Trade Show TalesBlog

Honoring Memorial Day: Word on the Street — May 20th thru May 24th

May 26th, 2013 1 COMMENT
Memorial Day: Word on the Street -- May 20th thru May 24th

Word on the Street by Kevin Carty

Whether you’re camping, on a road trip, outta town to see family and friends, or just hanging at home for three days like me, I trust you are enjoying your long weekend.

We all work very hard and while long weekends like Memorial Day Weekend provide us with an extra day to relax, I hope we all take time to reflect and celebrate the reason for the weekend. Please remember those who lost their lives to protect this great country.

This week I would like to share a poem I read recently by Bruce Obermeyer, former USAF Captain who served in Vietnam. As Robert Frost once said, “A poem begins with a lump in the throat.”

Their son was only two weeks old; their daughter’s years were three 
When duty called this pilot to the war across the sea.
“Let’s just pretend you’re only going on a business trip. 
Each day we’ll write about the things we’ve done and then we’ll slip
a note into an envelope and put it in the mail. 
You send me yours; I’ll send you mine, I promise, without fail.” 
He walked away with pounding heart while fighting back the tears 
with “Come home soon, I love you, Daddy” ringing in his ears.
They kept that promise, sealed with love some 30 years ago. 
They sent him tapes and photographs so he could watch them grow.
They’re married now with children of their own who, at the Wall, 
ask “Was my Grandpa brave?” and Grandma says, “Bravest of all.”

I hope you have a restful long weekend. Please take a few moments to remember the reason for the extra day. We have many to thank on Memorial Day.

Be well.

Kevin Carty




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One Response to “Honoring Memorial Day: Word on the Street — May 20th thru May 24th”

  1. Troy says:

    Beautiful, Kevin.

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