Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

Reflections on the Gravitee One-Step Modular Wall System

Two years ago, we introduced the Gravitee One-Step Modular Wall System, a radical approach to modular walls. No tools, no loose connectors, and no inventory of funky corners.

What have we learned in two years? We’ve learned that…

  1. Exhibit Designers love Gravitee’s flexibility. Its curves, graphic options, stacking, and backlighting.
  2. Distributor Partners praise its durability, ease-of-use, and rental possibilities.
  3. Exhibitors have embraced its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and engineered elegance and beauty.

If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that innovation is hard… and risky. Everyone gravitates (no pun intended… well, maybe a little) to the familiar. The easy path would have been for Classic Exhibits to introduce a “me too” product. However, that’s not how we roll, and our product history has always been one of being different and better.

As we all head into the New Year, we wish you much success in 2019, and we invite you to embrace the “different and better approach.” We are far from perfect, but we’ve had a pretty good 25-year run by not being like everyone else. Take the path less traveled. The scenery is more interesting, and you just might discover something new.

–Mel White


Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, hybrid, custom, rental exhibit solutions. Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100 or
