Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

The Dirty Stinky Hippies Who Moo’d and Clucked at Me: Word on the Street — Nov.9th thru Nov. 13th

Kevin Carty, VP Classic Exhibits

The title is something only a recent graduate of Shared Knowledge University (SKU) can fully appreciate. 🙂  This week, we proudly graduated another remarkable class from SKU (Go “Fighting Hybrids!”).

Twice a year, we invite 30-40 distributors from around the country to learn about all things Classic Exhibits and several strategic partners.

This group, like those in past SKU sessions, was amazing. They arrived with a positive attitude, mixed with a perverse smidge of curiosity to see the REAL Portlandia. It was one of the most diverse groups we have seen to date and included companies ranging from two-to-three person operations to several hundred.

As in past sessions, the great takeaway was the opportunity to meet and/or reconnect with some smart people in our industry who clearly share our goals. So to the graduating Fall SKU 2015 Class– A warm and heartfelt congrats! And many, many thanks for spending time to learn more about the weirdos in the Pacific NW. Yes, that includes us.

To the Classic Exhibits Inc Team (Exhibits NW, Classic Manufacturing, Classic Rentals Solutions and ClassicMODUL), thanks again for all your hard work pulling the event together in flawless fashion. The Shared Success Formula came shining through because of YOU!

To our participating vendor partners — Optima Graphics, Cort Furnishings, Eco-Systems Sustainable, and  3 Dog Write — your attendance, participation, presentations, and partnerships are appreciated beyond words. [D. Brown  — We rechecked your scores. You are an official graduate. Please feel free to add this academic accomplishment to your LinkedIn profile.]

I am exhausted, much like the others on the team, so I plan to sleep all weekend. I hope you have a great and restful weekend with your families as well.

Spring 2016 SKU will be held May 15-16. Contact Jen or Reid to reserve a seat.

Be well.


