Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for 2010

Word on the Street — February 15th thru February 19th

February 21st, 2010 1 COMMENT
Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Most Companies Fall Into One of Three Camps

Have you ever noticed that most companies fall into one of three camps when it comes to change?

  • They never change.
  • They make constant incremental changes (they tinker).
  • They make big changes every year or two or three (the grand gesture), but generally stay pat until then.

Now I need your perspective here. I see Classic Exhibits as falling in the second camp. We are constantly making small changes to our products, our services, and our marketing. Little by little, we move the bar forward. Occasionally, we have a big announcement, but those, quite honestly, don’t happen very often. For example, the introduction of the Perfect 10 Portable Hybrid was a big deal when we introduced it almost two years ago. It took portable hybrid design into a dramatically new direction. Our other line introductions have had less fanfare, such as Magellan and Sacagawea, but have been equally successful. If you spend any time following P5D, you see a constant stream of orders for Magellan, P10/20, Sacagawea, along with the ever changing array of counters, pedestals, and workstations.

people_changeWe have a slight advantage (or disadvantage) over our competitors in how we communicate changes. We take a slow, steady, and subtle approach, rather than make big announcements. We show you new designs in Design Monday, such as the PS Series in Design Monday this week and last. We send an e-broadcast about a design or product launch, but that happens three or four times a year at most. We update P5D every business day. Once or twice a month, we post a blog related to product changes. But, because so many of our changes are incremental and are introduced “casually,” I worry that we don’t get credit for them.

So, I’m going to take a moment to list some of these changes over the past nine months. How many do you recognize?

  • Sacagawea T, P, and PS Series.
  • Updated Exhibit Design Search User Interface and Features
  • New Base Plate Designs
  • Knob Assembly for Magellan and Sacagawea (backwall)
  • Upgraded Lighting for All Portable Hybrid Lines
  • Silicone Edge Graphic Designs and SEG ClassicMODUL TSP Extrusions
  • Expanded Rental Inventory
  • Addition of Eco-systems Sustainable and Optima Graphics products in Exhibit Design Search
  • Expand Use of Reusable Dye-cut Foam Jigging on All Hybrid Products
  • New Look to the Classic Exhibits Website (just happened this week)

I suppose our approach reflects our corporate personality. We are by nature “tinkerers and doers.”  When we see a challenge or an unmet opportunity we gravitate to it like a moth to a light bulb. That approach permeates our culture whether it’s in Production, Project Management, Design, Marketing, or Accounting. Obviously, we have to prioritize opportunities, but these opportunities tend to energize us since they represent something to “fix” or “improve” or “reinvent.”

change_classicPlease don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that “Big Announcements” are ineffective. Too often however, we see big announcements in our industry that are, in all honesty, incremental improvements. Or, even worse, are announcements that should have been made two years ago when they were relevant or on the cutting edge. Instead they are just sad and pathetic.

For companies in the other two camps . . . think about the message you are (or are NOT) sending to your customers. Companies that NEVER change appear stagnant or worse irrelevant in the market. Whether that is a fair statement or not, it’s the perception and perception matters. And for those who opt for BIG announcements every couple of years, why would you expect your customers to wait?

In my opinion, clients left “waiting and wanting” start to stray. I can’t tell you how many times I have conducted a presentation with a potential distributor and within 10 minutes the owner, designer, or AE will say, “Man did you ever arrive at just the right time. We have been looking for something like this or asking for something just like this from our existing vendor for the past year . . . and you have it right here. Perfect!”

As one of the faces of Classic Exhibits, I love getting that “WOW” reaction, but I also appreciate knowing that week after week and month after month, it shows that we are reacting to the market and making changes. Those changes rarely make it into press releases in EXHIBITOR or the other trade magazines, but that’s OK.  What’s important is that you know that we are constantly tinkering.

Which camp do you fall in? How about your current vendors? We would love to hear from you about how we can improve our communication with you.

Click on the comment link and share your thoughts.

–Kevin Carty

Introducing the Sacagawea Portable Hybrid PS-Series

February 17th, 2010 COMMENTS
Sacagawea Portable Hybrid Display

Sacagawea Portable Hybrid Display

Classic Exhibits announces the new Sacagawea Portable Hybrid PS-Series, a design addition to the very popular Sacagawea Display line. The PS-Series designs split the backwall into two distinct tension fabric sections while adding both depth and curves to the overall appearance. And like the existing P and T-Series, the PS includes options such as monitor mounts, workstations, pedestals, brochure holders, and standoff signage.

The backwall assembles with attached knobs, and the entire display packs in portable roto-molded wheeled case(s) with reusable dye-cut foam packaging.

Features include:

  • Stylish Hybrid Design
  • Portable Knob Assembly (backwall)
  • Large Format Tension Fabric Graphics
  • Lightweight Aluminum Frame
  • Header and Standoff Signage Options
  • (3) 10′ x 10′ Kits
  • (3) 10′ x 20′ Kits

Sacagawea VK-2117

Normally, we don’t “toot our own horn,” but in our humble opinion, the new PS-Series may be the most attractive and functional portable trade show display EVER INTRODUCED. It has it all . . . looks, portability, durability, large graphics, and practical accessories.

Click on the links below to see all six kits:

  • VK-1235 (backwall)
  • VK-1236 (backwall, workstation, brochure holders, standoff signage)
  • VK-1237 (backwall, workstation, brochure holders, standoff signage, and pedestal)
  • VK-2115 (backwall)
  • VK-2116 (backwall, workstations, brochure holders, standoff signage)
  • VK-2117 (backwall, workstations, brochure holders, standoff signage, and pedestals)

We’d love to hear your reaction to the newest sibling in the Sacagawea line.

The Basics of Business Entertaining and Building Friendships

February 16th, 2010 COMMENTS
Reid Sherwood, National Sales Manager

Reid Sherwood, National Sales Manager

Entertaining customers has changed a great deal over the years. During the 50’s and 60’s, most business entertaining was done over lunch and olives were usually involved, along with gin or vodka and a bit of vermouth. Lunches lasted at least two and sometimes up to four hours. Times are different now.

First, let me state for the record that I have almost always been the vendor, and rarely the customer, so my perspective reflects the person who is paying and not receiving.

Two Primary Reasons

There are really two primary reasons to entertain for business: to reward or thank customers for their existing business, or to attract new business from prospective customers. Ultimately, the goal is not all that complicated. We want to make new friends or to strengthen existing friendships. I know that selling is often seen as a cold and calculating transaction, but that’s not my style. The goal for me is create new friends and lasting friendships with our customers.

Meals Make for Great Entertaining

Here is my personal breakdown about business meals.

Breakfast — Breakfasts are usually one or two person meetings. Much of the discussion is about business. It is often a much shorter meal so not a lot of personal “stuff” gets talked about. Breakfasts are ideal for new or potential customers. The meals are usually inexpensive, by comparison, and it’s a good option when you know your customer is trying to juggle kids, sports, and business. The only time I get nervous is when someone orders cocktails at breakfast

Lunch — Lunches are always a good option when there are lots of people and you still want to conduct business. There are a couple of ways to pull off a great business lunch. Set your meeting for 10:30 or 11:00 and gather your crowd for your presentation. When pizza arrives a few minutes before noon, everyone is very happy to sit and casually discuss your offerings from the presentation. Quite often, you can get involved in some good-natured office politics and good old teasing. You probably won’t make a great deal of personal friends like this, but you will have a chance to understand the dynamics of the organization. It’s also easy to pick the local sandwich shop and have everyone gather there. Again, it’s easy to keep the cost down because there usually are not a lot of people ordering cocktails or beer at lunchtime.

Drinks and appetizers for a late afternoon meeting is a great way to get some time away from the office and engage in some friendship building. The employees usually have a local “watering hole.” We meet there, have a couple of drinks to unwind and some chips and salsa to eat .

Just a quick word of caution: be careful about the drinks. Make sure that nobody gets out of control, or if they do, make sure there is somebody is taking care to get them home and not let them drive.

Dinner – Dinners are usually saved for more important clients. The “dinner” client is usually someone you have been doing business with a while and are reasonably close personal friends.  It doesn’t have to be 5-Star dining. What I prefer is a local favorite. Please don’t suggest Outback, Olive Garden, Chili’s or the other chains. I can go to those at home. Let’s pick something different. The best burger, great Thai, seafood (in a seaport town), this is where I want to go and where I’ve found most clients want to go to as well. We can have a nice calm dinner. Many times by this point, business isn’t even talked about. We talk kids, sports, hobbies.  Yes this is going to be a bit more expensive if you go to a nice meal and have wine and cocktails with dinner, but this is about potential: either potential reached or new goals.

Other Activities

Fishing for Business

Fishing for Business

Beyond the standard “drinks and meals,” other activities that I found to be rewarding include golf, fishing, concerts, and hunting trips. The rationale is really simple. Golf gives you four plus hours in a cart with your customer, uninterrupted. You learn a lot about a person during a round of golf. It has been a real eye opener on a couple of occasions. If I see you get frustrated and throw your clubs, I can understand why customer service people cringe whenever they hear your name. Although there is usually a bit of business conversation sprinkled in with golf, it is relationship building time.

Concerts are great for building friendships. If you like the same performer, you have an “inside track” on the friendship of your customer. The downside to a concert is obvious. There are not as many opportunities to chat. Some of my best friends are “Jimmy Buffett customers.” I have seen Jimmy Buffett in seven cities with seven different customers. There is a kinship, a fraternity that goes deeper than business could ever hope to. These folks are my friends.

Hunting and fishing are one way to thank customers in a big way. Quite often, they come from suburban areas where they just don’t have access to these kind of things. So, if you are planning a hunting or fishing trip, make sure it is a blast. Where I live, there are no 5 -Star Hilton or Marriott vacation resorts. There is, however, one of the best trout and steelhead rivers in America. By the time you factor in the fishing and dining time, a two or three day trip can give you dozens hours of alone time with customers . . . especially if you fish winter steelhead. You are in a boat, in the middle of the river, in the dead of winter . . . there’s no place to go!

Over the years, I’ve taken a couple of groups to South Dakota for pheasant hunting which has taken our friendships to a new level. I am pretty careful about guns and even more careful about who has a loaded weapon anywhere near me. So, like me, be smart about who you invite. The company has provided the guides, food and drink, and equipment, and the customers paid for their travel expenses. It worked out to be a wonderful time.  Again, you have to be choosy about who goes because everyone has to be able to get along and enjoy themselves, but it is something they will remember for a many years.

Be creative with your customers. Everyone has something to offer. Make friends with your customers, and expect your sales to grow with you.

Till the next time,

–Reid Sherwood

Word on the Street — February 8th thru February 12th

February 14th, 2010 1 COMMENT
Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Road Warrior Stories

Many of us travel a lot for our jobs. And by a lot, I mean up to half the year. My wife tells anyone who will listen that I’m on the road four months a year. I don’t know if it’s quite that bad, but I do travel frequently, whether it’s just for a night or for a week visiting distributors in the Midwest, South, or East Coast.

If you travel, there are going to be mishaps, adventures, unexpected situations, and unusual people and places. Sometimes I think we travel just to rehash our interesting stories and to experience new ones. So this week I’d like to hear your stories. I know you have some doozies because you’ve shared them with me in the past. Let’s hear your funniest, weirdest, and most poignant stories from your years of traveling.

For me, there are too many for one blog posting. And, there are those stories that can’t be told in mixed company. 🙂

I’ll get the ball rolling.

Several years ago I was in Atlanta for business. After Atlanta, I was flying to Ft. Lauderdale for a couple of appointments just as Hurricane Ivan, which had just hit Florida, was making its way north. At this point, it was just a tropical storm, and I was pretty sure my flight would be canceled, but I decided to head to the airport just in case.

We boarded the flight and got in line on the tarmac. After sitting on the tarmac for about two hours and hearing several updates from the Captain leading us to believe that the flight would be canceled,  he came on one last time and said, “Well folks, even I am surprised by what I am about to say. We are next in line for takeoff. I am expecting a pretty bumping assent.” Not exactly the most reassuring comment.

The Best Ride Ever!

The Best Ride Ever!

It was at that point that I looked across the aisle and saw a five year old boy. We lifted off, heading directly into the storm. Now here’s where it gets really interesting. This was one of those 60 minute blocks of time that a person NEVER forgets. The plane was bouncing up and down, and left and right so much that it actually hurt. I was sweating profusely. I looked around and saw people openly praying and crying. Yet, when I looked at the five year old boy across the aisle from me, he was laughing hysterically and clapping his hands. This terrifying flight was to this little boy the best amusement ride ever. Instantly, I calmed down and found myself laughing along with the little boy.

The second story is along the same lines.

I was returning from a business trip to France a few weeks after 9/11. My flight from France to Dallas was very long and delayed. After landing in Dallas, I realized that I had only 45 minutes to make my connecting flight to Portland. Thanks to the help of the flight attendant, I was the first one off the plane, and I immediately began to run . . .  only to be stopped by a soldier with a machine gun. He told me I needed to walk. So I began speed walking.

Now, I have a deal with my wife. I always call or text between flights so that she knows I am OK. However, my phone was dead, and I didn’t have time to use a pay phone. After I went through security at the domestic terminal, I realized I was probably going to miss my flight, but when I got to the gate, I was shocked to see the plane still there.

The gate agent told me they had already given my seat away. However, because of my status with American Airlines, she said she could get my seat back. I said OK, reluctantly, not totally certain what would happen next. Now don’t hate me, but they went on the plane and broke the news to the poor guy who had been given my seat. He was not happy. If looks could kill, I would have been dead.

air-turbulence-flyingI boarded and we took off. About 30 minutes into the flight, the Captain came on the PA and told us that we were going to be flying into a thunderstorm. No worries, “been there done that” I thought. The storm was really bad over the Rockies, so bad that at one point we bounced so hard that my water bottle flew from my tray table and hit the luggage compartment. It was then my mind went to work!

All I could think about was the ensuing news story in Portland, “Local Man Dies on Flight after Taking Seat from Another Passenger” . . . or the one from Dallas, “Man and His Family Feel Lucky that He was Pulled off the Flight that Crashed.”

Well, we arrived safe and sound. Once I was off the plane, I hit a pay phone to call my wife. She was not happy. It turns out she had called the airline to see if I made my flight. American had not changed the passenger list, so they told her I was not on the flight. For all she knew, I was still in Dallas and for some reason not calling her.

Anyway, after reading what I just wrote, I realize that I’ve only shared “bad” experiences. Don’t get me wrong, I have had a lot of great ones as well. Just ask me about the “Yip Yip Woman”?

So tell me, what are some of your Road Warrior Stories?

I would love to hear them.

Please share your comments via the blog comment section.

–Kevin Carty

Word on the Street — February 1st thru February 5th

February 6th, 2010 3 COMMENTS
Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

The Best “Pre-Show Marketing” I Have Ever Seen

After 15 years in the trade show industry, I don’t consider myself an expert, but I am a pretty good judge of certain things — like pre-show marketing.

In late December and early January, I witnessed one of the very best ever. It was created and implemented by Griffin Technology, an aftermarket accessory provider for iPods, iPhones, Blackberrys, and the upcoming iPad. And it was implemented specifically to generate buzz and traffic for their booth at CES 2010.

The Griffin Team clearly put a lot of thought and effort into making this happen, including tapping into two of the most prevalent mediums in our society today: Social Media and Reality Television.

Griffin Pre-show Marketing

Griffin Pre-show Marketing

The Griffin team created the website It was a Griffin Technology meets The Real World experiment. Griffin employees would travel from their home office in Nashville, Tennessee to Las Vegas for CES. All the while, they would document their road trip via social media sites like Twitter.

To start, they acquired a beat-up old VW Bus and started “tweeting” and posting YouTube videos as they restored the van to look like a Griffin marketing piece on wheels. Then, they totally outfitted the van with Griffin products so they could “stay connected” on their journey. Product placement in action!

Equipped with a loyal following on Twitter and YouTube, they set out to drive from Tennessee to Vegas for CES minus all the gratuitous interpersonal crap you expect from reality television shows. Much to the contrary. It was a small group of employees on an adventure that would end up creating an unbelievable buzz at CES 2010.

I will not spoil the whole story, because you really need to go back and follow it for yourself. Whether it was the highlights from national monuments like the Alamo or the Grand Canyon, or simple stuff like stopping for some chow at Popeye’s along the way, or the Mexican Wresting Mask that made several appearances, CES attendees followed them religiously, always checking to see the latest video, photo, or blog posts.

Griffin Technology CES 2010

Griffin Technology CES 2010

All of this concluded with them driving the VW Bus onto the show floor  and placing it in their booth along side their two-story exhibit. I would be remiss if I did not mention that Classic Exhibits Rentals provided them with their exhibit. The project came to us from Carol Larimore and the team from Tradeshow Stop in Nashville. The final exhibit was spectacular! Evidence of the thought and care put into the project by Carol and her team. See the photos in P5D by clicking on the photo.

In the end, when CES 2010 opened the first day, Griffin was swamped with people who had been following them along the way. These were people who had been entertained not only by the personalities of the employees that embarked on the trip, but also by the product used during the trip.

The show was an enormous success for Griffin. And in the end, those of us who have ever taken a road trip of any length know that the overall expense must have been a fraction of what it would have been through traditional advertising and pre-show marketing.

It was a true example of thinking way outside the box.

Let me know what you think. What are some truly “unique” pre-show marketing plans you have seen implemented. Both good and bad.

Please share your comments via the blog comment section and have a safe and restful weekend!

–Kevin Carty