Are You Excited? It’s that Time of Year!
I don’t know about you, but it’s about now when I get filled with nervous excitement and anticipation for the coming days, weeks, and months.
And NO Mr. Navin Johnson . . . it’s not regarding the arrival of the new phone-books!
And NO Mr. Dave Brown . . . it’s not in reference to the new season of Gossip Girl on the WB!
And NO Mr. Reid Sherwood . . . it’s not excitement for the release of the new Joaquin Phoenix Bio-pic “I’m Still Here” where he reinvents himself as a hip-hop musician. YIKES!
It’s the kickoff of College Football Season! This weekend, homes, bars, neighborhoods, and stadiums will be filled with rabid fans who have been waiting for this weekend for eight plus months. They have been waiting to see their favorite teams and/or Alma mater take the field for yet another season on the gridiron.
Traditions are born around this very weekend every year. Some people get together with the exact same group for the first Saturday of College Football. They set up multiple TV’s and watch football all day together. Some meet in places across the country with friends and family to attend the games live at the stadiums. And others keep it simple like me. Every year, I wake up the on first Saturday morning of college ball and throw in the movie “Rudy“!
Yeah I know! Let the ridicule begin. But growing up an Irish fan, a tradition was born in my family once that movie came along. After that, it’s all ball — all day — into the late hours of the night.
And it is not just college ball that makes Labor Day weekend so great. It’s the start of the final stretch of Major League Baseball — Go Braves! It’s the final weekend of pre-season NFL games, meaning that the regular season begins in just one short week — Go Chargers!
So this weekend, whether you are cheering “Roll Tide,” “Hook ’em Horns,” “Geaux Tigers,” “Go Ducks,” or “Go Big Blue,” I hope you have a great time with you and yours.
What are some of the traditions that your family and friends share this time of year? Any other Rudy fans?
Please share your comments and stories and have a safe Labor Day Weekend.
–Kevin Carty
Tags: college football, major league baseball, pro football, rudy, sports traditions