Trade Show Ideas & Inspiration

Mastering Event Booths: Ideas and Tips for Success

Do you have an upcoming event or trade show? And you’re browsing for event booths? For many exhibitors, selecting an exhibit to buy (or rent) can be a daunting process. The industry terms are unfamiliar, along with the exhibition guidelines, and the display choices are overwhelming. But – and this is important – it doesn’t have to be stressful or scary. 

The key to selecting trade show event booths is to ignore them in the beginning. Which may seem counterintuitive. Instead, focus on your trade show or event marketing goals. What do you want to accomplish? Be specific. For many exhibitors, the easy answer is increased sales or new customers. That’s a given. Instead, dive deeper into your marketing goals. For example:

By answering those questions, you’ll make the event booth selection process much easier. By then, you’ll know your booth size(s), your marketing goals, and your budget. which will narrow your choices considerably. Buying (or renting) an exhibit can seem like a Las Vegas buffet. What’s exhilarating for some is overwhelming for others. However, if you narrow your focus to the dessert bar, based on your strategy and budget, then choosing the perfect dessert (aka event booth) is much easier.. 

Mastering Event Booths

Let’s begin with the basic definition of an event booth. An event booth is a physical structure within a dedicated space at a trade show, exhibition, or event. It’s where a company or organization showcases its products, services, and brand to potential customers, partners, and industry peers. Think of it as a physical representation of a business’s offerings, designed to engage visitors and generate leads.

By participating in a trade show or event, you’ll: 

The Five Types of  Event Booths

In general, event booths can be categorized into five groups. The groups are based less on their cost than on their construction, assembly, and function

Sustainable and rental options are often available in all the categories listed above with the exception of basic portables. Accessories, like counters, pedestals, and workstations, are also available in portable, modular, and custom designs.   

Essentials of Event Booth Design

This is a huge topic and can vary depending on the show, the exhibitor, and the current event booth design trends. There are several books available on exhibition booth design in Amazon including Exhibit Design That Works and a great blog post here.  Here are some basic tips to get you started. 

Your booth should be a reflection of your brand and a platform to connect with your target audience. By following these essentials, you can create a trade show experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Visual Appeal:



Additional Considerations:

Innovative Event Booth Ideas

Every three years, Katina Rigall Zipay, the Creative Director of Classic Exhibits, attends EuroShop in Germany. This show highlights international exhibit trends. Katina reviewed those trends in the video below:



Colors and Patterns:




Tips for Setting Up a Booth at an Event

Your event booth has arrived at the show, either to the advanced warehouse or directly to the show site. Now it’s time to assemble it. The setup process can either be a “piece of cake” or a nightmare with multiple emotional meltdowns. You would probably prefer the former. Let’s review everything you can do before your booth arrives at the trade show to ensure there are minimal surprises. 

Right From the Start: 

It’s not possible to know how every event booth assembles. Every display manufacturer and exhibit house has spent years, and often decades, perfecting how their products will assemble. However, you may have preferences and expectations. You may want it to assemble without tools or in 3 or fewer hours or be packed in crates or rolling cases. Share those preferences with your exhibit professional who can then guide you on what’s reasonable (and unreasonable) based on your requirements and budget. 

During the Design Process:

Nearly identical booth designs can often be achieved using different materials and building techniques. For example, a reception counter could break down into subassemblies to pack more efficiently in a crate or could be built fully assembled and ready to be placed in the booth space. Headers or hanging signs are another choice. Hanging signs are an excellent way to attract attention and visibility in the show hall. However, hanging signs require riggers to lift and attach it to the ceiling, which can be expensive and take time. A header, which attaches to the upper section of a booth structure, may offer the same benefits but at an overall lower cost. 

Building and Documenting:

All event booths, from the most basic portable to a custom 50 x 60 island exhibit, should include documentation on how to assemble it. Don’t assume the instructions are comprehensive or easy to follow. On a portable, ask to see them before ordering the display. They should be available. On a modular or custom exhibit, the exhibit house can share with you examples of previous builds using similar construction. 

At some point, a modular or custom exhibit will be staged to ensure there are no issues, including fit and finish and graphics. If you have time, ask to be there during a portion of the staging to see how sections attach, in what order, and if there are any special techniques required. This will also give the opportunity to review the setup instructions to ensure they are detailed, logical, and complete.  

Choosing a Show Labor Provider

Many exhibits over a specific size require hiring labor to assist with the setup on the show floor. Regulations vary from facility to facility and occasionally, even show to show in the same facility. When hiring labor you have two options:  1. Hiring labor from the General Show Contractor, who will have a form in the show book, or 2. Working with an independent exhibitor-approved contractor. Your exhibit house can provide you with the pros and cons, along with recommendations on specific independent contractors. 

Regardless of which opinion you choose, schedule time to review the assembly instructions with the labor provider before the show. This allows the labor provider to anticipate any issues and to schedule the right team for your install. 

Completing the Show Forms 

Time is money, and poor planning is the ultimate waste of money when it comes to trade shows. Most shows have early deadline dates for “everything.” Those rates can save exhibitors up to 40% simply by completing the electrical, material handling, labor, cleaning, etc. forms before the first deadline. Those forms also allow the General Service Contractor and other show service providers a peek into the resources they’ll need during installation and dismantling. Getting your forms in time gives you a much better chance of your exhibit landing in your booth space when you want it and getting your electrical and flooring down without having to wait. That way you can plan for labor to arrive at the right time, preferably during straight-time labor rates. 

Strategies for Maximizing Event Booth Traffic

In trade show marketing, no expression is less true than “If you build it, they will come.” While attendees will be at the event or the trade show, there’s no guarantee they’ll stroll by or into your booth. The show organizer is responsible for attracting attendees to the show. You’re responsible for attracting attendees into your booth. A bustling booth is a dream for any exhibitor. Here are some rock-solid strategies to draw a crowd:

Pre-Show Promotion

Booth Design and Experience

On-Site Tactics

Post-Show Follow-Up

Combining these strategies can significantly increase foot traffic to event booths and generate valuable leads.

Event Booths: Conclusion

You have choices when selecting an event booth—lots of choices. Start the process by identifying your trade show marketing goals and your budget. Then begin formulating a strategy, including the trade shows you’ve identified as possibilities. Those will narrow your focus and make the selection process more manageable. Finally, don’t do this alone. Tap into the knowledge and resources of exhibit professionals. They can guide you through the intricacies of trade shows and event marketing.  Summarize the key points discussed in the article, reinforcing the importance of well-designed and strategically planned event booths.

For 30 years, Classic Exhibits has been designing and building creative custom solutions for our Distributor Partners and their clients. As North America’s largest private-label exhibit manufacturer, we have the unmatched capability, capacity, and creativity to create 3D projects ranging from 10 x 10 inline displays to 60 x 80 double-deck islands. Find success on the trade show floor with an exhibit that reflects your marketing message. For more information, see and explore Exhibit Design Search or request a meeting with a Classic Distributor Partner.
