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Posts Tagged ‘Independence Day’

What Do You Do With Your Time?: Word on the Street — July 1st thru July 5th

July 7th, 2013 COMMENTS
What Do You Do With Your Time?: Word on the Street -- July 1st thru July 5th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Happy 4th of July

This past week was and probably will go down as the slowest sales week of the year. Having the holiday land on a Thursday can do that. Add to that it’s in July, and you get a whole lot of nothing.

Now that is the sales side of me speaking, but the productivity side of me loves weeks like this past week. You can get so much done on your “To Do” list. I am not talking about the normal day-to-day stuff. I am talking about that list you have in your head or on a notepad somewhere buried in your desk. You know the list of things you swear you will get to when you have the time. You know the one.

For me, it included a lot of database projects, organizing (at least starting to organize) my office, and cleaning out some files. And starting a pricing analysis project on Wednesday, the beginning of a much larger pricing project for late summer.

I know many people take vacation this time of year. I will the latter part of next week. But I am curious. To those in the office this time of year, what do you do with your time?  What are the “long term” projects you tackle in June and July?

Based on our crystal ball, you better tackle them soon. We’re seeing an earlier start to the fall season based on design activity. So enjoy the down time while it lasts. Which the sales side of me hopes ends this week.  🙂

Hope you had a terrific Independence Day Holiday.

