or Double padding?
  2. You plug-in the lights (Indianapolis) or They plug-in the lights (Chicago)
  3. Las Vegas or Orlando?
  4. Free cookies or Free giveaways?
  5. Soft seating or Barstools?
  6. Resort fee or No resort fee? (OK, that’s an easy one)
  7. Early am flight or Red eye flight?
  8. $38K Inline or $38K Island?
  9. Host hotel or Off premises?
  10. Bucket of parts or Tool-less assembly?
  11. Airport coffee or Airline coffee?
  12. Altoids or Breath strips?
  13. Heels or Flats?
  14. Logo shirt or Personal attire?
  15. Cases or Crates?
  16. Client setup or Hired labor?
  17. An Early Night or An All Nighter?
  18. Dance on the Floor or Dance on the Bar?
  19. Spy on the competition or Drinks with competition?
  20. 15 minutes w/ one serious prospect or 15 minutes with 4 potential prospects?
  21. Sit-down breakfast or Coffee on the go?
  22. EAC labor or GSC labor?
  23. Uber or Lyft?
  24. Shake hands or Bump fists?
  25. Material handling or Drayage?

Start by quizzing your colleagues. Their answers just may surprise you. 😉 

Download the Unbranded Rent or Buy Versions

Rent or Buy Trade Show Inlines Downloadable Literature
Rent or Buy Trade Show Islands Downloadable Literature
Rent or Buy Exhibition Islands Downloadable Literature

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Classic Exhibits | 2023 State of the Company Letter

January 15th, 2023 COMMENTS
State of the Company Letter from Classic Exhibits

Happy New Years Classic Distributor Partners

I trust and hope that you had a great holiday season. We did… and we are excited for 2023!

Classic's 30th Anniversary

2023 represents Classic’s 30th year as an exhibit designer and manufacturer. Somehow, we made it to 30 despite multiple recessions, a tech crash, 9/11, and COVID. I’m probably forgetting some other catastrophes along the way but who can keep count. We’ll be celebrating a bit later in the year, including at EXHIBITORLIVE in April, and we hope you will join our festivities.

But first, some thoughts on the past year or two.

2022 in Review

2022 was the exhibit industry’s rebound year. In basketball terms, an effective rebound starts with “boxing-out” your opponent.  We spent much of the year “boxing-out” a host of challenges.

Challenges ranging from supply chain woes that were ever present in the first two quarters of 2022 to exhibitors bound and determined to participate in as many shows as possible. The result was controlled chaos. For all.

By early July, the pricing and supply chain woes were manageable. Are we back to pre-pandemic scenarios? NO… and we likely never will be. BUT the “new” norm has settled in for the most part with more predictable costs, quotes, and turn times.

The one challenge that still exists is finding and hiring qualified employees. While it’s getting better, the jar lid did not loosen until late Q3. Thankfully, that’s improving week by week (for reasons no one fully understands).  

Portable Modular Exhibits

SALES:  Grumbling aside, 2022 was a record year for Classic Exhibits. But it wasn’t easy. The project mix was staggering. We built FAR MORE large custom wood exhibits than in any previous year. All while seeing a healthy increase in kit inlines and islands. Why? Exhibitors were eager to return to trade shows and events. And they wanted to make as BIG of a splash as possible. Especially after the failure of virtual shows. Mind you, we were grateful for every order.

Some Classic Specifics

Classic Shop Photo

We added nearly 30 new employees last year. And by “new” I mean new to Classic and new to our industry. We are grateful to have them in the family and excited to see their progress in their positions. And there are more coming as we expand our production capability.  

A few months ago, we returned to shorter, more predictable lead times. The kits in EDS are now listed as ranges. Those ranges are there for very practical reasons. It allows us to provide you with a shipping date based on your PO and our current production schedule. This has been a welcome change to many distributors, and we appreciate your comments.

What’s Coming in 2023? A Lot!

Q1 will be much like all of 2022. Lots of orders! However, the trade show calendar should return to its pre-pandemic cadence by Q2 with the normal ebbs and flows industry veterans expect. This should be a welcome sign, allowing everyone to catch their breath and refine internal processes. Plus, an exciting new product launch, but you’ll have to wait for more news about that.

After the uptick in large custom builds in 2022, I expect fewer over-the-top projects this year. And not for negative reasons. Simply put, what was built in 2022 will be used in 2023. Instead, our Q1 plate filling with Symphony and Sacagawea kits, lightboxes upon lightboxes, and LOTS of 20 x 20 to 30 x 40 modified islands using Gravitee Modular Panels. We are also already seeing orders for additions/modifications to the large custom booths we built last year.

Portable and Modular Trade Show Displays

Classic Exhibits will be introducing a new cloud-based ERP/CRM system in Q1. We are currently still in the testing stages and will be moving into the broader training phases through January with an expected launch in February. Once live, this will give our Distributor Partners something they have long been asking for, namely the ability to combine Rental and Purchase builds on one order with one PM. Along with that, the data metrics and analytic tools we have built into this new system will allow us to parse and share more immediate data with our internal production, customer service, and sales teams.

Classic will be purchasing new cameras for Peek-A-Booth, our online staging area cameras. The new cameras and software will come online sometime before Q2 2023. This will give you and your clients an even better, more immediate, peek into your Classic projects as they are being assembled.

Classic Rental Solutions
Rental Island Exhibit

Classic Rental Solutions continues to thrive and grow. Not just in sales, but in the depth of their product offerings and services. 2022 was a banner year for CRS. 2023 is already off to a stellar start with a projected record Q1. This may also be a sign of how/where client spending is headed as customers weigh the possibility of a recession and its effects on their industry.

EXHIBITORLIVE 2022 and 2023 (in Louisville)

EXHIBITORLIVE is moving! THIS year’s event will be in Louisville. Personally, I love the change. Not because of Louisville per se, but because OUR industry show needed a change of scenery. Based on the size of the show, I hope the EXHIBITOR Media Group continues to look at other similar size markets for future events. Pricing is another reason. The rates for shows in Vegas have gone up significantly and will continue to rise. The opportunity to “take the show on the road,” if handled well, will provide a fresh perspective and perhaps a new and growing audience.  

Join The Exhibitor Advocate

The Exhibitor Advocate

If you have not heard about The Exhibitor Advocate, please visit their website:, Then join their mailing list (no cost), and consider making a donation. The Exhibitor Advocate, an organization led by Jessica Sibila and supported by an outstanding Board of Directors, is long overdue. Their goal is to advocate for exhibitor rights and provide hands-on assistance, with things like surprise billings and show floor service issues.

If we’ve learned anything over the years, meaningful change in our industry will only happen when exhibitors assert their rights. The Exhibitor Advocate is the right tool at the right time to make that happen. Please encourage your clients to join as well. It’s a win-win for both you and your client.

Shared Knowledge University is Back!

Shared Knowledge University

In November, we held our first Shared Knowledge University since 2019. And it was just what the doctor ordered. We hosted 35 Distributor and Vendor Partners in Portland for two full days of training. It was incredible.

We will be hosting two SKUs in 2023! The first will be in June. Contact Jen, Tom, or Harold if you are interested. Seats fill FAST.

Awards and Other Cool Stuff

We were happy to be recognized by the industry in 2022, starting with a Find-It Top 40 Award at EXHIBITORLIVE. We also won the People’s Choice Award for the Slate Island rental project.

Katina Rigall-Zipay, our Creative Director, won the Star Award from FIT. This award recognized her outstanding service and commitment to the FIT Graduate Degree Program in Exhibit Design.  

Lastly, there is the EDDIE Award we received at EDPA 2022 in San Antonio. This one was special. The award has historically been given to an outstanding Online or Multi-media campaign. But we were honored to win this award for our “Classic Conversations” outreach. The idea was to create a space where Classic Distributors and vendors could share ideas, struggles, and successes during and after the pandemic. Kudos to all who have participated in these ongoing conversations.

Are you interested in joining a Classic Conversations group? Let us know. We meet quarterly for an hour via Teams or Zoom. Contact Jen, Harold, or Tom for specifics. All exhibit industry roles are welcome — sales, marketing, design, production, etc. You will not be disappointed. Spending time with others in the industry is invaluable… and a lot of fun!

To all our Distributor Partner Family — THANK YOU. 2022 was hard, and the struggle to bring an industry back to life is ongoing. YOU ALL helped make the adjustment easier.

I often tell my friends and family the following, “Yes, we do some really cool stuff. And it’s stressful even in the best of circumstances. But it’s the people we get to walk this path with each and every day that make it special. They are the reason we come to work each and every day.”

Thank you again for your ongoing support of our Classic Family. Here’s to a prosperous 2023. I hope to see you soon.

Your Classic Exhibits Shared Success Newsletter | July 2022

July 11th, 2022 COMMENTS
July Classic Exhibits Shared Success Newsletter.

Take a breath
Enjoy the summer
Fall is coming
We’ve got your back
Send us your overflow

Deep Breaths by Jen LaBruzza

Jen LaBruzza and Classic Exhibits

A gentle poetic reminder that although it’s feeling Easy Like Sunday Morning right now, the Manic Mondays of Fall will be upon us before we can say, “20 x 40 island.”

And in case you missed our EXHIBITORLIVE memo, Classic Exhibits is North America’s Largest Private-Label Exhibit Builder. That means you don’t have to say, “No.” Just tap into our custom, modular, portable, and rental capabilities when your production schedule is maxed out.

So, as we pause and catch our breath, remember the Early Bird gets the BEST spot in the production schedule. It’s time to contact those Lazy Daisy clients and get those creative juices flowing. Reach out to our Sales Team, Designers, or Project Managers for assistance and let’s start filling up our dance cards.

Rental Winter Turns into Rental Fall by Jim Shelman

Classic Rental Solutions Update

Sales: Q1 and Q2 Rental orders broke all previous sales numbers for Classic Rental Solutions. Early numbers show more of the same for the second half of the year.

To support our growth, we’ve added office and production staff. Josh Christensen joined CRS as a detailer, and he also manages our rental inventory. Kristofer Viaes and Victoria Writer are Project Coordinators. All three have already proven to be invaluable.

As you know, CRS’s inventory is both large and expansive, but our most popular components continue to be SuperNova Lightboxes and Gravitee Modular Walls.

Gravitee Modular Walls have become our rental backbone. Backwalls, towers, conference rooms, storage rooms, kiosks, and counters using Gravitee and SuperNova are being utilized in every possible configuration. It’s hard to imagine how we ever managed without the versatility of these options, along with ClassicMODUL, to create any design imaginable.

Trends:  We’re seeing an increase in extended rentals for multiple shows, along with repeat orders with replacement graphics and minor design tweaks. Repeat rentals with no changes (except cleaning graphics) are more common. Yes, graphics can be cleaned and look like new again.

People's Choice Award at EXHIBITORLIVE
Exhibitor Magazine People’s Choice Award

Award: Classic won Exhibitor Magazine’s People’s Choice Award for the Technolutions Slate Rental 20’ x 60’ Design with our Distributor Partner Jill Kinduell, Owner of Total Graphic Source.

We look forward to working with many of you on your upcoming rental projects, and we sincerely thank you for your business!

Fast and Furious Webinar Recordings

Fast and Furious Webinar Series by Classic Exhibits

Over the past two months, we’ve hosted five Fast and Furious webinars. And more are coming! Expect a webinar on Interactive Games for trade shows (see the new gallery in EDS) and an Exhibit Design Search tutorial, titled “EDS and Coffee are for Closers!” 😉 If you missed any of the Fast and Furious webinars, we uploaded the recordings to YouTube.

  1. The Future of Marketing with Lisa Apolinski
  2. 20 Promotional Product Trends in 20 Minutes with Rama Beerfas
  3. 50 Essential Trade Show Tips for a Newbie or Wannabe with Tim Patterson
  4. Step-by-Step Flooring Trends with James Zackarias
  5. 20 Proven Trade Show Sales Tips in 20 Minutes with Harold Mintz


Women in Exhibitions Breakfast at Exhibitorlive.

Finally, if you missed EXHIBITORLIVE or if you attended and want to see if made the final cut, see the two videos below. Kudos to our own Glenna Martin for documenting the show and creating both videos.

The 4th Annual Women In Exhibitions Breakfast was a huge success! Over 100 women gathered on June 22 in the Connection Zone at EXHIBITORLIVE. All who attended enjoyed a delicious breakfast and shared their personal experiences during a special presentation.

MaryCay Durrant

Guest speaker MaryCay Durrant provided insight into how women are uniquely positioned to take on leadership roles in ways that fulfill our desires for meaning, connection, health, and prosperity. Women In Exhibitions is proud to provide quality content and networking opportunities for the women in our industry, and this event was no exception.

This was all possible due to our generous sponsors:

  • Diamond – EXHIBITOR Media Group, Classic Exhibits Inc.
  • Platinum – Hill & Partners
  • Gold – Brumark, Centerpoint Marketing, CORT Events, Design Factory Las Vegas, Hamilton, Impact XM, NuVista, Pinnacle, Taylor
  • Silver – Access TCA, ASTOUND, beMatrix, ProGlobalEvents, Condit, Czarnowski, Deckel & Moneypenny, ExhibitForce, Genesis Exhibits, MSM, Steelhead, Xzibits, EDPA Las Vegas Chapter