Trade Show TalesBlog

Trade Show Planning: A Step-by-Step Guide

February 11th, 2025 COMMENTS
Trade show planning

We all know the expression, “If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.” Which, if we’re honest, isn’t always true. Some projects don’t require much planning. Trade shows, and in particular trade show marketing and exhibition, do require careful and systematic planning to be successful.

Yet, there are companies that devote less time to their trade show planning than they would to a 4-year-old’s birthday party. 

It’s nuts… especially when you consider the cost of trade shows and the lost opportunities when trade show planning is handled haphazardly. But you’re not that person, right? You want your trade show program to be professional and financially successful, which is why you’re reading this article. 

The Importance of Trade Show Planning 

Trade show planning is crucial for businesses to maximize their return on investment (ROI) or return on objectives (ROO). A clear and comprehensive plan ensures that companies maximize their sales opportunities while minimizing costs (and stress). 

Any “live event” can be unpredictable and trade shows are no exception. However, what’s often described as “unpredictable” by some exhibitors, like shipping, labor, or show services, is more often the result of poor planning. Everyone and every company that provides services to exhibitors understands that communicating deadlines, pricing, timelines, and expectations makes everyone’s job easier. They don’t want surprises any more than you do. 

Regarding what size exhibit to buy or rent, as a general rule, a 10 x 10 booth is sufficient for a small business. At 100 square feet, you can accommodate at least four people at once, two staffers and two attendees. Consider a 10 x 20 for a medium business and islands for a larger business. The size of the booth, however, depends on your goals and products. At a trade show, size matters, but it should complement, not dictate your exhibit marketing goals.

Trade Show Event Planning: The Basics

Assign one person to be in charge of timetables and scheduling. Assign another person to draw up the trade show budget and define the marketing goals. This person will have to account for the cost of renting or buying a booth, the cost of accessories such as literature racks, as well as travel expenses. Travel expenses will vary depending on the location and duration of your stay. If you decide to rent, you should expect to budget:

  • 25% on renting your booth space
  • 20% on design and graphics
  • 15% on electrical, cleaning, and drayage
  • 10% on shipping materials to and from the trade show
  • 10% on press kits and pre-show promotions
  • 20% on staffing, travel, and other miscellaneous expenses

If you decide to purchase an exhibit, you will want to work with a professional exhibit designer. Most exhibit distributors have a designer on staff or rely on their exhibit manufacturer to supply design and rendering services. You will need to follow the rules and regulations on booth design for your particular show as well as observe basics such as fire, electrical, and safety codes and provide wheelchair accessibility. Rely on your exhibit designer who understands these requirements.

trade show event planning

Trade Show Planning Guide: Key Steps to Success 

By investing in comprehensive trade show planning, businesses can maximize their chances of achieving their goals, generating new leads, building brand awareness, and securing new business opportunities.

Define Clear Goals and Objectives: Without clear goals, it’s impossible to measure the success of a trade show participation. Thorough planning helps identify specific objectives, such as generating leads, increasing brand awareness, or launching new products.

Develop a Strategic Budget: Trade shows can be costly, so creating a detailed budget is essential to avoid overspending. Planning allows for accurate budgeting for booth space, staff expenses, travel, accommodation, and marketing materials.

Design an Engaging Booth: The booth is the company’s face at the trade show, so it needs to be visually appealing, informative, and functional. Planning ensures that the booth design aligns with the brand message and effectively attracts visitors.

Prepare a Pre-Show Marketing Campaign: Trade show success often hinges on pre-show marketing efforts. Planning allows for strategic campaigns to generate interest, drive traffic to the booth, and schedule appointments with potential customers.

Train Your Staff: Trade show staff should be knowledgeable about the company’s products or services and well-prepared to engage with visitors. Planning ensures that staff is trained on sales techniques, lead capture methods, and answering common questions.

Establish Lead Capture and Follow-Up Systems: Effective lead capture is crucial for converting trade show interactions into future business opportunities. Planning involves setting up systems to capture leads digitally or on paper and establishing a follow-up process to nurture those leads.

Measure and Evaluate Results: After the trade show, it’s important to evaluate the results and identify areas for improvement. Planning facilitates the collection of relevant data, such as lead generation, booth traffic, and customer interactions, to measure the success of the event.

trade show planning guide

Leveraging a Trade Show Planning Checklist

Strategy and details drive trade show success. For new exhibitors, the details (and the steps) can be just as opaque as the terminology. Fortunately, there are handy online tools for creating a trade show checklist

Having a checklist also ensures nothing gets forgotten or overlooked, which can and will happen to new exhibitors. There are big “Oh No’s!” like not scheduling freight to and from the show, booking labor to install and disassemble your exhibit, and forgetting to purchase flooring. Then there are the “Oh Darn!” tasks like not including cleaning supplies in the case/crate, sending literature at the last minute, or not ordering lead retrieval until you arrive at the show.

Preliminary items on your checklist should include: 

  • Exhibition goals and strategy
  • Budget
  • Departmental responsibilities 
  • Show date(s) and due dates for ordering services
  • Exhibit design meeting(s)
  • Graphic design meeting(s)
  • Identifying booth staffing and responsibilities
  • Booking travel and lodging
  • Creating pre-show, show, and post-show marketing/sales plans, including sponsorships, mailings, invitations, and in-booth events.
  • Designing and ordering promotional materials and giveaways
  • Scheduling freight to and from the show

Understanding the Role of a Trade Show Planner

Start by assigning someone as the “master trade show planner.” They don’t have to make every decision, but they do have to own the list, including additions, revisions, and due dates. In other words, someone has to be the adult about your trade show planning. 

Having a Trade Show Checklist and a Master Planner will ensure you maximize your budget.  They will remind the team to book travel, lodging, freight, and promotional materials. In addition, they will complete the show forms during the early bird dates. 

For many trade show rookies (and experienced freight professionals), trade show logistics can be confusing. Convention centers, general contractors, and even shippers treat trade show freight, whether LTL or UPS, a little differently. To avoid any missteps, be sure to review the shipping guidelines carefully in the show’s exhibitor handbook and click on the trade show logistics link in this paragraph for a deeper dive in the do’s and don’ts.  

Finally, trade shows are stressful and stress is the exact opposite of what you want during a show. Fortunately for the Master Planner, with each passing show, trade show checklist management becomes easier – and it’s not because the number of tasks gets shorter.  Knowledge and experience make the job easier. Completing the electrical form, which gave you hives, takes minutes instead of hours. And, after a few hiccups, you understand when to schedule I&D labor vs. rigging vs. flooring. You’ve done the trade show choreography and every move, every step has a logic that seemed utterly random before. 

Trade Show Management: Ensuring a Smooth Experience 

Who is trade show management? It’s less straightforward than it appears. At most shows or events, there are three management teams, each with different responsibilities. Knowing who does what will make your life considerably easier if you encounter issues or simply need answers to questions. 

Exhibition, Convention, or Show Hall Management:  Every exhibit hall or event venue has a team that handles sales and marketing, schedules shows, maintains the facility, and negotiates contracts with unions, food vendors, and janitorial services. They are responsible for the management and success of the building. For smaller shows, meetings, or events, they may even serve as the show management. 

Show Management:  Whether it’s a local boat show or the annual trade show for the American Cardiology Association, the “show” is owned and managed by a company or an association. They are responsible for everything associated with the show without necessarily handling every activity. For example, they identify the location for the show and negotiate space and services with the facility management. They also contract with a General Show Contractor to handle drayage, electrical, pipe and drape, signage, labor, etc. However, the show management devotes much of their time to marketing the show, developing education sessions, scheduling speakers, creating social events, soliciting sponsors, and registering attendees and exhibitors. 

General Show Contractor (GSC); Most exhibitors interact primarily with the General Show Contractor and often confuse the GSC with both Show Management or Show Hall Management. As mentioned before, the GSC handles a variety of functions for exhibitors, depending on the show. These may include moving and storing freight, electrical services, cleaning, labor, sign rigging, rental furniture, and in some cases even renting exhibits. The GSC has a contract with Show Management and when an exhibitor hits a wall resolving a problem with the GSC, they should contact Show Management, who typically has a temporary office in the show hall. 

The Exhibitor Advocate:  The Exhibitor Advocate is a non-profit advocacy group that provides exhibitors with education, resources, and assistance with trade show challenges. They’re not show management nor are they at the show. Instead, they are a valuable partner who can help exhibitors address challenges and prominent pain points to ensure your events remain a valuable and irreplaceable marketing channel.

The Exhibitor Advocate’s mission is to amplify the voice of exhibitors to ensure the enduring success of exhibitions and events by collaborating with all stakeholders to promote and cultivate open communication, consistent standards, and industry best practices.

trade show management

Seamless Exhibit Planning with Classic Exhibits! 

Successful trade show marketing doesn’t happen by accident. There’s always a strategy and a plan. The key is identifying the right strategy and executing the right plan. For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been a reliable source of expertise for new and seasoned trade show marketers. 

The Classic Exhibits Distributor Network includes over 200 exhibit houses and display professionals in North America. Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Trade Show Planning FAQ

Below are 4 common exhibitor questions related to trade show planning. 

1. How early should I start planning for a trade show? 

Let’s assume that planning means, at a minimum, deciding to exhibit, the size of the floor space, and the location on the show floor. For most shows, the show organizer requires a commitment soon after the previous show. You don’t have to commit then, but it means you’ll have few options about your booth location. 

The exhibit design process should start about six months in advance, even if you already have an exhibit and are only planning tweaks to the structure or the graphics. Waiting almost always leads to higher costs and design compromises. 

2. What is the most important part of trade show planning?

Not to sound sarcastic, but it’s the actual planning. Far too many exhibitors treat a trade show as a company vacation. They don’t have a strategy. They miss details and deadlines. They don’t coordinate the sales and marketing teams or involve other departments in the company. Even the C-level executives are often in the dark. As a result, they spend too much money and grumble about the results. Exhibitors who stumble into a trade show rarely leave with positive results.  

3. How do I choose the right trade show for my business?

No two businesses are identical. Even businesses that are competitors. If you are unsure about whether to participate in a specific trade show, do the following: 

  1. Go as an attendee before committing to be an exhibitor. Wander the floor, and talk to other attendees about why they attend and their objectives. 
  2. Contact friendly competitors or other exhibitors listed on the show’s website. Contact them about their history and success at the show.

Talk to the show organizer. This may seem obvious, but most potential exhibitors never take the time to ask the show organizer for advice. They know their audience, and they want to show to be successful. They can assist with not only if you should participate, but also how to land running. 

4. What should I expect from my exhibit house?

Guidance, knowledge, and support. A trade show professional’s job is to ensure your trade show marketing program is successful. Designing, building, and storing your exhibit are services, important services, but any exhibit house can do that. You should expect more, much more. By tapping into their experience, you’ll sidestep the most common mistakes exhibitors make. Plus, they will share trade show trends, strategies, and vendors.   

Booth #339 at EXHIBITORLIVE 2025

February 9th, 2025 COMMENTS

At EXHIBITORLIVE in San Antonio, Classic Exhibits will be in Booth #339, a 20 x 20 island.

Coincidence or Conspiracy?

You’re thinking, “Booth #339? Hmmm… Why do I know that number?”

Harold Mintz
Harold Mintz, Conspiracy Theorist

Number 339 just happens to be the most highly researched and studied number in our Arabic Numbering System. What you may not know is that Classic Exhibits and “339” have a long and somewhat mysterious relationship. Some think it’s a coincidence. Perhaps even a conspiracy!!

You be the judge…

1). It takes exactly 339 steps to walk to Classic’s Booth #339 from the Henry B. Gonzolez convention hall main entrance. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

2). Last year Classic Exhibits rented 339 booths that were 10×20 or larger. And in 2024, Classic Distributors earned exactly $33,900 in Rental Rebates. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

3). When the show opens in San Antonio next month, Classic Exhibits will be celebrating 33 years and 9 months in business. Coincidence or Conspiracy?


4). Section 33, Paragraph 9 of The Exhibitor Handbook clearly states, “…Creativity, Trustworthiness and Experience are the CLASSIC ingredients to offering Clients a superior booth and show experience.”  Coincidence or Conspiracy?

5). Last year, Classic Exhibits created 3 displays that were 39 ft. tall for the Guinness Book of World Records. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

6). There are 33 barbecue restaurants in San Antonio — 9 of them offer “Classic Pulled Pork.” Coincidence or Conspiracy?

7.) Since its inception in 1945 Baskin Robbins has created 339 flavors of ice cream. The most popular flavor ever… CLASSIC COOKIES AND CREAM. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

8.) 339 in Roman Numerals is CCCXXXIX – Classic Classic Classic Xhibits Xhibits Xhibits Incredible Xhibits. Coincidence or Conspiracy?


We urge you to visit us at booth #339 in San Antonio. Where you’ll learn the many reasons why Classic is the exhibit industry’s leading private-label designer and builder.

BTW… Take a guess how many reasons there are? Go ahead. Guess!

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Peek-a-Booth Webcams

February 3rd, 2025 COMMENTS
Peek-a-Booth Webcams at Classic Exhibits

Classic Exhibits provides Distributors with live video to review their projects using the Peek-a-Booth webcams. Occasionally, we’re asked about that level of transparency, but we believe it’s important to Classic Distributors (and their clients) to preview their projects. It’s also a reflection of Classic’s Shared Success culture.

Currently, there are (4) hi-resolution pan/zoom webcams in the Purchase staging areas and (3) in the Rental staging areas. Once on the Peek-a-Booth website, you can select a specific cam and then navigate using your mouse or keyboard.

Peek-a-Booth Controls

  • Pan/Tilt: left/right and up/down
  • Zoom: 32 X zoom
  • Photos: Take snapshots
  • History: View recent history 

The Peek-a-booth link is in the footer of the Classic website. To access the webcams, contact a Classic Project Manager for the current username and password.

Peek-a-booth Webcams demo

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Popular Home Trade Shows (& Tips to Stand Out!)

February 2nd, 2025 COMMENTS
home trade shows

At some point, you have probably attended a local home improvement show where landscapers, contractors, interior designers, and other companies showcase their products and services. Now, imagine these trade shows at a 10x or 20X scale in Las Vegas, Orlando, or Chicago. There are two main types of home shows: 

  • Home Improvement trade shows are geared towards industry professionals, such as contractors, builders, architects, and designers. The audience is primarily B2B (business-to-business). 
  • Home Decor trade shows or events cater to a broader audience, including homeowners, interior designers, and retailers. Their audience is both B2B and B2C (business-to-consumer).  

Exhibitors at these shows require larger, more elaborate booths than at local home shows, where 10 ft. and 20 ft. booth sizes are the norm. Trade show exhibits for home trade shows must adhere to specific build regulations, so exhibitors typically work with custom exhibit houses to design and build their displays and assist with their trade show marketing strategy. Many of those exhibit houses partner with Classic Exhibits, the largest private-label exhibit manufacturer in North America.

Home Trade Shows in the United States: Key Benefits

Trade shows in general and home trade shows, in particular, have always been a valuable sales and marketing tool for companies. Many companies devote as much as 40% of their total marketing budget to trade shows and events. They recognize that a targeted, well-managed trade show program is a cost-effective platform for connecting with their target audience, generating sales leads, and building brand awareness.  Here are five key benefits to exhibiting or attending home trade shows. 

1. Face-to-face Interaction and Relationship Building:

  • In today’s digital age, face-to-face interaction remains invaluable. Home Improvement and Home Decor trade shows provide a unique opportunity to connect with potential customers, partners, and industry influencers in person.
  • Building relationships through personal interactions can lead to stronger connections, increased trust, and more fruitful business collaborations.

2. Lead Generation and Sales Opportunities:

  • Home trade shows attract a concentrated group of industry professionals who are actively seeking products, services, or solutions within a specific industry.
  • This makes trade shows a highly effective environment for generating qualified leads and even closing deals on the spot.

3. Brand Awareness and Visibility:

  • Exhibiting at a home trade show allows businesses to showcase their brand, products, and services to a significantly larger and more targeted audience.
  • A well-designed booth and engaging presentations can help increase brand visibility, create a lasting impression, and enhance brand recognition within the industry.

4. Market Research and Competitive Analysis:

  • Home trade shows provide a valuable opportunity to gather market intelligence and gain insights into industry trends.
  • By attending trade shows, businesses can observe their competitors’ offerings, identify emerging technologies, and understand customer preferences, which can inform product development and marketing strategies.

5. Networking and Collaboration:

  • Home Decor trade shows bring together a diverse group of industry professionals, creating a hub for networking and collaboration.
  • Attendees can connect with peers, potential partners, suppliers, and distributors, fostering valuable relationships that can lead to future business opportunities.

In addition, home improvement and decor trade shows offer companies a venue for product launches, media exposure, and industry education. They are a powerful marketing tool for businesses that want to grow their customer base, enhance their brand, and remain competitive. 

Home trade show

Top Home Improvement Trade Shows

National Hardware Show, Las Vegas, NV, March 18-20, 2025. 

The National Hardware Show is a leading international trade fair for the hardware, tools, and DIY industry. It brings together manufacturers and resellers of all products used to remodel, repair, maintain, and decorate the home and garden. 

National Hardware Show exhibitors often want to show their products which can be large, extensive, or both. Classic Exhibits works closely with these clients to ensure their exhibit showcases both their products and their branding in a functional demo-friendly space.  

NAHB International Builders’ Show (IBS), Las Vegas, NV, February 25-27, 2025

The International Builders’ Show (IBS), organized by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), is the largest light construction show in the world. It serves as the premier event for residential and commercial construction professionals, offering a comprehensive platform for industry networking, education, and product discovery. IBS showcases the latest innovations in building materials, technologies, and construction methods, provides valuable educational sessions and workshops, and connects attendees with industry leaders and experts.

Exhibit design trends change from year to year. What was novel one year may be pedestrian the next. Classic Exhibits’ extensive distributor network of over 250 exhibit houses offers our designers real-time visibility of design trends from Boston to LA and Miami to Seattle. 

KBIS (Kitchen & Bath Industry Show), Las Vegas, NV, February 25-27, 2025. 

KBIS, the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show, is North America’s largest trade show dedicated to all aspects of kitchen and bath design. This dynamic event brings together industry professionals, including designers, architects, builders, retailers, and manufacturers, to showcase the latest products, trends, and technologies. From cutting-edge appliances and innovative cabinetry to stunning countertops and luxurious fixtures, KBIS provides a comprehensive platform for discovering the future of kitchen and bath design. 

It’s not enough to design a beautiful trade show exhibit. Any exhibit in North America must assemble quickly and flawlessly on the show floor. Classic Exhibits specializes in modular and custom modular booths that save exhibitors time and money during the install and dismantle. Every exhibit includes detailed setup instructions, numbered components, and the industry’s best crate and case packaging.  

Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, Los Angeles, CA, November 4-7, 2025 

The Greenbuild International Conference & Expo is the largest annual gathering for green building professionals worldwide. This influential event brings together architects, engineers, builders, developers, and other industry leaders to explore and discuss sustainable building practices, technologies, and policies. Attendees gain valuable insights into the latest advancements in energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy, and the use of environmentally friendly materials.

No exhibit builder has designed and built more eco-friendly trade show exhibits over the past 20 years than Classic Exhibits. Our ecoSmart line of sustainable exhibits is the #1 resource for exhibitors committed to green exhibiting. But this is merely the starting point. Our extensive knowledge of green materials ensures that Classic Exhibits can design and build a sustainable exhibit to any client’s unique exhibition requirements. 

Popular Home Decor Trade Shows

The Inspired Home Show, Chicago, IL, March 2-4, 2025

The Inspired Home Show, formerly known as the International Home + Housewares Show, is North America’s premier trade show for the home and housewares industry. This influential event brings together thousands of retailers, manufacturers, and industry professionals to discover the latest innovations and trends in kitchenware, cookware, dining, home décor, cleaning supplies, and more. The show provides a vital platform for networking, building relationships, and gaining valuable insights into the evolving consumer landscape.

SKUs, lots and lots of SKUs dominate The Inspired Home Show. These require shelves, hooks, waterfall brackets, counters, and demo stations in the exhibit design. Along with secure, locking storage.  Finding the perfect balance between products and graphics can be challenging without past experience designing for home and houseware shows. Classic Exhibits has that experience with over 30 years of designing exhibits for home shows (and hundreds of other industries).

Las Vegas Market (Winter Show), Las Vegas, NV, January 26-30

The Las Vegas Market is the premier West Coast marketplace for furniture, home décor, and gift products. Held twice annually, this influential event brings together thousands of buyers and sellers, showcasing a vast array of products from over 3,500 brands. Attendees can explore the latest trends, connect with industry professionals, and discover new and exciting products to enhance their businesses.

Some trade shows are equal parts “show and tell” and networking in the booth space. Comfortable meeting space is essential, and Classic Exhibits can create the ideal casual, private, or business areas in a booth that are both attractive and functional. 

Atlanta Market (Summer), Atlanta, GA, July 15-21, 2025 

Atlanta Market is the premier gift, home, and lifestyle marketplace in the United States, connecting wholesale buyers and sellers. Held twice a year, it showcases a vast selection of products across various categories, from home décor and furnishings to giftware, seasonal items, and outdoor living. With thousands of brands and a vibrant atmosphere, Atlanta Market provides a valuable platform for industry professionals to discover new products, connect with key players, and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations

Whether you’ve reserved a 40 x 50 space on the show floor or a 10 x 10 space, you want to shine at the Atlanta Market trade show. Classic Exhibits has over 1500 exhibit designs available either “as is” or as building blocks for a custom configuration. Start your exhibit design journey here

Local Spotlights:

The Tacoma Home and Garden Show, January 30 – February 2, 2025

The Tacoma Home & Garden Show is a vibrant marketplace where you can shop for home-related products and services, experience stunning displays to help inspire your next home project, connect with industry experts, and enjoy informative presentations from renowned local and international home professionals. 

Portland Home and Garden Show (Spring), February 20-23, 2025

The Portland Home & Garden Show is a premier event showcasing the latest in home improvement, gardening, and landscaping. This annual show brings together a diverse range of exhibitors, from home renovation experts to landscape designers, offering attendees the opportunity to explore innovative products and services, gain valuable insights from industry leaders, and find inspiration for their own home improvement projects. Nearly 300 exhibitors showcase their products and services at the 2024 show. 

You’re in the Pacific Northwest and so are we. Contact Classic Exhibits or our Seattle/Portland division, Exhibits Northwest, We have exhibit solutions to fit any budget.

Home improvement trade shows

How to Stand Out at a Home and Garden Show

Use Interactive Elements to Engage Attendees

Trade show booths have become increasingly interactive and experiential. Attendees want to be informed and entertained. But interactive for the sake of interactive shouldn’t be your goal. Instead, choose experiences that represent your brand and match your strategic objectives for the show. The following are just a few of the Interactive Elements available.  

1. Interactive Product Demonstrations:

  • Hands-on Experience: Let attendees physically interact with your products.
    • Example: If you sell kitchen gadgets, have a cooking station where they can try them out.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR): Allow attendees to experience your products in a new way.
    • Example: Use VR to let them “walk through” a smart home with your products installed, or use AR to show how furniture would look in their own living room.

2. Gamification:

  • Contests and Giveaways:
    • Example: Host a trivia contest about your products or industry, or a raffle for attendees who complete a short survey.
  • Interactive Games: Set up a simple game at your booth that relates to your products or brand.
    • Example: If you sell board games, have a mini-tournament.

3. Social Media Integration:

  • Photo Booth: Create a branded photo booth with fun props. Encourage attendees to take photos and share them on social media using your event hashtag.
  • Live Social Media Wall: Display live social media posts related to your brand or the event on a large screen. This creates excitement and encourages further engagement.

4. Interactive Displays:

  • Touchscreen Technology: Use touchscreens to display product information, videos, and interactive presentations.
  • Digital Signage: Utilize dynamic digital signage to showcase product features, testimonials, and captivating visuals.

5. Personalized Experiences:

  • Product Customization: Allow attendees to customize products with their own initials or designs.
  • Personalized Consultations: Offer brief consultations with experts at your booth to address specific needs or answer questions. 

By incorporating these interactive elements, you can create a more engaging and memorable experience for trade show attendees, increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and driving sales.

Incorporate Eco-Friendly Design Materials

Many, if not most, companies have sustainability guidelines and goals. Those guidelines impact how waste is handled in your facility, what the purchasing department buys, and how the company sources and uses energy. Yet, sustainability often isn’t a criterion when making decisions about trade show marketing. But it’s an easy choice, one that can contribute, often significantly, to reaching a company’s “green goals.” 

Trade show sustainability isn’t difficult, nor is it more expensive. Exhibitors often think they need to make an either/or decision regarding sustainability. Either choose a 100-percent eco-friendly exhibit or a booth that gives Mother Nature a symbolic middle finger. Exhibitors with this mindset often fail to realize there’s a middle ground where they can make sustainable choices that align with their marketing goals and budget without going 100 percent granola. Whether you opt for 75-, 50-, or even 30-percent sustainable components, you’re still making a big impact. 

For those ready to take sustainability further, there are also eco-friendly exhibits for sale, offering designs that meet your marketing needs while reducing your environmental footprint. These exhibits blend creativity and responsibility, proving you don’t have to sacrifice innovation to prioritize sustainability.

Since 2007, Classic Exhibits has produced over 1000 sustainable exhibits through its Eco-Systems Sustainable (ecoSmart) line of portable, modular, and custom displays. No other display manufacturer has been as committed to offering affordable eco-friendly displays as Classic Exhibits. 

home decor trade shows

Home Trade Show Booths, Exhibits, & More!

If you’ve ever attended or participated in a trade show, you know their ultra-competitive marketplaces. Home Improvement and Home Decor shows are perfect examples of shows where every company must bring their A+ game each year. Successful exhibitors work with dedicated trade show professionals like Classic Exhibits and their Distributor Partners. Their experience with exhibitors of all sizes at home shows gives their clients an advantage in both the design of their exhibit and their trade show marketing strategy. 

For 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.

Trade Show Booth Selection. An Alternate Approach.

January 31st, 2025 COMMENTS
Trade Show Booth Selection Strategies

EXHIBITOR Magazine recently published “Space Case,” an informative article about selecting floor space at a trade show. They asked nine exhibit industry experts to share their booth selection strategy based on a show floor plan. See the image above for their selections.

Most chose spaces near the entrance, traditionally the preferred location for high traffic and visibility. But that got me thinking, what about those exhibitors who, for a variety of reasons, aren’t front and center? Are they at a disadvantage? Perhaps not.

Trade show exhibitors and attendees aren’t chess pieces on a board, but individuals who have specific trade show needs and strategies.

Let’s switch things up by comparing a trade show floor to a supermarket layout. Is the strategy of shopping for dinner like a trade show attendee searching for a new vendor?

Trade Shows and Supermarkets

It’s trade show season, and many exhibit houses are supervising installs and supporting clients. Their clients are most likely in the “middle” of the show floor with beautiful islands and inlines. In most cases, they’ve earned that visibility by exhibiting at a show for years. They’re first in line at booth selection when choosing next year’s space. But what about the exhibitors on or near the perimeter of the show hall.

Have you ever considered how a trade show floor plan mirrors the supermarket layout? The middle aisles of the grocery store have the legacy brands. The ones you’ve known forever, like canned soups, snack foods, pet food, and boxed meals — all with expiration dates ending in 2026 (or beyond). Those brands are the financial lifeblood of a supermarket because the products are nonperishable, and the companies pay healthy slotting fees.

Trade Show Booth Selection Strategy

But it’s the perimeter of the store that’s more interesting: fresh produce, meat and seafood, dairy products, baked goods, and the deli. Even the florist section. Those products are (generally) healthier and have a limited shelf life — like USA cherries in July and then gone for 11 months.

Unfortunately, many shoppers skirt the perimeter and head straight to the middle aisles with a quick side trip for milk or chicken or bagged salad. And yet, there’s a lot to discover on the perimeter. Vegetables you haven’t tried, like bok choy, or an interesting drink like kombucha, or bulk products that could save you money. The perimeter is often a lot more unpredictable but that’s what makes it more of an adventure.

Shop the Perimeter Exhibitors

Consider that the next time you wander the show floor. The perimeter exhibitors may not have the budget for an island exhibit, but their fresh approach to trade show marketing may surprise you. They may not be big enough for the “center” of the trade show floor or have earned priority status during the booth selection process, but with a little guidance and some encouragement, they may be front and center with those big-name baked bean companies in a few years. Until then, head to the perimeter. Perimeter exhibitors are often surprisingly creative, which makes them way more fun!  

10 x 30 Trade Show Exhibitt
10 x 30 Perimeter Booth at EXHIBITORLIVE

For over 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. 

Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.