Summer Sales Tips iPad and Surface Stands

A few years ago, iPad and Surface stands were all the rage. And just when you thought they had peaked, they are back with a vengeance. Hi, this is Mel from Classic Exhibits with another Summer Sales Tip.

Microsoft and Apple have transformed the humble tablet into a wannabe laptop with improved hardware and software. A recent Washington Post review said, “The iPad Pro will soon be able to fill the laptop gap.” And, there are predictions that iOS 11 will propel the iPad even further in that direction.

Classic has always been the leading supplier of tablet solutions for trade shows and events. Over the years, we have designed, refined, and engineered contemporary-looking stands that are modular, durable, and cost-effective. Exactly what most trade show and event clients want.

As with most comparisons, it’s the details that really matter. Classic stands are built with ClassicMODUL engineered extrusion. That means they are lightweight, incredibly strong, and ideal for graphics. Every stand, whether for an iPad, Surface, or other brand, includes the patented Swivel Stop rotation, a flawless portrait to landscape feature. In addition, every stand comes with internal wire management for a clean, seamless appearance.

As with all Classic Exhibits products, our tablet stands pack in die-cut reusable foam and are backed by a lifetime warranty on workmanship. With over 25 models and 3 standard colors, you will find a one, two, or four-headed tablet stand that’s perfect for your next show or event.

If you have any questions about a Classic Exhibits product, please give us a call. And as always, we appreciate your business, your friendship, and your advice. Thanks.

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