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Posts Tagged ‘corporate showrooms’

Word on the Street — October 11th thru October 15th

October 17th, 2010 COMMENTS
Why we participate in the TS2 Show

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Diversifying . . .

Diversifying was the overriding theme of conversations with distributors this week. When I make calls to Classic Exhibits Distributors, I ask about their sales and what they are seeing in the market. I inquire where their sales are coming from and where they see them headed in the coming months.

The answers had one very consistent theme. People are diversifying their sales approach and looking beyond the traditional trade show exhibit. They are thinking “outside the box” into related opportunities. Here are some of the ideas they shared with me about their anticipated sales this fall.

Interior Work, such as Corporate Environments and Retail Showrooms. This was a common thread I heard from many distributors. In many markets, the firms that typically handle this sort of business have struggled and many have closed their doors, leaving customers looking for alternate routes to get this work done. And as many of you know, what we do on the show floor is not all that different from what happens in Corporate Environments, so it has proven to be a nice fit for many distributors.

Retail Fixturing and POP/POS. Granted this is not altogether new to many of us, but it clearly has become a much larger segment of our “pie.” We have seen this first hand through the ClassicMODUL division of the company. The nice part is that really any level and or size distributor can seek this business. With ClassicMODUL extrusions and accessories at your fingertips . . . design capabilities through Classic Exhibits . . . and the vast CNC capabilities we offer you,  you can walk into any retail scenario confidently, knowing that you can provide a complete solution for your customer.

Small Event Production. With companies watching their marketing and travel budgets, and rightfully so, many corporations have turned to hosting small events of their own. Small events bring clients to their event without the worry of competitors on the show floor. It also gives a client the opportunity to bring in vendor partners as well to show their wares and services. For trade show folk like us, it is a nice opportunity and good fit for potential business. Distributors can provide all the exhibits for the show, partner with a local show management company to help produce the show, and gain access to a captive audience of potential traditional trade show exhibitors for the future.

These are just a few of the “diverse” ideas I heard this past week that have been successful for many Classic Distributors. I am sure there are many more out there. Please share some of those successes and ideas here.

Be well and have a great weekend

–Kevin Carty