Trade Show TalesBlog

Posts Tagged ‘Harold Mintz’

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-one Miles w/ Harold Mintz

January 16th, 2023 COMMENTS
Harold Mintz on the Road for Classic Exhibits
Travels with Harold

The trip odometer read – 1741 miles. That’s one serious road trip. Just a few weeks ago, I traversed the Southeastern United States for two weeks to visit Classic Exhibits Distributor Partners in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Driving that many miles over 13 days gave me plenty of time to experience life on the road.

Yes. Go!

Most road warriors understand that business travel impacts others as much as themselves. Sitting at the top of this list is how your absence can affect your family life. The longer the trip, the more impact.

Me: “Dear, I’m starting to plan a business trip for early December. Looks like I might be gone for a few weeks. You OK with that?”

My Wife: “Yes. Go!”

Well, that seemed a bit too easy. Make a note to bring Susan back pecans from Georgia. Susan loves pecans.

Notes from My Trip

Driving in GA, South Carolina, and Florida

Sales Volume – Almost everyone’s sales were up in 2022. And not just up. Most distributors on this trip told me that 2022 was their best year ever (financially).

Showrooms – Are they making a comeback? No, not from what I’ve observed. But one thing is obvious… those who have showrooms stand out and get noticed! Of the 17 offices I visited, only 4 (four) had showrooms. These four offices had impressive showrooms showing a wide assortment of products including double decks, backlit graphics, LED signage, interactive digital offerings, etc. And the showrooms weren’t just there “for show.” They also served as client meeting/conference rooms. Clients were surrounded by product and design offerings without being actively “sold” on them.

Petrol – I live in Los Angeles. As almost everyone knows, gas prices in California are stupid. At the height of the stupidity, we were paying over $7.00 per gallon. As embarrassing as this may sound, I do a happy dance in CA when gas is only “$4.95/gallon.”

On this road trip, I stopped to fill the rental car somewhere outside of Atlanta and gas was $2.39/gallon. Less than a gallon of milk. I texted my wife a picture of the prices, and her response was “Forget the pecans… bring home gas!”

Gray Hair – A question I try to ask all Distributors during a visit is, “What is currently giving you gray hair? Short term or long term… what do you need to work on or fix to make your business run more smoothly?”

Trade Show Exhibit Showrooms

When You Ask Questions, You Get Answers

Of the 20 or so times I asked this question, here are some of the most common answers I received:

  • Managing Staff (HR, employees new to the industry, and training)
  • Vendor Quality (no, not Classic, but discretion prevents me from speaking poorly about competitors)
  • Client Response Times are running like molasses in January
  • Still need more hands on-deck (specifically in the shop)
  • To Portable or Not to Portable… THAT is the question. It almost takes as long to sell a 10 ft. display as it does an island. Some are weighing dropping the attention paid to smaller booths.
  • Turn Times are Still a Challenge (they’re better than they’ve been but not “back to normal” just yet)

Customer Mix – New vs Existing – Another question I tend to ask is “What percent of your business comes from Existing Customers vs New Customers?” While I tend to get a variety of answers, the vast majority tell me that 75% of business comes from current/former clients while 25% comes from new contacts or referrals. (Looking for ways to tip the scales toward NEW Clients? Send me an email and I’ll tell you –

Just Like a Doorknob – I stayed in a different hotel just about every night. I’d check in, drop my bag off into my room then go out for my evening meal. When I would get back to the hotel, I head to the elevator and press my floor’s button. The elevator rumbles up to the 3rd floor and the doors open. I now have a decision to make – is my room to the left or the right?

Doesn’t matter… Whichever direction I choose is wrong! ALWAYS WRONG! It’s comical. I have the sense of direction of a doorknob.

Classic Exhibits Road Warrior Harold Mintz

In Closing…

Two weeks is a long road trip: Two weeks of bad coffee, loud hotel neighbors, and being away from home and family.

Our industry is filled with seasoned Road Warriors. I learned from the best — Alex, Dave, Reid, Jen, Tom, Hendrik, Lynn, Gina, Kevin, and Mel. So many folks who drive our industry forward. If you are a Road Warrior, regardless of your role, I feel for you and appreciate what you do.

Last but not least. Classic’s Distributors make this job easy to enjoy. You never cease to surprise and amaze me. Like when you:

  • Ask a question about my family or past health issues
  • Get excited to learn something about Classic that you didn’t know a few minutes before
  • Share intimate tidbits about your own personal lives
  • Finally, when I connect with a new salesperson who like a sponge sucks up everything I say. Thank you!

The exhibit industry really is a family. I appreciate the opened doors and the time you spent with me last month. Already looking forward to the next trip. But more on that later.

Harold Mintz, Regional Sales Manager,


Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or

Classic’s Annual BBQ and Watermelon Spittin’ Contest

August 22nd, 2022 1 COMMENT
Classic Exhibits 2022 BBQ

On Friday, August 19, the Classic Exhibits Family held our Annual Summer BBQ. The BBQ wouldn’t be complete without great food, conversation, drawings, and the Harold Mintz-inspired Watermelon Seed Spittin’ Contest.

To help wash away the “end of summer” blues, we remind ourselves that the waning days of August also brings the best fruit season of the year! Every weekend Farmers Markets all over the country are bursting with nature’s bounty – the juiciest berries, the sweetest plums, and succulent peaches.  

And then there’s the mother of all summertime fruits… the WATERMELON! When was the last time you spit a watermelon seed? Heck, when was the last time you ate a watermelon with seeds?

In Portland, we know a guy who knows a guy whose second cousin hooked us up with Hermiston, Oregon watermelons, the world’s best-tasting melons. And here’s the best part… he let us snag a few for Classic’s Annual Watermelon Seed Spittin’ Contest!  

You might be asking yourself how does one spit an award-winning watermelon seed. Simple…

  1. Select your favorite slice of red, ripe, juicy watermelon
  2. Find the most aerodynamically shaped seed 
  3. Step up to the line
  4. Place the seed on your tongue
  5. Visualize the seed arcing gracefully  
  6. Wait for any slight breeze to give way to still air
  7. Take a DEEP breath
  8. Curl your tongue like a taco
  9. And let ‘er rip!


  • Women’s Gold — Stefania Toscano – 12’-3 ½” 
  • Women’s Silver — Jessica Loss – 12’-3”
  • Women’s Bronze — Jennifer Carney – 12’-1 ½”
  • Men’s Gold — James Zuber – 35’-3”
  • Men’s Silver — Mel White – 29’-3”
  • Men’s Bronze — Jeff Garrett – 27’-9”

A Walk Around Natural Products Expo West

March 15th, 2022 4 COMMENTS
Natural Products West Expo

I joined Classic Exhibits in 2019 after a 10-year hiatus from the trade show industry. One of my first assignments was to walk Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim. I was tasked with reporting on how exhibit design had changed over the previous decade. As it turned out, I discovered that the basic rules of trade show design had remained constant — bright colors, bold lighting, and high contrast never go out of style.

Last week I walked the floor of Natural Products Expo West once again, and I couldn’t be more pleased to report that the place was jam-packed. Lots of exhibitors, lots of attendees, and lots of tasty little snacks to sample as I strolled the floor.

Attention Grabbing Exhibits

The first booth that grabbed my attention was a 10’ backlit booth (Rambler). I couldn’t help but stop and take it in.

Rambler Water at Natural Products Expo West

I LOVED how the backlit orange simply ignited the backwall. And the stacks of product along the sides of the booth showed their clean, crisp packaging while eliminating the need for significant storage cabinets – a serious challenge in a 10’ booth.

Bright colors kept grabbing my eyes demanding that I look their way.

Then I started noticing displays that put graphics against a black background. Anything on black jumps right out at you.

The same can almost be said for graphics with a white background. It’s hard not to look.

Lighting demands attention as well. Check out this booth. It’s hard to tell from the picture but the three lightbulbs shown as part of the “hanging lamps” are actually lightbulbs that have been inserted into the cut fabric. Bright lights, breaking the plane of the fabric. Nicely done.

Red Plate Foods at Natural Products Expo West

This one as well.

Vevan at Natural Products Expo West


I told myself that I wasn’t going to capture images showing examples of bad graphics at Natural Products Expo West. We all know when we see graphic designs that don’t work. No need to poke hard-working designers.

But wrinkles… wrinkles are not caused by designers. Wrinkles are easily fixable if I&D teams are prepared for them. And there is no excuse NOT to be prepared for them. I’ve done my best to crop out any identifying logos. I saw dozens and dozens and dozens of examples. PLEASE tell your I&D crews to be prepared. BOTOX YOUR BOOTH!

Wrinkled graphics at Natural Products Expo West

And lastly… This might just be the best booth I saw all day – MYNTZ

Myntz Breathmints

Harold Mintz (MYNTZ), Regional Sales Manager

Classic Exhibits has been designing and building solutions since 1993. We’ve been honored as an Exhibitor Magazine Find-It Top 40 Exhibit Producers and an Event Marketer Fab 50 Exhibit Builders multiple times. Along with numerous Portable Modular Awards. 

With over 200 Distributor Partners throughout North America, there’s a Classic representative closer by. Contact us today whether you need a durable hand sanitizer stand built to last, a rental display guaranteed to attract trade show attendees, or a custom 30 x 40 exhibit with all the bells and whistles. We’re not just different. We’re better. 

Harold Mintz and Tom Beard on Tim Patterson’s Monday Morning Coffee

February 22nd, 2021 COMMENTS

Tim Patterson, aka TheTradeshowGuy, interviews Tom Beard and Harold Mintz about Classic Conversations on his Monday Morning Coffee program. Very well done! For more information, contact

After 10 Years… | Harold Mintz

January 10th, 2020 10 COMMENTS

I was mindlessly scrolling through Facebook the other day when I came upon one of those “what if” questions an old high school buddy posted: “If you could go back in time and give your younger self advice, what would you say?”

Personally, I’m not a fan of these “what if” posts. What’s the point? Facebook is for showing others how sunsets look from your backyard, not for turning the clock back 10 years to address things you have no ability to change.

And then destiny stepped in… “Ding!” It’s an email from Mel White.

Harold –

You have a unique perspective regarding your visits with Distributors because of your 10 year gap in the industry. What would you say are the biggest differences between your meetings 10 years ago and your meetings now?

I am very curious.

When destiny speaks, Harold listens. Time to look back 10 years and identify “What’s Different.”

Harold Who?

Most of the folks I’m meeting don’t know me. Maybe they’ve heard my name, but most are unaware of me or my experience in the industry. This is a constant reminder of the old axiom, “What have you done for me lately?”

I have minimal street cred with many Classic’s Distribution Partners so I am often starting off new. It’s up to me to build those relationships and earn their trust, confidence, and business.

I Swear… You’re the Only One!

It’s 2020. Dedicated Distribution is a thing of the past. Back in the old days when I visited a city, it was to meet with our sole distributor who represented that territory.

Times have changed, and I understand why but it requires a mental adjustment for me.

Today I plan my visits to see multiple Classic Distributors that either sell our products or that might sell our products in that territory. Some are primarily custom houses. Others portable modular. And then there are agencies who tap into Classic for special projects.

The Person Who Said, “You Only Get One Chance to Make a First Impression” Wasn’t a Regional Sales Manager.

When I visited Distributors ten years ago, I’d share our latest headlines: “What’s new? Check out our new widget! Cool, right?” Show and telling our newest products and services was of prime importance to keep our extended sales force informed and up to date.

And while I still do that, there is greater emphasis placed on discussing all of the things Classic provides rather than simply the newest toys in our box. Faster and constant turnover of Distributor employees is one of the primary reasons. “Where’s Jim?” “Jim? Get with the program. Jim left 3 months ago. But meet Billy. Billy’s the new Jim.”

It’s like I’m starting all over with every visit. So I get LOTS of chances to make a first impression for better or for worse.

I Love the Pix my New iPhone Takes. Wait a Minute… Are You Telling Me It Can Make a Phone Call Too?

Vintage iPhone

That tiny little computer I carry around in my back pocket does SO much more than make phone calls. It’s a robust and multi-faceted tool. Same with Classic. Many Distributors think of us as the company that only provides whatever it is they last purchased from us.

Ten years ago, most of our Distributors knew exactly what we offered. Today, some Distributors know us as the company that rents highly customized booths. Others think of us as an extension of their own shop floor during the busy season capable of building exhibits straight from their designers’ renderings. And yes, some of our Distributors think of Classic as the company to turn to for high quality, affordable portable/modular exhibits, charging stations, or iPad stands.

Regardless of which niche you put us in, we do more than that.

AE? AM? AP? Sure, I’ll Meet with You!

I used to meet almost exclusively with Account Executives when visiting a Distributor. Geez… how old am I?! Today decisions about which vendor to use are made by lots of folks in addition to Account Executives, like Account Managers, Purchasing Agents, Designers, and sometimes a guy named Joe with no title.

Our internal contacts at Distributors have not only increased but have also gotten a bit confusing. Sometimes the internal contact changes based on the client (which makes sense). Other times it changes because it’s a custom project or a rental or a portable modular order. All that makes my job both more challenging and interesting.

The Smithsonian Called… They Want Your Showroom

Trade Show Showrooms

Most Distributors used to have a showroom. Ha! Today there is more space for previewing a Client’s new booth than there is for a showroom. One of the obvious reasons is that most Distributors are selling to clients from all over the country and not just from ”the neighborhood.”

As I talk to Classic Distributors, they tell me a showroom isn’t as important anymore. And with square foot pricing always on the rise, space has to be allocated appropriately. When visiting Distributors. I regularly ask, “How many of your Clients are located within an hour of where we’re standing?” The answers are quite telling — less local, more national.

It’s worth noting here that I am regularly being asked for freebies, loaners, and BIG discounts on showroom units. Showrooms still exist. And some are stunningly beautiful. They’re just becoming an endangered species. #savetheshowrooms #givetoyourlocalshowroomfoundation

Extrusions are Like Opinions. Everyone’s Got One But Few are As Good as Mine

Aluminum Extrusion Systems for the Trade Show Industry

Ten years ago, Distributors were ramping up their rental inventory with pallets of metal extrusion. Octanorm. AGAM. beMatrix. Aluvision. All had a place on select shelves. Today I still see examples of all four with beMatix leading the way.

For obvious reasons, Distributors ask their sales teams to promote the system sitting on their shelves. But more and more Distributors wish they could turn the clock back on their extrusion investments. Their reasoning is quite simple. It’s tough to compete against other exhibit houses when everyone is using the same building blocks. We’re seeing design saturation on the show floor with many booths looking the same just with different graphics. And clients are noticing.

When I share info about Gravitee, Classic’s tool-less extrusion system, Distributors take notice. Tool-less means no tiny connectors to lose and best of all – much faster set up! When you combine the money saved on I&D with the refreshing look of unique designs, many Distributors are wishing they could turn the clock back 10 years.

Some Things Never Change

Why is Cilantro Still a Thing?

The last one has nothing to do with trade shows or exhibitions. But seriously, “Why is cilantro still a thing?” I would have hoped that this disgusting herb would have gone the way of dedicated distribution. But alas, it still thrives. Blecch.

Harold Mintz is a Regional Sales Manager at Classic Exhibits. You can contact Harold at