Trade Show TalesBlog

Archive for October 9th, 2011

Yub Nub: Word on the Street — Oct. 3rd thru Oct. 7th

October 9th, 2011 2 COMMENTS
Yub Nub

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty


It’s the language of Ewoks of course. But that’s not really what I am hear to talk about. No! As many of you know, this past week we launched a new “Find Reid” contest. Last time we celebrated Reid’s love affair with the with the 60’s fro. This time we revealed a little more about our little fury friend that we have all come to love and respect. Seek the Sherwok . . . an endearing creature from the land of Newaygo.

The response has been nothing short of HILARIOUS. I thank many of you for your participation, and congratulate those who found our furry friend hidden in Exhibit Design Search.

But the comments. Oh the comments I have received are what really made my week. So I thought, how about a contest within a contest?!?

Here is the deal. I will award a prize to the best comment related to The Sherwok. Please email me your funniest witticism regarding our lovable little warrior and defender of all things good. Feel free to tap into your “Dark Side” when responding.

To get you started, I will share the leader in the clubhouse so far . . . From Troy Stover at FB Design and Displays.

I just can’t believe you got him to pose in the nude!

Now you get the idea. Please weigh in this week. I will consider all entries through Friday October 14. And please email them directly to me at

The winner will receive a very cool and unique prize package I am putting together.

In the meantime, many of us know Reid to be a huge Jimmy Buffett fan. But few know that what exactly it is that he seems to be humming throughout the day as he goes about his work. Well, I have uncovered it. It’s called the Yub Nub celebration song:

Ewok Karaoke from Rob Tyler on Vimeo.

Have a great weekend! May the force be with you.

–Kevin Carty