MOBIUS STRIP: A surface with one continuous side formed by joining the ends of a rectangular strip after twisting one end through 180°.
The Pandemic is an Opportunity
My Advice to #EXHIBITORS. Let’s Not Finish Exactly Where We Started.
Recent announcements from Las Vegas and other cities about capacity increases are a positive sign for the #tradeshow industry. Everyone wants our lives and our businesses to return to normal. However, the #COVID pandemic also represents an opportunity for REAL CHANGE — for Exhibitors, Show Organizers, General Show Contractors, and Convention Centers.

To return to the status quo would be more than disappointing. It would be a disaster for the long-term viability of our industry and trade shows in North America. We can no longer bury our heads in the sand and pretend there aren’t problems that affect everyone committed to trade shows.
You are Not Powerless
#EXHIBITORS… You are NOT POWERLESS. Not now. Use your collective influence to advocate for more transparency and flexibility. For too long, the “competitive environment” of a show has prevented individual exhibitors from banding together to force change. Yes, you want to crush your competitor, before, during, and after the show. But, don’t let it blind you to cooperating with other exhibitors to create a more positive, productive, and profitable experience for all stakeholders.
There’s no better time than right now to rewrite the rules of North American trade shows. At great place to start is NAB Show Cares.
I’d love to hear your comments and ideas: mel@classicexhibits.com.
Tags: Exhibitions, Trade show