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Posts Tagged ‘User Interface’

Recent Changes to EDS — Caterpillar to Butterfly

March 3rd, 2010 COMMENTS
EDS Detail Page with Tab Menu

EDS Detail Page with Tab Menu

If you spend anytime at all in Exhibit Design Search, whether on Classic’s site or on your own version of EDS, you’ve watched it change from a caterpillar to a butterfly over the past 30 days. Nearly every day, there have been small but important changes either to the functionality or to the User Interface.

Print Button:

We added a print button to the Design Detail page (upper right-corner). If you use this button, rather than the IE, Firefox, or Safari print command, you’ll get an organized page showing both the design and details.

User Interface (UI):

Lots and lots of changes . . .

  • New Design Detail Page with Organized Tabs
  • New Accordion-fold Commands for Filter & Sort and Product Galleries
  • Streamline Gallery Buttons on the Exhibit Design Search Home Page
  • Top 12, Photo, Quick Ship, Exhibit Specials, and Trade Show Tips buttons have a new look and are organized into a convenient bar at the top of the page
  • Streamline “Enlarge” Feature for viewing the main product rendering
  • Embedded Product Videos (where available)
  • “See Photos” link to the corresponding design photos in Past Five Days
  • Accessories and Options Links (we’re still working to add these)
  • Clearer terminology in the menu commands such as “Back to Product Gallery”
  • Cleaner UI for the My Gallery pages


I’m not going to pretend to describe this in any detail except to say that the underlying code has been re-written and streamlined. This means the pages load faster and future site changes will be much easier. I’ve also seen, although I can’t claim this is happening to your site, that the search engines are having an easier time indexing it.

As always, we welcome your suggestions on how we can improve EDS. We view it as an ongoing work in progress, which means we are always receptive to change. Let me know if you would like to “test drive EDS” at EXHIBITOR. Kevin, Reid, or I would be happy to give you the 0- to-60 “Hold on to Your Dentures Grandma” version. Or, just give me a call. I’m always happy to take EDS out for a spin.


–Mel White
Classic Exhibits Network (LinkedIn)