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Posts Tagged ‘Cheapo Vegas’

My Favorite Las Vegas Website — Cheapo Vegas!

January 4th, 2010 COMMENTS
Casino Boy

Casino Boy

With EXHIBITOR2010 just around the corner, I thought I’d pass along my favorite Las Vegas website. Let me rephrase that . . . my favorite family-friendly Las Vegas website.

Be warned. It’s addictive. I strongly advise you not to start reading this site while you’re at work, unless you’re the boss. Before you know it, you will have missed lunch and it’s getting awfully close to dinner.

Very funny . . . always insightful!

Just read what Casino Boy has to say:

Howdy, folks! Casino Boy here. I’ll be your guide through magical Las Vegas. Click the links below for more info on every hotel and casino! And it’s good info, not a bunch of fluff. If it stinks, I say so! In a hurry? Take a quick glance at all the hotels, or use my handy search tool.

–Mel White
Classic Exhibits Network (LinkedIn)