With the start of the New Year, we thought we’d share our favorite (and least favorite) question about Classic Exhibits. Oddly enough, they’re the same one.
“Isn’t Classic Exhibits my competitor?”
Sometimes we say, “Yes!” just to yank their chain, but the answer is an emphatic “NO!” And here’s why… from Kevin, Gina, and Harold.

No, we are not… and frankly we don’t ever aspire to be. Classic is a “non-direct selling” wholesale manufacturer for YOU. We exist to be your wizard behind the curtain.
I often explain to people that we suffer from a severe case of multiple personalities – BY CHOICE. Meaning, we are happy to be your designer on calls with your clients, to be your back of house builder, and your project management team – always wearing your brand.
We do that for over 300 companies in any given month. Most of the crates and setup instructions that leave this building are branded for exhibit houses like you… not Classic. Simply put, our business model is to Design and Produce the best damn exhibits in the industry for your clients with your brand – not ours.

In short, no. Classic Exhibits is not a competitor. We’re a wholesale manufacturer that sells through a distribution network – a.k.a. exhibit designers and exhibit houses. You may see Classic branded crates on the show floor and assume that we sold it direct. This is NOT the case. When you see this, it can mean:
- It’s a Classic Rental, sold through a Classic Distributor to the end client. Classic branding helps to ensure the crates are returned to our facility.
- The Classic distributor trusts our partnership. They know we won’t sell direct and are transparent with their client about our partnership.
In all cases, we would rather brand your crates with your logo (about 60% are distributor branded). If you’re not doing this, please contact us for details.
At the end of the day, we want to be your behind-the-scenes partner. While many of you have your own build capabilities, we’re not competing with that. Instead, we’re here to supplement what you’re doing when it makes sense and grow your business.

Every time we ask Distributors this question, “Who is Classic Exhibits?” They say, “Classic is [Whatever project we did for them last]. Meaning…
- To smaller houses, we are often their custom shop.
- To larger houses, we serve as their portable/modular division.
- To some, we are their award-winning “in-house” exhibit designers.
- And yet to others, we are North America’s largest exhibit rental organization.
All accurate and yet all different. We are the Chameleon of the Exhibit Industry. But one thing that is not an accurate description of Classic Exhibits is that we’re a competitor.
Hey, if we were your competitor, would we…
- Share 1000’s of exhibit designs, including design files.
- Provide quick, understandable quotes that do not require an engineering or accounting degree to decipher.
- Offer sales advice, not just on our products but on trade show marketing, including comprehensive training with multiple vendors at Shared Knowledge University.
- Pass along sales leads from our website. At no cost.
From the Classic Exhibits Family, our best wishes for happiness and prosperity in 2025. We’ll be here if you need us.

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands.
Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see www.classicexhibits.com and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.
Tags: Classic Exhibits Inc.