Trade Show TalesBlog

We Get Questions (Lots and Lots of Questions) | Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits

August 31st, 2013 COMMENTS

Eric Albery, Guest Post

As the 2013 fall trade show season gets underway, I am often asked about the state of the industry regarding “green exhibiting” and the public perception of Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits. Why should I look into Eco-Systems and their design-driven yet sustainable exhibit options? Will I need to make sacrifices in design or price?

The exhibit industry and the innovation of sustainable materials have come a long way in the past 3-5 years. The idea of “green exhibiting” is not as foreign as it once was and has MANY benefits, especially when you choose Eco-Systems. The free design services, short lead-times, and unrivaled quality are a few of the reasons why Eco-Systems continues to grow as a market leader.  To help you gain a better understanding of Eco-Systems, I have listed answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about us.

Cost:  Did you know that the cost of a “green” exhibit is actually the same as a standard exhibit? Often less? It’s true. This was not the case 3-5 years ago. However, in the past 3 years, the sustainable materials used in these displays is now more readily available and is being purchased at high-volume discounts. Materials and components such as recycled aluminum, bamboo, PETG, and LED lights have all seen considerable price decreases.

Design:  Do Eco-Systems exhibits need to look “green”? Absolutely not. Continuing to innovate new and versatile materials has allowed our “green” exhibits to maintain an innovative and technology-driven appeal without sacrificing the sustainable elements. Sustainable exhibits can be some of the most modern, eye-catching options on the market. See for yourself HERE.

Marketability:  For the last 5-10 years, companies of all sizes have been advertising their “green” initiatives. Whether it’s hybrid cars, alternative energy, or simple recycling policies, many companies are trying to promote themselves as environmentally friendly. Now, with our exhibits, these companies can walk the walk. Having a display that meets the same sustainability standards can give an organization instant credibility knowing they practice what they preach.

The Perfect Client:  People often ask me what type of clients/businesses Eco-Systems appeals to. Should Eco-Systems be pitched only to clients who request an eco-friendly exhibit? My answer to that is simple — Absolutely Not! To be completely honest, most of our projects are for companies that are indifferent to sustainability. Over the past few years, Eco-Systems has become known for innovative designs, competitive prices, free-design services, quality products, and unrivaled customer support. The “green” components are often considered icing on the cake.

Eco-Systems / Classic Partnership:  How are Eco-Systems and Classic Exhibits aligned? Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits and Classic Exhibits are marketing and manufacturing partners. Eco-Systems is headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, where sales, marketing, design, and accounting are based. Eco-Systems shares production with Classic Exhibits in Portland, OR, where all new projects are built. Eco-Systems also has a dedicated Project Management team in Portland to oversee all our projects. Combining manufacturing resources, purchasing volume, and sharing a large production facility allows both Eco-Systems and Classic to handle more volume and to offer lower prices.


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Eric Albery
Vice President of Marketing & Business Development
Eco-Systems Sustainable Exhibits


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