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Posts Tagged ‘Summer Projects’

Office Honey-Do’s: Word on the Street — May 14th thru May 18th

May 20th, 2012 COMMENTS
Office Honey-Do's:

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Getting it Done in 75 Days (or Less)

It’s that time of year –mid-May– when at home or at the office, you find yourself tackling projects that have been accumulating in that “to-do” list. You know the ones! They start accumulating in mid-January when it’s too cold, but (we tell ourselves) we’ll get to them when we have a little more time.

In our business, this is the time of year when we start addressing and completing many of those projects. We do a lot of product development, strategizing, and investigative purchasing this time of year, but we also address nagging tasks and or ideas that have gone unattended. Our projects are comparable to that deck you mentioned to your wife back in January. Remember . . . the one you said you would build once the weather was better in June.

This year is no different, but sales this May are staying stronger than normal. But even at that, we are pressing forward with side projects and general clean-up. Without boring you with the laundry list, let’s just say it includes everything from re-organizing the racks, painting, rotating inventory, working with the local power company on new energy efficient plans, and renovating restrooms in the building. We’re even building in a shower for those employees who bike or run to work.

In June and July when sales are slowing, these projects allow us to keep our crew busy during months that otherwise they would be working shorter schedules. Even at that, we still have to plan around the heavy summer vacation schedules.

We are also working on re-addressing graphic dimension templates, refining our already stellar set-up instructions, and preparing for several new staff positions. You’ll hear more about these new positions in the next month, all of which will set the foundation for better customer service and additional services.

I wish we could enjoy the downtime a bit more, but I really appreciate the drive, diligence, and dedication of our entire staff to capitalize on these times. Ultimately it makes our lives easier when we are going 100 mph in August.

So, what are you doing this summer to make your business stronger this fall? What projects make the top of your office “Honey-Do” lists?

Be well and have a great week ahead.

–Kevin Carty