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Posts Tagged ‘Katrina Broten’

Autumn at Classic Exhibits | Minus the Fall: Word on the Street — October 21st thru October 25th

October 27th, 2013 COMMENTS
Autumn at Classic Exhibits | Everything But Fall

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

As we roll into the last week of October, I wanted to update you on Classic Exhibits and its Family of Companies.

Strong Sales

We are heading into November with more momentum than ever.  After a summer that was, well let’s be honest, unpredictable at best, our September and October numbers have been very encouraging. Thanks to you!

The projects are not only larger, but also more dynamic than ever before. Design is truly driving the ship. And while people are still budget conscious, it’s clear their budgets are more and more forgiving once presented with THE DESIGN that really meets their needs

Internally, our Design Department is all a buzz. As you may remember, we welcomed Katrina (Trina) Broten back in the middle of June as a Design Intern. Well, she is an intern no longer. We are fortunate to call her a full-time Associate Designer now, and we could not be more proud. Trina is not only a great and upcoming Designer in this industry, but also a perfect personality fit for Classic.

Those of you who have worked with her already know what I mean. She has a strong future in our industry. We are very proud to have her join the Classic Family.

iPad Air

Granted, I am some what of an Apple Honk, so I won’t comment on the recent Apple Announcements and New Product Releases. But as many of you may have noticed, the new iPad Air is coming soon, and with it come new dimensions. Many of you called this week worried about how the new dimensions will affect the iPad tablet kiosks that Classic has become synonymous with. Well not to worry. We had advanced warning on the new product developments. The existing clamshells will fit the Air just fine, but we will have an even better solution once the new new iPad Air tablets are available.

Annual Classic Exhibits BBQ

Albeit a bit later in the year than normal, due to being busy quite frankly, we held our Annual BBQ/Potluck on Friday October 25. It was very yummy! Steaks, burgers,  and more desserts than anyone should ever digest in one sitting. Thanks to our entire team for bringing their favorite dishes.

I had a blast at the grill. Don’t believe the rumors about the fire chief having to be called. But I will say, I hope the hair on my arms grows back sometime. My eyebrows . . . we’ll that’s another story. 🙂

Moving into November

Not wanting to jinx November, but boy oh boy I think we are heading for our largest November ever. The projects on the slate so far are some real beauties. Many highlight capabilities of our amazing production staff. Large Island units seem to be the driver for the remainder of the year, something that speaks well to the value many of our distributors, large and small, are experiencing in their relationship with Classic Exhibits. I am looking forward to showing you what is coming down the pike as they are built — and selfishly showing you that creating a “direct sales” channel (or a hidden one with commissions) is not the only alternative for a manufacturer seeking to increase its sales volume. Unlike some of our competitors.

Be well this weekend. Enjoy those families. And Go DUCKS! 🙂




Meet Katrina Broten, Our Design Intern: Word on the Street — June 17th thru June 21st

June 23rd, 2013 1 COMMENT
Katrina Broten, Our Summer Designer Intern: Word on the Street — June 17th thru June 21st

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

The Classic Family is very happy to welcome Katrina Broten to our Design Department as a Summer Design Intern. Many of you might remember Katrina from earlier postings. She and I met through the EDPA Mentorship Program with Bemidji State University last fall. During her final year, she collaborated with Mike and Katina from the Classic Exhibits Design Department as she worked on her senior projects. She also made a visit to the Classic facility for several days and attended EXHIBITOR2013 where she met many of you at the Classic Exhibits Distributor Appreciation Suite.

We look forward to spending the summer with her and hope that we can assist her career as an exhibit designer.

Here is a brief introduction she wrote.

Katrina Broten (not to be confused with Katina)

I’m on the right. 😉

Hi. I’m Katrina, a graduate from “Burrmidji” State University (a university in northern Minnesota known for bitter cold weather and lots of snow) with a B.A. in Design Technology with an emphasis in Exhibit Design. My mentor, Kevin Carty and the team at Classic Exhibits, has granted me the privilege of starting my career here as an intern. I’ll be learning the ropes and gaining real world skills of the exhibit industry.

In an ironic/destiny sense, it’s funny how this amazing opportunity presented itself. First of all, I have always had a love for Portland Oregon. My aunt lives here, and I have visited many times. Portland is a beautiful city where I have a strong connection. Knowing this will help explain where the irony of my story.

I was introduced to Kevin through the mentor/mentee program that, as a student, I applied for while attending my final year at Bemidji State University. Well to tell you the truth, I kind of spaced out the deadline for this application, what with homework, projects, and multiple jobs. Eeeek!  BUT, using my quick-witted communication skills, I managed to get squeezed into the system and was lucky a few pairings were left. Shortly thereafter, I was sent an email informing me that Kevin Carty was my mentor.

Katrina Broten

Since I started the program late, I thought, “Oh great! I’m going to get stuck with the opposite of what I’m looking for. This is going to be a mess. Will he even have any advice to share with me or want to share with me? Why did I do this? I’m going to be punished for being late! Cripes, I’m screwed!” I emailed Kevin with the hope that I would not be wasting my or his time. About a week went by and I figured I was right . . . but then to my surprised he emailed me back.

This email gave me some reassurance that I would actually have contact with my “mentor.” I was relieved, but still didn’t know what to expect. A few more days went by, and I was contacted again and after some small talk, Kevin invited me to Portland to visit Classic and tour the company. I was shocked! In January, we planned a time that would work and after a nervous plane ride, I arrived and had the most amazing experience meeting everyone and learning the “Classic Way.”

After the trip to Oregon, I kept in touch with Classic and Kevin. At EXHIBITOR2013, we met again and Classic invited me to their hospitality suite, their booth, and we had some amazing adventures in Las Vegas. Now I am back in Portland with the entire team whom I have come to enjoy! I look forward to this internship. I’m already immersed in Design working with Katina and Mike and understanding their world. Pretty eventful to say the least. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor or company.

I look forward to working with you, the Classic Distributors, over the next three months.

Katrina Broten
