EXHIBITOR Magazine recently announced the companies that qualified for the Sixth Annual Find It – Top 40, which honors the industry’s top exhibit producers. And for the sixth consecutive year, Classic Exhibits was an honoree.

Applications were subjected to an exhaustive evaluation process including more than 50 individual criteria weighted to reflect how EXHIBITOR readers and Editorial Advisory Board members value them when vetting and selecting potential partners. The evaluation process also includes a survey of current clients and a review of entrants’ past projects, selling points, and innovations, conducted by corporate exhibit managers.
Of the 39 other honorees, twenty-eight were Classic Distributor Partners. Needless to say, we are delighted to be in such good company. A special thanks to the entire Classic Exhibits Family. This is an award earned by everyone at Classic and your remarkable efforts to design and build the trade show industry’s best exhibits.

In addition. Classic Exhibits won a Portable Modular Award for Best Use of Graphics on our 2022 EXHIBITORLIVE booth. Kudos to Glenna Martin for the graphic design and Kim DiStefano for the new Classic logo. The was Glenna’s second time winning this prestigious award.